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import { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, it, onTestFailed, suite, test } from '@vitest/runner';
import { e as bench, c as createExpect, d as globalExpect, s as setupChaiConfig, v as vi, f as vitest } from './vendor-vi.dd6706cb.js';
import { i as isFirstRun, r as runOnce } from './vendor-run-once.1fa85ba7.js';
import * as chai from 'chai';
import { assert, should } from 'chai';
function getRunningMode() {
return process.env.VITEST_MODE === "WATCH" ? "watch" : "run";
function isWatchMode() {
return getRunningMode() === "watch";
var dist = {};
(function (exports) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.expectTypeOf = void 0;
const fn = () => true;
* Similar to Jest's `expect`, but with type-awareness.
* Gives you access to a number of type-matchers that let you make assertions about the
* form of a reference or generic type parameter.
* @example
* import {foo, bar} from '../foo'
* import {expectTypeOf} from 'expect-type'
* test('foo types', () => {
* // make sure `foo` has type {a: number}
* expectTypeOf(foo).toMatchTypeOf({a: 1})
* expectTypeOf(foo).toHaveProperty('a').toBeNumber()
* // make sure `bar` is a function taking a string:
* expectTypeOf(bar).parameter(0).toBeString()
* expectTypeOf(bar).returns.not.toBeAny()
* })
* @description
* See the [full docs](https://npmjs.com/package/expect-type#documentation) for lots more examples.
const expectTypeOf = (_actual) => {
const nonFunctionProperties = [
const obj = {
/* eslint-disable mmkal/@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */
toBeAny: fn,
toBeUnknown: fn,
toBeNever: fn,
toBeFunction: fn,
toBeObject: fn,
toBeArray: fn,
toBeString: fn,
toBeNumber: fn,
toBeBoolean: fn,
toBeVoid: fn,
toBeSymbol: fn,
toBeNull: fn,
toBeUndefined: fn,
toBeNullable: fn,
toMatchTypeOf: fn,
toEqualTypeOf: fn,
toBeCallableWith: fn,
toBeConstructibleWith: fn,
/* eslint-enable mmkal/@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */
extract: exports.expectTypeOf,
exclude: exports.expectTypeOf,
toHaveProperty: exports.expectTypeOf,
parameter: exports.expectTypeOf,
const getterProperties = nonFunctionProperties;
getterProperties.forEach((prop) => Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { get: () => (0, exports.expectTypeOf)({}) }));
return obj;
exports.expectTypeOf = expectTypeOf;
} (dist));
function noop() {
const assertType = noop;
var index = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
afterAll: afterAll,
afterEach: afterEach,
assert: assert,
assertType: assertType,
beforeAll: beforeAll,
beforeEach: beforeEach,
bench: bench,
chai: chai,
createExpect: createExpect,
describe: describe,
expect: globalExpect,
expectTypeOf: dist.expectTypeOf,
getRunningMode: getRunningMode,
isFirstRun: isFirstRun,
isWatchMode: isWatchMode,
it: it,
onTestFailed: onTestFailed,
runOnce: runOnce,
setupChaiConfig: setupChaiConfig,
should: should,
suite: suite,
test: test,
vi: vi,
vitest: vitest
export { isWatchMode as a, assertType as b, dist as d, getRunningMode as g, index as i };