🚀 Your one-stop GitHub Action for seamless Minecraft project publication across various platforms.
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2023-06-19 00:50:53 +02:00
.github/workflows Fixed ci action 2021-09-26 13:57:11 +03:00
dist Build 2022-08-21 15:22:53 +03:00
scripts Removed default values for nested inputs 2022-08-21 15:21:52 +03:00
src Exclude Javadoc jars from primary files by default () 2022-08-21 15:05:25 +03:00
test Update to latest dependency format 2023-06-19 00:50:53 +02:00
.eslintrc Refactoring 2022-07-05 20:44:29 +03:00
.gitattributes Initialized repo 2021-09-20 13:52:42 +03:00
.gitignore Initialized repo 2021-09-20 13:52:42 +03:00
action.template.yml Added fail-mode input 2022-07-05 18:08:11 +03:00
action.yml Build 2022-08-21 15:22:53 +03:00
babel.config.js Setup Jest 2021-09-21 10:27:32 +03:00
jest.config.js Covered curseforge-utils with tests 2021-09-25 15:45:44 +03:00
LICENSE.md Initialized repo 2021-09-20 13:52:42 +03:00
package-lock.json Bump version 2022-08-21 15:18:22 +03:00
package.json Bump version 2022-08-21 15:18:22 +03:00
README.md Bump version 2022-08-21 15:18:22 +03:00
tsconfig.json Enabled importing .json files 2021-12-07 21:16:10 +03:00

Publish Minecraft Mods - GitHub Action

GitHub tag GitHub build status GitHub license

The Publish Minecraft Mods action helps you upload assets of your Minecraft mods to GitHub Releases, Modrinth and CurseForge. This is a cross-platform action that runs on any environment.

📖 Usage

Most of the values are automatically resolved (read further for more info). Therefore, here's all you really need to publish your mod:

    # ...
      - uses: Kir-Antipov/mc-publish@v3.2
          # You don't need this section if you don't want to publish
          # your assets to Modrinth
          modrinth-id: AANobbMI
          modrinth-token: ${{ secrets.MODRINTH_TOKEN }}

          # You don't need this section if you don't want to publish
          # your assets to CurseForge
          curseforge-id: 394468
          curseforge-token: ${{ secrets.CURSEFORGE_TOKEN }}

          # You don't need this section if you don't want to publish
          # your assets to GitHub
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

🦜 Unnecessary Verbose Example

Please, do not consider the following example as something you should use. mc-publish was made to be as zero-configy as possible, you just do not need all this. It's here to show you most of the available inputs in the form of an actual configuration. It not only hurts me on a spiritual level to see configurations with hardcoded values that could be automatically resolved, but sometimes people copy-paste inputs that will break their workflows, e.g., I saw someone trying to use github-discussion: Announcements in repo that had neither "Announcements" discussion category, nor discussions in general. Occam's Razor in action - if you don't see a reason to use an input, just don't use it. With all that said, let's get back to our unnecessary verbose example:

    # ...
      - uses: Kir-Antipov/mc-publish@v3.2
          modrinth-id: AANobbMI
          modrinth-featured: true
          modrinth-unfeature-mode: subset
          modrinth-token: ${{ secrets.MODRINTH_TOKEN }}

          curseforge-id: 394468
          curseforge-token: ${{ secrets.CURSEFORGE_TOKEN }}

          github-tag: mc1.17.1-0.3.2
          github-generate-changelog: true
          github-draft: false
          github-prerelease: false
          github-commitish: dev
          github-discussion: Announcements
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

          files-primary: build/libs/!(*-@(dev|sources|javadoc)).jar
          files-secondary: build/libs/*-@(dev|sources|javadoc).jar

          name: Sodium 0.3.2 for Minecraft 1.17.1
          version: mc1.17.1-0.3.2
          version-type: release
          changelog-file: CHANGELOG.md

          loaders: |
          game-versions: |
          dependencies: |
            required-dependency | depends | *
            optional-dependency | recommends | 0.1.0
            suggested-dependency | suggests | 0.2.0
            included-dependency | includes | 0.3.0
            conflicting-dependency | conflicts | *
            incompatible-dependency | breaks | *            
          java: |

