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import { File, TaskResultPack, CancelReason } from '@vitest/runner';
export { DoneCallback, File, HookCleanupCallback, HookListener, OnTestFailedHandler, RunMode, RuntimeContext, SequenceHooks, SequenceSetupFiles, Suite, SuiteAPI, SuiteCollector, SuiteFactory, SuiteHooks, Task, TaskBase, TaskMeta, TaskResult, TaskResultPack, TaskState, Test, TestAPI, TestContext, TestFunction, TestOptions, afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, it, onTestFailed, suite, test } from '@vitest/runner';
import { v as BenchmarkAPI, m as FakeTimerInstallOpts, w as MockFactoryWithHelper, x as RuntimeConfig, A as AfterSuiteRunMeta, y as UserConsoleLog, R as ResolvedConfig, z as ModuleGraphData, D as Reporter } from './types-198fd1d9.js';
export { a2 as ApiConfig, ah as ArgumentsType, ag as Arrayable, ae as Awaitable, B as BaseCoverageOptions, as as BenchFunction, aq as Benchmark, ar as BenchmarkResult, ap as BenchmarkUserOptions, _ as BuiltinEnvironment, a1 as CSSModuleScopeStrategy, K as ChaiConfig, Q as CollectLineNumbers, S as CollectLines, aj as Constructable, Y as Context, aa as ContextRPC, a9 as ContextTestEnvironment, e as CoverageC8Options, g as CoverageIstanbulOptions, C as CoverageOptions, a as CoverageProvider, b as CoverageProviderModule, ao as CoverageReporter, d as CoverageV8Options, f as CustomProviderOptions, a4 as DepsOptimizationOptions, E as Environment, a3 as EnvironmentOptions, al as EnvironmentReturn, a5 as InlineConfig, Z as JSDOMOptions, ak as ModuleCache, ai as MutableArray, af as Nullable, am as OnServerRestartHandler, n as ProjectConfig, N as RawErrsMap, an as ReportContext, ac as ResolveIdFunction, c as ResolvedCoverageOptions, X as RootAndTarget, a8 as RunnerRPC, a7 as RuntimeRPC, O as TscErrorInfo, a6 as TypecheckConfig, U as UserConfig, o as Vitest, $ as VitestEnvironment, a0 as VitestPool, V as VitestRunMode, ab as WorkerContext, ad as WorkerGlobalState, I as createExpect, G as expect, J as setupChaiConfig } from './types-198fd1d9.js';
import { spyOn, fn, MaybeMockedDeep, MaybeMocked, MaybePartiallyMocked, MaybePartiallyMockedDeep, EnhancedSpy } from '@vitest/spy';
export { EnhancedSpy, Mock, MockContext, MockInstance, Mocked, MockedClass, MockedFunction, MockedObject, SpyInstance } from '@vitest/spy';
export { SnapshotEnvironment } from '@vitest/snapshot/environment';
import { SnapshotResult } from '@vitest/snapshot';
export { SnapshotData, SnapshotMatchOptions, SnapshotResult, SnapshotStateOptions, SnapshotSummary, SnapshotUpdateState, UncheckedSnapshot } from '@vitest/snapshot';
export { Assertion, AsymmetricMatchersContaining, ExpectStatic, JestAssertion } from '@vitest/expect';
import { TransformResult } from 'vite';
import * as chai from 'chai';
export { chai };
export { assert, should } from 'chai';
export { UserWorkspaceConfig } from './config.js';
export { ErrorWithDiff, ParsedStack } from '@vitest/utils';
export { Bench as BenchFactory, Options as BenchOptions, Task as BenchTask, TaskResult as BenchTaskResult } from 'tinybench';
import '@vitest/runner/utils';
import 'vite-node/client';
import '@vitest/snapshot/manager';
import 'vite-node/server';
import 'node:worker_threads';
import 'vite-node';
import 'node:fs';
declare type Not<T extends boolean> = T extends true ? false : true;
declare type And<Types extends boolean[]> = Types[number] extends true ? true : false;
declare type Eq<Left extends boolean, Right extends boolean> = Left extends true ? Right : Not<Right>;
declare const secret: unique symbol;
declare type Secret = typeof secret;
declare type IsNever<T> = [T] extends [never] ? true : false;
declare type IsAny<T> = [T] extends [Secret] ? Not<IsNever<T>> : false;
declare type IsUnknown<T> = [unknown] extends [T] ? Not<IsAny<T>> : false;
* Recursively walk a type and replace it with a branded type related to the original. This is useful for
* equality-checking stricter than `A extends B ? B extends A ? true : false : false`, because it detects
* the difference between a few edge-case types that vanilla typescript doesn't by default:
* - `any` vs `unknown`
* - `{ readonly a: string }` vs `{ a: string }`
* - `{ a?: string }` vs `{ a: string | undefined }`
declare type DeepBrand<T> = IsNever<T> extends true ? {
type: 'never';
} : IsAny<T> extends true ? {
type: 'any';
} : IsUnknown<T> extends true ? {
type: 'unknown';
} : T extends string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint | null | undefined | void ? {
type: 'primitive';
value: T;
} : T extends new (...args: any[]) => any ? {
type: 'constructor';
params: ConstructorParams<T>;
instance: DeepBrand<InstanceType<Extract<T, new (...args: any) => any>>>;
} : T extends (...args: infer P) => infer R ? {
type: 'function';
params: DeepBrand<P>;
return: DeepBrand<R>;
this: DeepBrand<ThisParameterType<T>>;
} : T extends any[] ? {
type: 'array';
items: {
[K in keyof T]: T[K];
} : {
type: 'object';
properties: {
[K in keyof T]: DeepBrand<T[K]>;
readonly: ReadonlyKeys<T>;
required: RequiredKeys<T>;
optional: OptionalKeys<T>;
constructorParams: DeepBrand<ConstructorParams<T>>;
declare type RequiredKeys<T> = Extract<{
[K in keyof T]-?: {} extends Pick<T, K> ? never : K;
}[keyof T], keyof T>;
declare type OptionalKeys<T> = Exclude<keyof T, RequiredKeys<T>>;
declare type ReadonlyKeys<T> = Extract<{
[K in keyof T]-?: ReadonlyEquivalent<{
[_K in K]: T[K];
}, {
-readonly [_K in K]: T[K];
