forked from Ponysearch/Ponysearch
check HTTP response: * detect some comme CAPTCHA challenge (no solving). In this case the engine is suspended for long a time. * otherwise raise HTTPError as before the check is done in (was before in update qwant, wikipedia, wikidata to use raise_for_httperror instead of raise_for_status
147 lines
5.4 KiB
147 lines
5.4 KiB
import typing
import inspect
import logging
from json import JSONDecodeError
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from searx.exceptions import (SearxXPathSyntaxException, SearxEngineXPathException, SearxEngineAPIException,
from searx import logger
errors_per_engines = {}
class ErrorContext:
__slots__ = 'filename', 'function', 'line_no', 'code', 'exception_classname', 'log_message', 'log_parameters'
def __init__(self, filename, function, line_no, code, exception_classname, log_message, log_parameters):
self.filename = filename
self.function = function
self.line_no = line_no
self.code = code
self.exception_classname = exception_classname
self.log_message = log_message
self.log_parameters = log_parameters
def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
if not isinstance(o, ErrorContext):
return False
return self.filename == o.filename and self.function == o.function and self.line_no == o.line_no\
and self.code == o.code and self.exception_classname == o.exception_classname\
and self.log_message == o.log_message and self.log_parameters == o.log_parameters
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.filename, self.function, self.line_no, self.code, self.exception_classname, self.log_message,
def __repr__(self):
return "ErrorContext({!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r})".\
format(self.filename, self.line_no, self.code, self.exception_classname, self.log_message,
def add_error_context(engine_name: str, error_context: ErrorContext) -> None:
errors_for_engine = errors_per_engines.setdefault(engine_name, {})
errors_for_engine[error_context] = errors_for_engine.get(error_context, 0) + 1
logger.debug('⚠️ %s: %s', engine_name, str(error_context))
def get_trace(traces):
previous_trace = traces[-1]
for trace in reversed(traces):
if trace.filename.endswith('searx/'):
if previous_trace.filename.endswith('searx/'):
return trace
if previous_trace.filename.endswith('requests/'):
return trace
return previous_trace
previous_trace = trace
return traces[-1]
def get_hostname(exc: RequestException) -> typing.Optional[None]:
url = exc.request.url
if url is None and exc.response is not None:
url = exc.response.url
return urlparse(url).netloc
def get_request_exception_messages(exc: RequestException)\
-> typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[str], typing.Optional[str], typing.Optional[str]]:
url = None
status_code = None
reason = None
hostname = None
if exc.request is not None:
url = exc.request.url
if url is None and exc.response is not None:
url = exc.response.url
if url is not None:
hostname = str(urlparse(url).netloc)
if exc.response is not None:
status_code = str(exc.response.status_code)
reason = exc.response.reason
return (status_code, reason, hostname)
def get_messages(exc, filename) -> typing.Tuple:
if isinstance(exc, JSONDecodeError):
return (exc.msg, )
if isinstance(exc, TypeError):
return (str(exc), )
if isinstance(exc, ValueError) and 'lxml' in filename:
return (str(exc), )
if isinstance(exc, RequestException):
return get_request_exception_messages(exc)
if isinstance(exc, SearxXPathSyntaxException):
return (exc.xpath_str, exc.message)
if isinstance(exc, SearxEngineXPathException):
return (exc.xpath_str, exc.message)
if isinstance(exc, SearxEngineAPIException):
return (str(exc.args[0]), )
if isinstance(exc, SearxEngineAccessDeniedException):
return (exc.message, )
return ()
def get_exception_classname(exc: Exception) -> str:
exc_class = exc.__class__
exc_name = exc_class.__qualname__
exc_module = exc_class.__module__
if exc_module is None or exc_module == str.__class__.__module__:
return exc_name
return exc_module + '.' + exc_name
def get_error_context(framerecords, exception_classname, log_message, log_parameters) -> ErrorContext:
searx_frame = get_trace(framerecords)
filename = searx_frame.filename
function = searx_frame.function
line_no = searx_frame.lineno
code = searx_frame.code_context[0].strip()
del framerecords
return ErrorContext(filename, function, line_no, code, exception_classname, log_message, log_parameters)
def record_exception(engine_name: str, exc: Exception) -> None:
framerecords = inspect.trace()
exception_classname = get_exception_classname(exc)
log_parameters = get_messages(exc, framerecords[-1][1])
error_context = get_error_context(framerecords, exception_classname, None, log_parameters)
add_error_context(engine_name, error_context)
del framerecords
def record_error(engine_name: str, log_message: str, log_parameters: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple] = None) -> None:
framerecords = list(reversed(inspect.stack()[1:]))
error_context = get_error_context(framerecords, None, log_message, log_parameters or ())
add_error_context(engine_name, error_context)
del framerecords