These dictionaries are no longer part of the general category,
so they're no longer queried by default -> we can enable them
by default without degrading general query performance.
The general category is the category that is searched by default.
From a privacy standpoint it doesn't make sense to send all general
queries to specialized search engines that cannot deal with those
queries anyway.
Previously we didn't have a good place to put search engines that don't
fit into any of the tab categories. This commit automatically puts
search engines that don't belong to any tab category in an "other"
category, that is only displayed in the user preferences (and not above
search results).
Add a redis connector, the default DB connector is a socket at::
To set up a redis instance simply use::
$ ./manage
$ sudo -H ./manage redis.install
A hint for developers:
To get access rights to this instance, your developer account needs to be added
to the *searxng-redis* group::
$ sudo -H ./manage redis.addgrp "${USER}"
# don't forget to logout & login to get member of group
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Previously all categories were displayed as search engine tabs.
This commit changes that so that only the categories listed under
categories_as_tabs in settings.yml are displayed.
This lets us introduce more categories without cluttering up the UI.
Categories not displayed as tabs can still be searched with !bangs.
Add event listener to query selector::
'#urls img.image'
From the user point of view, I think it is better to hide the image:
img_load_error.svg is helplful in the image category because it still allows to
select the image. IMO, in the news category, the fact there is a missing image
won't help to choose the links. From a developer point of view, the place holder
is signal that may be the engine needs to be updated (at least give a look). The
browser console should show the same information too, but it requires some
additional steps. [1]
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Fix pylint issues from commit (3d96a983)
[format.python] initial formatting of the python code
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Disable the python code formatting from python-black, where the readability of
code suffers by formatting.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Follow up queries for the pages needed to be fixed.
- Split search-term in one for initial query and one for following queries.
- Set some headers in HTTP requests, bing needs for paging support.
- IMO //div[@class="sa_cc"] does no longer match in a bing response.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Fix remarks from pylint and improved code-style. In preparation for a bug-fix
of the Bing (Web) engine I add this engine to the pylint-list.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Images should include dimension attributes. Without `width` and `height`
specified, image dimensions are 0×0 pixels at first. ... In this case the
browser determines that all of them are visible to the user and decides to load
everything [1].
In CSS the `width` is set to a value and the `height` is unsed to scale the image
proportional in both dimensions.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Add the 'SearXNG JavaScript Style Guide' as one quality gate in the build chain
of the simple theme::
make themes.simple
make themes.simple.test
In the github CI the `themes.all` target enforce a `themes.simple`.
BTW: Remove 'jshint' left overs from 0ee316f3d
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
automatically fix some of the problems reported by eslint rules::
$ ./manage nvm.bash
nvm-env$ npm --prefix searx/static/themes/simple run eslint-fix
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
All three filters (`language`, `time_range` and `safesearch`) are rendered in
one line. A size of 45% for `language` and `time_range` left only 10% for the
`safesearch` filter. Solution: drop with from `language` and `time_range`.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The CSP issue is, that the `_Position` function in the autocomplete-js set the
style attributes by `setAttribute("style", ...)`. Using `setAttribute` to set
the style attribute invokes the HTML parser and CSP is triggered [1].
This patch overwrite the `_Position` function of autocomplete-js.
BTW: remove trailing whitespace
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Include the source files directly in the `.map` files [1] for two reasons:
1. In the simple theme, modules from `./node_modules` are only available on
developer's build host (a `make node.env` is needed to get the sources). By
example; in the `` file, the `autocomplete.js` is linked at
2. Later, when client sources has been moved out of the `./static` URL [2] to
the `<repo-roo>/src` folder, all JS sources are no longer available.
Drawback: `.map` files grow up in size, but this should not bother, because the
files are only loaded in debug mode.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* searx/static/themes/simple/js/searxng.head.js
* searx/static/themes/simple/js/searxng.js
* searx/static/themes/simple/css/searxng-rtl.css
* searx/static/themes/simple/css/searxng.css
These files are never used.
About the js files: the .map files references the sources instead of the concated version.
In window.searxng.theme the theme data can be passed through to JS
Initial the window.searxng.theme namespace starts with a value for
// image that is displayed if load of <img src='...'> failed
img_load_error: 'img/img_load_error.svg'
The searx/static/themes/__common__/js/image_layout.js is patched to uses the
value, if the theme defines a value for img_load_error in this namespace.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The *background color* of an transparent image is the color of the color of
wallpaper on which all images are shown on.
