Markus Heiser 733b795d53 [fix] make flask_babel.gettext() work in engine modules (L10n & threads)
  flask_babel.gettext() does not work in the engine modules.

  the request() and response() functions of the engine modules run in the
  processor, whose search() method runs in a thread and in the threads the
  context of the Flask app does not exist. The context of the Flask app is
  needed by the gettext() function for the L10n.

  copy context of the Flask app into the threads. [1]

special case:
  We cannot equip the search() method of the processors with the decorator [1],
  because the decorator requires a context (Flask app) that does not yet exist
  at the time of the initialization of the processors (the initialization of the
  processors is part of the initialization of the Flask app).

[1] https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.3.x/api/#flask.copy_current_request_context

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
2023-08-09 13:27:43 +02:00

214 lines
8.1 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring, too-few-public-methods
import threading
from copy import copy
from timeit import default_timer
from uuid import uuid4
import flask
from flask import copy_current_request_context
import babel
from searx import settings
from searx.answerers import ask
from searx.external_bang import get_bang_url
from searx.results import ResultContainer
from searx import logger
from searx.plugins import plugins
from searx.search.models import EngineRef, SearchQuery
from searx.engines import load_engines
from searx.network import initialize as initialize_network, check_network_configuration
from searx.metrics import initialize as initialize_metrics, counter_inc, histogram_observe_time
from searx.search.processors import PROCESSORS, initialize as initialize_processors
from searx.search.checker import initialize as initialize_checker
logger = logger.getChild('search')
def initialize(settings_engines=None, enable_checker=False, check_network=False, enable_metrics=True):
settings_engines = settings_engines or settings['engines']
initialize_network(settings_engines, settings['outgoing'])
if check_network:
initialize_metrics([engine['name'] for engine in settings_engines], enable_metrics)
if enable_checker:
class Search:
"""Search information container"""
__slots__ = "search_query", "result_container", "start_time", "actual_timeout"
def __init__(self, search_query: SearchQuery):
"""Initialize the Search"""
# init vars
self.search_query = search_query
self.result_container = ResultContainer()
self.start_time = None
self.actual_timeout = None
def search_external_bang(self):
Check if there is a external bang.
If yes, update self.result_container and return True
if self.search_query.external_bang:
self.result_container.redirect_url = get_bang_url(self.search_query)
# This means there was a valid bang and the
# rest of the search does not need to be continued
if isinstance(self.result_container.redirect_url, str):
return True
return False
def search_answerers(self):
Check if an answer return a result.
If yes, update self.result_container and return True
answerers_results = ask(self.search_query)
if answerers_results:
for results in answerers_results:
self.result_container.extend('answer', results)
return True
return False
# do search-request
def _get_requests(self):
# init vars
requests = []
# max of all selected engine timeout
default_timeout = 0
# start search-reqest for all selected engines
for engineref in self.search_query.engineref_list:
processor = PROCESSORS[engineref.name]
# stop the request now if the engine is suspend
if processor.extend_container_if_suspended(self.result_container):
# set default request parameters
request_params = processor.get_params(self.search_query, engineref.category)
if request_params is None:
counter_inc('engine', engineref.name, 'search', 'count', 'sent')
# append request to list
requests.append((engineref.name, self.search_query.query, request_params))
# update default_timeout
default_timeout = max(default_timeout, processor.engine.timeout)
# adjust timeout
max_request_timeout = settings['outgoing']['max_request_timeout']
actual_timeout = default_timeout
query_timeout = self.search_query.timeout_limit
if max_request_timeout is None and query_timeout is None:
# No max, no user query: default_timeout
elif max_request_timeout is None and query_timeout is not None:
# No max, but user query: From user query except if above default
actual_timeout = min(default_timeout, query_timeout)
elif max_request_timeout is not None and query_timeout is None:
# Max, no user query: Default except if above max
actual_timeout = min(default_timeout, max_request_timeout)
elif max_request_timeout is not None and query_timeout is not None:
# Max & user query: From user query except if above max
actual_timeout = min(query_timeout, max_request_timeout)
"actual_timeout={0} (default_timeout={1}, ?timeout_limit={2}, max_request_timeout={3})".format(
actual_timeout, default_timeout, query_timeout, max_request_timeout
return requests, actual_timeout
def search_multiple_requests(self, requests):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
search_id = str(uuid4())
for engine_name, query, request_params in requests:
_search = copy_current_request_context(PROCESSORS[engine_name].search)
th = threading.Thread( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
args=(query, request_params, self.result_container, self.start_time, self.actual_timeout),
th._timeout = False
th._engine_name = engine_name
for th in threading.enumerate(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if th.name == search_id:
remaining_time = max(0.0, self.actual_timeout - (default_timer() - self.start_time))
if th.is_alive():
th._timeout = True
self.result_container.add_unresponsive_engine(th._engine_name, 'timeout')
PROCESSORS[th._engine_name].logger.error('engine timeout')
def search_standard(self):
Update self.result_container, self.actual_timeout
requests, self.actual_timeout = self._get_requests()
# send all search-request
if requests:
# return results, suggestions, answers and infoboxes
return True
# do search-request
def search(self) -> ResultContainer:
self.start_time = default_timer()
if not self.search_external_bang():
if not self.search_answerers():
return self.result_container
class SearchWithPlugins(Search):
"""Inherit from the Search class, add calls to the plugins."""
__slots__ = 'ordered_plugin_list', 'request'
def __init__(self, search_query: SearchQuery, ordered_plugin_list, request: flask.Request):
self.ordered_plugin_list = ordered_plugin_list
self.result_container.on_result = self._on_result
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# get the "real" request to use it outside the Flask context.
# see
# * https://github.com/pallets/flask/blob/d01d26e5210e3ee4cbbdef12f05c886e08e92852/src/flask/globals.py#L55
# * https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug/blob/3c5d3c9bd0d9ce64590f0af8997a38f3823b368d/src/werkzeug/local.py#L548-L559
# * https://werkzeug.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/local/#werkzeug.local.LocalProxy._get_current_object
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
self.request = request._get_current_object()
def _on_result(self, result):
return plugins.call(self.ordered_plugin_list, 'on_result', self.request, self, result)
def search(self) -> ResultContainer:
if plugins.call(self.ordered_plugin_list, 'pre_search', self.request, self):
plugins.call(self.ordered_plugin_list, 'post_search', self.request, self)
return self.result_container