From fd2975b30b77eb37d86220fa9d5154611a4309b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kir_Antipov <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 16:24:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Implemented more reflection-specific helpers

 src/utils/reflection/object-reflector.ts      | 207 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../utils/reflection/object-reflector.spec.ts | 197 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 404 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/utils/reflection/object-reflector.ts
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/utils/reflection/object-reflector.spec.ts

diff --git a/src/utils/reflection/object-reflector.ts b/src/utils/reflection/object-reflector.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e20c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/reflection/object-reflector.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+import { $i, isIterable, KeyValueIterable, isKeyValueIterable, asArray } from "@/utils/collections";
+import { RecordKey, UnionToIntersection } from "@/utils/types";
+ * Defines nested properties on an object.
+ *
+ * @template T - The type of the object to define nested properties on.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to define nested properties on.
+ * @param properties - A map or iterable of property paths and property descriptors.
+ * @param factory - An optional factory function for creating property descriptors for nested objects.
+ *
+ * @returns The input object with the nested properties defined.
+ * @throws {TypeError} - If a path tries to define a property on a non-object value, e.g., `boolean`, `number`, etc.
+ */
+export function defineNestedProperties<T>(obj: T, properties: PropertyDescriptorMap | Iterable<readonly [string | readonly PropertyKey[], PropertyDescriptor]>, factory?: (obj: unknown, property: PropertyKey) => PropertyDescriptor): T | never {
+    const iterableProperties = isIterable(properties) ? properties : Object.entries(properties);
+    for (const [path, descriptor] of iterableProperties) {
+        defineNestedProperty(obj, path, descriptor, factory);
+    }
+    return obj;
+ * Defines a single nested property on an object using a property descriptor and an optional factory function.
+ *
+ * @template T - The type of the object to define the nested property on.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to define the nested property on.
+ * @param path - The path of the nested property to define, as a dot-separated string (e.g., "a.b.c") or an array of property keys.
+ * @param property - The property descriptor for the nested property.
+ * @param factory - An optional factory function for creating property descriptors for nested objects.
+ *
+ * @returns The input object with the nested property defined.
+ * @throws {TypeError} - If a path tries to define a property on a non-object value, e.g., `boolean`, `number`, etc.
+ */
+export function defineNestedProperty<T>(obj: T, path: string | readonly PropertyKey[], property: PropertyDescriptor, factory?: (obj: unknown, property: PropertyKey) => PropertyDescriptor): T | never {
+    path = typeof path === "string" ? path.split(".") : path;
+    factory ||= () => ({ value: { }, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true });
+    let currentObj = obj as Record<PropertyKey, unknown>;
+    const depth = path.length - 1;
+    for (let i = 0; i < depth; ++i) {
+        const propertyName = path[i];
+        const existingValue = currentObj[propertyName];
+        if (existingValue === undefined || existingValue === null) {
+            const nestedDescriptor = factory(currentObj, propertyName);
+            Object.defineProperty(currentObj, propertyName, nestedDescriptor);
+        }
+        currentObj = currentObj[propertyName] as Record<PropertyKey, unknown>;
+    }
+    const name = path[depth];
+    Object.defineProperty(currentObj, name, property);
+    return obj;
+ * Returns an iterable of all property descriptors from the given object and its prototypes.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to get the property descriptors from.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterable of key-descriptor pairs.
+ */
+export function* getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj: unknown): Iterable<[string | symbol, PropertyDescriptor]> {
+    const visited = new Set<string | symbol>();
+    while (obj !== undefined && obj !== null) {
+        const keys = Array.prototype.concat(
+            Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj),
+            Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)
+        );
+        const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj);
+        for (const key of keys) {
+            if (!visited.has(key)) {
+                visited.add(key);
+                yield [key, descriptors[key]];
+            }
+        }
+        obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
+    }
+ * Retrieves a property descriptor from the given object, considering its prototype chain.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to get the property descriptor from.
+ * @param key - The property key.
+ *
+ * @returns The property descriptor, or `undefined` if not found.
+ */
+export function getPropertyDescriptor(obj: unknown, key: PropertyKey): PropertyDescriptor {
+    key = typeof key === "number" ? String(key) : key;
+    const ownPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
+    if (ownPropertyDescriptor) {
+        return ownPropertyDescriptor;
+    }
+    return $i(getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj)).find(([x]) => x === key)?.[1];
+ * Generates an iterable of all keys from the given object and its prototypes.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to get the keys from.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterable of property keys.
