''' searx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. searx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with searx. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >. (C) 2013- by Adam Tauber, <asciimoo@gmail.com> ''' # list of language codes language_codes = ( ("ar_XA", "Arabic", "Arabia"), ("bg_BG", "Bulgarian", "Bulgaria"), ("cs_CZ", "Czech", "Czech Republic"), ("de_DE", "German", "Germany"), ("da_DK", "Danish", "Denmark"), ("de_AT", "German", "Austria"), ("de_CH", "German", "Switzerland"), ("el_GR", "Greek", "Greece"), ("en_AU", "English", "Australia"), ("en_CA", "English", "Canada"), ("en_GB", "English", "United Kingdom"), ("en_ID", "English", "Indonesia"), ("en_IE", "English", "Ireland"), ("en_IN", "English", "India"), ("en_MY", "English", "Malaysia"), ("en_NZ", "English", "New Zealand"), ("en_PH", "English", "Philippines"), ("en_SG", "English", "Singapore"), ("en_US", "English", "United States"), ("en_XA", "English", "Arabia"), ("en_ZA", "English", "South Africa"), ("es_AR", "Spanish", "Argentina"), ("es_CL", "Spanish", "Chile"), ("es_ES", "Spanish", "Spain"), ("es_MX", "Spanish", "Mexico"), ("es_US", "Spanish", "United States"), ("es_XL", "Spanish", "Latin America"), ("et_EE", "Estonian", "Estonia"), ("fi_FI", "Finnish", "Finland"), ("fr_BE", "French", "Belgium"), ("fr_CA", "French", "Canada"), ("fr_CH", "French", "Switzerland"), ("fr_FR", "French", "France"), ("he_IL", "Hebrew", "Israel"), ("hr_HR", "Croatian", "Croatia"), ("hu_HU", "Hungarian", "Hungary"), ("it_IT", "Italian", "Italy"), ("ja_JP", "Japanese", "Japan"), ("ko_KR", "Korean", "Korea"), ("lt_LT", "Lithuanian", "Lithuania"), ("lv_LV", "Latvian", "Latvia"), ("nb_NO", "Norwegian", "Norway"), ("nl_BE", "Dutch", "Belgium"), ("nl_NL", "Dutch", "Netherlands"), ("pl_PL", "Polish", "Poland"), ("pt_BR", "Portuguese", "Brazil"), ("pt_PT", "Portuguese", "Portugal"), ("ro_RO", "Romanian", "Romania"), ("ru_RU", "Russian", "Russia"), ("sk_SK", "Slovak", "Slovak Republic"), ("sl_SL", "Slovenian", "Slovenia"), ("sv_SE", "Swedish", "Sweden"), ("th_TH", "Thai", "Thailand"), ("tr_TR", "Turkish", "Turkey"), ("uk_UA", "Ukrainian", "Ukraine"), ("zh_CN", "Chinese", "China"), ("zh_HK", "Chinese", "Hong Kong SAR"), ("zh_TW", "Chinese", "Taiwan"))