2023-08-07 15:11:15 -05:00

802 lines
26 KiB

import limit from 'p-limit';
import { getSafeTimers, format, isObject, objDisplay, objectAttr, noop, toArray, shuffle } from '@vitest/utils';
import { processError } from '@vitest/utils/error';
import { createChainable, generateHash, calculateSuiteHash, someTasksAreOnly, interpretTaskModes, partitionSuiteChildren, hasTests, hasFailed } from './utils.js';
import { relative } from 'pathe';
const fnMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
const hooksMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function setFn(key, fn) {
fnMap.set(key, fn);
function getFn(key) {
return fnMap.get(key);
function setHooks(key, hooks) {
hooksMap.set(key, hooks);
function getHooks(key) {
return hooksMap.get(key);
const collectorContext = {
tasks: [],
currentSuite: null
function collectTask(task) {
var _a;
(_a = collectorContext.currentSuite) == null ? void 0 : _a.tasks.push(task);
async function runWithSuite(suite, fn) {
const prev = collectorContext.currentSuite;
collectorContext.currentSuite = suite;
await fn();
collectorContext.currentSuite = prev;
function withTimeout(fn, timeout, isHook = false) {
if (timeout <= 0 || timeout === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
return fn;
const { setTimeout, clearTimeout } = getSafeTimers();
return (...args) => {
return Promise.race([fn(...args), new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var _a;
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(makeTimeoutMsg(isHook, timeout)));
}, timeout);
(_a = timer.unref) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(timer);
function createTestContext(test, runner) {
var _a;
const context = function() {
throw new Error("done() callback is deprecated, use promise instead");
context.meta = test;
context.task = test;
context.onTestFailed = (fn) => {
test.onFailed || (test.onFailed = []);
return ((_a = runner.extendTestContext) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(runner, context)) || context;
function makeTimeoutMsg(isHook, timeout) {
return `${isHook ? "Hook" : "Test"} timed out in ${timeout}ms.
If this is a long-running ${isHook ? "hook" : "test"}, pass a timeout value as the last argument or configure it globally with "${isHook ? "hookTimeout" : "testTimeout"}".`;
function mergeContextFixtures(fixtures, context = {}) {
const fixtureArray = Object.entries(fixtures).map(([prop, value], index) => {
const isFn = typeof value === "function";
return {
if (Array.isArray(context.fixtures))
context.fixtures = context.fixtures.concat(fixtureArray);
context.fixtures = fixtureArray;
fixtureArray.forEach((fixture) => {
if (fixture.isFn) {
const usedProps = getUsedProps(fixture.value);
if (usedProps.length)
fixture.deps = context.fixtures.filter(({ index, prop }) => index !== fixture.index && usedProps.includes(prop));
return context;
function withFixtures(fn, fixtures, context) {
if (!fixtures.length)
return () => fn(context);
const usedProps = getUsedProps(fn);
if (!usedProps.length)
return () => fn(context);
const usedFixtures = fixtures.filter(({ prop }) => usedProps.includes(prop));
const pendingFixtures = resolveDeps(usedFixtures);
let cursor = 0;
async function use(fixtureValue) {
const { prop } = pendingFixtures[cursor++];
context[prop] = fixtureValue;
if (cursor < pendingFixtures.length)
await next();
await fn(context);
async function next() {
const { value } = pendingFixtures[cursor];
typeof value === "function" ? await value(context, use) : await use(value);
return () => next();
function resolveDeps(fixtures, depSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), pendingFixtures = []) {
fixtures.forEach((fixture) => {
if (pendingFixtures.includes(fixture))
if (!fixture.isFn || !fixture.deps) {
if (depSet.has(fixture))
throw new Error("circular fixture dependency");
resolveDeps(fixture.deps, depSet, pendingFixtures);
return pendingFixtures;
function getUsedProps(fn) {
const match = fn.toString().match(/[^(]*\(([^)]*)/);
if (!match)
return [];
const args = splitByComma(match[1]);
if (!args.length)
return [];
const first = args[0];
if (!(first.startsWith("{") && first.endsWith("}")))
throw new Error("the first argument must use object destructuring pattern");
const _first = first.slice(1, -1).replace(/\s/g, "");
const props = splitByComma(_first).map((prop) => {
return prop.replace(/\:.*|\=.*/g, "");
const last = props.at(-1);
if (last && last.startsWith("..."))
