diff --git a/searx/plugins/__init__.py b/searx/plugins/__init__.py
index 661b4f6aa..5e2829201 100644
--- a/searx/plugins/__init__.py
+++ b/searx/plugins/__init__.py
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ logger = logger.getChild('plugins')
 from searx.plugins import (oa_doi_rewrite,
-                           https_rewrite,
@@ -165,7 +164,6 @@ def sha_sum(filename):
 plugins = PluginStore()
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rewrite.py b/searx/plugins/https_rewrite.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aeb42495e..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rewrite.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-searx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-searx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-along with searx. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >.
-(C) 2013- by Adam Tauber, <asciimoo@gmail.com>
-import re
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from lxml import etree
-from os import listdir, environ
-from os.path import isfile, isdir, join
-from searx.plugins import logger
-from flask_babel import gettext
-from searx import searx_dir
-name = "HTTPS rewrite"
-description = gettext('Rewrite HTTP links to HTTPS if possible')
-default_on = True
-preference_section = 'privacy'
-if 'SEARX_HTTPS_REWRITE_PATH' in environ:
-    rules_path = environ['SEARX_rules_path']
-    rules_path = join(searx_dir, 'plugins/https_rules')
-logger = logger.getChild("https_rewrite")
-# https://gitweb.torproject.org/\
-# pde/https-everywhere.git/tree/4.0:/src/chrome/content/rules
-# HTTPS rewrite rules
-https_rules = []
-# load single ruleset from a xml file
-def load_single_https_ruleset(rules_path):
-    ruleset = ()
-    # init parser
-    parser = etree.XMLParser()
-    # load and parse xml-file
-    try:
-        tree = etree.parse(rules_path, parser)
-    except:
-        # TODO, error message
-        return ()
-    # get root node
-    root = tree.getroot()
-    # check if root is a node with the name ruleset
-    # TODO improve parsing
-    if root.tag != 'ruleset':
-        return ()
-    # check if rule is deactivated by default
-    if root.attrib.get('default_off'):
-        return ()
-    # check if rule does only work for specific platforms
-    if root.attrib.get('platform'):
-        return ()
-    hosts = []
-    rules = []
-    exclusions = []
-    # parse childs from ruleset
-    for ruleset in root:
-        # this child define a target
-        if ruleset.tag == 'target':
-            # check if required tags available
-            if not ruleset.attrib.get('host'):
-                continue
-            # convert host-rule to valid regex
-            host = ruleset.attrib.get('host')\
-                .replace('.', r'\.').replace('*', '.*')
-            # append to host list
-            hosts.append(host)
-        # this child define a rule
-        elif ruleset.tag == 'rule':
-            # check if required tags available
-            if not ruleset.attrib.get('from')\
-               or not ruleset.attrib.get('to'):
-                continue
-            # TODO hack, which convert a javascript regex group
-            # into a valid python regex group
-            rule_from = ruleset.attrib['from'].replace('$', '\\')
-            if rule_from.endswith('\\'):
-                rule_from = rule_from[:-1] + '$'
-            rule_to = ruleset.attrib['to'].replace('$', '\\')
-            if rule_to.endswith('\\'):
-                rule_to = rule_to[:-1] + '$'
-            # TODO, not working yet because of the hack above,
-            # currently doing that in webapp.py
-            # rule_from_rgx = re.compile(rule_from, re.I)
-            # append rule
-            try:
-                rules.append((re.compile(rule_from, re.I | re.U), rule_to))
-            except:
-                # TODO log regex error
-                continue
-        # this child define an exclusion
-        elif ruleset.tag == 'exclusion':
-            # check if required tags available
-            if not ruleset.attrib.get('pattern'):
-                continue
-            exclusion_rgx = re.compile(ruleset.attrib.get('pattern'))
-            # append exclusion
-            exclusions.append(exclusion_rgx)
-    # convert list of possible hosts to a simple regex
-    # TODO compress regex to improve performance
-    try:
-        target_hosts = re.compile('^(' + '|'.join(hosts) + ')', re.I | re.U)
-    except:
-        return ()
-    # return ruleset
-    return (target_hosts, rules, exclusions)
-# load all https rewrite rules
-def load_https_rules(rules_path):
-    # check if directory exists
-    if not isdir(rules_path):
-        logger.error("directory not found: '" + rules_path + "'")
-        return
-    # search all xml files which are stored in the https rule directory
-    xml_files = [join(rules_path, f)
-                 for f in listdir(rules_path)
-                 if isfile(join(rules_path, f)) and f[-4:] == '.xml']
-    # load xml-files
-    for ruleset_file in xml_files:
-        # calculate rewrite-rules
-        ruleset = load_single_https_ruleset(ruleset_file)
-        # skip if no ruleset returned
-        if not ruleset:
-            continue
-        # append ruleset
-        https_rules.append(ruleset)
-    logger.info('{n} rules loaded'.format(n=len(https_rules)))
-def https_url_rewrite(result):
-    skip_https_rewrite = False
-    # check if HTTPS rewrite is possible
-    for target, rules, exclusions in https_rules:
-        # check if target regex match with url
-        if target.match(result['parsed_url'].netloc):
-            # process exclusions
-            for exclusion in exclusions:
-                # check if exclusion match with url
-                if exclusion.match(result['url']):
-                    skip_https_rewrite = True
-                    break
-            # skip https rewrite if required
-            if skip_https_rewrite:
-                break
-            # process rules
-            for rule in rules:
-                try:
-                    new_result_url = rule[0].sub(rule[1], result['url'])
-                except:
-                    break
-                # parse new url
-                new_parsed_url = urlparse(new_result_url)
-                # continiue if nothing was rewritten
-                if result['url'] == new_result_url:
-                    continue
-                # get domainname from result
-                # TODO, does only work correct with TLD's like
-                #  asdf.com, not for asdf.com.de
-                # TODO, using publicsuffix instead of this rewrite rule
-                old_result_domainname = '.'.join(
-                    result['parsed_url'].hostname.split('.')[-2:])
-                new_result_domainname = '.'.join(
-                    new_parsed_url.hostname.split('.')[-2:])
-                # check if rewritten hostname is the same,
-                # to protect against wrong or malicious rewrite rules
-                if old_result_domainname == new_result_domainname:
-                    # set new url
-                    result['url'] = new_result_url
-            # target has matched, do not search over the other rules
-            break
-    return result
-def on_result(request, search, result):
-    if 'parsed_url' not in result:
-        return True
-    if result['parsed_url'].scheme == 'http':
-        https_url_rewrite(result)
-    return True
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/00README b/searx/plugins/https_rules/00README
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd8a7724..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/00README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains web site rewriting rules for the
-HTTPS Everywhere software, available from
-These rules were contributed to the project by users and aim to
-enable routine secure access to as many different web sites as
-possible.  They are automatically installed together with the
-HTTPS Everywhere software.  The presence of these rules does not
-mean that an HTTPS Everywhere user accessed, or intended to
-access, any particular web site.