          retry-attempts: 2
          retry-delay: 10000
          fail-mode: fail

📝 Inputs

Name Description Default value Examples
modrinth-id The ID of the Modrinth project to upload to A value specified in the config file AANobbMI
modrinth-token A valid token for the Modrinth API ${{ secrets.MODRINTH_TOKEN }}
modrinth-featured Indicates whether the version should be featured on Modrinth or not true true
modrinth-unfeature-mode Determines the way automatic unfeaturing of older Modrinth versions works If modrinth-featured is set to true, subset; otherwise, none none
curseforge-id The ID of the CurseForge project to upload to A value specified in the config file 394468
curseforge-token A valid token for the CurseForge API ${{ secrets.CURSEFORGE_TOKEN }}
github-tag The tag name of the release to upload assets to A tag of the release that triggered the action, if any; otherwise it will be inferred from the GITHUB_REF environment variable mc1.17.1-0.3.2
github-generate-changelog Indicates whether to automatically generate the changelog for this release. If changelog is specified, it will be pre-pended to the automatically generated notes. Unused if the GitHub Release already exists 🛈 true, if changelog and changelog-file are not provided; otherwise, false false
github-draft true to create a draft (unpublished) release, false to create a published one. Unused if the GitHub Release already exists 🛈 false false
github-prerelease true to identify the release as a prerelease, false to identify the release as a full release. Unused if the GitHub Release already exists 🛈 false, if version-type is release; otherwise, true false
github-commitish Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA. Unused if the Git tag already exists 🛈 The repository's default branch dev
github-discussion If specified, a discussion of the specified category is created and linked to the release. Unused if the GitHub Release already exists 🛈 Announcements
github-token A valid token for the GitHub API ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
files A glob of the file(s) to upload build/libs/*.jar
files-primary A glob of the primary files to upload build/libs/!(*-@(dev|sources|javadoc)).jar build/libs/!(*-@(dev|sources|javadoc)).jar
files-secondary A glob of the secondary files to upload build/libs/*-@(dev|sources|javadoc).jar build/libs/*-@(dev|sources|javadoc).jar
name The name of the version A title of the release that triggered the action Sodium 0.3.2 for Minecraft 1.17.1
version The version number A tag of the release that triggered the action mc1.17.1-0.3.2
version-type The type of the release Will be parsed from the version value alpha
changelog The changelog for this version A body of the release that triggered the action This release fixes a few more issues in Sodium 0.3 for Minecraft 1.17.1.
changelog-file A glob of the changelog file CHANGELOG.md
loaders A list of supported mod loaders fabric for Fabric mods
forge for Forge mods
quilt for Quilt mods
game-versions A list of supported Minecraft versions A value specified in the config file, if any; otherwise, it will be parsed from the version value 21w37a
version-resolver Determines the way automatic game-versions resolvement works releasesIfAny exact
dependencies A list of dependencies A dependency list specified in the config file fabric | depends | 0.40.0
java A list of supported Java versions empty string Java 8
Java 1.8
retry-attempts The maximum number of attempts to publish assets 2 2
retry-delay Time delay between attempts to publish assets (in milliseconds) 10000 10000
fail-mode Determines how errors that occur during mod publishing process are handled fail fail

Note, that you can use any top-level property (name, version, dependencies, files, etc.) as a target-specific one. This can help you fine-tune mc-publish to suit your tastes and needs. For example, consider the following configuration:

# It is a good idea to share the same primary file among different targets
files-primary: build/libs/!(*-@(dev\|sources\|javadoc)).jar

modrinth-id: aaaAAAaa
modrinth-token: ${{ secrets.MODRINTH_TOKEN }}
# Modrinth-specific name for your mod
modrinth-name: Modrinth Mod
# Modrinth-specific secondary files
modrinth-files-secondary: build/libs/*-@(dev\|sources\|javadoc).jar
# Modrinth-specific dependencies
# It is possible to use project ids instead of slugs
modrinth-dependencies: |
  AANobbMI | depends | *

curseforge-id: 0
curseforge-token: ${{ secrets.CURSEFORGE_TOKEN }}
# CurseForge-specific name for your mod
curseforge-name: CurseForge Mod
# CurseForge-specific secondary files
curseforge-files-secondary: ""
# CurseForge-specific dependencies
# It is not possible to use project ids instead of slugs
curseforge-dependencies: |
  sodium | depends | *  


The ID of the Modrinth project to upload to.

modrinth-id: AANobbMI

Can be automatically retrieved from the config file of your mod:

  • fabric.mod.json (Fabric)

    • Custom mc-publish field (recommended):

        // ...
        "custom": {
          "mc-publish": {
            "modrinth": "AANobbMI"
    • Custom modmanager field (recommended):

        // ...
        "custom": {
          "modmanager": {
            "modrinth": "AANobbMI"
    • Custom projects field:

        // ...
        "custom": {
          "projects": {
            "modrinth": "AANobbMI"
    • projects field:

        // ...
        "projects": {
          "modrinth": "AANobbMI"
  • mods.toml (Forge)

    • Custom mc-publish field (recommended):

    • Custom projects field:

    • projects field:

