diff --git a/test/publisher-factory.test.ts b/test/publisher-factory.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7569510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/publisher-factory.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import { describe, test, expect } from "@jest/globals";
+import PublisherFactory from "../src/publishing/publisher-factory";
+import PublisherTarget from "../src/publishing/publisher-target";
+import { getConsoleLogger } from "../src/utils/logger-utils";
+describe("PublisherFactory.create", () => {
+    test("factory can create publisher for every PublisherTarget value", () => {
+        const factory = new PublisherFactory();
+        for (const target of PublisherTarget.getValues()) {
+            const options = {};
+            const logger = getConsoleLogger();
+            const publisher = factory.create(target, options, logger);
+            expect(publisher.target).toStrictEqual(target);
+            expect((<any>publisher).options).toStrictEqual(options);
+            expect((<any>publisher).logger).toStrictEqual(logger);
+        }
+    });
+    test("every publisher has logger object", () => {
+        const factory = new PublisherFactory();
+        for (const target of PublisherTarget.getValues()) {
+            const options = {};
+            const publisher = factory.create(target, options);
+            expect(publisher.target).toStrictEqual(target);
+            expect((<any>publisher).options).toStrictEqual(options);
+            expect((<any>publisher).logger).toBeTruthy();
+        }
+    });
+    test("the method throws on invalid PublisherTarget value", () => {
+        const factory = new PublisherFactory();
+        expect(() => factory.create(-1, {})).toThrow();
+    });
+    test("the method throws on invalid options", () => {
+        const factory = new PublisherFactory();
+        const invalidOptions = [null, undefined, "", true, false, () => {}];
+        for (const target of PublisherTarget.getValues()) {
+            for (const options of invalidOptions) {
+                expect(() => factory.create(target, <any>options)).toThrow();
+            }
+        }
+    });