-For information about how to create additional HTTPS Everywhere
-rewriting rules to add support for new sites, please see
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Bing.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Bing.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b403f108..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Bing.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-	For other Microsoft coverage, see Microsoft.xml.
-	CDN buckets:
-		- a134.lm.akamai.net
-			- akam.bing.com
-			- *.mm.bing.net
-	Nonfunctional domains:
-		- m2.cn.bing.com
-		- origin.bj1.bing.com
-		- blogs.bing.com
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- bing.com subdomains:
-			- (www.)
-			- c.bing		(tracking beacons)
-			- cn.bing
-			- h.bing
-			- ssl
-			- testfamilysafety.bing
-			- udc.bing
-			- (www.)bing
-		- *.mm.bing.net
-		- api.bing.com
-<ruleset name="Bing">
-	<target host="bing.com" />
-	<target host="*.bing.com" />
-	<target host="*.mm.bing.net" />
-	<securecookie host=".*\.bing\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://((?:c|cn|h|ssl|testfamilysafety|udc|www)\.)?bing\.com/"
-		to="https://$1bing.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^/:@]*)\.mm\.bing\.net/"
-		to="https://$1.mm.bing.com/"/>
-	<rule from="^http://([^/:@]*)\.api\.bing\.net/"
-		to="https://$1.api.bing.com/"/>
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Dailymotion.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Dailymotion.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 743100cb7..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Dailymotion.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-	Nonfunctional domains:
-		- blog.dailymotion.com
-		- press.dailymotion.com		(shows steaw.com, CN: www.steaw.com)
-		- proxy-46.dailymotion.com
-		- publicite.dailymotion.com
-		- publisher.dailymotion.com	(reset)
-		- vid.ak.dmcdn.net		(403, Akamai)
-		- vid2.ak.dmcdn.net		(504, akamai)
-	Problematic domains:
-		- ak2.static.dailymotion.com	(mismatched, CN: *.dmcdn.net)
-		- support.dmcloud.net		(mismatched, CN: *.zendesk.com)
-	Partially covered domains:
-		- (www.)dailymotion.com
-			- cdn/manifest/video/\w+.mnft 403s
-			- crossdomain.xml breaks videos
-<ruleset name="Dailymotion (default off)" default_off="breaks some embedded videos">
-	<target host="dailymotion.com" />
-	<!--
-		* for cross-domain cookie.
-					-->
-	<target host="*.dailymotion.com" />
-		<!--
-			https://mail1.eff.org/pipermail/https-everywhere-rules/2012-July/001241.html
-													-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?dailymotion\.com/(?:cdn/[\w-]+/video/|crossdomain\.xml$)" />
-	<target host="ak2.static.dailymotion.com" />
-	<target host="*.dmcdn.net" />
-	<target host="dmcloud.net" />
-	<target host="*.dmcloud.net" />
-	<!--	Testing wrt embedded breakage.
-		securecookie host="^.*\.dailymotion\.com$" name=".+" /-->
-	<!--
-		Omniture tracking cookies:
-						-->
-	<securecookie host="^\.dailymotion\.com$" name="^s_\w+$" />
-	<securecookie host="^www\.dailymotion\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://(erroracct\.|www\.)?dailymotion\.com/"
-		to="https://$1dailymotion.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(s\d|static(?:\d|s\d-ssl))\.dmcdn\.net/"
-		to="https://$1.dmcdn.net/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://ak2\.static\.dailymotion\.com/"
-		to="https://static1-ssl.dmcdn.net/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(s\.|www\.)?dmcloud\.net/"
-		to="https://$1dmcloud.net/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://support\.dmcloud\.net/"
-		to="https://dmcloud.zendesk.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Deviantart.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Deviantart.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7830fc20f..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Deviantart.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-	For problematic rules, see Deviantart-mismatches.xml.
-	Other deviantArt rulesets:
-		- Sta.sh.xml
-	ToDo: Find edgecast URL for /(fc|th)\d+.
-	Mixed content:
-		- Images on *.....com from e.deviantart.net *
-	* Secured by us
-<ruleset name="DeviantArt (pending)" default_off="site operator says not ready yet">
-	<target host="deviantart.com" />
-	<target host="*.deviantart.com" />
-	<target host="deviantart.net" />
-	<target host="*.deviantart.net" />
-	<!--	Not secured by server:
-					-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.deviantart\.com$" name="^userinfo$" /-->
-	<securecookie host="^\.deviantart\.com$" name=".*" />
-	<!--	Redirects from com to net, but does so successfully by itself.
-										-->
-	<rule from="^http://([aei]|fc\d\d|s[ht]|th\d\d)\.deviantart\.(com|net)/"
-		to="https://$1.deviantart.$2/" />
-	<!--	This handles everything that isn't in the first rule.
-		Namely, usernames, backend, fc, th, and (www.).
-			These domains present a cert that is only
-		valid for .com.