throw new Error("Rest parameters are not supported");
return props;
function splitByComma(s) {
const result = [];
const stack = [];
let start = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i] === "{" || s[i] === "[") {
stack.push(s[i] === "{" ? "}" : "]");
} else if (s[i] === stack[stack.length - 1]) {
} else if (!stack.length && s[i] === ",") {
const token = s.substring(start, i).trim();
if (token)
start = i + 1;
const lastToken = s.substring(start).trim();
if (lastToken)
return result;
const suite = createSuite();
const test = createTest(
function(name, fn, options) {
getCurrentSuite().test.fn.call(this, formatName(name), fn, options);
const describe = suite;
const it = test;
let runner;
let defaultSuite;
function getDefaultSuite() {
return defaultSuite;
function getRunner() {
return runner;
function clearCollectorContext(currentRunner) {
if (!defaultSuite)
defaultSuite = currentRunner.config.sequence.shuffle ? suite.shuffle("") : currentRunner.config.sequence.concurrent ? suite.concurrent("") : suite("");
runner = currentRunner;
collectorContext.tasks.length = 0;
collectorContext.currentSuite = defaultSuite;
function getCurrentSuite() {
return collectorContext.currentSuite || defaultSuite;
function createSuiteHooks() {
return {
beforeAll: [],
afterAll: [],
beforeEach: [],
afterEach: []
function createSuiteCollector(name, factory = () => {
}, mode, concurrent, shuffle, each, suiteOptions) {
const tasks = [];
const factoryQueue = [];
let suite2;
const test2 = createTest(function(name2, fn = noop, options) {
const mode2 = this.only ? "only" : this.skip ? "skip" : this.todo ? "todo" : "run";
if (typeof options === "number")
options = { timeout: options };
if (typeof suiteOptions === "object")
options = Object.assign({}, suiteOptions, options);
const test3 = {
id: "",
type: "test",
name: formatName(name2),
each: this.each,
mode: mode2,
suite: void 0,
fails: this.fails,
retry: (options == null ? void 0 : options.retry) ?? runner.config.retry,
repeats: options == null ? void 0 : options.repeats,
meta: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)
if (this.concurrent || concurrent || runner.config.sequence.concurrent)
test3.concurrent = true;
if (shuffle)
test3.shuffle = true;
const context = createTestContext(test3, runner);
Object.defineProperty(test3, "context", {
value: context,
enumerable: false
setFn(test3, withTimeout(
this.fixtures ? withFixtures(fn, this.fixtures, context) : () => fn(context),
(options == null ? void 0 : options.timeout) ?? runner.config.testTimeout
const custom = function(name2 = "") {
const self = this || {};
const task = {
id: "",
name: name2,
type: "custom",
mode: self.only ? "only" : self.skip ? "skip" : self.todo ? "todo" : "run",
meta: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)
return task;
const collector = {
type: "collector",
options: suiteOptions,
test: test2,
on: addHook
function addHook(name2, ...fn) {
function initSuite() {
if (typeof suiteOptions === "number")
suiteOptions = { timeout: suiteOptions };
suite2 = {
id: "",
type: "suite",
tasks: [],
meta: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)
setHooks(suite2, createSuiteHooks());
function clear() {
tasks.length = 0;
factoryQueue.length = 0;
async function collect(file) {
factoryQueue.length = 0;
if (factory)
await runWithSuite(collector, () => factory(test2));
const allChildren = [];
for (const i of [...factoryQueue, ...tasks])
allChildren.push(i.type === "collector" ? await i.collect(file) : i);
suite2.file = file;
suite2.tasks = allChildren;
allChildren.forEach((task) => {
task.suite = suite2;
if (file)
task.file = file;
return suite2;
return collector;
function createSuite() {
function suiteFn(name, factory, options) {
const mode = this.only ? "only" : this.skip ? "skip" : this.todo ? "todo" : "run";
const currentSuite = getCurrentSuite();
if (typeof options === "number")
options = { timeout: options };
if (currentSuite == null ? void 0 : currentSuite.options)
options = { ...currentSuite.options, ...options };
return createSuiteCollector(formatName(name), factory, mode, this.concurrent, this.shuffle, this.each, options);
suiteFn.each = function(cases, ...args) {
const suite2 = this.withContext();
this.setContext("each", true);
if (Array.isArray(cases) && args.length)
cases = formatTemplateString(cases, args);
return (name, fn, options) => {
const _name = formatName(name);
const arrayOnlyCases = cases.every(Array.isArray);
cases.forEach((i, idx) => {
const items = Array.isArray(i) ? i : [i];
