#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # shellcheck source=utils/lib.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/lib.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_install.sh source "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/lib_install.sh" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # config # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORTY_LISTEN="${MORTY_LISTEN:-}" PUBLIC_URL_PATH_MORTY="${PUBLIC_URL_PATH_MORTY:-/morty/}" PUBLIC_URL_MORTY="${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY:-$(echo "$PUBLIC_URL" | sed -e's,^\(.*://[^/]*\).*,\1,g')${PUBLIC_URL_PATH_MORTY}}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 MORTY_TIMEOUT=5 SERVICE_NAME="morty" SERVICE_USER="${SERVICE_USER:-${SERVICE_NAME}}" SERVICE_HOME_BASE="${SERVICE_HOME_BASE:-/usr/local}" SERVICE_HOME="${SERVICE_HOME_BASE}/${SERVICE_USER}" SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT="${SYSTEMD_UNITS}/${SERVICE_NAME}.service" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SERVICE_GROUP="${SERVICE_USER}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SERVICE_ENV_DEBUG=false GO_ENV="${SERVICE_HOME}/.go_env" GO_VERSION="go1.17.2" GO_PKG_URL="https://golang.org/dl/${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz" GO_TAR=$(basename "$GO_PKG_URL") # shellcheck disable=SC2034 CONFIG_FILES=() # Apache Settings APACHE_MORTY_SITE="morty.conf" NGINX_MORTY_SITE="morty.conf" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- usage() { # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shellcheck disable=SC1117 cat <<EOF usage:: $(basename "$0") shell $(basename "$0") install [all|check|user] $(basename "$0") reinstall all $(basename "$0") update [morty] $(basename "$0") remove [all] $(basename "$0") activate [service] $(basename "$0") deactivate [service] $(basename "$0") inspect [service] $(basename "$0") option [debug-on|debug-off|new-key] $(basename "$0") apache [install|remove] $(basename "$0") nginx [install|remove] $(basename "$0") info [searx] shell start interactive shell from user ${SERVICE_USER} install / remove :all: complete setup of morty service :user: add/remove service user '$SERVICE_USER' ($SERVICE_HOME) install :check: check the morty installation reinstall: :all: runs 'install/remove all' update morty Update morty installation ($SERVICE_HOME) activate service activate and start service daemon (systemd unit) deactivate service stop and deactivate service daemon (systemd unit) inspect service show service status and log option set one of the available options :new-key: set new morty key apache : ${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY} :install: apache site with a reverse proxy (ProxyPass) :remove: apache site ${APACHE_MORTY_SITE} nginx (${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY}) :install: nginx site with a reverse proxy (ProxyPass) :remove: nginx site ${NGINX_MORTY_SITE} ---- sourced ${DOT_CONFIG} : SERVICE_USER : ${SERVICE_USER} SERVICE_HOME : ${SERVICE_HOME} PUBLIC_URL_MORTY: : ${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY} MORTY_LISTEN: : ${MORTY_LISTEN} EOF install_log_searx_instance if in_container; then # in containers the service is listening on (see lxc-searx.env) for ip in $(global_IPs) ; do if [[ $ip =~ .*:.* ]]; then echo " container URL (IPv6): http://[${ip#*|}]:3000/" else # IPv4: echo " container URL (IPv4): http://${ip#*|}:3000/" fi done fi echo info_searx [[ -n ${1} ]] && err_msg "$1" } info_searx() { # shellcheck disable=SC1117 cat <<EOF To activate result and image proxy in SearXNG read: https://searxng.github.io/searxng/admin/morty.html Check settings in file ${SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH} ... result_proxy: url : ${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY} server: image_proxy : True EOF } main() { required_commands \ sudo install git wget curl \ || exit local _usage="ERROR: unknown or missing $1 command $2" case $1 in --getenv) var="$2"; echo "${!var}"; exit 0;; -h|--help) usage; exit 0;; shell) sudo_or_exit interactive_shell "${SERVICE_USER}" ;; inspect) case $2 in service) sudo_or_exit inspect_service ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; reinstall) rst_title "re-install $SERVICE_NAME" part sudo_or_exit case $2 in all) remove_all install_all ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; install) rst_title "$SERVICE_NAME" part sudo_or_exit case $2 in all) install_all ;; check) rst_title "Check morty installation" part install_check ;; user) assert_user ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; update) sudo_or_exit case $2 in morty) update_morty ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; remove) sudo_or_exit case $2 in all) remove_all;; user) drop_service_account "${SERVICE_USER}" ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; activate) sudo_or_exit case $2 in service) systemd_activate_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; deactivate) sudo_or_exit case $2 in