+ */
+export function getAllKeys(obj: unknown): Iterable<string | symbol> {
+    return $i(getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj)).map(([key]) => key);
+ * Generates an iterable of all string keys from the given object and its prototypes.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to get the string keys from.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterable of string property keys.
+ */
+export function getAllNames(obj: unknown): Iterable<string> {
+    return $i(getAllKeys(obj)).filter((key): key is string => typeof key === "string");
+ * Generates an iterable of all symbol keys from the given object and its prototypes.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to get the symbol keys from.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterable of symbol property keys.
+ */
+export function getAllSymbols(obj: unknown): Iterable<symbol> {
+    return $i(getAllKeys(obj)).filter((key): key is symbol => typeof key === "symbol");
+ * Generates an iterable of all property values from the given object and its prototypes.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to get the property values from.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterable of property values.
+ */
+export function getAllValues(obj: unknown): Iterable<unknown> {
+    return $i(getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj)).map(([key]) => obj[key]);
+ * Generates an iterable of all entries from the given object and its prototypes.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to get the entries from.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterable of key-value pairs.
+ */
+export function getAllEntries(obj: unknown): Iterable<[string | symbol, unknown]> {
+    return $i(getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj)).map(([key]) => [key, obj[key]]);
+ * Retrieves the key-value pairs from an object.
+ *
+ * @template K - The key type.
+ * @template V - The value type.
+ *
+ * @param obj - The object to extract key-value pairs from.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterable containing the key-value pairs.
+ */
+export function getOwnEntries<K, V>(obj: KeyValueIterable<K, V> | Iterable<readonly [K, V]> | Record<RecordKey<K>, V>): Iterable<[K, V]> {
+    if (!obj) {
+        return [];
+    }
+    if (isKeyValueIterable(obj)) {
+        return obj.entries();
+    }
+    if (isIterable<[unknown, unknown]>(obj)) {
+        const entries = asArray(obj);
+        if (entries.every(x => Array.isArray(x))) {
+            return entries as Iterable<[K, V]>;
+        }
+    }
+    return Object.entries(obj) as Iterable<[K, V]>;
+ * Merges multiple objects into a single object while preserving property descriptors.
+ * If a property exists in multiple objects, the last object's descriptor takes precedence.
+ *
+ * @template T - A tuple of objects to be merged.
+ *
+ * @param values - The objects to be merged.
+ *
+ * @returns A single object resulting from the merge of input objects.
+ */
+export function merge<T extends unknown[]>(...values: T): UnionToIntersection<T[number]> {
+    const result = { } as UnionToIntersection<T[number]>;
+    const descriptors = $i(values).flatMap(x => getAllPropertyDescriptors(x));
+    for (const [property, descriptor] of descriptors) {
+        Object.defineProperty(result, property, descriptor);
+    }
+    return result;
diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/reflection/object-reflector.spec.ts b/tests/unit/utils/reflection/object-reflector.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..286a7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/utils/reflection/object-reflector.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+import {
+    defineNestedProperties,
+    defineNestedProperty,
+    getAllEntries,
+    getAllKeys,
+    getAllNames,
+    getAllPropertyDescriptors,
+    getAllSymbols,
+    getAllValues,
+    getOwnEntries,
+    getPropertyDescriptor,
+    merge,
+} from "@/utils/reflection/object-reflector";
+describe("defineNestedProperties", () => {
+    test("defines properties for the given object", () => {
+        const properties = {
+            "a.b.c": { value: 1, writable: true },
+            "a.b.d": { value: 2, writable: true },
+            "a.c": { value: 3, writable: true },
+            "b": { value: 4, writable: true },
+        };
+        const result = defineNestedProperties({}, properties);
+        expect(result).toHaveProperty("a.b.c", 1);
+        expect(result).toHaveProperty("a.b.d", 2);
+        expect(result).toHaveProperty("a.c", 3);
+        expect(result).toHaveProperty("b", 4);
+    });
+    test("throws TypeError for non-object value", () => {
+        const properties = { "a.b.c": { value: 1, writable: true } };
+        expect(() => defineNestedProperties(1, properties)).toThrow(TypeError);
+    });
+describe("defineNestedProperty", () => {
+    test("defines a property for the given object", () => {
+        const property = { value: 1, writable: true };
+        const result = defineNestedProperty({}, "a.b.c", property);
+        expect(result).toHaveProperty("a.b.c", 1);
+    });
+    test("throws TypeError for non-object value", () => {
+        const property = { value: 1, writable: true };
+        expect(() => defineNestedProperty(1, "a.b.c", property)).toThrow(TypeError);
+    });