  • quilt.mod.json (Quilt)

    • mc-publish field (recommended):

        // ...
        "mc-publish": {
          "modrinth": "AANobbMI"
    • projects field:

        // ...
        "projects": {
          "modrinth": "AANobbMI"


A valid token for the Modrinth API. It's required if you want to publish your assets to Modrinth.

modrinth-token: ${{ secrets.MODRINTH_TOKEN }}

Indicates whether the version should be featured on Modrinth or not.

modrinth-featured: true


Determines the way automatic unfeaturing of older Modrinth versions works. Default value is subset, if modrinth-featured is set to true; otherwise, none.

modrinth-unfeature-mode: version-intersection | loader-subset

Available presets:

  • none - no Modrinth versions will be unfeatured
  • subset - only those Modrinth versions which are considered a subset of the new one (i.e., new release suports all of the version's mod loaders and game versions) will be unfeatured
  • intersection - only those Modrinth versions which intersects with the new one (i.e., support at least one of the mod loaders and one of the game versions supported by the new release) will be unfeatured
  • any - all Modrinth versions will be unfeatured

If none of the given presets suits your needs, you can construct a new one from the following values via bitwise OR, like so - version-intersection | loaders-subset:

  • version-subset
  • version-intersection
  • version-any
  • loader-subset
  • loader-intersection
  • loader-any


The ID of the CurseForge project to upload to.

curseforge-id: 394468

Can be automatically retrieved from the config file of your mod:

  • fabric.mod.json (Fabric)

    • Custom mc-publish field (recommended):

        // ...
        "custom": {
          "mc-publish": {
            "curseforge": 394468
    • Custom modmanager field (recommended):

        // ...
        "custom": {
          "modmanager": {
            "curseforge": 394468
    • Custom projects field:

        // ...
        "custom": {
          "projects": {
            "curseforge": 394468
    • projects field:

        // ...
        "projects": {
          "curseforge": 394468
  • mods.toml (Forge)

    • Custom mc-publish field (recommended):

    • Custom projects field:

    • projects field:

  • quilt.mod.json (Quilt)

    • mc-publish field (recommended):

        // ...
        "mc-publish": {
          "curseforge": 394468
    • projects field:

        // ...
        "projects": {
          "curseforge": 394468


A valid token for the CurseForge API. It's required if you want to publish your assets to CurseForge.

curseforge-token: ${{ secrets.CURSEFORGE_TOKEN }}


The tag name of the release to upload assets to. If no value is provided, a tag of the release that triggered the action will be used, if any; otherwise it will be inferred from the GITHUB_REF environment variable.

github-tag: mc1.17.1-0.3.2


Indicates whether to automatically generate the changelog for this release. If changelog is specified, it will be pre-pended to the automatically generated notes. Unused if the GitHub Release already exists. Default value is true, if changelog and changelog-file are not provided; otherwise, false. 🛈

github-generate-changelog: false


true to create a draft (unpublished) release, false to create a published one. Unused if the GitHub Release already exists. Default value is false. 🛈

github-draft: false


true to identify the release as a prerelease, false to identify the release as a full release. Unused if the GitHub Release already exists. Default value is false, if version-type is release; otherwise, true. 🛈

github-prerelease: true


Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA. Unused if the Git tag already exists. Default value is the repository's default branch. 🛈

github-commitish: 347040cd637363613e56a6b333f09eaa5be3a196


If specified, a discussion of the specified category is created and linked to the release. Unused if the GitHub Release already exists. 🛈

github-discussion: Announcements


A valid token for the GitHub API. It's required if you want to publish your assets to GitHub.

github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


A glob of the file(s) to upload. If you want to publish multiple files, it's recommended to use files-primary and files-secondary instead.

files: build/libs/*.jar


A glob of the primary files to upload. Default value is build/libs/!(*-@(dev|sources|javadoc)).jar.

files-primary: build/libs/!(*-@(dev|sources|javadoc)).jar


A glob of the secondary files to upload. Default value is build/libs/*-@(dev|sources|javadocs).jar.

files-secondary: build/libs/*-@(dev|sources|javadoc).jar


The name of the version. If no value is provided, a title of the release that triggered the action will be used. If you want Modrinth and CurseForge to determine the version name themselves, omit the field with an empty string ("").

name: Sodium 0.3.2 for Minecraft 1.17.1


The version number. If no value is provided, a tag of the release that triggered the action is used.

version: mc1.17.1-0.3.2


The type of the release. If no value is provided, it will be parsed from the version value (e.g., 0.40.0+1.17-alpha results in alpha).

version-type: release


The changelog for this version. If no value is provided, a body of the release that triggered the action will be used.

changelog: This release fixes a few more issues in Sodium 0.3 for Minecraft 1.17.1.


