- [#190](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler-action/pull/190) [`528687a`](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler-action/commit/528687aaf436f67565918533ffd15c250f39c47b) Thanks [@1000hz](https://github.com/1000hz)! - Fixed action failure when no `packageManager` specified and no lockfile is found. The action now falls back to using npm.
- [#166](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler-action/pull/166) [`7d7b988`](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler-action/commit/7d7b98826e14e9ad422870a7263b7074b40bf16f) Thanks [@nix6839](https://github.com/nix6839)! - Support for package managers other than npm, such as pnpm and yarn.
- [#161](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler-action/pull/161) [`e5251df`](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler-action/commit/e5251df52154e9ebc98edb02ee0598c7210dcf0f) Thanks [@1000hz](https://github.com/1000hz)! - Refactored error handling to stop execution when action fails. Previously, the action would continue executing to completion if one of the steps encountered an error. Fixes #160.
- [#147](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler-action/pull/147) [`58f274b`](https://github.com/cloudflare/wrangler-action/commit/58f274b9f70867447519c6fa983c813e2b167b85) Thanks [@JacobMGEvans](https://github.com/JacobMGEvans)! - Added more error logging when a command fails to execute
Previously, we prevented any error logs from propagating too far to prevent leaking of any potentially sensitive information. However, this made it difficult for developers to debug their code.
In this release, we have updated our error handling to allow for more error messaging from pre/post and custom commands. We still discourage the use of these commands for secrets or other sensitive information, but we believe this change will make it easier for developers to debug their code.