-			Note that .net isn't used on DA, but.net does
-		redirect to .com, and we shouldn't break what would
-		otherwise work.
-			Mustn't rewrite from https here, as doing so
-		would conflict with the first rule.
-								-->
-	<rule from="^http://([^/:@\.]+\.)?deviantart\.(?:com|net)/"
-		to="https://$1deviantart.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/DuckDuckGo.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/DuckDuckGo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 173a9ad9f..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/DuckDuckGo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-	Problematic domains:
-		- www.dukgo.com		(mismatched, CN: dukgo.com)
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- (www.)dukgo.com	(www → ^)
-<ruleset name="DuckDuckGo">
-  <target host="duckduckgo.com" />
-  <target host="*.duckduckgo.com" />
-  <target host="ddg.gg" />
-  <target host="duck.co" />
-  <target host="i.duck.co" />
-	<target host="dukgo.com" />
-	<target host="www.dukgo.com" />
-  <exclusion pattern="^http://(help|meme)\.duckduckgo\.com/" />
-	<securecookie host="^duck\.co$" name=".*"/>
-  <rule from="^http://duckduckgo\.com/" to="https://duckduckgo.com/"/>
-  <rule from="^http://([^/:@\.]+)\.duckduckgo\.com/" to="https://$1.duckduckgo.com/"/>
-	<!-- TODO: What does ddg.gg/foo do? Runs query foo, redirects to homepage, or error? -->
-    <rule from="^http://ddg\.gg/$" to="https://duckduckgo.com/" />
-    <rule from="^http://duck\.co/" to="https://duck.co/" />
-	<rule from="^http://i\.duck\.co/"
-		to="https://duckduckgo.com/"/>
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?dukgo\.com/"
-		to="https://dukgo.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Flickr.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Flickr.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85c6e8065..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Flickr.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-	For other Yahoo coverage, see Yahoo.xml.
-	These altnames don't exist:
-		- www.blog.flickr.net
-		- www.code.flickr.net
-<ruleset name="Flickr">
-	<target host="flic.kr" />
-	<target host="*.flic.kr" />
-	<target host="flickr.com" />
-	<target host="*.flickr.com" />
-	<target host="*.flickr.net" />
-	<target host="*.staticflickr.com" />
-	<!--	Not secured by server:
-					-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.flic\.kr$" name="^BX$" /-->
-	<securecookie host="^\.flic\.kr$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host=".*\.flickr\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://flic\.kr/"
-		to="https://flic.kr/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(api\.|www\.)?flickr\.com/"
-		to="https://$1flickr.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://s(ecure|tatic)\.flickr\.com/"
-		to="https://s$1.flickr.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(c2|farm\d+)\.static(\.)?flickr\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.static$2flickr.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(blog|code)\.flickr\.net/"
-		to="https://$1.flickr.net/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Github-Pages.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Github-Pages.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d3be58a4c..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Github-Pages.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-	For other GitHub coverage, see Github.xml.
-<ruleset name="GitHub Pages">
-	<target host="*.github.io" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^/@:\.]+)\.github\.io/"
-		to="https://$1.github.io/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Github.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Github.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a3a1e53..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Github.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-	Other GitHub rulesets:
-		- Github-Pages.xml
-		- Guag.es.xml
-		- Speaker_Deck.com.xml
-	CDN buckets:
-		- github-images.s3.amazonaws.com
-		- github.global.ssl.fastly.net
-		- a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com/
-		- a248.e.akamai.net/camo.github.com/
-		- s3.amazonaws.com/github/ | d24z2fz21y4fag.cloudfront.net
-		- github.myshopify.com
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- github.com subdomains:
-			- (www.)
-			- assets\d+
-			- assets-cdn
-			- bounty
-			- cloud
-			- f.cloud
-			- codeload
-			- developer
-			- eclipse
-			- enterprise
-			- gist
-			- gist-assets
-			- help
-			- identicons
-			- jobs
-			- mac
-			- mobile
-			- nodeload
-			- octodex
-			- pages
-			- raw
-			- rg3
-			- shop
-			- status
-			- support
-			- training
-			- try
-			- wiki
-			- windows
-		- collector.githubapp.com
-		- githubusercontent.com
-<ruleset name="GitHub">
-	<target host="github.com" />
-	<target host="*.github.com" />
-	<target host="github.io" />
-	<target host="*.githubusercontent.com" />
-	<target host="collector.githubapp.com" />
-	<!--	Secured by server:
-					-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^github\.com$" name="^(_gh_sess|tz|user_session)$" /-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.github\.com$" name="^(dotcom_user|logged_in)$" /-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^enterprise\.github\.com$" name="^(_enterprise_web|request_method)$" /-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^gist\.github\.com$" name="^_gist_session$" /-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^help\.github\.com$" name="^_help_session$" /-->
-	<!--
-		Not secured by server:
-					-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^status\.github\.com$" name="^rack\.session$" /-->
-	<securecookie host="^(?:.*\.)?github\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://((?:assets\d+|assets-cdn|bounty|cloud|f\.cloud|codeload|developer|eclipse|enterprise|gist|gist-assets|help|identicons|jobs|mac|mobile|nodeload|octodex|pages|raw|rg3|shop|status|support|training|try|wiki|windows|www)\.)?github\.com/"
-		to="https://$1github.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://collector\.githubapp\.com/"
-		to="https://collector.githubapp.com/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://github\.io/"
-		to="https://pages.github.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^/@:\.]+)\.githubusercontent\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.githubusercontent.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google-mismatches.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google-mismatches.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index de9d3eb18..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google-mismatches.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-	Problematic domains:
-		- (www.)apture.com	(works, mismatched, CN: *.google.com)
-<ruleset name="Google (mismatches)" default_off="mismatches">
-	<!--	Akamai	-->
-	<target host="js.admeld.com"/>
-	<target host="apture.com" />
-	<target host="www.apture.com" />
-	<target host="googleartproject.com"/>
-	<target host="www.googleartproject.com"/>
-	<rule from="^http://js\.admeld\.com/"
-		to="https://js.admeld.com/"/>
-	<rule from="^https?://(?:www\.)?apture\.com/"
-		to="https://apture.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?googleartproject\.com/"
-		to="https://www.googleartproject.com/"/>
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google.org.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google.org.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d6cc47881..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google.org.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-	For other Google coverage, see GoogleServices.xml.