+describe("getAllPropertyDescriptors", () => {
+    test("returns all property descriptors from the given object and its prototypes", () => {
+        const obj = { a: 1 };
+        const result = Array.from(getAllPropertyDescriptors(obj));
+        const keys =[key]) => key);
+        expect(keys).toContain("a");
+        expect(keys).toContain("toString");
+        expect(keys).toContain("constructor");
+    });
+describe("getPropertyDescriptor", () => {
+    test("returns the property descriptor of the given object", () => {
+        expect(getPropertyDescriptor({ a: 1 }, "a")).toBeDefined();
+        expect(getPropertyDescriptor({}, "toString")).toBeDefined();
+    });
+    test("returns undefined if property descriptor is not found", () => {
+        expect(getPropertyDescriptor({ a: 1 }, "b")).toBeUndefined();
+        expect(getPropertyDescriptor({}, "toJSON")).toBeUndefined();
+    });
+describe("getAllKeys", () => {
+    test("returns all keys from the given object and its prototypes", () => {
+        const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, [Symbol.toStringTag]: "3" };
+        const keys = Array.from(getAllKeys(obj));
+        expect(keys).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(["a", "b", Symbol.toStringTag, "toString", "constructor"]));
+    });
+describe("getAllNames", () => {
+    test("returns all string keys from the given object and its prototypes", () => {
+        const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, [Symbol.toStringTag]: "3" };
+        const names = Array.from(getAllNames(obj));
+        expect(names).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(["a", "b", "toString", "constructor"]));
+    });
+describe("getAllSymbols", () => {
+    test("returns all symbol keys from the given object and its prototypes", () => {
+        const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, [Symbol.toStringTag]: "3" };
+        const symbols = Array.from(getAllSymbols(obj));
+        expect(symbols).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([Symbol.toStringTag]));
+    });
+describe("getAllValues", () => {
+    test("returns all property values from the given object and its prototypes", () => {
+        const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, [Symbol.toStringTag]: "3" };
+        const values = Array.from(getAllValues(obj));
+        expect(values).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([1, 2, "3", Object.prototype.constructor, Object.prototype.toString]));
+    });
+describe("getAllEntries", () => {
+    test("returns all entries from the given object and its prototypes", () => {
+        const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, [Symbol.toStringTag]: "3" };
+        const entries = Array.from(getAllEntries(obj));
+        expect(entries).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([
+            ["a", 1],
+            ["b", 2],
+            [Symbol.toStringTag, "3"],
+            ["toString", Object.prototype.toString],
+            ["constructor", Object.prototype.constructor],
+        ]));
+    });
+describe("getOwnEntries", () => {
+    test("returns the key-value pairs from an object", () => {
+        const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };
+        const result = Array.from(getOwnEntries(obj));
+        expect(result).toEqual([["a", 1], ["b", 2]]);
+    });
+    test("returns the key-value pairs from a map", () => {
+        const map = new Map(Object.entries({ a: 1, b: 2 }));
+        const result = Array.from(getOwnEntries(map));
+        expect(result).toEqual([["a", 1], ["b", 2]]);
+    });
+    test("returns empty array if the object is null or undefined", () => {
+        expect(Array.from(getOwnEntries(null))).toEqual([]);
+        expect(Array.from(getOwnEntries(undefined))).toEqual([]);
+    });
+describe("merge", () => {
+    test("merges multiple objects into a single object while preserving property descriptors", () => {
+        const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
+        const obj2 = { c: 3, d: 4 };
+        const merged = merge(obj1, obj2);
+        expect(merged).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 });
+    });
+    test("respects precedence when merging objects", () => {
+        const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };
+        const obj2 = { b: 3, c: 4 };
+        const merged = merge(obj1, obj2);
+        expect(merged).toEqual({ a: 1, b: 3, c: 4 });
+        expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj2, "b")).toStrictEqual(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(merged, "b"));
+    });
+    test("preserves getters and setters when merging objects", () => {
+        const obj1 = {
+            _a: 1,
+            get a() { return this._a; },
+            set a(val) { this._a = val; },
+        };
+        const obj2 = {
+            _b: 2,
+            get b() { return this._b; },
+            set b(val) { this._b = val; }
+        };
+        const merged = merge(obj1, obj2);
+        expect(merged).toMatchObject({ a: 1, b: 2 });
+        expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(merged, "a")).toEqual(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj1, "a"));
+        expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(merged, "b")).toEqual(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj2, "b"));
+    });