}> extends true ? never : K;
}[keyof T], keyof T>;
declare type ReadonlyEquivalent<X, Y> = Extends<(<T>() => T extends X ? true : false), (<T>() => T extends Y ? true : false)>;
declare type Extends<L, R> = IsNever<L> extends true ? IsNever<R> : [L] extends [R] ? true : false;
declare type StrictExtends<L, R> = Extends<DeepBrand<L>, DeepBrand<R>>;
declare type StrictEqual<L, R> = (<T>() => T extends (L & T) | T ? true : false) extends <T>() => T extends (R & T) | T ? true : false ? IsNever<L> extends IsNever<R> ? true : false : false;
declare type Equal<Left, Right, Branded = true> = Branded extends true ? And<[StrictExtends<Left, Right>, StrictExtends<Right, Left>]> : StrictEqual<Left, Right>;
declare type Params<Actual> = Actual extends (...args: infer P) => any ? P : never;
declare type ConstructorParams<Actual> = Actual extends new (...args: infer P) => any ? Actual extends new () => any ? P | [] : P : never;
declare type MismatchArgs<ActualResult extends boolean, ExpectedResult extends boolean> = Eq<ActualResult, ExpectedResult> extends true ? [] : [never];
interface ExpectTypeOfOptions {
positive: boolean;
branded: boolean;
interface ExpectTypeOf<Actual, Options extends ExpectTypeOfOptions> {
toBeAny: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<IsAny<Actual>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeUnknown: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<IsUnknown<Actual>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeNever: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<IsNever<Actual>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeFunction: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, (...args: any[]) => any>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeObject: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, object>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeArray: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, any[]>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeNumber: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, number>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeString: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, string>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeBoolean: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, boolean>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeVoid: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, void>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeSymbol: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, symbol>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeNull: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, null>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeUndefined: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, undefined>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toBeNullable: (...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Not<Equal<Actual, NonNullable<Actual>, Options['branded']>>, Options['positive']>) => true;
toMatchTypeOf: {
<Expected>(...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, Expected>, Options['positive']>): true;
<Expected>(expected: Expected, ...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<Actual, Expected>, Options['positive']>): true;
toEqualTypeOf: {
<Expected>(...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Equal<Actual, Expected, Options['branded']>, Options['positive']>): true;
<Expected>(expected: Expected, ...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Equal<Actual, Expected, Options['branded']>, Options['positive']>): true;
toBeCallableWith: Options['positive'] extends true ? (...args: Params<Actual>) => true : never;
toBeConstructibleWith: Options['positive'] extends true ? (...args: ConstructorParams<Actual>) => true : never;
toHaveProperty: <K extends string>(key: K, ...MISMATCH: MismatchArgs<Extends<K, keyof Actual>, Options['positive']>) => K extends keyof Actual ? ExpectTypeOf<Actual[K], Options> : true;
extract: <V>(v?: V) => ExpectTypeOf<Extract<Actual, V>, Options>;
exclude: <V>(v?: V) => ExpectTypeOf<Exclude<Actual, V>, Options>;
parameter: <K extends keyof Params<Actual>>(number: K) => ExpectTypeOf<Params<Actual>[K], Options>;
parameters: ExpectTypeOf<Params<Actual>, Options>;
constructorParameters: ExpectTypeOf<ConstructorParams<Actual>, Options>;
thisParameter: ExpectTypeOf<ThisParameterType<Actual>, Options>;
instance: Actual extends new (...args: any[]) => infer I ? ExpectTypeOf<I, Options> : never;
returns: Actual extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? ExpectTypeOf<R, Options> : never;
resolves: Actual extends PromiseLike<infer R> ? ExpectTypeOf<R, Options> : never;
items: Actual extends ArrayLike<infer R> ? ExpectTypeOf<R, Options> : never;
guards: Actual extends (v: any, ...args: any[]) => v is infer T ? ExpectTypeOf<T, Options> : never;
asserts: Actual extends (v: any, ...args: any[]) => asserts v is infer T ? unknown extends T ? never : ExpectTypeOf<T, Options> : never;
branded: Omit<ExpectTypeOf<Actual, {
positive: Options['positive'];
branded: true;
}>, 'branded'>;
not: Omit<ExpectTypeOf<Actual, {
positive: Not<Options['positive']>;
branded: Options['branded'];
}>, 'not'>;
declare type _ExpectTypeOf = {
<Actual>(actual: Actual): ExpectTypeOf<Actual, {
positive: true;
branded: false;
<Actual>(): ExpectTypeOf<Actual, {
positive: true;
branded: false;
* Similar to Jest's `expect`, but with type-awareness.