A glob of the changelog file.

changelog-file: CHANGELOG.md


A list of supported mod loaders. If no value is provided, fabric will be used for valid Fabric mods, forge will be used for valid Forge mods, quilt will be used for valid Quilt mods, and fabric, quilt will be used for Fabric mods that were marked as Quilt-compatible.

Fabric mods can be marked as Quilt-compatible like so:

  • fabric.mod.json
      // ...
      "custom": {
        "mc-publish": {
          "quilt": true

loaders: |


A list of supported Minecraft versions. If no value is provided, the minimum supported version will be retrieved from the configuration file of your mod, if any, otherwise it will be parsed from the version value (e.g., 0.40.0+1.17 results in 1.17), and then it will be expanded using the specified version-resolver.

game-versions: |


Determines the way automatic game-versions resolvement works. Default value is releasesIfAny.

version-resolver: latest

Available values:

  • exact - exact game version (1.16 -> 1.16)
  • latest - the latest release of the given minor (1.16 -> 1.16.5)
  • all - all versions of the given minor starting with the specified build (1.16.5 -> [20w45a, 20w46a, 20w48a, 20w49a, 20w51a, 1.16.5-rc1, 1.16.5])
  • releases - all releases of the given minor starting with the specified build (1.16.3 -> [1.16.3, 1.16.4, 1.16.5])
  • releasesIfAny - all releases of the given minor starting with the specified build, if any; otherwise, all versions


A list of dependencies.

dependencies: |
  required-dependency | depends | *
  required-dependency | depends
  optional-dependency | recommends | 0.1.0
  suggested-dependency | suggests | 0.2.0
  included-dependency | includes | 0.3.0
  conflicting-dependency | conflicts | *
  incompatible-dependency | breaks | *  

As you can see, each dependency should be written on a new line using the following format - {id} | {kind=depends} | {version=*}.

Available dependency kinds:

  • depends - for dependencies required to run. Without them a game will crash.
  • recommends - for dependencies not required to run. Without them a game will log a warning.
  • suggests - for dependencies not required to run. Can be used as a kind of metadata.
  • includes - for dependencies embedded into the mod. Can be used as a kind of metadata.
  • conflicts - for mods whose together with yours cause some kind of bugs, etc. With them a game will log a warning.
  • breaks - for mods whose together with yours might cause a game crash. With them a game will crash.

Can be automatically retrieved from the config file of your mod:

  • fabric.mod.json (Fabric)

    "depends": {
      "required-dependency": "*"
    "recommends": {
      "optional-dependency": "0.1.0"
    "suggests": {
      "suggested-dependency": "0.2.0"
    "includes": {
      // Check if your version of the Fabric loader supports objects in dependency declarations.
      "included-dependency": {
        "version": "0.3.0",
        "custom": {
          "mc-publish": {
            "ignore": false, // `mc-publish` will ignore this dependency, if `ignore` is set to true
            "modrinth": "included-dependency-fabric", // Modrinth's project slug
            "curseforge": "included-dependency-fabric" // CurseForge's project slug
    "conflicts": {
      "conflicting-dependency": "*"
    "breaks": {
      "incompatible-dependency": "*"
  • mods.toml (Forge)

          ignore=false # `mc-publish` will ignore this dependency, if `ignore` is set to true
          modrinth="included-dependency-forge" # Modrinth's project slug
          curseforge="included-dependency-forge" # CurseForge's project slug
  • quilt.mod.json (Quilt)

    "depends": [
        "id": "optional-dependency",
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "optional": true
    "provides": [
        "id": "included-dependency",
        "version": "0.3.0",
        "mc-publish": {
          "ignore": false, // `mc-publish` will ignore this dependency, if `ignore` is set to true
          "modrinth": "included-dependency-fabric", // Modrinth's project slug
          "curseforge": "included-dependency-fabric" // CurseForge's project slug
    "breaks": [
        "id": "incompatible-dependency",
        "version": "*"
        "id": "conflicting-dependency",
        "version": "*",
        "unless": "some-mod-that-fixes-conflict"


A list of supported Java versions. It's omitted by default.

java: |
  Java 17  


The maximum number of attempts to publish assets.

retry-attempts: 2


Time delay between attempts to publish assets (in milliseconds).

retry-delay: 10000


Determines how errors that occur during mod publishing process are handled. Default value is fail.

fail-mode: fail

Available values:

  • fail - immediately sets the action status to failed and terminates its execution
  • warn - warns about errors. The action won't be terminated, nor its status will be set to failed
  • skip - warns about errors. The action won't be terminated, but its status will be set to failed after all specified targets have been processed