2023-08-07 15:11:15 -05:00

268 lines
10 KiB

// Original definitions in https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped by: David Muller <https://github.com/davidm77>
/// <reference types="node" />
import * as stream from "stream";
export = parse;
declare function parse(input: Buffer | string, options?: parse.Options, callback?: parse.Callback): parse.Parser;
declare function parse(input: Buffer | string, callback?: parse.Callback): parse.Parser;
declare function parse(options?: parse.Options, callback?: parse.Callback): parse.Parser;
declare function parse(callback?: parse.Callback): parse.Parser;
declare namespace parse {
type Callback = (err: Error | undefined, records: any | undefined, info: Info) => void;
interface Parser extends stream.Transform {}
class Parser {
constructor(options: Options);
__push(line: any): any;
__write(chars: any, end: any, callback: any): any;
readonly options: Options
readonly info: Info;
interface CastingContext {
readonly column: number | string;
readonly empty_lines: number;
readonly error: CsvError;
readonly header: boolean;
readonly index: number;
readonly quoting: boolean;
readonly lines: number;
readonly records: number;
readonly invalid_field_length: number;
type CastingFunction = (value: string, context: CastingContext) => any;
type CastingDateFunction = (value: string, context: CastingContext) => Date;
type ColumnOption = string | undefined | null | false | { name: string };
interface Options {
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert read data types to native types.
* @deprecated Use {@link cast}
auto_parse?: boolean | CastingFunction;
autoParse?: boolean | CastingFunction;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert read data types to dates. It requires the "auto_parse" option.
* @deprecated Use {@link cast_date}
auto_parse_date?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
autoParseDate?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
* If true, detect and exclude the byte order mark (BOM) from the CSV input if present.
bom?: boolean;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert input string to native types.
* If a function, receive the value as first argument, a context as second argument and return a new value. More information about the context properties is available below.
cast?: boolean | CastingFunction;
* If true, the parser will attempt to convert input string to dates.
* If a function, receive the value as argument and return a new value. It requires the "auto_parse" option. Be careful, it relies on Date.parse.
cast_date?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
castDate?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
* List of fields as an array,
* a user defined callback accepting the first line and returning the column names or true if autodiscovered in the first CSV line,
* default to null,
* affect the result data set in the sense that records will be objects instead of arrays.
columns?: ColumnOption[] | boolean | ((record: any) => ColumnOption[]);
* Convert values into an array of values when columns are activated and
* when multiple columns of the same name are found.
columns_duplicates_to_array?: boolean;
columnsDuplicatesToArray?: boolean;
* Treat all the characters after this one as a comment, default to '' (disabled).
comment?: string;
* Set the field delimiter. One character only, defaults to comma.
delimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer;
* Set the source and destination encoding, a value of `null` returns buffer instead of strings.
encoding?: string | null;
* Set the escape character, one character only, defaults to double quotes.
escape?: string | null | false | Buffer;
* Start handling records from the requested number of records.
from?: number;
* Start handling records from the requested line number.
from_line?: number;
fromLine?: number;
* Don't interpret delimiters as such in the last field according to the number of fields calculated from the number of columns, the option require the presence of the `column` option when `true`.
ignore_last_delimiters?: boolean | number;
* Generate two properties `info` and `record` where `info` is a snapshot of the info object at the time the record was created and `record` is the parsed array or object.
info?: boolean;
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately following the delimiter (i.e. left-trim all fields), defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
ltrim?: boolean;
* Maximum numer of characters to be contained in the field and line buffers before an exception is raised,
* used to guard against a wrong delimiter or record_delimiter,
* default to 128000 characters.
max_record_size?: number;
maxRecordSize?: number;
* Name of header-record title to name objects by.
objname?: string;
* Alter and filter records by executing a user defined function.
on_record?: (record: any, context: CastingContext) => any;
onRecord?: (record: any, context: CastingContext) => any;
* Optional character surrounding a field, one character only, defaults to double quotes.
quote?: string | boolean | Buffer | null;
* Generate two properties raw and row where raw is the original CSV row content and row is the parsed array or object.
raw?: boolean;
* Preserve quotes inside unquoted field.
relax?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count, default to false.
relax_column_count?: boolean;
relaxColumnCount?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count when the record contains less fields than expected, default to false.
relax_column_count_less?: boolean;
relaxColumnCountLess?: boolean;
* Discard inconsistent columns count when the record contains more fields than expected, default to false.
relax_column_count_more?: boolean;
relaxColumnCountMore?: boolean;
* One or multiple characters used to delimit record rows; defaults to auto discovery if not provided.
* Supported auto discovery method are Linux ("\n"), Apple ("\r") and Windows ("\r\n") row delimiters.
record_delimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];
recordDelimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately preceding the delimiter (i.e. right-trim all fields), defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
rtrim?: boolean;
* Dont generate empty values for empty lines.
* Defaults to false
skip_empty_lines?: boolean;
skipEmptyLines?: boolean;
* Skip a line with error found inside and directly go process the next line.
skip_lines_with_error?: boolean;
skipLinesWithError?: boolean;
* Don't generate records for lines containing empty column values (column matching /\s*\/), defaults to false.
skip_lines_with_empty_values?: boolean;
skipLinesWithEmptyValues?: boolean;
* Stop handling records after the requested number of records.
to?: number;
* Stop handling records after the requested line number.
to_line?: number;
toLine?: number;
* If true, ignore whitespace immediately around the delimiter, defaults to false.
* Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.
trim?: boolean;
interface Info {
* Count the number of lines being fully commented.
readonly comment_lines: number;
* Count the number of processed empty lines.
readonly empty_lines: number;
* The number of lines encountered in the source dataset, start at 1 for the first line.
readonly lines: number;
* Count the number of processed records.
readonly records: number;
* Count of the number of processed bytes.
readonly bytes: number;
* Number of non uniform records when `relax_column_count` is true.
readonly invalid_field_length: number;
class CsvError extends Error {
readonly code: CsvErrorCode;
[key: string]: any;
constructor(code: CsvErrorCode, message: string | string[], options?: Options, ...contexts: any[]);
type CsvErrorCode =