Set variable `--color-result-image-background` and `--color-base-background` to
the same value.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* move `searx/static/themes/simple/img/searxng.svg` to `src/brand/searxng.svg`
* README.rst can use it without a reference to a theme.
* the simple theme can create `searx/static/themes/simple/img/searxng.png` using
the svg2png task
Suggested-by: @dalf
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
This is a follow up of 9a3253fc escaping `<` and `>` in all themes. This patch
fix issue in oscar theme
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
define a custom grunt task, since grunt-sharp is too old (it can't be installed).
in gruntfile.js, the image tasks are moved at the end the build chain.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- remove unused 'path' constant
- fix indentation
- Put all image tasks at the end, where it is easy to list which image is processed.
Suggested -by: @dalf
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
In the video search, google also sometimes includes news. E.g. in the DE
language when you search for `!gov paris`, google adds an article from a german
newspaper (FAZ), I assume these are sponsored link (not tagged advertisement?)
Those links do not have an image / this patch ignores *video links* wqithout an
image ID.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Strings like::
'Query in the page\'s title'
are hard to read / remove escape sequence by using double quotation marks for
strings ::
"Query in the page's title"
BTW: remove a leading dot in the simple theme [1].
[1] 80fb77476f (r756112716)
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Support for the prefixed version (-moz-border-radius) was removed in Gecko
13.0 (Firefox 13.0 / Thunderbird 13.0 / SeaMonkey 2.10) [1].
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* rework selection UI in pref (fix based on: 78643e9f43)
* moved search filters underneath categories
* cut params from url and replace / with ›
* make h3 and url in article bigger
* add safe search select to search filter (this will not override settings and only be valid while on result page in a session)
* make search form button not overlap each other when js is disabled
* 1rem padding around preview image and thumbnail in default article template
Sometimes there is no href in the `<a ..>` tag of a *link_node* [1].
Reported-by: @TheEssem
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Folder src/brand is intended to place logo, wordmark and more in. This commit
moves the origin (source) of searxng-wordmark.svg from the simple theme into
this folder
About the new created src/ folder:
On the long term we can move all the files from static/themes/<name>/src/* into
a src/themes/<name>/* folder.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Since digg no longer works, we do nat have a active engine in the social-media
category. Enable reddit by default to have at least one engine back in this
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
when on the top of the page, the image is just below the search fields.
this commit slightly aligh the top of the image detail with the bottom
of the search fields.
the width of #main_results #results.image-detail-open.only_template_images
was set to 59.25rem. On mobile, the images overflowed on right side of
the viewport, which creates a horizontal scroll.
This commit set the value to min(98%, 59.25rem) whatever the max-width is.
* update from ionicons-npm to ionicons ver.5
* drop the webfont built by grunt for icons
* built icons.html template for inlining icons with jinja2 into html
* update icon to use mostly the outline version
* add icons to categories and do not display them on mobile to save space
* remove all legacy ion icon font files from simple theme
* icons.html is added in this commit since make requires git to know the file already
* cleanup error-dialog
new bash function convert_if_newer() / usage::
convert_if_newer <origfile> <outfile> [<options>, ...]
convert_if_newer "path/to/origin.svg" "path/to/converted.png" -transparent white -resize 64x64
Run's ImageMagik' convert comand to generate <outfile> from <origfile>, if
<origfile> is newer than <outfile>. The command line is to convert is::
convert <origfile> [<options>, ...] <outfile>
PNG 'searx/static/themes/simple/img/favicon.png' has been created by::
$ make themes.simple
CONVERT searx/static/themes/simple/src/svg/searxng-wordmark.svg -transparent white -resize 64x64 searx/static/themes/simple/img/favicon.png
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* remove hover effect from vim help modal
* remove bold font weight from active item in prefenreces tab bar
* remove margin from answer box to unify with rest of result page
* disable by default
* settings.yml: ui.query_in_title
* in /preferences: privacy tab
when enabled, the result page's title contains the user query.
* oscar theme: the query was always included
* simple theme: the query was included with the GET method
Before this commit, the default click event on an image result is prevented,
this include clicks inside the detail.
This commit makes sure the click happends outside the detail to prevent the default event.
* previous & next in the result page
* save, restore, & back in the preferences
* back to top
<select> input in Chrom* browsers:
* fix the white text with a white background issue
It is not possible to use CSS variable in a SVG when this is in a background.
This commit adds two .svg files, less converts them into data URL.
The two files are indentical except the fill color.
