Adds a new option to load Twemoji from the JSDelivr CDN (default) or from the server. For Twemoji stored on the server, they are grabbed directly from the @twemoji/api Github repo's assets, given they're no longer distributed in the @twemoji/api dist. No longer uses @discordapp/twemoji due to being unmaintained.
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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#FFCC4D" d="M35.361 29.179C26.777 4.5 23.551 4.5 22 4.5c-3.125 0-4.538 3.18-5.785 5.985-.1.225-.217.485-.339.754-.486.939-1.266.939-1.752 0-.122-.269-.239-.529-.339-.754C12.538 7.68 11.125 4.5 8 4.5 5.696 4.5 2.534 6.583.548 16.51a2.499 2.499 0 1 0 4.902.981c.547-1.835 1.748-5.663 1.748-5.663.429-1.001 1.177-1.031 1.672-. 1.248l.003.007c.195.416.398.828.615 1.226l.003.004c1.043 1.917 2.394 3.5 4.598 3.5 2.661 0 4.08-2.307 5.212-4.724l.012-.024c.193-.413.379-.829.561-1.237.091-.205.197-.441.308-.685.446-.881 1.188-.803 1.654.182 0 0 3.902 8.748 5.594 12.519a221.559 221.559 0 0 1 2.299 6.29 2.502 2.502 0 0 0 3.182 1.54 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 1.54-3.182"/></svg> |