name: "Deploy to Cloudflare Workers with Wrangler" branding: icon: "upload-cloud" color: "orange" description: "Deploy your Cloudflare Workers and Pages projects from GitHub using Wrangler" runs: using: "docker" image: "Dockerfile" inputs: apiKey: description: "(Legacy) Your Cloudflare API Key" required: false email: description: "(Legacy) Your Cloudflare Email" required: false apiToken: description: "Your Cloudflare API Token" required: false accountId: description: "Your Cloudflare Account ID" required: false environment: description: "The environment you'd like to publish your Workers project to - must be defined in wrangler.toml" workingDirectory: description: "The relative path which Wrangler commands should be run from" required: false wranglerVersion: description: "The version of Wrangler you'd like to use to publish your Workers project" required: false secrets: description: "A new line deliminated string of environment variable names that should be configured as Worker secrets" required: false preCommands: description: "Commands to execute before publishing the Workers project" required: false postCommands: description: "Commands to execute after publishing the Workers project" required: false command: description: "The Wrangler command you wish to run. For example: \"publish\" - this will publish your Worker" required: false