* remove vim arrow
* add 1rem padding to results
* add 0.2rem left border to vim selected article
* set column gap to 1.2rem and make search bar in line with results
* put 10px border-radius selected article
* result article: 0.125rem margin on tablet and esktop; 1rem margin on phone
* index page: margin top is 24% of the view port.
avoid to scroll a small screen,
center the content in the middle of the screen
* link to preferences at the same height same the input fields
* increase the category tab heighs
* increase the margin bottom of the query field
* in the results, change the h3 margin top and bottom to 0.4rem (6px)
* move the back to top button slightly on the right when the results are only images
When an image is selected, the detail with the full size image is displayed
on the right side of the screen (or full screen on tablet and phone).
When Javascript is disabled, the thumbnail is a linked to the full size image,
as it was before.
When the image proxy is enabled, the full size image is also proxied,
in consequence this commit increases the bandwidth usage of instances.
The detail can be closed by the close button or the Esc key.
It is possible to go to the next and previous images using the j and k keys
or the button on the top right of the screen.
* url in article head is clickable
* url is bigger now 0.96em font
* url is now left floating on tablet and phone
* there is a 8px top and bottom margin on h3 result heading
* rework search form as grid layout
* remove various paddings and margins
* add logo and link to index to search form
* make categories bigger on phone
Languages are supported by mapping the language to a domain. If domain is not
found in :py:obj:`lang2domain` URL ``<lang>`` is used.
BTW: fix issue reported at
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
before this commit, when the user picks "Chinese, China" or "Chinese, Taiwan",
the locale fallbacks to English.
This commit fixes this issue (the translations branch must be updated)
* clean up vars in defenition
* results look now the same on mobile and desktop
* reworked results on mobile
* new color theme with more vibrant colors
* remove vars and add elements to base and btn vars
* change default border radius to 10px and padding to 0.7em
* put border radius and padding on search input form, infoxbox and buttons
* remove unused .help class in #categories_container
* remove active background from tabs to straemline design
* redo search form: 10px padding
* 2rem margin on search results on desktop
* fix modal pacement of engine reliability in prefs
* use darker accent colors
* streamline autocomplete with more padding and a hover effect
The key of the dictionary '' is the *engine name*
configured in settings.xml. When multiple engines are configured to use the
same origin engine (e.g. `engine: google`)::
- name: google
engine: google
use_mobile_ui: false
- name: google italian
engine: google
use_mobile_ui: false
language: it
- name: google mobile ui
engine: google
shortcut: gomui
use_mobile_ui: true
There exists no entry for ENGINES_LANGUAGES[] (e.g. `name: google
mobile ui` or `name: google italian`). This issue can be solved by recreate the
make data.languages
But this is nothing an SearXNG admin would like to do when just configuring
additional engines, since this just doubles entries in ENGINES_LANGUAGES and
BTW: `make data.languages` has various external requirements which might be not
installed or not available, on a production host.
With this patch, if fails, ENGINES_LANGUAGES[engine.engine] is used
to get the engine.supported_languages (e.g. `google` for the engine named
`google mobile`).
For an engine, when there is `language: ...` in the YAML settings, the engine
supports only one language, in this case engine.supported_languages should
contains this value defined in settings.yml (e.g. `it` for the engine named
`google italian`).
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The utils.load_module() function is used to load a python file (aka module) and
return the module's namespace. SearXNG uses this function to load *engines and
answerers* from arbitrary locations with arbitrary modifications. These are not
real python modules and it is not intended to mix this *engines and answerers*
with the python modules registered in sys.modules.
Suggested-by: @dalf in
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Implement a scrapper for DuckDuckGo-Lite [1]. The existing DuckDuckGo [2]
engine does not support paging. DuckDuckgo-Lite is much faster, less verbose
and does have a paging option (reversed engineered from the input form of [1]).
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
* download images using the "image_proxy" network (HTTP/1 instead of HTTP/2)
* don't cache data: URL (reduce memory usage)
* after each test: purge image URL cache then call garbage collector
* download only the first 64kb of images
The default *sans-serif* font from the browsers most often renders much better
compared to Arial font.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- using more rem in style and definitions
- mobile width in preferences.less fix max-width: 75em to 80em (normalized with
style.less and other)
- do not display #backToTop position on tablet (when max-width: 80em)
- fix answer box on mobile (when max-width: 50em)
If there is no write access, there is no need for global. Remove global
statement if there is no assignment.