-<ruleset name="Google.org">
-	<target host="google.org" />
-	<target host="www.google.org" />
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?google\.org/"
-		to="https://$1google.org/" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleAPIs.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleAPIs.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85a5a8081..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleAPIs.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-	For other Google coverage, see GoogleServices.xml.
-	Nonfunctional domains:
-		- hosted.gmodules.com *
-		- img0.gmodules.com *
-		- p.gmodules.com *
-	* 404; mismatched, CN: *.googleusercontent.com
-	Problematic domains:
-		- gmodules.com			(503, CN: www.google.com)
-		- www.gmodules.com		(503, CN: *.googleusercontent.com)
-		- gstatic.com			(404, valid cert)
-		- api.recaptcha.net		(works; mismatched, CN: google.com)
-	Partially covered domains:
-		- (www.)gmodules.com		(→ www.google.com)
-		- (www.)google.com
-		- chart.apis.google.com		(→ chart.googleapis.com)
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- api.google.com
-		- *.clients.google.com:
-			- linkhelp
-		- ssl.google-analytics.com
-		- www.google-analytics.com
-		- googleapis.com subdomains:
-			- ajax
-			- chart
-			- *.commondatastorage
-			- fonts
-			- *.storage
-			- www
-		- gstatic.com subdomains:
-			- (www.)	(^ → www)
-			- csi
-			- encrypted-tbn\d
-			- g0
-			- *.metric
-			- ssl
-			- t\d
-		- api.recaptcha.net	(→ www.google.com)
-		- api-secure.recaptcha.net
-		- gdata.youtube.com
-	ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js sets __utm\w wildcard
-	cookies on whichever domain it is loaded from.
-<ruleset name="Google APIs">
-	<target host="gmodules.com" />
-	<target host="www.gmodules.com" />
-	<target host="google.com" />
-	<target host="apis.google.com" />
-	<target host="*.apis.google.com" />
-	<target host="*.clients.google.com" />
-	<target host="www.google.com" />
-	<target host="*.google-analytics.com" />
-	<target host="*.googleapis.com" />
-	<target host="gstatic.com" />
-	<target host="*.gstatic.com" />
-	<!--	Captive portal detection redirects to this URL, and many captive
-		portals break TLS, so exempt this redirect URL.
-		See GitHub bug #368
-							-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://www\.gstatic\.com/generate_204" />
-	<target host="*.recaptcha.net" />
-	<target host="gdata.youtube.com" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://gdata\.youtube\.com/crossdomain\.xml" />
-	<securecookie host="^ssl\.google-analytics\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?gmodules\.com/ig/images/"
-		to="https://www.google.com/ig/images/" />
-	<!--	jsapi was causing problems on some sites that embed google maps:
-		https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2335
-		Apparently now fixed; thanks, Google!
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/(afsonline/|chart|jsapi|recaptcha/|uds)"
-		to="https://www.google.com/$1" />
-	<rule from="^http://(api|[\w-]+\.client)s\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://$1s.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://chart\.apis\.google\.com/chart"
-		to="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart" />
-	<rule from="^http://(ssl|www)\.google-analytics\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.google-analytics.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(ajax|chart|fonts|www)\.googleapis\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.googleapis.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^@:\./]+\.)?(commondata)?storage\.googleapis\.com/"
-		to="https://$1$2storage.googleapis.com/" />
-	<!--	There is an interesting question about whether we should
-		append &strip=1 to all cache URLs.  This causes them to load
-		without images and styles, which is more secure but can look
-		worse.
-			Without &strip=1, the images and styles from the cached
-		pages still load from the original, typically unencrypted, page.
-			With &strip=1, the cached page will be text-only and
-		will come exclusively from Google's HTTPS server.
-									-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?gstatic\.com/"
-		to="https://www.gstatic.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(csi|encrypted-tbn\d|g0|[\w-]+\.metric|ssl|t\d)\.gstatic\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.gstatic.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://api\.recaptcha\.net/"
-		to="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/" />
-	<rule from="^http://api-secure\.recaptcha\.net/"
-		to="https://api-secure.recaptcha.net/" />
-	<rule from="^http://gdata\.youtube\.com/"
-		to="https://gdata.youtube.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleCanada.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleCanada.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d5eefe816..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleCanada.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="GoogleCanada">
-	<target host="google.ca" />
-	<target host="*.google.ca" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^/:@\.]+)\.google\.ca/finance" to="https://$1.google.ca/finance"/>
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleImages.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleImages.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0112001e0..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleImages.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-	For other Google coverage, see GoogleServices.xml.
