diff --git a/src/utils/auto-generated.ts b/src/utils/auto-generated.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecceb1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/auto-generated.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import { pad, splitLines, StringPadOptions } from "@/utils/string-utils";
+import { $i } from "@/utils/collections/iterable";
+import { DEFAULT_NEWLINE } from "@/utils/environment";
+ * Options for generating an auto-generated warning frame.
+ */
+export interface AutoGeneratedWarningFrameOptions {
+    /**
+     * An optional string representing the name of the source file.
+     *
+     * If provided, this will be displayed in the generated warning message.
+     */
+    sourceFileName?: string;
+    /**
+     * An optional string representing the warning message to display in the generated warning frame.
+     *
+     * If not provided, the default warning message will be used.
+     */
+    message?: string;
+    /**
+     * An optional string or array of strings representing how to align the contents of each line in the generated frame.
+     *
+     * If multiple values are provided, they will be used in order for each successive line.
+     */
+    align?: StringPadOptions["align"] | StringPadOptions["align"][];
+    /**
+     * Options for customizing the style of a frame.
+     */
+    style?: FrameStyle;
+    /**
+     * An optional number representing the maximum length of each line in the generated frame.
+     *
+     * If not provided, the length of each line will not be limited.
+     */
+    lineWidth?: number;
+    /**
+     * An optional string representing the character(s) to use for the newline sequence.
+     *
+     * If not provided, the value of {@link DEFAULT_NEWLINE} (`\r\n` on Windows, `\n` on Unix) will be used.
+     */
+    newline?: string;
+ * Options for generating an auto-generated warning frame, with an additional property for toggling whether or not to generate the warning message at all.
+ */
+export interface OptionalAutoGeneratedWarningFrameOptions extends AutoGeneratedWarningFrameOptions {
+    /**
+     * A boolean indicating whether or not to generate an auto-generated warning message in the formatted output.
+     *
+     * Defaults to `true`.
+     */
+    generateAutoGeneratedWarningMessage?: boolean;
+ * Options for customizing the style of a frame.
+ */
+export interface FrameStyle {
+    /**
+     * An optional string to prepend to each line of the generated frame.
+     *
+     * If not provided, the value of {@link filler} will be used.
+     */
+    lineStart?: string;
+    /**
+     * An optional string representing the character to use for the frame border.
+     *
+     * If not provided, `"#"` will be used.
+     */
+    filler?: string;
+    /**
+     * An optional string to append to each line of the generated frame.
+     *
+     * If not provided, the value of {@link filler} will be used.
+     */
+    lineEnd?: string;
+ * A predefined frame style for generating YAML-style frames with `#` characters.
+ */
+export const YAML_FRAME_STYLE: FrameStyle = { filler: "#" };
+ * A predefined frame style for generating JavaScript-style multiline comment frames with `/*...*‎/` syntax.
+ */
+export const JS_MULTILINE_FRAME_STYLE: FrameStyle = { lineStart: "/* ", filler: "*", lineEnd: " */" };
+ * A predefined frame-style for generating JavaScript-style single-line comment frames with `//` syntax.
+ */
+export const JS_SINGLELINE_FRAME_STYLE: FrameStyle = { filler: "//" };
+ * The default frame style to use if no style is specified.
+ *
+ * Uses the `YAML_FRAME_STYLE` style with `#` characters.
+ */
+ * The default alignment settings to use for the contents of each line in the generated frame.
+ */
+export const DEFAULT_FRAME_ALIGN = ["center"] as const;
+ * Generates a warning message that indicates the file is auto-generated and should not be edited.
+ *
+ * @param sourceFileName - An optional string that represents the name of the source file. If provided, the warning message will include instructions for modifying the source file instead of the auto-generated file.
+ *
+ * @returns A warning message that indicates the file is auto-generated and should not be edited.
+ */
+export function generateAutoGeneratedWarningText(sourceFileName?: string): string {
+    const baseWarning = "WARNING: AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!\n\nPlease be advised that this is an auto-generated file and should NOT be modified. Any changes made to this file WILL BE OVERWRITTEN.";
+    if (!sourceFileName) {
+        return baseWarning;
+    }
+    return `${baseWarning}\n\nTo make changes to the contents of this file, please modify the ${sourceFileName} file instead. This will ensure that your changes are properly reflected in the auto-generated file.`;
+ * Generates a warning frame containing an auto-generated warning message.
+ *
+ * @param options - Options for generating the warning frame.
+ *
+ * @returns A string representing the generated warning frame.