Using global for names but no assignment is done Used when a variable is
defined through the "global" statement but no assignment to this variable is
In Pylint 2.11 the global-variable-not-assigned checker now catches global
variables that are never reassigned in a local scope and catches (reassigned)
functions [1][2]
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
httpx.RequestError (subclass of httpx.HTTPError) has a property request.
This property raises a RuntimeError if the attributes _request is None.
To avoid a cascade of errors, this commit reads directly the _request attribute.
searx.client.new_client: the proxies parameter is a dictonnary,
and the protocol (key of the dictionnary) is already normalized
(see usage of
the openstreetmap engine imports code from the wikidata engine.
before this commit, specific code make sure to copy the logger variable to the wikidata engine.
with this commit searx.engines.load_engine makes sure the .logger is initialized.
The implementation scans sys.modules for module name starting with searx.engines.
Currently, calls on_result once the engine results have been merged
on_result plugins can rewrite the results: once the URL(s) are modified, even they can be merged,
it won't be the case since ResultContainer.order_results has already be called.
This commit call on_result inside for each result of each engines.
In addition the on_result function can return False to remove the result.
Note: the on_result function now run on the engine thread instead of the Flask thread.
This is a workaround: inside engine code, any call to function in another engine can crash
since the logger won't be initialized except if it is done explicitly.
Instead of raising an exception and therefore hiding all results of the engine.
It make sense to remove that requirement in order to allow the implementation of
search engines that do not always have a description. In fact some search
engines that in 99% of the case have a description like Brave Search or Mojeek
crash completely if they for some reason included a result with no description.
To test this patch try Mojeek:
!mjk xyz
before and after the patch.
Suggested-by: 0xhtml in
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Suggestions should be added too.
suggestion_xpath: //div[@class="text-gray h6"]/a
You can try it with:
!brave recurzuoin
Suggested-by: @allendema in
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Pylint 2.10 fixed [1]:
Fixed bug with cell-var-from-loop checker: it no longer has false negatives
when both unused-variable and used-before-assignment are disabled.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Pylint 2.10 added new default checks [1]:
Emitted when list() is called with no arguments instead of using []
Emitted when dict() is called with no arguments instead of using {}
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- Add ``# lint: pylint`` header to pylint this python file.
- Fix issues reported by pylint.
- Add source code documentation of modul searx.locales
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
In commit 4d3f2f48d common used languages has been droped. By reducing the
number of `min_engines_per_lang` from 15 to 13 we get theses languages back.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
This commit remove the need to update the brand for GIT_URL and GIT_BRANCH:
there are read from the git repository.
It is possible to call python -m searx.version freeze to freeze the current version.
Useful when the code is installed outside git (distro package, docker, etc...)
Deny formats has been implemented in 6ed4616d.
To harden SearXNG instances by default, other formats than HTML should be
denied. Most of JSON, RSS and CSV requests are bots [1]::
Bots are the only users of this feature on a public instance, and they abuse
it too much that the engines rate limit pretty quickly the IP address of the
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Do not merge this patch in master branch of SearXNG! This branch exists only
for testing the feature branch @return42.
This patch changes the buildenv to::
To test installation procedure, clone feature branch (
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ git clone --branch searxng
$ cd searxng
$ ./utils/ install all
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Not all settings from the 'brand:' section of the YAML files are needed in the
shell scripts. This patch reduce the variables in ./utils/brand.env to what is
needed. The following ('brand:' settings) can be removed from this file:
Tasks running outside of an *installed instance*, need the following settings
from the YAML configuration:
- GIT_URL <--> brand.git_url
- GIT_BRANCH <--> brand.git_branch
- SEARX_URL <--> server.base_url (aka PUBLIC_URL)
- SEARX_PORT <--> server.port
- SEARX_BIND_ADDRESS <--> server.bind_address
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
modified docs/admin/engines/settings.rst
- Fix documentation and add section 'brand'.
- Add remarks about **buildenv** variables.
- Add remarks about settings from environment variables $SEARX_DEBUG,
modified docs/admin/installation-searx.rst & docs/build-templates/searx.rst
Fix template location /templates/etc/searx/settings.yml
modified docs/dev/makefile.rst
Add description of the 'make buildenv' target and describe
- we have all SearXNG setups are centralized in the settings.yml file
- why some tasks need a utils/brand.env (aka instance's buildenv)
modified manage
Settings file from repository's working tree are used by default and
ask user if a /etc/searx/settings.yml file exists.
modified searx/settings.yml
Add comments about when it is needed to run 'make buildenv'
modified searx/
Default for server:port is taken from enviroment variable SEARX_PORT.
modified utils/
- Some defaults in the settings.yml are taken from the environment,
e.g. SEARX_BIND_ADDRESS (searx.settings_defaults.SHEMA). When the
'brand.env' file is created these enviroment variables should be
unset first.