-	Problematic domains:
-		- www.google.bo *
-		- www.google.co *
-		- www.google.ec *
-		- www.google.in *
-		- www.google.kr *
-		- www.google.com.kz **
-		- www.google.com.lk *
-		- www.google.mx **
-		- www.google.sg *
-		- www.google.sl *
-		- www.google.ug *
-		- www.google.vn *
-	* 404; mismatched, CN: google.com
-	** Works; mismatched, CN: google.com
-<ruleset name="Google Images">
-	<target host="google.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.*" />
-	<target host="google.co.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="google.com" />
-	<target host="images.google.com" />
-	<target host="google.com.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.com.*" />
-		<!--
-			Only handle image-related paths in this ruleset:
-										-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?google(?:\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}/(?!(?:advanced_image_search|imghp|.*tb(?:m=isch|s=sbi)))" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/"
-		to="https://www.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://images\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://images.google.com/" />
-	<!--	First handle problematic domains:
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.co/"
-		to="https://www.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:co\.)?(in|kr|ug)/"
-		to="https://www.google.co.$1/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com\.)?(kz|lk)/"
-		to="https://www.google.$1/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com\.)?(bo|ec|mx|sg|sl|vn)/"
-		to="https://www.google.com.$1/" />
-	<!--	And then the rest:
-					-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(com?\.)?(ae|ar|at|au|bg|bh|br|ca|ch|cl|co|cr|cu|de|eg|es|fi|fr|gh|gt|hr|id|ie|il|it|jo|jp|jm|ke|kw|lb|ly|my|na|ng|nl|no|nz|om|pa|pe|pk|pl|pt|py|qa|ro|ru|rw|sa|se|sv|th|tr|uk|uy|ve|za|zw)/"
-		to="https://www.google.$1$2/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMainSearch.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMainSearch.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index df504d90c..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMainSearch.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="Search www.google.com">
-Enabling this ruleset should cause searches to go to
-https://www.google.com rather than https://encrypted.google.com.  Note that
-the filename is important; it must be before GoogleSearch.xml in a bash
-expansion of src/chrome/content/rules/*.xml in order to take precedence. 
-  <target host="*.google.com" />
-  <target host="google.com" />
-  <target host="www.google.com.*" />
-  <target host="google.com.*" />
-  <target host="www.google.co.*" />
-  <target host="google.co.*" />
-  <target host="www.google.*" />
-  <target host="google.*" />
-  <!-- beyond clients1 these do not currently exist in the ccTLDs,
-       but just in case... -->
-  <target host="clients1.google.com.*" />
-  <target host="clients2.google.com.*" />
-  <target host="clients3.google.com.*" />
-  <target host="clients4.google.com.*" />
-  <target host="clients5.google.com.*" />
-  <target host="clients6.google.com.*" />
-  <target host="clients1.google.co.*" />
-  <target host="clients2.google.co.*" />
-  <target host="clients3.google.co.*" />
-  <target host="clients4.google.co.*" />
-  <target host="clients5.google.co.*" />
-  <target host="clients6.google.co.*" />
-  <target host="clients1.google.*" />
-  <target host="clients2.google.*" />
-  <target host="clients3.google.*" />
-  <target host="clients4.google.*" />
-  <target host="clients5.google.*" />
-  <target host="clients6.google.*" />
-  <rule from="^http://www\.google\.com/$"
-          to="https://www.google.com/"/>
-  <!-- The most basic case. -->
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/search"
-          to="https://www.google.com/search"/>
-  <!-- A very annoying exception that we seem to need for the basic case -->
-  <exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/search.*tbs=shop" />
-  <exclusion pattern="^http://clients[0-9]\.google\.com/.*client=products.*" />
-  <exclusion pattern="^http://suggestqueries\.google\.com/.*client=.*" />
-  <!-- https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9713 -->
-  <exclusion pattern="^http://clients[0-9]\.google\.com/ocsp" />
-  <!-- This is necessary for image results links from web search results -->
-  <exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/search.*tbm=isch.*" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/webhp"
-          to="https://www.google.com/webhp"/>
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/#"
-          to="https://www.google.com/#"/>
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/$"
-          to="https://www.google.com/"/>
-   <!-- Completion urls look like this:
-http://clients2.google.co.jp/complete/search?hl=ja&client=hp&expIds=17259,24660,24729,24745&q=m&cp=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n
-   -->
-  <rule from="^http://clients[0-9]\.google\.com/complete/search"
-          to="https://clients1.google.com/complete/search"/>
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMaps.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMaps.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f82c5267..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMaps.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-	Problematic domains:
-		- khms *
-		- khms[0-3] *
-	* $ 404s
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- google.com subdomains:
-			- khms
-			- khms[0-3]
-<ruleset name="Google Maps">
-	<target host="maps.google.*" />
-		<!--
-			https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/8627
-										-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://maps\.google\.com/local_url" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://maps\.google\.gr/transitathens" />
-	<target host="maps.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="khms.google.com" />
-	<target host="khms0.google.com" />
-	<target host="khms1.google.com" />
-	<target host="khms2.google.com" />
-	<target host="khms3.google.com" />
-	<target host="maps-api-ssl.google.com" />
-	<target host="mw2.google.com" />
-	<target host="maps.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="maps.googleapis.com" />
-		<!--
-			https://mail1.eff.org/pipermail/https-everywhere-rules/2012-September/001317.html
-														-->
-		<!--exclusion pattern="^http://maps\.googleapis\.com/map(files/lib/map_1_20\.swf|sapi/publicapi\?file=flashapi)" /-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://maps\.googleapis\.com/map(?:files/lib/map_\d+_\d+\.swf|sapi/publicapi\?file=flashapi)" />
-	<target host="maps.gstatic.com" />
-	<!--securecookie host="^maps\.google\.(com?\.)?(au|ca|gh|ie|in|jm|ke|lk|my|n[agz]|pk|rw|sl|sg|ug|uk|za|zw)$" name=".+" /-->
-	<securecookie host="^maps\.google\.[\w.]{2,6}$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host="^maps\.g(?:oogle|oogleapis|static)\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host="^maps-api-ssl\.google\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://maps\.google\.([^/]+)/"
-		to="https://maps.google.$1/" />
-	<!--	http://khms.../$ 404s:
-					-->
-	<rule from="^http://khms\d?\.google\.com/+\??$"
-		to="https://www.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(khms\d?|maps-api-ssl|mw2)\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://maps\.g(oogleapis|static)\.com/"
-		to="https://maps.g$1.com/" />
-	<rule from="^https://maps\.googleapis\.com/map(?=files/lib/map_\d+_\d+\.swf|sapi/publicapi\?file=flashapi)"
-		to="http://maps.googleapis.com/map" downgrade="1" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMelange.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMelange.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ec23cd45f..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleMelange.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="GoogleMelange">
-  <target host="www.google-melange.com" />
-  <target host="google-melange.com" />
-  <rule from="^http://(www\.)?google-melange\.com/" to="https://www.google-melange.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleSearch.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleSearch.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 66b7ffdb0..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleSearch.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="Google Search">
-	<target host="google.com" />
-	<target host="*.google.com" />
-	<target host="google.com.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="google.co.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="google.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.*" />
-	<!--
-		Beyond clients1 these do not currently
-		exist in the ccTLDs, but just in case...
