docs: add minimum dependencies Co-authored-by: 老周部落 <> See merge request firefish/firefish!10703
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# Install Firefish
Firefish depends on the following software.
## Runtime dependencies
- At least [NodeJS]( v18.17.0 (v20/v21 recommended)
- At least [PostgreSQL]( v12 (v16 recommended) with [PGroonga]( extension
- At least [Redis]( v7
- Web Proxy (one of the following)
- Caddy (recommended)
- Nginx (recommended)
- Apache
- [FFmpeg]( for video transcoding (**optional**)
- Caching server (**optional**, one of the following)
- [DragonflyDB](
- [KeyDB](
- Another [Redis]( server
## Build dependencies
- At least [Rust]( v1.74
- C/C++ compiler & build tools
- `build-essential` on Debian/Ubuntu Linux
- `base-devel` on Arch Linux
- [Python 3](
This document shows an example procedure for installing these dependencies and Firefish on Debian 12. Note that there is much room for customizing the server setup; this document merely demonstrates a simple installation.
If you want to use the pre-built container image, please refer to [``](./
If you do not prepare your environment as document, be sure to meet the minimum dependencies given at the bottom of the page.
Make sure that you can use the `sudo` command before proceeding.
## 1. Install dependencies
### Utilities
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential python3 curl wget git lsb-release
### Node.js and pnpm
Instructions can be found at [this repository](
curl -fsSL "${NODE_MAJOR}.x" | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
# check version
node --version
You also need to enable `pnpm`.
sudo corepack enable
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate
# check version
pnpm --version
### PostgreSQL and PGroonga
PostgreSQL install instructions can be found at [this page](
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql-16
sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql
# check version
psql --version
PGroonga install instructions can be found at [this page](
wget "$(lsb_release --id --short | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')/apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb"
sudo apt install "./apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb"
wget "$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb"
sudo apt install "./groonga-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql-16-pgdg-pgroonga
rm "apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb" "groonga-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb"
### Redis
Instructions can be found at [this page](
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis
sudo systemctl enable --now redis-server
# check version
redis-cli --version
### FFmpeg
sudo apt install ffmpeg
## 2. Set up a database
1. Create a database user
sudo -u postgres createuser --no-createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser --encrypted --pwprompt firefish
If you forgot the password you typed, you can reset it by executing `sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER firefish PASSWORD 'password';"`.
2. Create a database
sudo -u postgres createdb --encoding='UTF8' --owner=firefish firefish_db
3. Enable PGronnga extension
sudo -u postgres psql --command='CREATE EXTENSION pgroonga;' --dbname=firefish_db
## 3. Configure Firefish
1. Create an user for Firefish and switch user
sudo useradd --create-home --user-group --shell /bin/bash firefish
sudo su --login firefish
# check the current working directory
# the result should be /home/firefish
1. Install Rust toolchain
Instructions can be found at [this page](
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
. "${HOME}/.cargo/env"
# check version
cargo --version
3. Clone the Firefish repository
git clone --branch=main
1. Copy and edit the config file
cd firefish
cp .config/example.yml .config/default.yml
nano .config/default.yml
url: # change here
port: 3000
host: localhost
port: 5432
db: firefish_db
user: firefish
pass: your-database-password # and here
## 4. Build Firefish
1. Build
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
NODE_ENV=production NODE_OPTIONS='--max-old-space-size=3072' pnpm run build
1. Execute database migrations
pnpm run migrate
1. Logout from `firefish` user
## 5. Preparation for publishing a server
### 1. Set up a firewall
To expose your server securely, you may want to set up a firewall. We use [ufw]( in this instruction.
sudo apt install ufw
# if you use SSH
# sudo ufw limit "${SSH_PORT}/tcp"
sudo ufw default deny
sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 443
sudo ufw --force enable
# check status
sudo ufw status
### 2. Set up a reverse proxy
In this instruction, we use [Caddy]( to make the Firefish server accesible from internet. However, you can also use [Nginx]( if you want ([example Nginx config file](../firefish.nginx.conf)).
1. Install Caddy
sudo apt install debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https
curl -1sLf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy
# check version
caddy version
1. Replace the config file
sudo mv /etc/caddy/Caddyfile /etc/caddy/Caddyfile.bak
sudo nano /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
| {
log {
output file /var/log/caddy/firefish.log
1. Restart Caddy
sudo systemctl restart caddy
## 6. Publish your Firefish server
1. Create a service file
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/firefish.service
Description=Firefish daemon
Requires=redis.service caddy.service postgresql.service
After=redis.service caddy.service postgresql.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/pnpm run start
# uncomment the following line if you use jemalloc (note that the path varies on different environments)
# Environment="LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
SystemCallFilter=~@chown @clock @cpu-emulation @debug @ipc @keyring @memlock @module @mount @obsolete @privileged @raw-io @reboot @resources @setuid @swap
SystemCallFilter=capset pipe pipe2 setpriority
1. Start Firefish
sudo systemctl enable --now firefish
## Upgrading
Please refer to the [upgrade instruction](./ Be sure to switch to `firefish` user and go to the Firefish directory before executing the `git` command:
sudo su --login firefish
cd ~/firefish
## Customize
- To add custom CSS for all users, edit `./custom/assets/instance.css`.
- To add static assets (such as images for the splash screen), place them in the `./custom/assets/` directory. They'll then be available on `https://yourserver.tld/static-assets/filename.ext`.
- To add custom locales, place them in the `./custom/locales/` directory. If you name your custom locale the same as an existing locale, it will overwrite it. If you give it a unique name, it will be added to the list. Also make sure that the first part of the filename matches the locale you're basing it on. (Example: `en-FOO.yml`)
- To add custom error images, place them in the `./custom/assets/badges` directory, replacing the files already there.
- To add custom sounds, place only mp3 files in the `./custom/assets/sounds` directory.
- To update custom assets without rebuilding, just run `pnpm run gulp`.
- To block ChatGPT, CommonCrawl, or other crawlers from indexing your instance, uncomment the respective rules in `./custom/robots.txt`.
## Tips & Tricks
- When editing the config file, please don't fill out the settings at the bottom. They're designed *only* for managed hosting, not self hosting. Those settings are much better off being set in Firefish's control panel.
- Port 3000 (used in the default config) might be already used on your server for something else. To find an open port for Firefish, run `for p in {3000..4000}; do ss -tlnH | tr -s ' ' | cut -d" " -sf4 | grep -q "${p}$" || echo "${p}"; done | head -n 1`. Replace 3000 with the minimum port and 4000 with the maximum port if you need it.
- We'd recommend you use a S3 Bucket/CDN for Object Storage, especially if you use containers.
- When using object storage, setting a proper `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header is highly recommended.
- We'd recommend against using CloudFlare, but if you do, make sure to turn code minification off.
- For push notifications, run `npx web-push generate-vapid-keys`, then put the public and private keys into Control Panel > General > ServiceWorker.
- For translations, make a [DeepL]( account and generate an API key, then put it into Control Panel > General > DeepL Translation.
- To add another admin account:
- Go to the user's page > 3 Dots > About > Moderation > turn on "Moderator"
- Go back to Overview > click the clipboard icon next to the ID
- Run `psql -d firefish` (or whatever the database name is)
- Run `UPDATE "user" SET "isAdmin" = true WHERE id='999999';` (replace `999999` with the copied ID)
- Restart your Firefish server