- The CONTACT_URL enviroment is not needed in the utils/brand.env
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The usages of the searx.brand namespace has been removed, the searx.brand
namespace is now longer needed.
The searx.brand namespace was an interim solution which has been added in commit
9e53470b4, see commit message there ...
This patch is a first 'proof of concept'. Later we can decide to remove the
brand namespace entirely or not.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
In the templates and the /config (JSON) the usage of the 'brand.*' name
space is replaced by 'searx.get_setting' function.
- new_issue_url --> get_setting('brand.new_issue_url')
- brand.GIT_URL --> get_setting('brand.git_url')
- brand.PUBLIC_INSTANCES --> get_setting('brand.public_instances')
- brand.DOCS_URL --> get_setting('brand.docs_url')
- brand.ISSUE_URL --> get_setting('brand.issue_url')
- brand.CONTACT_URL --> get_setting('general.contact_url', '')
The macro 'new_issue' from searx/templates/*/messages/no_results.html
is now imported with context::
{% from '__common__/new_issue.html' import new_issue with context %}
To get *public instances URL* from context's 'get_setting()' function::
Macro's prototype does no longer need the 'new_issue_url' argument and has been
changed to::
macro new_issue(engine_name, engine_reliability)
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Added function searx.get_setting(name, default=_unset):
Returns the value to which ``name`` point. If there is no such name in the
settings and the ``default`` is unset, a KeyError exception is raised.
In all the python processes ..
- make docs
- make buildenv
- make install (
the usage of the 'brand.*' name space is replaced by 'searx.get_setting'
- brand.SEARX_URL --> get_setting('server.base_url')
- brand.GIT_URL --> get_setting('brand.git_url')
- brand.GIT_BRANCH' --> get_setting('server.base_url')
- brand.ISSUE_URL --> get_setting('brand.issue_url')
- brand.DOCS_URL --> get_setting('brand.docs_url')
- brand.PUBLIC_INSTANCES --> get_setting('brand.public_instances')
- brand.CONTACT_URL --> get_setting('general.contact_url', '')
- brand.WIKI_URL --> get_setting('brand.wiki_url')
- brand.TWITTER_URL --> get_setting('brand.twitter_url', '')
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Qwant is a fast and reliable search engine and AFAIK there is no CAPTCHA. Let
us enable Qwant engines by default.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The implementation uses the Qwant API ( The API is
undocumented but can be reverse engineered by reading the network log of queries.
This implementation is used by different qwant engines in the settings.yml::
- name: qwant
categories: general
- name: qwant news
categories: news
- name: qwant images
categories: images
- name: qwant videos
categories: videos
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
The engine was added in commit a4b07460 but now it shows new issues [1].
In the 90'th of the last century, dogpile had its own WEB index, but nowadays it
is a meta-search engine [2]
Powered by technology, Dogpile returns all the best results from leading
search engines including Google and Yahoo!
Using dogpile as an engine in SearXNG needs more investigation, a XPath solution
like we have is not enough. It is questionable whether it still makes sense to
investigate more into a meta-search engine with a ReCAPTCHA in front.
With this patch the dogpile engine is removed
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Engine just for Podcasts. An API which returns Podcasts and their Info like:
website, author etc.
Upstream query example:
Added using the xpath engine. Adds a site which returns
word synonyms although just in German.
Depending on the query not all synonyms are shown because of not the best xpath
selection. But should do the job just fine.
Upstream example query:
BTW add about section to the YAML configuration
It now shows descriptions with their correct URLs when there are videos in the
search results, pulling content_xpath from snippet-description instead of
Suggested-by: @eagle-dogtooth
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Upgrade from pylint v2.8.3 to 2.9.3 raise some new issues::
searx/search/checker/ R1732: Consider using 'with' for resource-allocating operations (consider-using-with)
searx/search/checker/ R1732: Consider using 'with' for resource-allocating operations (consider-using-with)
searx/search/processors/ R0402: Use 'from searx import engines' instead (consider-using-from-import)
searx/ C0207: Use data.split('-', maxsplit=1)[0] instead (use-maxsplit-arg)
searx/ R1733: Unnecessary dictionary index lookup, use 'user_setting' instead (unnecessary-dict-index-lookup)
searx/ C0206: Consider iterating with .items() (consider-using-dict-items)
searx/ C0206: Consider iterating with .items() (consider-using-dict-items)
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
To compress saved preferences in the URL was introduced in 5f758b2d3 and
slightly fixed in 8f4401462. But the main fail was not fixed; The decompress
function returns a binary string and this binary should first be decoded to a
string before it is passed to urllib.parse_qs.
