diff --git a/searx/engines/gigablast.py b/searx/engines/gigablast.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e90098101..000000000
--- a/searx/engines/gigablast.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
-# lint: pylint
- Gigablast (Web)
-# pylint: disable=invalid-name, use-dict-literal
-import re
-from time import time
-from json import loads
-from urllib.parse import urlencode
-from searx.network import get
-# about
-about = {
-    "website": 'https://www.gigablast.com',
-    "wikidata_id": 'Q3105449',
-    "official_api_documentation": 'https://gigablast.com/api.html',
-    "use_official_api": True,
-    "require_api_key": False,
-    "results": 'JSON',
-# engine dependent config
-categories = ['general', 'web']
-# gigablast's pagination is totally damaged, don't use it
-paging = False
-safesearch = True
-# search-url
-base_url = 'https://gigablast.com'
-search_path = '/search?'
-# ugly hack: gigablast requires a random extra parameter which can be extracted
-# from the source code of the gigablast HTTP client
-extra_param = ''
-# timestamp of the last fetch of extra_param
-extra_param_ts = 0
-# after how many seconds extra_param expire
-extra_param_expiration_delay = 3000
-gb_userid = ''
-gb_code = ''
-def fetch_extra_param(query_args, headers):
-    # example:
-    #
-    # var uxrl='/search?c=main&qlangcountry=en-us&q=south&s=10&rand=1590740241635&n';
-    # uxrl=uxrl+'sab=730863287';
-    #
-    # extra_param --> "rand=1590740241635&nsab=730863287"
-    global extra_param, extra_param_ts  # pylint: disable=global-statement
-    extra_param_ts = time()
-    extra_param_path = search_path + urlencode(query_args)
-    text = get(base_url + extra_param_path, headers=headers).text
-    re_var = None
-    for line in text.splitlines():
-        if re_var is None and extra_param_path in line:
-            var = line.split("=")[0].split()[1]  # e.g. var --> 'uxrl'
-            re_var = re.compile(var + "\\s*=\\s*" + var + "\\s*\\+\\s*'" + "(.*)" + "'(.*)")
-            extra_param = line.split("'")[1][len(extra_param_path) :]
-            continue
-        if re_var is not None and re_var.search(line):
-            extra_param += re_var.search(line).group(1)
-            break
-# do search-request
-def request(query, params):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-    query_args = dict(c='main', q=query, dr=1, showgoodimages=0)
-    if gb_userid and gb_code:
-        query_args['userid'] = gb_userid
-        query_args['code'] = gb_code
-    if params['language'] and params['language'] != 'all':
-        query_args['qlangcountry'] = params['language']
-        query_args['qlang'] = params['language'].split('-')[0]
-    if params['safesearch'] >= 1:
-        query_args['ff'] = 1
-    # see API http://www.gigablast.com/api.html#/search
-    # Take into account, that the API has some quirks ..
-    if time() > (extra_param_ts + extra_param_expiration_delay):
-        fetch_extra_param(query_args, params['headers'])
-    query_args['format'] = 'json'
-    params['url'] = base_url + search_path + urlencode(query_args) + extra_param
-    return params
-# get response from search-request
-def response(resp):
-    results = []
-    response_json = loads(resp.text)
-    # logger.debug('gigablast returns %s results', len(response_json['results']))
-    for result in response_json['results']:
-        # see "Example JSON Output (&format=json)"
-        # at http://www.gigablast.com/api.html#/search
-        # sort out meaningless result
-        title = result.get('title')
-        if len(title) < 2:
-            continue
-        url = result.get('url')
-        if len(url) < 9:
-            continue
-        content = result.get('sum')
-        if len(content) < 5:
-            continue
-        # extend fields
-        subtitle = result.get('title')
-        if len(subtitle) > 3 and subtitle != title:
-            title += " - " + subtitle
-        results.append(dict(url=url, title=title, content=content))
-    return results
diff --git a/searx/settings.yml b/searx/settings.yml
index 544f39a71..fa6141dd4 100644
--- a/searx/settings.yml
+++ b/searx/settings.yml
@@ -670,17 +670,6 @@ engines:
     engine: genius
     shortcut: gen
-  - name: gigablast
-    engine: gigablast
-    shortcut: gb
-    timeout: 4.0
-    # API key required, see https://gigablast.com/searchfeed.html
-    # gb_userid: unset
-    # gb_code: unknown
-    disabled: true
-    additional_tests:
-      rosebud: *test_rosebud
   - name: gentoo
     engine: gentoo
     shortcut: ge