+ */
+export function generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame(options?: AutoGeneratedWarningFrameOptions): string {
+    const message = options?.message ?? generateAutoGeneratedWarningText(options?.sourceFileName);
+    const align = Array.isArray(options?.align) ? options.align : typeof options?.align === "string" ? [options.align] : DEFAULT_FRAME_ALIGN;
+    const filler = options?.style?.filler ?? DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE.filler;
+    const lineStart = options?.style?.lineStart ?? `${filler} `;
+    const lineEnd = options?.style?.lineEnd ?? ` ${filler}`;
+    const newline = options?.newline ?? DEFAULT_NEWLINE
+    const minLineLength = lineStart.length + lineEnd.length;
+    const maxLineLength = Math.max((options?.lineWidth || 0) - minLineLength, 0);
+    const lines = splitLines(message, { maxLength: maxLineLength });
+    const frameSize = $i(lines).map(x => x.length).max() || 0;
+    const fillerCount = Math.ceil(frameSize / filler.length);
+    const frameLine = `${lineStart}${filler.repeat(fillerCount)}${lineEnd}`;
+    const builtFrame = $i(lines)
+        .map((x, i) => pad(x, frameSize, { align: align[Math.min(i, align.length - 1)] }))
+        .map(x => `${lineStart}${x}${lineEnd}`)
+        .append(frameLine)
+        .prepend(frameLine)
+        .join(newline);
+    return builtFrame;
diff --git a/tests/unit/utils/auto-generated.spec.ts b/tests/unit/utils/auto-generated.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e69497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/utils/auto-generated.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import { generateAutoGeneratedWarningText, generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame, YAML_FRAME_STYLE } from "@/utils/auto-generated";
+describe("generateAutoGeneratedWarningText", () => {
+    test("generates the correct warning text without a source file name", () => {
+        const warning = generateAutoGeneratedWarningText();
+        expect(warning).toMatch("WARNING: AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!");
+        expect(warning).not.toMatch("To make changes to the contents of this file, please modify");
+    });
+    test("generates the correct warning text with a source file name", () => {
+        const warning = generateAutoGeneratedWarningText("test.ts");
+        expect(warning).toMatch("WARNING: AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!");
+        expect(warning).toMatch("To make changes to the contents of this file, please modify the test.ts file instead.");
+    });
+describe("generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame", () => {
+    test("generates a warning frame with default options", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame();
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^#\s+WARNING: AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!\s+#$/m);
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^#\s+Please be advised that this is an auto-generated file and should NOT be modified. Any changes made to this file WILL BE OVERWRITTEN.\s+#$/m);
+    });
+    test("generates a warning frame with a custom message", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({ message: "Custom message" });
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^#\sCustom message\s#$/m);
+    });
+    test("generates a warning frame with custom frame style", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({
+            style: {
+                lineStart: "/** ",
+                filler: "=",
+                lineEnd: " **/",
+            },
+        });
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^\/\*\*\s=+\s\*\*\/$/m);
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^\/\*\*\s+WARNING: AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!\s+\*\*\/$/m);
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^\/\*\*\s+Please be advised that this is an auto-generated file and should NOT be modified. Any changes made to this file WILL BE OVERWRITTEN.\s+\*\*\/$/m);
+    });
+    test("generates a warning frame respecting the lineWidth option", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({ lineWidth: 40 });
+        const lines = frame.split(/\r?\n/);
+        const lineWidths = new Set(lines.map(x => x.length));
+        const lineWidth = [...lineWidths.values()][0];
+        expect(lineWidths.size).toBe(1);
+        expect(Math.abs(40 - lineWidth)).toBeLessThanOrEqual(1);
+    });
+    test("aligns message to the left when align option is 'left'", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({ align: "left" });
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^#\sWARNING: AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!\s{2,}#$/m);
+    });
+    test("aligns message to the center when align option is 'center'", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({ align: "center" });
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^#\s{2,}WARNING: AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!\s{2,}#$/m);
+    });
+    test("aligns message to the right when align option is 'right'", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({ align: "right" });
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/^#\s{2,}WARNING: AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!\s#$/m);
+    });
+    test("uses \\n as newline sequence when newline option is '\\n'", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({ newline: "\n" });
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/\n/);
+        expect(frame).not.toMatch(/\r\n/);
+    });
+    test("uses \\r\\n as newline sequence when newline option is '\\r\\n'", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({ newline: "\r\n" });
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/\r\n/);
+        expect(frame).not.toMatch(/[^\r]\n/);
+    });
+    test("uses custom string as newline sequence when newline option is a custom string", () => {
+        const frame = generateAutoGeneratedWarningFrame({ newline: "NEWLINE" });
+        expect(frame).toMatch(/NEWLINE/);
+        expect(frame).not.toMatch(/\n/);
+        expect(frame).not.toMatch(/\r\n/);
+    });