* Gives you access to a number of type-matchers that let you make assertions about the
* form of a reference or generic type parameter.
* @example
* import {foo, bar} from '../foo'
* import {expectTypeOf} from 'expect-type'
* test('foo types', () => {
* // make sure `foo` has type {a: number}
* expectTypeOf(foo).toMatchTypeOf({a: 1})
* expectTypeOf(foo).toHaveProperty('a').toBeNumber()
* // make sure `bar` is a function taking a string:
* expectTypeOf(bar).parameter(0).toBeString()
* expectTypeOf(bar).returns.not.toBeAny()
* })
* @description
* See the [full docs](https://npmjs.com/package/expect-type#documentation) for lots more examples.
declare const expectTypeOf: _ExpectTypeOf;
interface AssertType {
<T>(value: T): void;
declare const assertType: AssertType;
declare const bench: BenchmarkAPI;
* This utils allows computational intensive tasks to only be ran once
* across test reruns to improve the watch mode performance.
* Currently only works with `isolate: false`
* @experimental
declare function runOnce<T>(fn: (() => T), key?: string): T;
* Get a boolean indicates whether the task is running in the first time.
* Could only be `false` in watch mode.
* Currently only works with `isolate: false`
* @experimental
declare function isFirstRun(): boolean;
interface VitestUtils {
useFakeTimers(config?: FakeTimerInstallOpts): this;
useRealTimers(): this;
runOnlyPendingTimers(): this;
runOnlyPendingTimersAsync(): Promise<this>;
runAllTimers(): this;
runAllTimersAsync(): Promise<this>;
runAllTicks(): this;
advanceTimersByTime(ms: number): this;
advanceTimersByTimeAsync(ms: number): Promise<this>;
advanceTimersToNextTimer(): this;
advanceTimersToNextTimerAsync(): Promise<this>;
getTimerCount(): number;
setSystemTime(time: number | string | Date): this;
getMockedSystemTime(): Date | null;
getRealSystemTime(): number;
clearAllTimers(): this;
spyOn: typeof spyOn;
fn: typeof fn;
* Run the factory before imports are evaluated. You can return a value from the factory
* to reuse it inside your `vi.mock` factory and tests.
hoisted<T>(factory: () => T): T;
* Makes all `imports` to passed module to be mocked.
* - If there is a factory, will return it's result. The call to `vi.mock` is hoisted to the top of the file,
* so you don't have access to variables declared in the global file scope, if you didn't put them before imports!
* - If `__mocks__` folder with file of the same name exist, all imports will
* return it.
* - If there is no `__mocks__` folder or a file with the same name inside, will call original
* module and mock it.
* @param path Path to the module. Can be aliased, if your config supports it
* @param factory Factory for the mocked module. Has the highest priority.
mock(path: string, factory?: MockFactoryWithHelper): void;
* Removes module from mocked registry. All subsequent calls to import will
* return original module even if it was mocked.
* @param path Path to the module. Can be aliased, if your config supports it
unmock(path: string): void;
doMock(path: string, factory?: () => any): void;
doUnmock(path: string): void;
* Imports module, bypassing all checks if it should be mocked.
* Can be useful if you want to mock module partially.
* @example
* vi.mock('./example', async () => {
* const axios = await vi.importActual('./example')
* return { ...axios, get: vi.fn() }
* })
* @param path Path to the module. Can be aliased, if your config supports it
* @returns Actual module without spies
importActual<T = unknown>(path: string): Promise<T>;
* Imports a module with all of its properties and nested properties mocked.
