2016-04-09 01:09:26 +02:00

152 lines
5.5 KiB

*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library timeout=10 implicit_wait=0.5
Test Setup Open Browser http://localhost:11111/
Test Teardown Close All Browsers
*** Test Cases ***
Front page
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
About page
Click Element link=about
Page Should Contain Why use Searx?
Page Should Contain Element link=search engines
Preferences page
Click Element link=preferences
Page Should Contain Preferences
Page Should Contain Default categories
Page Should Contain Currently used search engines
Page Should Contain dummy_dummy
Page Should Contain general_dummy
Switch category
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
Page Should Contain Checkbox category_general
Page Should Contain Checkbox category_dummy
Click Element xpath=//*[.="general"]
Click Element xpath=//*[.="dummy"]
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected category_general
Checkbox Should Be Selected category_dummy
Change language
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
Select From List locale hu
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Page Should Contain rólunk
Page Should Contain beállítások
Change method
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
Select From List method GET
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be method GET
Select From List method POST
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be method POST
Change theme
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be theme default
Select From List theme oscar
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be theme oscar
Change safesearch
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be safesearch None
Select From List safesearch Strict
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be safesearch Strict
Change image proxy
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be image_proxy Disabled
Select From List image_proxy Enabled
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be image_proxy Enabled
Change search language
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be language Automatic
Select From List language Turkish (Turkey) - tr_TR
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be language Turkish (Turkey) - tr_TR
Change autocomplete
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be autocomplete -
Select From List autocomplete google
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be autocomplete google
Change allowed/disabled engines
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
Page Should Contain Engine name
Element Should Contain xpath=//label[@class="deny"][@for='engine_dummy_dummy_dummy'] Block
Element Should Contain xpath=//label[@class="deny"][@for='engine_general_general_dummy'] Block
Click Element xpath=//label[@class="deny"][@for='engine_general_general_dummy']
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
Page Should Contain Engine name
Element Should Contain xpath=//label[@class="deny"][@for='engine_dummy_dummy_dummy'] Block
Element Should Contain xpath=//label[@class="deny"][@for='engine_general_general_dummy'] \
Block a plugin
Page Should Contain about
Page Should Contain preferences
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be theme default
Select From List theme oscar
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
List Selection Should Be theme oscar
Page Should Contain Plugins
Click Link Plugins
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected id=plugin_HTTPS_rewrite
Click Element xpath=//label[@for='plugin_HTTPS_rewrite']
Submit Form id=search_form
Location Should Be http://localhost:11111/
Go To http://localhost:11111/preferences
Page Should Contain Plugins
Click Link Plugins
Checkbox Should Be Selected id=plugin_HTTPS_rewrite