-							-->
-	<target host="clients1.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="clients2.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="clients3.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="clients4.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="clients5.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="clients6.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="clients1.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="clients2.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="clients3.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="clients4.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="clients5.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="clients6.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="clients1.google.*" />
-	<target host="clients2.google.*" />
-	<target host="clients3.google.*" />
-	<target host="clients4.google.*" />
-	<target host="clients5.google.*" />
-	<target host="clients6.google.*" />
-	<!--	Some Google pages can generate naive links back to the
-		unencrypted version of encrypted.google.com, which is
-		a 301 but theoretically vulnerable to SSL stripping.
-									-->
-	<rule from="^http://encrypted\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://encrypted.google.com/" />
-	<!--	The most basic case.
-					-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/search"
-		to="https://encrypted.google.com/search" />
-	<!--	A very annoying exception that we
-		seem to need for the basic case
-						-->
-	<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/search.*tbs=shop" />
-	<exclusion pattern="^http://clients\d\.google\.com/.*client=products.*" />
-	<exclusion pattern="^http://suggestqueries\.google\.com/.*client=.*" />
-  <!-- https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9713 
-         -->
-  <exclusion pattern="^http://clients[0-9]\.google\.com/ocsp" />
-	<!--	This is necessary for image results
-		links from web search results
-						-->
-	<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/search.*tbm=isch.*" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/about"
-		to="https://www.google.com/about" />
-	<!--	There are two distinct cases for these firefox searches	-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google(?:\.com?)?\.[a-z]{2}/firefox/?$"
-		to="https://encrypted.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google(?:\.com?)?\.[a-z]{2}/firefox"
-		to="https://encrypted.google.com/webhp" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/webhp"
-		to="https://encrypted.google.com/webhp" />
-	<rule from="^http://codesearch\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://codesearch.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/codesearch"
-		to="https://www.google.com/codesearch" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/#"
-		to="https://encrypted.google.com/#" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/$"
-		to="https://encrypted.google.com/" />
-	<!--	Google supports IPv6 search, including
-		HTTPS with a valid certificate!	-->
-	<rule from="^http://ipv6\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://ipv6.google.com/" />
-	<!--	most google international sites look like
-		"google.fr", some look like "google.co.jp",
-		and some crazy ones like "google.com.au"	-->
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?google(\.com?)?\.([a-z]{2})/(search\?|#)"
-		to="https://$1google$2.$3/$4" />
-	<!--	Language preference setting	-->
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?google(\.com?)?\.([a-z]{2})/setprefs"
-	to="https://$1google$2.$3/setprefs" />
-	<!--	Completion urls look like this:
-http://clients2.google.co.jp/complete/search?hl=ja&client=hp&expIds=17259,24660,24729,24745&q=m&cp=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n
-		-->
-	<rule from="^http://clients\d\.google\.com/complete/search"
-		to="https://clients1.google.com/complete/search" />
-	<rule from="^http://clients\d\.google(\.com?\.[a-z]{2})/complete/search"
-		to="https://clients1.google.$1/complete/search" />
-	<rule from="^http://clients\d\.google\.([a-z]{2})/complete/search"
-		to="https://clients1.google.$1/complete/search" />
-	<rule from="^http://suggestqueries\.google\.com/complete/search"
-		to="https://clients1.google.com/complete/search" />
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?google\.(com?\.)?([a-z]{2})/(?:webhp)?$"
-		to="https://$1google.$2$3/" />
-	<!--	If there are URL parameters, keep them.	-->
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?google\.(com?\.)?([a-z]{2})/(?:webhp)?\?"
-		to="https://$1google.$2$3/webhp?" />
-	<!-- teapot -->
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?google(\.com?)?\.([a-z]{2})/teapot"
-		to="https://$1google$2.$3/teapot" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleServices.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleServices.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 704646b53..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleServices.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-	Other Google rulesets:
-		- 2mdn.net.xml
-		- Admeld.xml
-		- ChannelIntelligence.com.xml
-		- Doubleclick.net.xml
-		- FeedBurner.xml
-		- Google.org.xml
-		- GoogleAPIs.xml
-		- Google_App_Engine.xml
-		- GoogleImages.xml
-		- GoogleShopping.xml
-		- Ingress.xml
-		- Meebo.xml
-		- Orkut.xml
-		- Postini.xml
-		- WebM_Project.org.xml
-	Nonfunctional domains:
-		- feedproxy.google.com			(404, valid cert)
-		- partnerpage.google.com *
-		- safebrowsing.clients.google.com	(404, mismatched)
-		- (www.)googlesyndicatedsearch.com	(404; mismatched, CN: google.com)
-		- buttons.googlesyndication.com *
-	* 404, valid cert
-	Nonfunctional google.com paths:
-		- analytics	(redirects to http)
-		- imgres
-		- gadgets *
-		- hangouts	(404)
-		- u/		(404)
-	* Redirects to http
-	Problematic domains:
-		- www.goo.gl		(404; mismatched, CN: *.google.com)
-		- google.com subdomains:
-			- books		(googlebooks/, images/, & intl/ 404, but works when rewritten to www)
-			- cbks0 ****
-			- earth *
-			- gg		($ 404s)
-			- knoll *
-			- scholar **
-			- trends *
-		- news.google.cctld **
-		- scholar.google.cctld **
-		- *-opensocial.googleusercontent.com ***
-	**** $ 404s
-	* 404, valid cert
-	** Redirects to http, valid cert
-	*** Breaks followers widget - https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7294
-	Partially covered domains:
-		- google.cctld subdomains:
-			- scholar	(→ www)
-		- google.com subdomains:
-			- (www.)