service) systemd_deactivate_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; apache) sudo_or_exit case $2 in install) install_apache_site ;; remove) remove_apache_site ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; nginx) sudo_or_exit case $2 in install) install_nginx_site ;; remove) remove_nginx_site ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; info) case $2 in searx) info_searx ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; option) sudo_or_exit case $2 in new-key) set_new_key ;; debug-on) enable_debug ;; debug-off) disable_debug ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; doc) rst-doc ;; *) usage "ERROR: unknown or missing command $1"; exit 42;; esac } install_all() { MORTY_KEY="$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64)" rst_title "Install $SERVICE_NAME (service)" assert_user wait_key install_go "${GO_PKG_URL}" "${GO_TAR}" "${SERVICE_USER}" wait_key install_morty wait_key systemd_install_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" "${SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT}" wait_key if ! service_is_available "http://${MORTY_LISTEN}" ; then err_msg "Morty is not listening on: http://${MORTY_LISTEN}" fi if apache_is_installed; then info_msg "Apache is installed on this host." if ask_yn "Do you want to install a reverse proxy (ProxyPass)" Yn; then install_apache_site fi elif nginx_is_installed; then info_msg "nginx is installed on this host." if ask_yn "Do you want to install a reverse proxy (ProxyPass)" Yn; then install_nginx_site fi fi info_searx if ask_yn "Add image and result proxy to SearXNG settings.yml?" Yn; then "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/searx.sh" option result-proxy "${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY}" "${MORTY_KEY}" "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/searx.sh" option image-proxy-on fi if ask_yn "Do you want to inspect the installation?" Ny; then inspect_service fi } install_check() { if service_account_is_available "$SERVICE_USER"; then info_msg "service account $SERVICE_USER available." else err_msg "service account $SERVICE_USER not available!" fi if go_is_available "$SERVICE_USER"; then info_msg "~$SERVICE_USER: go is installed" else err_msg "~$SERVICE_USER: go is not installed" fi if morty_is_installed; then info_msg "~$SERVICE_USER: morty app is installed" else err_msg "~$SERVICE_USER: morty app is not installed!" fi if ! service_is_available "http://${MORTY_LISTEN}" ; then err_msg "Morty is not listening on: http://${MORTY_LISTEN}" echo -e "${_Green}stop with [${_BCyan}CTRL-C${_Green}] or .." wait_key fi if ! service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY}"; then warn_msg "Public service at ${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY} is not available!" if ! in_container; then warn_msg "Check if public name is correct and routed or use the public IP from above." fi fi if [[ "${GO_VERSION}" > "$(go_version)" ]]; then warn_msg "golang ($(go_version)) needs to be $GO_VERSION at least" warn_msg "you need to reinstall $SERVICE_USER --> $0 reinstall all" else info_msg "golang $(go_version) is installed (min needed is: $GO_VERSION)" fi } go_version(){ sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" <<EOF go version | cut -d' ' -f 3 EOF } remove_all() { rst_title "De-Install $SERVICE_NAME (service)" rst_para "\ It goes without saying that this script can only be used to remove installations that were installed with this script." if systemd_remove_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" "${SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT}"; then drop_service_account "${SERVICE_USER}" fi } assert_user() { rst_title "user $SERVICE_USER" section echo tee_stderr 1 <<EOF | bash | prefix_stdout useradd --shell /bin/bash --system \ --home-dir "$SERVICE_HOME" \ --comment 'Web content sanitizer proxy' $SERVICE_USER mkdir "$SERVICE_HOME" chown -R "$SERVICE_GROUP:$SERVICE_GROUP" "$SERVICE_HOME" groups $SERVICE_USER EOF SERVICE_HOME="$(sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" echo \$HOME)" export SERVICE_HOME echo "export SERVICE_HOME=$SERVICE_HOME" cat > "$GO_ENV" <<EOF export GOPATH=\$HOME/go-apps export PATH=\$HOME/local/go/bin:\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH EOF echo "Environment $GO_ENV has been setup." tee_stderr <<EOF | sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" grep -qFs -- 'source $GO_ENV' ~/.profile || echo 'source $GO_ENV' >> ~/.profile EOF } morty_is_installed() { [[ -f $SERVICE_HOME/go-apps/bin/morty ]] } _svcpr=" ${_Yellow}|${SERVICE_USER}|${_creset} " install_morty() { rst_title "Install morty in user's ~/go-apps" section echo tee_stderr <<EOF | sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_svcpr" go install -v github.com/asciimoo/morty@latest EOF } update_morty() { rst_title "Update morty" section echo tee_stderr <<EOF | sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" 2>&1 | prefix_stdout "$_svcpr" go install -v github.com/asciimoo/morty@latest EOF } set_service_env_debug() { # usage: set_service_env_debug [false|true] # shellcheck disable=SC2034 local SERVICE_ENV_DEBUG="${1:-false}" if systemd_remove_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" "${SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT}"; then systemd_install_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" "${SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT}" fi } inspect_service() { rst_title "service status & log" cat <<EOF sourced ${DOT_CONFIG} : SERVICE_USER : ${SERVICE_USER} SERVICE_HOME : ${SERVICE_HOME} PUBLIC_URL_MORTY: : ${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY} MORTY_LISTEN: : ${MORTY_LISTEN} EOF install_log_searx_instance install_check if in_container; then lxc_suite_info else info_msg "public URL --> ${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY}" info_msg "morty URL --> http://${MORTY_LISTEN}" fi local _debug_on if ask_yn "Enable morty debug mode (needs reinstall of systemd service)?"; then enable_debug _debug_on=1 else systemctl --no-pager -l status "${SERVICE_NAME}" fi echo # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "// use ${_BCyan}CTRL-C${_creset} to stop monitoring the log" read -r -s -n1 -t 5 echo while true; do trap break 2 journalctl -f -u "${SERVICE_NAME}" done if [[ $_debug_on == 1 ]]; then FORCE_SELECTION=Y disable_debug fi return 0 } enable_debug() { warn_msg "Do not enable debug in production environments!!" info_msg "Enabling debug option needs to reinstall systemd service!" set_service_env_debug true } disable_debug() { info_msg "Disabling debug option needs to reinstall systemd service!" set_service_env_debug false } set_new_key() { rst_title "Set morty key" echo MORTY_KEY="$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64)" info_msg "morty key: '${MORTY_KEY}'" warn_msg "this will need to reinstall services .." MSG="${_Green}press any [${_BCyan}KEY${_Green}] to continue // stop with [${_BCyan}CTRL-C${_creset}]" wait_key systemd_install_service "${SERVICE_NAME}" "${SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT}" "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/searx.sh" option result-proxy "${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY}" "${MORTY_KEY}" "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/searx.sh" option image-proxy-on } install_apache_site() { rst_title "Install Apache site $APACHE_MORTY_SITE" rst_para "\ This installs a reverse proxy (ProxyPass) into apache site (${APACHE_MORTY_SITE})" ! apache_is_installed && err_msg "Apache is not installed." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to continue?" Yn; then return else install_apache fi apache_install_site "${APACHE_MORTY_SITE}" info_msg "testing public url .." if ! service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY}"; then err_msg "Public service at ${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY} is not available!" fi } remove_apache_site() { rst_title "Remove Apache site $APACHE_MORTY_SITE" rst_para "\ This removes apache site ${APACHE_MORTY_SITE}." ! apache_is_installed && err_msg "Apache is not installed." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to continue?" Yn; then return fi apache_remove_site "$APACHE_MORTY_SITE" } install_nginx_site() { rst_title "Install nginx site $NGINX_MORTY_SITE" rst_para "\ This installs a reverse proxy (ProxyPass) into nginx site (${NGINX_MORTY_SITE})" ! nginx_is_installed && err_msg "nginx is not installed." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to continue?" Yn; then return else install_nginx fi "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/searx.sh" install uwsgi # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SEARX_SRC=$("${REPO_ROOT}/utils/searx.sh" --getenv SEARX_SRC) # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SEARXNG_URL_PATH=$("${REPO_ROOT}/utils/searx.sh" --getenv SEARXNG_URL_PATH) nginx_install_app "${NGINX_MORTY_SITE}" info_msg "testing public url .." if ! service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY}"; then err_msg "Public service at ${PUBLIC_URL_MORTY} is not available!" fi } remove_nginx_site() { rst_title "Remove nginx site $NGINX_MORTY_SITE" rst_para "\ This removes nginx site ${NGINX_MORTY_SITE}." ! nginx_is_installed && err_msg "nginx is not installed." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to continue?" Yn; then return fi nginx_remove_site "$NGINX_MORTY_SITE" } rst-doc() { eval "echo \"$(< "${REPO_ROOT}/docs/build-templates/morty.rst")\"" echo -e "\n.. START install systemd unit" cat <<EOF .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: systemd .. code:: bash EOF eval "echo \"$(< "${TEMPLATES}/${SERVICE_SYSTEMD_UNIT}")\"" | prefix_stdout " " echo -e "\n.. END install systemd unit" # for DIST_NAME in ubuntu-20.04 arch fedora centos; do # ( # DIST_ID=${DIST_NAME%-*} # DIST_VERS=${DIST_NAME#*-} # [[ $DIST_VERS =~ $DIST_ID ]] && DIST_VERS= # # ... # ) # done } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- main "$@" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------