.. _translation: =========== Translation =========== .. _weblate.bubu1.eu: https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/ Translation takes place on `weblate.bubu1.eu`_ ( `documentation `_ ). New messages on the master branch are extracted and pushed to Weblate automatically. Every Friday, a GitHub workflow creates a pull request with the updated translations (messages.mo, messages.po, messages.mo files). .. image:: https://weblate.bubu1.eu/widgets/searxng/-/searxng/svg-badge.svg :target: https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/ Weblate integration =================== Weblate monitors the `translations branch `_, not the master branch. This branch contains only the .pot and pot files, nothing else. Documentation ------------- * `wlc `_ * `pybabel `_ * `weblate workflow `_ Worfklow -------- .. image:: translation.svg wlc --- All weblate integration is done by GitHub workflows, but if you want to use wlc, copy this content into `~/.config/weblate `_ : .. code-block:: ini [keys] https://weblate.bubu1.eu/api/ = APIKEY Replace `APIKEY` by `your API key `_.