-			- cbks0		($ 404s)
-			- gg		($ 404s)
-			- news		(→ www)
-			- scholar	(→ www)
-		- *.googleusercontent.com	(*-opensocial excluded)
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- lh[3-6].ggpht.com
-		- (www.)goo.gl		(www → ^)
-		- google.com subdomains:
-			- accounts
-			- adwords
-			- apis
-			- appengine
-			- books		(→ encrypted)
-			- calendar
-			- checkout
-			- chrome
-			- clients[12]
-			- code
-			- *.corp
-			- developers
-			- dl
-			- docs
-			- docs\d
-			- \d.docs
-			- drive
-			- earth		(→ www)
-			- encrypted
-			- encrypted-tbn[123]
-			- feedburner
-			- fiber
-			- finance
-			- glass
-			- groups
-			- health
-			- helpouts
-			- history
-			- hostedtalkgadget
-			- id
-			- investor
-			- knol
-			- knoll		(→ knol)
-			- lh\d
-			- mail
-			- chatenabled.mail
-			- pack
-			- picasaweb
-			- pki
-			- play
-			- plus
-			- plusone
-			- productforums
-			- profiles
-			- safebrowsing-cache
-			- cert-test.sandbox
-			- plus.sandbox
-			- sb-ssl
-			- script
-			- security
-			- services
-			- servicessites
-			- sites
-			- spreadsheets
-			- spreadsheets\d
-			- support
-			- talk
-			- talkgadget
-			- tbn2			(→ encrypted-tbn2)
-			- tools
-			- trends		(→ www)
-		- partner.googleadservices.com
-		- (www.)googlecode.com
-		- *.googlecode.com	(per-project subdomains)
-		- googlesource.com
-		- *.googlesource.com
-		- pagead2.googlesyndication.com
-		- tpc.googlesyndication.com
-		- mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com
-		- webcache.googleusercontent.com
-	XXX: Needs more testing
-<ruleset name="Google Services">
-	<target host="*.ggpht.com" />
-	<target host="gmail.com" />
-	<target host="www.gmail.com" />
-	<target host="goo.gl" />
-	<target host="www.goo.gl" />
-	<target host="google.*" />
-	<target host="accounts.google.*" />
-	<target host="adwords.google.*" />
-	<target host="finance.google.*" />
-	<target host="groups.google.*" />
-	<target host="it.google.*" />
-	<target host="news.google.*" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:news\.)?google\.com/(?:archivesearch|newspapers)" />
-	<target host="picasaweb.google.*" />
-	<target host="scholar.google.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.*" />
-	<target host="*.google.ca" />
-	<target host="google.co.*" />
-	<target host="accounts.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="adwords.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="finance.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="groups.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="id.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="news.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="picasaweb.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="scholar.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="google.com" />
-	<target host="*.google.com" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/analytics/*(?:/[^/]+)?(?:\?.*)?$" />
-		<!--exclusion pattern="^http://books\.google\.com/(?!books/(\w+\.js|css/|javascript/)|favicon\.ico|googlebooks/|images/|intl/)" /-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://cbks0\.google\.com/(?:$|\?)" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://gg\.google\.com/(?!csi(?:$|\?))" />
-	<target host="google.com.*" />
-	<target host="accounts.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="adwords.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="groups.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="id.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="news.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="picasaweb.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="scholar.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.com.*" />
-	<target host="partner.googleadservices.com" />
-	<target host="googlecode.com" />
-	<target host="*.googlecode.com" />
-	<target host="googlemail.com" />
-	<target host="www.googlemail.com" />
-	<target host="googlesource.com" />
-	<target host="*.googlesource.com" />
-	<target host="*.googlesyndication.com" />
-	<target host="www.googletagservices.com" />
-	<target host="googleusercontent.com" />
-	<target host="*.googleusercontent.com" />
-		<!--
-			Necessary for the Followers widget:
-				 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7294
-											-->
-		<exclusion pattern="http://[^@:\./]+-opensocial\.googleusercontent\.com" />
-	<!--	Can we secure any of these wildcard cookies safely?
-									-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.google\.com$" name="^(hl|I4SUserLocale|NID|PREF|S)$" /-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.google\.[\w.]{2,6}$" name="^(hl|I4SUserLocale|NID|PREF|S|S_awfe)$" /-->
-	<securecookie host="^(?:accounts|adwords|\.code|login\.corp|developers|docs|\d\.docs|fiber|mail|picasaweb|plus|\.?productforums|support)\.google\.[\w.]{2,6}$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host="^www\.google\.com$" name="^GoogleAccountsLocale_session$" />
-	<securecookie host="^mail-attachment\.googleusercontent\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host="^gmail\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host="^www\.gmail\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host="^googlemail\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host="^www\.googlemail\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<!--    - lh 3-6 exist
-		- All appear identical
-		- Identical to lh\d.googleusercontent.com
-					-->
-	<rule from="^http://lh(\d)\.ggpht\.com/"
-		to="https://lh$1.ggpht.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://lh(\d)\.google\.ca/"
-		to="https://lh$1.google.ca/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?g(oogle)?mail\.com/"
-		to="https://$1g$2mail.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?goo\.gl/"
-		to="https://goo.gl/" />
-	<!--	Redirects to http when rewritten to www:
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://books\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://encrypted.google.com/" />
-	<!--	tisp$ 404s:
-				-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.((?:com?\.)?\w{2,3})/tisp(?=$|\?)"