BTW: revert the hot-fix from 5973491
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- move jshint option from gruntfile to .jshintrc
- remove trailing-whitespace from gruntfile and
- add jshint esversion: 6
- .dir-locals.el add locals for js-mode to use JSHint from the simple theme
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
This patch disables role 'no-descending-specificity'. IMO it is better to have
this rule active (see below [1]), but it is hard to rewrite the less files to
pass this rule, so for the first I chose to disable this rule.
Source order is important in CSS, and when two selectors have the same
specificity, the one that occurs last will take priority. However, the situation
is different when one of the selectors has a higher specificity. In that case,
source order does not matter: the selector with higher specificity will win out
even if it comes first.
The clashes of these two mechanisms for prioritization, source order and
specificity, can cause some confusion when reading stylesheets. If a selector
with higher specificity comes before the selector it overrides, we have to think
harder to understand it, because it violates the source order
expectation. Stylesheets are most legible when overriding selectors always come
after the selectors they override. That way both mechanisms, source order and
specificity, work together nicely.
This rule enforces that practice as best it can, reporting fewer errors than it
should. It cannot catch every actual overriding selector, but it can catch
certain common mistakes.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
This fix was autogenerated by::
npx stylelint -f unix --fix 'searx/static/themes/simple/src/less/**/*.less'
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
In the EU there exists a "General Data Protection Regulation" [1] aka GDPR (BTW:
very user friendly!) which requires consent to tracking. To get the consent
from the user, google-news requests are redirected to confirm and get a CONSENT
Cookie from
This patch adds a CONSENT Cookie to the google-news request to avoid
The behavior of the CONTENTS cookies over all google engines seems similar but
the pattern is not yet fully clear to me, here are some random samples from my
analysis ..
Using common google search from different domains:: CONSENT=YES+cb.{{date}} CONSENT=YES+cb.{{date}} CONSENT=YES+srp.gws-{{date}}
When searching about videos (google-videos):: CONSENT=YES+srp.gws-{{date}} CONSENT=YES+srp.gws-{{date}}
Google news has only one domain for all languages:: CONSENT=YES+cb.{{date}}
Using google-scholar search from different domains:: CONSENT=YES+cb.{{date}} does not use such a cookie / did not ask the user does not use such a cookie / did not ask the user
Interim summary:
Pattern is unclear and I won't apply the CONSENT cookie to all google engines.
More experience is need before we generalize the CONSENT cookies over all
google engines.
- e9a6ab401 [fix] youtube - send CONSENT Cookie to not be redirected
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Since we added
- 1c67b6aec [enh] google engine: supports "default language"
there is a KeyError: 'hl in request,error pattern:: google news : exception : 'hl'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "searx/search/processors/", line 144, in search
search_results = self._search_basic(query, params)
File "searx/search/processors/", line 118, in _search_basic
self.engine.request(query, params)
File "searx/engines/", line 97, in request
if lang_info['hl'] == 'en':
KeyError: 'hl'
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Before this commit, there are 3 node_modules directory:
* one in .
* two others in ./searx/statics/themes/*
This is no desirable:
* it declares the npm depdenencies in the shell script.
* dependabot can't updates theses dependencies.
* this is a not standard way to build a package (two different locations for the dependencies).
With this commit and the PR #150 there is one unique node_modules directory per theme.
This file is generated by webfont.
* It is now generated as searx/static/themes/simple/ion.less
* It is generated before the .less compilation.
* .gitignore includes this file
Add two new package depedencies: fontforge ttfautohint
See utils/
the build of the themes updates:
* js/leaflet.js ( was leaflet/leaflet.js )
* css/leaflet.css ( was leaflet/leaflet.css )
* css/images ( was leaflet/images )
Same behaviour behaviour than Whoogle [1]. Only the google engine with the
"Default language" choice "(all)"" is changed by this patch.
When searching for a locate place, the result are in the expect language,
without missing results [2]:
> When a language is not specified, the language interpretation is left up to
> Google to decide how the search results should be delivered.