arrayOnlyCases ? suite2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), () => fn(...items), options) : suite2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), () => fn(i), options);
this.setContext("each", void 0);
suiteFn.skipIf = (condition) => condition ? suite.skip : suite;
suiteFn.runIf = (condition) => condition ? suite : suite.skip;
return createChainable(
["concurrent", "shuffle", "skip", "only", "todo"],
function createTest(fn, context) {
const testFn = fn;
testFn.each = function(cases, ...args) {
const test2 = this.withContext();
this.setContext("each", true);
if (Array.isArray(cases) && args.length)
cases = formatTemplateString(cases, args);
return (name, fn2, options) => {
const _name = formatName(name);
const arrayOnlyCases = cases.every(Array.isArray);
cases.forEach((i, idx) => {
const items = Array.isArray(i) ? i : [i];
arrayOnlyCases ? test2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), () => fn2(...items), options) : test2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), () => fn2(i), options);
this.setContext("each", void 0);
testFn.skipIf = (condition) => condition ? test.skip : test;
testFn.runIf = (condition) => condition ? test : test.skip;
testFn.extend = function(fixtures) {
const _context = mergeContextFixtures(fixtures, context);
return createTest(function fn2(name, fn2, options) {
getCurrentSuite().test.fn.call(this, formatName(name), fn2, options);
}, _context);
const _test = createChainable(
["concurrent", "skip", "only", "todo", "fails"],
if (context)
return _test;
function formatName(name) {
return typeof name === "string" ? name : name instanceof Function ? name.name || "<anonymous>" : String(name);
function formatTitle(template, items, idx) {
if (template.includes("%#")) {
template = template.replace(/%%/g, "__vitest_escaped_%__").replace(/%#/g, `${idx}`).replace(/__vitest_escaped_%__/g, "%%");
const count = template.split("%").length - 1;
let formatted = format(template, ...items.slice(0, count));
if (isObject(items[0])) {
formatted = formatted.replace(
(_, key) => {
var _a, _b;
return objDisplay(objectAttr(items[0], key), { truncate: (_b = (_a = runner == null ? void 0 : runner.config) == null ? void 0 : _a.chaiConfig) == null ? void 0 : _b.truncateThreshold });
// https://github.com/chaijs/chai/pull/1490
return formatted;
function formatTemplateString(cases, args) {
const header = cases.join("").trim().replace(/ /g, "").split("\n").map((i) => i.split("|"))[0];
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(args.length / header.length); i++) {
const oneCase = {};
for (let j = 0; j < header.length; j++)
oneCase[header[j]] = args[i * header.length + j];
return res;
async function runSetupFiles(config, runner) {
const files = toArray(config.setupFiles);
if (config.sequence.setupFiles === "parallel") {
await Promise.all(
files.map(async (fsPath) => {
await runner.importFile(fsPath, "setup");
} else {
for (const fsPath of files)
await runner.importFile(fsPath, "setup");
const now$1 = Date.now;
async function collectTests(paths, runner) {
const files = [];
const config = runner.config;
for (const filepath of paths) {
const path = relative(config.root, filepath);
const file = {
id: generateHash(`${path}${config.name || ""}`),
name: path,
type: "suite",
mode: "run",
tasks: [],
meta: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
projectName: config.name
try {
const setupStart = now$1();
await runSetupFiles(config, runner);
const collectStart = now$1();
file.setupDuration = collectStart - setupStart;
await runner.importFile(filepath, "collect");
const defaultTasks = await getDefaultSuite().collect(file);
setHooks(file, getHooks(defaultTasks));
for (const c of [...defaultTasks.tasks, ...collectorContext.tasks]) {
if (c.type === "test") {
} else if (c.type === "custom") {
} else if (c.type === "suite") {
} else if (c.type === "collector") {
const suite = await c.collect(file);
if (suite.name || suite.tasks.length)
file.collectDuration = now$1() - collectStart;
} catch (e) {
const error = processError(e);
file.result = {
state: "fail",
errors: [error]
const hasOnlyTasks = someTasksAreOnly(file);
interpretTaskModes(file, config.testNamePattern, hasOnlyTasks, false, config.allowOnly);
return files;
let _test;
function setCurrentTest(test) {
_test = test;
function getCurrentTest() {
return _test;
const now = Date.now;
function updateSuiteHookState(suite, name, state, runner) {
var _a;
if (!suite.result)
suite.result = { state: "run" };
if (!((_a = suite.result) == null ? void 0 : _a.hooks))
suite.result.hooks = {};
const suiteHooks = suite.result.hooks;
if (suiteHooks) {
suiteHooks[name] = state;
updateTask(suite, runner);
function getSuiteHooks(suite, name, sequence) {
const hooks = getHooks(suite)[name];
if (sequence === "stack" && (name === "afterAll" || name === "afterEach"))
return hooks.slice().reverse();
return hooks;
async function callSuiteHook(suite, currentTask, name, runner, args) {
const sequence = runner.config.sequence.hooks;
const callbacks = [];
if (name === "beforeEach" && suite.suite) {
...await callSuiteHook(suite.suite, currentTask, name, runner, args)
updateSuiteHookState(currentTask, name, "run", runner);
const hooks = getSuiteHooks(suite, name, sequence);
if (sequence === "parallel") {
callbacks.push(...await Promise.all(hooks.map((fn) => fn(...args))));
} else {
for (const hook of hooks)
callbacks.push(await hook(...args));
updateSuiteHookState(currentTask, name, "pass", runner);
if (name === "afterEach" && suite.suite) {
...await callSuiteHook(suite.suite, currentTask, name, runner, args)
return callbacks;
const packs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
let updateTimer;
let previousUpdate;
function updateTask(task, runner) {
packs.set(task.id, [task.result, task.meta]);
const { clearTimeout, setTimeout } = getSafeTimers();
updateTimer = setTimeout(() => {
previousUpdate = sendTasksUpdate(runner);
}, 10);
async function sendTasksUpdate(runner) {
var _a;
const { clearTimeout } = getSafeTimers();
await previousUpdate;
if (packs.size) {
const taskPacks = Array.from(packs).map(([id, task]) => {
return [
const p = (_a = runner.onTaskUpdate) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(runner, taskPacks);
return p;
async function callCleanupHooks(cleanups) {
await Promise.all(cleanups.map(async (fn) => {
if (typeof fn !== "function")
await fn();
async function runTest(test, runner) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
await ((_a = runner.onBeforeRunTest) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(runner, test));
if (test.mode !== "run")
if (((_b = test.result) == null ? void 0 : _b.state) === "fail") {
updateTask(test, runner);
const start = now();
test.result = {
state: "run",
startTime: start,
retryCount: 0
updateTask(test, runner);
const repeats = test.repeats ?? 0;
for (let repeatCount = 0; repeatCount <= repeats; repeatCount++) {
const retry = test.retry ?? 0;
for (let retryCount = 0; retryCount <= retry; retryCount++) {
let beforeEachCleanups = [];
try {
await ((_c = runner.onBeforeTryTest) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(runner, test, { retry: retryCount, repeats: repeatCount }));
test.result.repeatCount = repeatCount;
beforeEachCleanups = await callSuiteHook(test.suite, test, "beforeEach", runner, [test.context, test.suite]);
if (runner.runTest) {
await runner.runTest(test);
} else {
const fn = getFn(test);
if (!fn)
throw new Error("Test function is not found. Did you add it using `setFn`?");
await fn();
if (test.promises) {
const result = await Promise.allSettled(test.promises);
const errors = result.map((r) => r.status === "rejected" ? r.reason : void 0).filter(Boolean);
if (errors.length)
throw errors;
await ((_d = runner.onAfterTryTest) == null ? void 0 : _d.call(runner, test, { retry: retryCount, repeats: repeatCount }));
if (test.result.state !== "fail") {
if (!test.repeats)
test.result.state = "pass";
else if (test.repeats && retry === retryCount)
test.result.state = "pass";
} catch (e) {
failTask(test.result, e);
try {
await callSuiteHook(test.suite, test, "afterEach", runner, [test.context, test.suite]);
await callCleanupHooks(beforeEachCleanups);
} catch (e) {
failTask(test.result, e);
if (test.result.state === "pass")
if (retryCount < retry) {
test.result.state = "run";
test.result.retryCount = (test.result.retryCount ?? 0) + 1;
updateTask(test, runner);
if (test.result.state === "fail")
await Promise.all(((_e = test.onFailed) == null ? void 0 : _e.map((fn) => fn(test.result))) || []);
if (test.fails) {
if (test.result.state === "pass") {
const error = processError(new Error("Expect test to fail"));
test.result.state = "fail";
test.result.error = error;
test.result.errors = [error];
} else {
test.result.state = "pass";
test.result.error = void 0;
test.result.errors = void 0;
setCurrentTest(void 0);
test.result.duration = now() - start;
await ((_f = runner.onAfterRunTest) == null ? void 0 : _f.call(runner, test));
updateTask(test, runner);
function failTask(result, err) {
result.state = "fail";
const errors = Array.isArray(err) ? err : [err];
for (const e of errors) {
const error = processError(e);
result.error ?? (result.error = error);
