#!/usr/bin/env bash # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: sh indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2034 main_cmd="$(basename "$0")" # shellcheck source=utils/lib.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_nvm.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_sxng_data.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_sxng_data.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_sxng_weblate.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_sxng_weblate.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_sxng_static.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_sxng_static.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_sxng_node.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_sxng_node.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_sxng_themes.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_sxng_themes.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_sxng_test.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_sxng_test.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_go.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_go.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_redis.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib_redis.sh" PATH="${REPO_ROOT}/node_modules/.bin:${PATH}" # config PYOBJECTS="searx" PY_SETUP_EXTRAS='[test]' GECKODRIVER_VERSION="v0.35.0" # SPHINXOPTS= BLACK_OPTIONS=("--target-version" "py311" "--line-length" "120" "--skip-string-normalization") BLACK_TARGETS=("--exclude" "(searx/static|searx/languages.py)" "--include" 'searxng.msg|\.pyi?$' "searx" "searxng_extra" "tests") _dev_redis_sock="/usr/local/searxng-redis/run/redis.sock" # set SEARXNG_REDIS_URL if it is not defined and "{_dev_redis_sock}" exists. if [ -S "${_dev_redis_sock}" ] && [ -z "${SEARXNG_REDIS_URL}" ]; then export SEARXNG_REDIS_URL="unix://${_dev_redis_sock}?db=0" fi YAMLLINT_FILES=() while IFS= read -r line; do if [ "$line" != "tests/unit/settings/syntaxerror_settings.yml" ]; then YAMLLINT_FILES+=("$line") fi done <<< "$(git ls-files './tests/*.yml' './searx/*.yml' './utils/templates/etc/searxng/*.yml')" RST_FILES=( 'README.rst' ) help() { nvm.help cat <<EOF webapp.: run : run developer instance docs.: html : build HTML documentation live : autobuild HTML documentation while editing gh-pages : deploy on gh-pages branch prebuild : build reST include files (./${DOCS_BUILD}/includes) clean : clean documentation build docker.: build : build docker image push : build and push docker image gecko.driver: download & install geckodriver if not already installed (required for robot_tests) redis: build : build redis binaries at $(redis._get_dist) install : create user (${REDIS_USER}) and install systemd service (${REDIS_SERVICE_NAME}) help : show more redis commands py.: build : Build python packages at ./${PYDIST} clean : delete virtualenv and intermediate py files pyenv.: install : developer install of SearXNG into virtualenv uninstall : uninstall developer installation cmd ... : run command ... in virtualenv OK : test if virtualenv is OK format.: python : format Python code source using black pygments.: less : build LESS files for pygments EOF go.help node.help weblate.help data.help test.help themes.help static.help cat <<EOF environment ... SEARXNG_REDIS_URL : ${SEARXNG_REDIS_URL} EOF } if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then SPHINX_VERBOSE="-v" PYLINT_VERBOSE="-v" fi # needed by sphinx-docs export DOCS_BUILD webapp.run() { local parent_proc="$$" ( if [ "${LIVE_THEME}" ]; then ( themes.live "${LIVE_THEME}" ) kill $parent_proc fi )& ( sleep 3 xdg-open )& SEARXNG_DEBUG=1 pyenv.cmd python -m searx.webapp } docker.push() { docker.build push } docker.buildx() { docker.build buildx } # shellcheck disable=SC2119 docker.build() { pyenv.install local SEARXNG_GIT_VERSION local VERSION_GITCOMMIT local GITHUB_USER local SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME local BUILD build_msg DOCKER build # run installation in a subprocess and activate pyenv # See https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC1001 and others .. # shellcheck disable=SC2031,SC2230,SC2002,SC2236,SC2143,SC1001 ( set -e pyenv.activate # Check if it is a git repository if [ ! -d .git ]; then die 1 "This is not Git repository" fi if [ ! -x "$(which git)" ]; then die 1 "git is not installed" fi if ! git remote get-url origin 2> /dev/null; then die 1 "there is no remote origin" fi # This is a git repository git update-index -q --refresh python -m searx.version freeze eval "$(python -m searx.version)" # Get the last git commit id VERSION_GITCOMMIT=$(echo "$VERSION_TAG" | cut -d+ -f2) build_msg DOCKER "Last commit : $VERSION_GITCOMMIT" # define the docker image name GITHUB_USER=$(echo "${GIT_URL}" | sed 's/.*github\.com\/\([^\/]*\).