The query parameters are copied from Whoogle. With the ``all`` language:
- add parameter ``source=lnt``
- don't use parameter ``lr``
- don't add a ``Accept-Language`` HTTP header.
The new signature of function ``get_lang_info()`` is:
lang_info = get_lang_info(params, lang_list, custom_aliases, supported_any_language)
Argument ``supported_any_language`` is True for and False for the other
google engines. With this patch the function now returns:
- query parameters: ``lang_info['params']``
- HTTP headers: ``lang_info['headers']``
- and as before this patch:
- ``lang_info['subdomain']``
- ``lang_info['country']``
- ``lang_info['language']``
render automatically adds these variables to the template context:
* advanced_search
* all_categories
* categories
before render was checking if the variable was already set
but it is actually never set by the callers
Based on commit:
- a89b823f [mod] remove overpass API call
this patch is generated by::
make themes.all
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Loading an engine should not exit the application (*). Instead
of exit, return None.
(*) RuntimeError still exit the application: syntax error, etc...
BTW: add documentation and normalize indentation (no functional change)
Suggested-by: @dalf
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Slightly modified merge of commit [1cb1d3ac] from searx [PR 2543]:
This adds Docker Hub .. as a search engine .. the engine's favicon was
downloaded from the Docker Hub website with wget and converted to a PNG
with ImageMagick .. It supports the parsing of URLs, titles, content,
published dates, and thumbnails of Docker images.
[PR 2543]
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Access to formats can be denied by settings configuration::
formats: [html, csv, json, rss]
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
To test & demonstrate this implementation download:
and unpack into searx/data/filmliste-v2.db, in your settings.yml define a sqlite
engine named "demo"::
- name : demo
engine : sqlite
shortcut: demo
categories: general
result_template: default.html
database : searx/data/filmliste-v2.db
query_str : >-
SELECT title || ' (' || time(duration, 'unixepoch') || ')' AS title,
COALESCE( NULLIF(url_video_hd,''), NULLIF(url_video_sd,''), url_video) AS url,
description AS content
FROM film
WHERE title LIKE :wildcard OR description LIKE :wildcard
ORDER BY duration DESC
disabled : False
Query to test: "!demo concert"
This is a rewrite of the implementation from commit [1]
[1] searx/searx@8e90a21
Suggested-by: @virtadpt searx/searx#2808
No functional change, just some linting.
- fix messages from pylint (see below)
- log where general Exceptions are catched (broad-except)
- normalized various indentation
- To avoid clashes with common names, add prefix 'route_' to all @app.route
decorated functions.
Fixed messages::
searx/ C0301: Line too long (146/120) (line-too-long)
searx/ C0301: Line too long (132/120) (line-too-long)
searx/ W0511: TODO, check if timezone is calculated right (fixme)
searx/ C0114: Missing module docstring (missing-module-docstring)
searx/ I1101: Module 'setproctitle' has no 'setthreadtitle' member, but source is unavailable. Consider adding this module to extension-pkg-allow-list if you want to perform analysis based on run-time introspection of living objects. (c-extension-no-member)
searx/ W0212: Access to a protected member _name of a client class (protected-access)
searx/ R1722: Consider using sys.exit() (consider-using-sys-exit)
searx/ R1722: Consider using sys.exit() (consider-using-sys-exit)
searx/ W0621: Redefining name 'request' from outer scope (line 32) (redefined-outer-name)
searx/ W0702: No exception type(s) specified (bare-except)
searx/ W0621: Redefining name 'theme' from outer scope (line 155) (redefined-outer-name)
searx/ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
searx/ W0621: Redefining name 'preferences' from outer scope (line 917) (redefined-outer-name)
searx/ W0702: No exception type(s) specified (bare-except)
searx/ W0703: Catching too general exception Exception (broad-except)
searx/ R1705: Unnecessary "elif" after "return" (no-else-return)
searx/ W0621: Redefining name 'search' from outer scope (line 661) (redefined-outer-name)
searx/ R0914: Too many local variables (22/20) (too-many-locals)
searx/ R1705: Unnecessary "else" after "return" (no-else-return)
searx/ W0703: Catching too general exception Exception (broad-except)
searx/ R1705: Unnecessary "elif" after "return" (no-else-return)
searx/ R0911: Too many return statements (9/6) (too-many-return-statements)
searx/ R0912: Too many branches (29/12) (too-many-branches)
searx/ R0915: Too many statements (74/50) (too-many-statements)
searx/ W0621: Redefining name 'image_proxy' from outer scope (line 1072) (redefined-outer-name)
searx/ W0621: Redefining name 'stats' from outer scope (line 1132) (redefined-outer-name)
searx/ R0914: Too many local variables (34/20) (too-many-locals)
searx/ R0912: Too many branches (19/12) (too-many-branches)
searx/ R0915: Too many statements (65/50) (too-many-statements)
searx/ W0621: Redefining name 'preferences' from outer scope (line 917) (redefined-outer-name)
searx/ R0911: Too many return statements (9/6) (too-many-return-statements)
searx/ C0103: Variable name "SORT_PARAMETERS" doesn't conform to '(([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,30})|(_[a-z0-9_]*)|([a-z]))$' pattern (invalid-name)
searx/ R1721: Unnecessary use of a comprehension (unnecessary-comprehension)
searx/ C0103: Argument name "e" doesn't conform to '(([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,30})|(_[a-z0-9_]*))$' pattern (invalid-name)
searx/ W0613: Unused argument 'e' (unused-argument)
searx/ W0621: Redefining name 'app' from outer scope (line 162) (redefined-outer-name)
searx/ R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
pylint message: wrong-import-order
Respect PEP8 import order (standard imports first, then third-party libraries,
then local imports).
