from HTMLParser import HTMLParser #import htmlentitydefs import csv from codecs import getincrementalencoder import cStringIO import re from random import choice ua_versions = ('26.0', '27.0', '28.0') ua_os = ('Windows NT 6.3; WOW64', 'X11; Linux x86_64', 'X11; Linux x86') ua = "Mozilla/5.0 ({os}) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/{version}" def gen_useragent(): # TODO return ua.format(os=choice(ua_os), version=choice(ua_versions)) def highlight_content(content, query): if not content: return None # ignoring html contents # TODO better html content detection if content.find('<') != -1: return content query = query.decode('utf-8') if content.lower().find(query.lower()) > -1: query_regex = u'({0})'.format(re.escape(query)) content = re.sub(query_regex, '\\1', content, flags=re.I | re.U) else: regex_parts = [] for chunk in query.split(): if len(chunk) == 1: regex_parts.append(u'\W+{0}\W+'.format(re.escape(chunk))) else: regex_parts.append(u'{0}'.format(re.escape(chunk))) query_regex = u'({0})'.format('|'.join(regex_parts)) content = re.sub(query_regex, '\\1', content, flags=re.I | re.U) return content class HTMLTextExtractor(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.result = [] def handle_data(self, d): self.result.append(d) def handle_charref(self, number): if number[0] in (u'x', u'X'): codepoint = int(number[1:], 16) else: codepoint = int(number) self.result.append(unichr(codepoint)) def handle_entityref(self, name): #codepoint = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[name] #self.result.append(unichr(codepoint)) self.result.append(name) def get_text(self): return u''.join(self.result) def html_to_text(html): s = HTMLTextExtractor() s.feed(html) return s.get_text() class UnicodeWriter: """ A CSV writer which will write rows to CSV file "f", which is encoded in the given encoding. """ def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8", **kwds): # Redirect output to a queue self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO() self.writer = csv.writer(self.queue, dialect=dialect, **kwds) = f self.encoder = getincrementalencoder(encoding)() def writerow(self, row): unicode_row = [] for col in row: if type(col) == str or type(col) == unicode: unicode_row.append(col.encode('utf-8').strip()) else: unicode_row.append(col) self.writer.writerow(unicode_row) # Fetch UTF-8 output from the queue ... data = self.queue.getvalue() data = data.decode("utf-8") # ... and reencode it into the target encoding data = self.encoder.encode(data) # write to the target stream # empty queue self.queue.truncate(0) def writerows(self, rows): for row in rows: self.writerow(row)