*/\1/') SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME="${SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME:-${GITHUB_USER:-searxng}/searxng}" BUILD="build" if [ "$1" = "buildx" ]; then # buildx includes the push option CACHE_TAG="${SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME}:latest-build-cache" BUILD="buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 --push --cache-from=type=registry,ref=$CACHE_TAG --cache-to=type=registry,ref=$CACHE_TAG,mode=max" shift fi build_msg DOCKER "Build command: ${BUILD}" # build Docker image build_msg DOCKER "Building image ${SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME}:${SEARXNG_GIT_VERSION}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 docker $BUILD \ --build-arg BASE_IMAGE="${DEPENDENCIES_IMAGE_NAME}" \ --build-arg GIT_URL="${GIT_URL}" \ --build-arg SEARXNG_DOCKER_TAG="${DOCKER_TAG}" \ --build-arg SEARXNG_GIT_VERSION="${VERSION_STRING}" \ --build-arg VERSION_GITCOMMIT="${VERSION_GITCOMMIT}" \ --build-arg LABEL_DATE="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")" \ --build-arg LABEL_VCS_REF="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \ --build-arg LABEL_VCS_URL="${GIT_URL}" \ --build-arg TIMESTAMP_SETTINGS="$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- searx/settings.yml)" \ --build-arg TIMESTAMP_UWSGI="$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini)" \ -t "${SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME}:latest" -t "${SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_TAG}" . if [ "$1" = "push" ]; then docker push "${SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME}:latest" docker push "${SEARXNG_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_TAG}" fi ) dump_return $? } # shellcheck disable=SC2119 gecko.driver() { pyenv.install build_msg INSTALL "gecko.driver" # run installation in a subprocess and activate pyenv ( set -e pyenv.activate INSTALLED_VERSION=$(geckodriver -V 2> /dev/null | head -1 | awk '{ print "v" $2}') || INSTALLED_VERSION="" set +e if [ "${INSTALLED_VERSION}" = "${GECKODRIVER_VERSION}" ]; then build_msg INSTALL "geckodriver already installed" return fi PLATFORM="$(python3 -c 'import platform; print(platform.system().lower(), platform.architecture()[0])')" case "$PLATFORM" in "linux 32bit" | "linux2 32bit") ARCH="linux32";; "linux 64bit" | "linux2 64bit") ARCH="linux64";; "windows 32 bit") ARCH="win32";; "windows 64 bit") ARCH="win64";; "mac 64bit") ARCH="macos";; esac GECKODRIVER_URL="https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/$GECKODRIVER_VERSION/geckodriver-$GECKODRIVER_VERSION-$ARCH.tar.gz"; build_msg GECKO "Installing ${PY_ENV_BIN}/geckodriver from $GECKODRIVER_URL" FILE="$(mktemp)" wget -qO "$FILE" -- "$GECKODRIVER_URL" && tar xz -C "${PY_ENV_BIN}" -f "$FILE" geckodriver rm -- "$FILE" chmod 755 -- "${PY_ENV_BIN}/geckodriver" ) dump_return $? } pygments.less() { build_msg PYGMENTS "searxng_extra/update/update_pygments.py" if ! pyenv.cmd python searxng_extra/update/update_pygments.py; then build_msg PYGMENTS "building LESS files for pygments failed" return 1 fi return 0 } py.build() { build_msg BUILD "python package ${PYDIST}" pyenv.cmd python setup.py \ sdist -d "${PYDIST}" \ bdist_wheel --bdist-dir "${PYBUILD}" -d "${PYDIST}" } py.clean() { build_msg CLEAN pyenv ( set -e pyenv.drop [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x rm -rf "${PYDIST}" "${PYBUILD}" "${PY_ENV}" ./.tox ./*.egg-info find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} + ) } pyenv.check() { cat <<EOF import yaml print('import yaml --> OK') EOF } pyenv.install() { if ! pyenv.OK; then py.clean > /dev/null fi if pyenv.install.OK > /dev/null; then return 0 fi ( set -e pyenv build_msg PYENV "[install] pip install -e 'searx${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}'" "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install -e ".${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}" ) local exit_val=$? if [ ! $exit_val -eq 0 ]; then die 42 "error while pip install (${PY_ENV_BIN})" fi } pyenv.uninstall() { build_msg PYENV "[pyenv.uninstall] uninstall packages: ${PYOBJECTS}" pyenv.cmd python setup.py develop --uninstall 2>&1 \ | prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[pyenv.uninstall] " } format.python() { build_msg TEST "[format.python] black \$BLACK_TARGETS" pyenv.cmd black "${BLACK_OPTIONS[@]}" "${BLACK_TARGETS[@]}" dump_return $? } # shellcheck disable=SC2119 main() { local _type local cmd="$1"; shift if [ "$cmd" == "" ]; then help err_msg "missing command" return 42 fi case "$cmd" in --getenv) var="$1"; echo "${!var}";; --help) help;; --*) help err_msg "unknown option $cmd" return 42 ;; *) _type="$(type -t "$cmd")" if [ "$_type" != 'function' ]; then err_msg "unknown command: $cmd / use --help" return 42 else "$cmd" "$@" fi ;; esac } main "$@"