pylint message: wrong-import-position
Do not mix code & imports
- only one import per line
- replace licence text by SPDX tag
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Remove extension of the sys.path (aka PYTHONPATH). Running instance directly
from repository's folder is a relict from the early beginning in
2014 (fd651083f) and is no longer supported.
Since commit dd46629 was merged the command line 'searx-run' exists and should
be used.
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- Use result 'alt_description' as title, if not given use
default title 'unknown'.
- Use result 'description' from unsplash as 'content'
Fix error::
DEBUG:searx:result: invalid title: {..., 'title': None, 'content': '', 'engine': 'unsplash'}
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
No functional change!
- fix messages from pylint
- add ``global THREADLOCAL``
- normalized various indentation
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Remove 'template' from result. Engine genius should
not use the video template. BTW: fix indentations
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- pylint searx/engines/
- fix indentation of some long lines
- add logging
- add doc-strings
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- init stat values by None
- drop round_or_none
- don't try to get percentage if base is 'None'
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Add a new environment variable SEARX_DISABLE_ETC_SETTINGS
to disable loading of /etc/searx/settings.yml
unit tests:
* remove SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH if it exists
Based on commits
- 0507e185 [fix] bar graph and rename CSS class engine-scores -> engine-score
- 3e9ad7ae [fix] make /stats more CSP compliant - github issue form
- 34859d0e [fix] make /stats more CSP compliant - oscar theme
- 0a6c4884 [fix] make /stats more CSP compliant - simple theme
- cdfb4b7f [fix] make /stats more CSP compliant - bar graph
- 965817f2 [fix] simple theme - generate missing sourceMap file
this patch is generated by::
make themes.all
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
- drop #main_stats selector in stats.less
- 'engine-score' exists before this PR.
- untabify searx/static/themes/__common__/less/stats.less
for details see comment at: d93bec7638..1204e4f07e (r633571496)
Suggested-by: @dalf in commit 1204e4f0
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Upgraded [v3.3.0] otherwise::
` width: calc(100% - 5rem);`
becomes `width: 95%` once compiled by less version 1.4.1.
Suggested-by: @dalf in commit 1204e4f0
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Make 'soft_max_redirects' configurable per Xpath engine::
- name : <engine-name>
engine : xpath
soft_max_redirects: 1
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
it prepares the new architecture change,
everything about multithreading in moved in the* packages
previously the call to the "init" function of the engines was done in searx.engines:
* the network was not set (request not sent using the defined proxy)
* it requires to monkey patch the code to avoid HTTP requests during the tests
* [mod] option to enable or disable "proxy" button next to each result
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Co-authored-by: Alexandre Flament <>
When there is at least one errors or one failed checker test:
* the warning icon is displayed in the reliability column
* the link "View error logs and submit a bug report" is displayed on engine name tooltip.
* the warning icon was displayed only when one or more checker test(s) failed.
* the link "View error logs and submit a bug report" was not shown when a checker test failed but there were no error.
In the preference page, in the 'about' toolbox of an engine, add a link to the
stats page of the engine, if the engine had one or more errors.
Condition is::
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>
Inline styles are blocked by default with Content Security Policy (CSP). Move
the inline styles from 'new_issue.html' to::
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <>