#!/bin/sh set -e export HOME="/github/workspace" export WRANGLER_HOME="/github/workspace" mkdir -p "$HOME/.wrangler" chmod -R 770 "$HOME/.wrangler" export API_CREDENTIALS="" # If an API token is detected as input if [ -n "$INPUT_APITOKEN" ] then export CF_API_TOKEN="$INPUT_APITOKEN" export API_CREDENTIALS="API Token" fi # If an API key and email are detected as input if [ -n "$INPUT_APIKEY" ] && [ -n "$INPUT_EMAIL" ] then export CF_EMAIL="$INPUT_EMAIL" export CF_API_KEY="$INPUT_APIKEY" export API_CREDENTIALS="Email and API Key" fi if [ -n "$INPUT_APIKEY" ] && [ -z "$INPUT_EMAIL" ] then echo "Provided an API key without an email for authentication. Please pass in 'apiKey' and 'email' to the action." fi if [ -z "$INPUT_APIKEY" ] && [ -n "$INPUT_EMAIL" ] then echo "Provided an email without an API key for authentication. Please pass in 'apiKey' and 'email' to the action." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$API_CREDENTIALS" ] then >&2 echo "Unable to find authentication details. Please pass in an 'apiToken' as an input to the action, or a legacy 'apiKey' and 'email'." exit 1 else echo "Using $API_CREDENTIALS authentication" fi # If a Wrangler version is detected as input if [ -z "$INPUT_WRANGLERVERSION" ] then npm i @cloudflare/wrangler -g else npm i "@cloudflare/wrangler@$INPUT_WRANGLERVERSION" -g fi # If a working directory is detected as input if [ -n "$INPUT_WORKINGDIRECTORY" ] then cd "$INPUT_WORKINGDIRECTORY" fi secret_not_found() { echo "::error::Specified secret \"$1\" not found in environment variables." exit 1 } # If an environment is detected as input, for each secret specified get the value of # the matching named environment variable then configure using wrangler secret put. if [ -z "$INPUT_ENVIRONMENT" ] then wrangler publish for SECRET in $INPUT_SECRETS; do VALUE=$(printenv "$SECRET") || secret_not_found "$SECRET" echo "$VALUE" | wrangler secret put "$SECRET" done else wrangler publish -e "$INPUT_ENVIRONMENT" for SECRET in $INPUT_SECRETS; do VALUE=$(printenv "$SECRET") || secret_not_found "$SECRET" echo "$VALUE" | wrangler secret put "$SECRET" --env "$INPUT_ENVIRONMENT" done fi # If a working directory is detected as input, revert to the # original directory before continuing with the workflow if [ -n "$INPUT_WORKINGDIRECTORY" ] then cd $HOME fi