* For the rules applied, see docs.
* @param path Path to the module. Can be aliased, if your config supports it
* @returns Fully mocked module
importMock<T>(path: string): Promise<MaybeMockedDeep<T>>;
* Type helpers for TypeScript. In reality just returns the object that was passed.
* When `partial` is `true` it will expect a `Partial<T>` as a return value.
* @example
* import example from './example'
* vi.mock('./example')
* test('1+1 equals 2' async () => {
* vi.mocked(example.calc).mockRestore()
* const res = example.calc(1, '+', 1)
* expect(res).toBe(2)
* })
* @param item Anything that can be mocked
* @param deep If the object is deeply mocked
* @param options If the object is partially or deeply mocked
mocked<T>(item: T, deep?: false): MaybeMocked<T>;
mocked<T>(item: T, deep: true): MaybeMockedDeep<T>;
mocked<T>(item: T, options: {
partial?: false;
deep?: false;
}): MaybeMocked<T>;
mocked<T>(item: T, options: {
partial?: false;
deep: true;
}): MaybeMockedDeep<T>;
mocked<T>(item: T, options: {
partial: true;
deep?: false;
}): MaybePartiallyMocked<T>;
mocked<T>(item: T, options: {
partial: true;
deep: true;
}): MaybePartiallyMockedDeep<T>;
mocked<T>(item: T): MaybeMocked<T>;
isMockFunction(fn: any): fn is EnhancedSpy;
clearAllMocks(): this;
resetAllMocks(): this;
restoreAllMocks(): this;
* Makes value available on global namespace.
* Useful, if you want to have global variables available, like `IntersectionObserver`.
* You can return it back to original value with `vi.unstubGlobals`, or by enabling `unstubGlobals` config option.
stubGlobal(name: string | symbol | number, value: unknown): this;
* Changes the value of `import.meta.env` and `process.env`.
* You can return it back to original value with `vi.unstubEnvs`, or by enabling `unstubEnvs` config option.
stubEnv(name: string, value: string): this;
* Reset the value to original value that was available before first `vi.stubGlobal` was called.
unstubAllGlobals(): this;
* Reset environmental variables to the ones that were available before first `vi.stubEnv` was called.
unstubAllEnvs(): this;
resetModules(): this;
* Wait for all imports to load. Useful, if you have a synchronous call that starts
* importing a module that you cannot await otherwise.
* Will also wait for new imports, started during the wait.
dynamicImportSettled(): Promise<void>;
* Updates runtime config. You can only change values that are used when executing tests.
setConfig(config: RuntimeConfig): void;
* If config was changed with `vi.setConfig`, this will reset it to the original state.
resetConfig(): void;
declare const vitest: VitestUtils;
declare const vi: VitestUtils;
declare function getRunningMode(): "run" | "watch";
declare function isWatchMode(): boolean;
interface TransformResultWithSource extends TransformResult {
source?: string;
interface WebSocketHandlers {
onCollected(files?: File[]): Promise<void>;
onTaskUpdate(packs: TaskResultPack[]): void;
onAfterSuiteRun(meta: AfterSuiteRunMeta): void;
onDone(name: string): void;
onCancel(reason: CancelReason): void;
getCountOfFailedTests(): number;
sendLog(log: UserConsoleLog): void;
getFiles(): File[];
getPaths(): string[];
getConfig(): ResolvedConfig;
resolveSnapshotPath(testPath: string): string;
resolveSnapshotRawPath(testPath: string, rawPath: string): string;
getModuleGraph(id: string): Promise<ModuleGraphData>;
getTransformResult(id: string): Promise<TransformResultWithSource | undefined>;
readFile(id: string): Promise<string | null>;
writeFile(id: string, content: string, ensureDir?: boolean): Promise<void>;
removeFile(id: string): Promise<void>;
createDirectory(id: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
snapshotSaved(snapshot: SnapshotResult): void;
rerun(files: string[]): Promise<void>;
updateSnapshot(file?: File): Promise<void>;
interface WebSocketEvents extends Pick<Reporter, 'onCollected' | 'onFinished' | 'onTaskUpdate' | 'onUserConsoleLog' | 'onPathsCollected'> {
onCancel(reason: CancelReason): void;
export { AfterSuiteRunMeta, AssertType, BenchmarkAPI, ExpectTypeOf, ModuleGraphData, Reporter, ResolvedConfig, RuntimeConfig, TransformResultWithSource, UserConsoleLog, WebSocketEvents, WebSocketHandlers, assertType, bench, expectTypeOf, getRunningMode, isFirstRun, isWatchMode, runOnce, vi, vitest };