result.errors ?? (result.errors = []);
function markTasksAsSkipped(suite, runner) {
suite.tasks.forEach((t) => {
t.mode = "skip";
t.result = { ...t.result, state: "skip" };
updateTask(t, runner);
if (t.type === "suite")
markTasksAsSkipped(t, runner);
async function runSuite(suite, runner) {
var _a, _b, _c;
await ((_a = runner.onBeforeRunSuite) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(runner, suite));
if (((_b = suite.result) == null ? void 0 : _b.state) === "fail") {
markTasksAsSkipped(suite, runner);
updateTask(suite, runner);
const start = now();
suite.result = {
state: "run",
startTime: start
updateTask(suite, runner);
let beforeAllCleanups = [];
if (suite.mode === "skip") {
suite.result.state = "skip";
} else if (suite.mode === "todo") {
suite.result.state = "todo";
} else {
try {
beforeAllCleanups = await callSuiteHook(suite, suite, "beforeAll", runner, [suite]);
if (runner.runSuite) {
await runner.runSuite(suite);
} else {
for (let tasksGroup of partitionSuiteChildren(suite)) {
if (tasksGroup[0].concurrent === true) {
const mutex = limit(runner.config.maxConcurrency);
await Promise.all(tasksGroup.map((c) => mutex(() => runSuiteChild(c, runner))));
} else {
const { sequence } = runner.config;
if (sequence.shuffle || suite.shuffle) {
const suites = tasksGroup.filter((group) => group.type === "suite");
const tests = tasksGroup.filter((group) => group.type === "test");
const groups = shuffle([suites, tests], sequence.seed);
tasksGroup = groups.flatMap((group) => shuffle(group, sequence.seed));
for (const c of tasksGroup)
await runSuiteChild(c, runner);
} catch (e) {
failTask(suite.result, e);
try {
await callSuiteHook(suite, suite, "afterAll", runner, [suite]);
await callCleanupHooks(beforeAllCleanups);
} catch (e) {
failTask(suite.result, e);
if (suite.mode === "run") {
if (!hasTests(suite)) {
suite.result.state = "fail";
if (!suite.result.error) {
const error = processError(new Error(`No test found in suite ${suite.name}`));
suite.result.error = error;
suite.result.errors = [error];
} else if (hasFailed(suite)) {
suite.result.state = "fail";
} else {
suite.result.state = "pass";
updateTask(suite, runner);
suite.result.duration = now() - start;
await ((_c = runner.onAfterRunSuite) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(runner, suite));
async function runSuiteChild(c, runner) {
if (c.type === "test")
return runTest(c, runner);
else if (c.type === "suite")
return runSuite(c, runner);
async function runFiles(files, runner) {
var _a, _b;
for (const file of files) {
if (!file.tasks.length && !runner.config.passWithNoTests) {
if (!((_b = (_a = file.result) == null ? void 0 : _a.errors) == null ? void 0 : _b.length)) {
const error = processError(new Error(`No test suite found in file ${file.filepath}`));
file.result = {
state: "fail",
errors: [error]
await runSuite(file, runner);
async function startTests(paths, runner) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
await ((_a = runner.onBeforeCollect) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(runner, paths));
const files = await collectTests(paths, runner);
(_b = runner.onCollected) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(runner, files);
await ((_c = runner.onBeforeRun) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(runner, files));
await runFiles(files, runner);
await ((_d = runner.onAfterRun) == null ? void 0 : _d.call(runner, files));
await sendTasksUpdate(runner);
return files;
function getDefaultHookTimeout() {
return getRunner().config.hookTimeout;
function beforeAll(fn, timeout) {
return getCurrentSuite().on("beforeAll", withTimeout(fn, timeout ?? getDefaultHookTimeout(), true));
function afterAll(fn, timeout) {
return getCurrentSuite().on("afterAll", withTimeout(fn, timeout ?? getDefaultHookTimeout(), true));
function beforeEach(fn, timeout) {
return getCurrentSuite().on("beforeEach", withTimeout(fn, timeout ?? getDefaultHookTimeout(), true));
function afterEach(fn, timeout) {
return getCurrentSuite().on("afterEach", withTimeout(fn, timeout ?? getDefaultHookTimeout(), true));
const onTestFailed = createTestHook("onTestFailed", (test, handler) => {
test.onFailed || (test.onFailed = []);
function createTestHook(name, handler) {
return (fn) => {
const current = getCurrentTest();
if (!current)
throw new Error(`Hook ${name}() can only be called inside a test`);
handler(current, fn);
export { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, getCurrentSuite, getCurrentTest, getFn, it, onTestFailed, setFn, startTests, suite, test, updateTask };