From 25f06b7d0a2c962c6096d4fddda1a431ef910135 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kir_Antipov <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 10:32:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Made a couple useful middlewares for `fetch`

 src/utils/net/fetch-middlewares.ts | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 184 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/utils/net/fetch-middlewares.ts

diff --git a/src/utils/net/fetch-middlewares.ts b/src/utils/net/fetch-middlewares.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e35d45e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/net/fetch-middlewares.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+import { ArrayMap } from "@/utils/collections";
+import { EqualityComparer } from "@/utils/comparison";
+import { HttpError } from "@/utils/errors";
+import { Middleware } from "@/utils/functions";
+import { asString } from "@/utils/string-utils";
+import { Fetch } from "./fetch";
+import { httpMethodEquals } from "./http-method";
+import { HttpRequest } from "./http-request";
+import { HttpResponse } from "./http-response";
+ * Options for configuring the `defaultResponse` middleware.
+ */
+interface DefaultResponseOptions {
+    /**
+     * A filter function to determine whether a default response
+     * should be provided instead of the original one.
+     *
+     * By default, this function returns `true` for responses with a `404` status.
+     */
+    filter?: (response: HttpResponse) => boolean;
+    /**
+     * A factory function to create a custom `HttpResponse` instead of filtered responses.
+     *
+     * By default, this function returns an empty `HttpResponse` with the original status.
+     */
+    response?: (response: HttpResponse) => HttpResponse;
+ * Creates a middleware function that provides a default response to
+ * HTTP requests based on the provided options.
+ *
+ * The default behavior is to apply a default response when the HTTP response status is `404`.
+ *
+ * @param options - Configuration options for the default response behavior.
+ *
+ * @returns A middleware function that applies the default response logic.
+ */
+export function defaultResponse(options?: DefaultResponseOptions): Middleware<Fetch> {
+    const {
+        filter = (r: HttpResponse) => r.status === 404,
+        response: responseFactory = (r: HttpResponse) => HttpResponse.text("", r),
+    } = options || {};
+    return async (url, options, next) => {
+        const response = await next(url, options);
+        if (filter(response)) {
+            return responseFactory(response);
+        }
+        return response;
+    };
+ * Options for configuring the `throwOnError` middleware.
+ *
+ * The default behavior is to throw an error when the HTTP response has a non-ok (not 2xx) status.
+ */
+interface ThrowOnErrorOptions {
+    /**
+     * A filter function to determine whether an error should be thrown for a given response.
+     *
+     * By default, this function returns `true` for non-ok (not 2xx) responses.
+     */
+    filter?: (response: HttpResponse) => boolean;
+    /**
+     * An `Error` instance or a factory function to create an `Error` for filtered responses.
+     *
+     * By default, this function creates {@link HttpError} instances.
+     */
+    error?: Error | ((response: HttpResponse) => Error | Promise<Error>);
+ * Middleware that throws an error for certain HTTP responses based on the provided options.
+ *
+ * The default behavior is to throw an error when the HTTP response has a non-ok (not 2xx) status.
+ *
+ * @param options - Configuration options for the error throwing behavior.
+ *
+ * @returns A middleware function that applies the error throwing logic.
+ */
+export function throwOnError(options?: ThrowOnErrorOptions): Middleware<Fetch> {
+    const {
+        filter = (r: HttpResponse) => !r.ok,
+        error = HttpError.fromResponse,
+    } = options || {};
+    return async (url, options, next) => {
+        const response = await next(url, options);
+        if (filter(response)) {
+            const errorInstance = typeof error === "function" ? (await error(response)) : error;
+            throw errorInstance;
+        }
+        return response;
+    };
+ * Options for configuring the `simpleCache` middleware.
+ */
+interface SimpleCacheOptions {
+    /**
+     * A filter function to determine whether a request should be cached or not.
+     *
+     * @param url - The URL of the request.
+     * @param request - The HTTP request data.
+     *
+     * @returns A boolean indicating whether the request should be cached.
+     */
+    filter?: (url: string | URL, request?: HttpRequest) => boolean;
+    /**
+     * A custom comparer function to compare HttpCacheKey objects for equality.
+     */
+    comparer?: EqualityComparer<HttpCacheKey>;
+ * Represents an HTTP cache key, consisting of a URL and an optional HttpRequest.
+ */
+type HttpCacheKey = [url: string | URL, request?: HttpRequest];
+ * The default cache filter function.
+ *
+ * It checks if the URL has a "cache" query parameter.
+ * If the "cache" parameter is present without a value or with a value of "true" (case-insensitive),
+ * the request will be cached. Otherwise, the request will not be cached.
+ */
+const DEFAULT_CACHE_FILTER = (url: string | URL) =>
+    typeof url === "string" ? url.includes("cache=true") : (url.searchParams.get("cache") === "true");
+ * The default cache key comparer function.
+ *
+ * It checks if the URL and HTTP method of the two requests are equal.
+ * If they are equal, the response will be retrieved from the cache.
+ * Otherwise, the response will not be retrieved from the cache.
+ */
+const DEFAULT_CACHE_COMPARER = (left: HttpCacheKey, right: HttpCacheKey) => {
+    return httpMethodEquals(left[1]?.method, right[1]?.method) && asString(left[0]) === asString(right[0]);
+ * Creates a simple cache middleware for caching HTTP responses.
+ *
+ * The middleware intercepts requests and caches their responses based on the provided filter and comparer functions.
+ *
+ * By default, it caches requests with a "cache" query parameter set to "true" or an empty value
+ * based on their URL and HTTP method.
+ *
+ * @param options - Configuration options for caching behavior.
+ *
+ * @returns A middleware function that enables response caching.
+ */
+export function simpleCache(options?: SimpleCacheOptions): Middleware<Fetch> {
+    const {
+        filter = DEFAULT_CACHE_FILTER,
+        comparer = DEFAULT_CACHE_COMPARER,
+    } = options || {};
+    const cache = new ArrayMap<HttpCacheKey, HttpResponse>(comparer);
+    return async (url, request, next) => {
+        if (!filter(url, request)) {
+            return await next(url, request);
+        }
+        const cacheKey = [url, request] as HttpCacheKey;
+        const cachedResponse = cache.get(cacheKey);
+        if (cachedResponse) {
+            return cachedResponse;
+        }
+        const response = HttpResponse.cache(await next(url, request));
+        cache.set(cacheKey, response);
+        return response;
+    };