-		to="https://www.google.$1/tisp/" />
-	<!--	Paths that work on all in google.*
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.((?:com?\.)?\w{2,3})/(accounts|adplanner|ads|adsense|adwords|analytics|bookmarks|chrome|contacts|coop|cse|css|culturalinstitute|doodles|earth|favicon\.ico|finance|get|goodtoknow|googleblogs|grants|green|hostednews|images|intl|js|landing|logos|mapmaker|newproducts|news|nexus|patents|policies|prdhp|profiles|products|reader|s2|settings|shopping|support|tisp|tools|transparencyreport|trends|urchin|webmasters)(?=$|[?/])"
-		 to="https://www.google.$1/$2" />
-	<!--	Paths that 404 on .ccltd, but work on .com:
-								-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com?\.)?\w{2,3}/(?=calendar|dictionary|doubleclick|help|ideas|pacman|postini|powermeter|url)"
-		 to="https://www.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com?\.)?\w{2,3}/custom"
-		 to="https://www.google.com/cse" />
-	<!--	Paths that only exist/work on .com
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/(\+|appsstatus|books|buzz|extern_js|glass|googlebooks|ig|insights|moderator|phone|safebrowsing|videotargetting|webfonts)(?=$|[?/])"
-		to="https://www.google.com/$1" />
-	<!--	Subdomains that work on all in google.*
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://(accounts|adwords|finance|groups|id|picasaweb|)\.google\.((?:com?\.)?\w{2,3})/"
-		to="https://$1.google.$2/" />
-	<!--	Subdomains that only exist/work on .com
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://(apis|appengine|books|calendar|cbks0|chat|checkout|chrome|clients[12]|code|[\w-]+\.corp|developers|dl|docs\d?|\d\.docs|drive|encrypted|encrypted-tbn[123]|feedburner|fiber|fonts|gg|glass||health|helpouts|history|(?:hosted)?talkgadget|investor|lh\d|(?:chatenabled\.)?mail|pack|pki|play|plus(?:\.sandbox)?|plusone|productforums|profiles|safebrowsing-cache|cert-test\.sandbox|sb-ssl|script|security|services|servicessites|sites|spreadsheets\d?|support|talk|tools)\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.google.com/" />
-	<exclusion pattern="^http://clients[0-9]\.google\.com/ocsp"/>
-	<rule from="^http://earth\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://www.google.com/earth/" />
-	<rule from="^http://scholar\.google\.((?:com?\.)?\w{2,3})/intl/"
-		to="https://www.google.$1/intl/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:encrypted-)?tbn2\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://knoll?\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://knol.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://news\.google\.(?:com?\.)?\w{2,3}/(?:$|news|newshp)"
-		to="https://www.google.com/news" />
-	<rule from="^http://trends\.google\.com/"
-		 to="https://www.google.com/trends" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^/:@\.]+\.)?googlecode\.com/"
-		 to="https://$1googlecode.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^\./]\.)?googlesource\.com/"
-		to="https://$1googlesource.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://partner\.googleadservices\.com/"
-		 to="https://partner.googleadservices.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(pagead2|tpc)\.googlesyndication\.com/"
-		 to="https://$1.googlesyndication.com/" />
-	<!--	!www doesn't exist.
-					-->
-	<rule from="^http://www\.googletagservices\.com/tag/js/"
-		to="https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^@:\./]+)\.googleusercontent\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.googleusercontent.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleShopping.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleShopping.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba69a91d..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleShopping.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-	For other Google coverage, see GoogleServices.xml.
-<ruleset name="Google Shopping">
-	<target host="google.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.*" />
-	<target host="google.co.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.co.*" />
-	<target host="*.google.com" />
-	<target host="google.com.*" />
-	<target host="www.google.com.*" />
-	<rule from="^http://encrypted\.google\.com/(prdhp|shopping)" 
-		to="https://www.google.com/$1" />
-	<rule from="^http://shopping\.google\.com/"
-		to="https://shopping.google.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:encrypted|www)\.google\.com/(.*tbm=shop)"
-		to="https://www.google.com/$1" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.((?:com?\.)?(?:ae|ar|at|au|bg|bh|bo|br|ca|ch|cl|cr|co|cu|de|ec|eg|es|fi|fr|gh|gt|hr|id|ie|il|in|it|jm|jo|jp|ke|kr|kw|kz|lb|lk|ly|mx|my|na|ng|nl|no|nz|om|pa|pe|pk|pl|pt|py|qa|ro|ru|rw|sa|sg|sl|se|sv|th|tr|ug|uk|uy|ve|vn|za|zw))/(?=prdhp|shopping)"
-		to="https://www.google.com/$1" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleSorry.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleSorry.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 72a19210d..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleSorry.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="GoogleSorry">
-  <target host="sorry.google.com" />
-  <target host="www.google.com" />
-  <target host="google.com" />
-  <rule from="^http://((sorry|www)\.)?google\.com/sorry/" to="https://sorry.google.com/sorry/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleTranslate.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleTranslate.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a004025ae..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleTranslate.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="Google Translate (broken)" default_off="redirect loops">
-  <target host="translate.googleapis.com" />
-  <target host="translate.google.com" />
-  <rule from="^http://translate\.googleapis\.com/" to="https://translate.googleapis.com/"/>
-  <rule from="^http://translate\.google\.com/"
-      to="https://translate.google.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleVideos.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleVideos.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e88fcf0..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleVideos.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="Google Videos">
-  <target host="*.google.com" />
-  <target host="google.com" />
-  <target host="www.google.com.*" />
-  <target host="google.com.*" />
-  <target host="www.google.co.*" />
-  <target host="google.co.*" />
-  <target host="www.google.*" />
-  <target host="google.*" />
-  <rule from="^http://encrypted\.google\.com/videohp" 
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp" />
-  <!-- https://videos.google.com is currently broken; work around that... -->
-  <rule from="^https?://videos?\.google\.com/$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com/videohp"
-	  to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:images|www|encrypted)\.google\.com/(.*tbm=isch)"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/$1" />
-  <rule
-   from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com?\.)?(?:au|ca|gh|ie|in|jm|ke|lk|my|na|ng|nz|pk|rw|sl|sg|ug|uk|za|zw)/videohp"
-     to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp" />
-  <rule
-   from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com?\.)?(?:ar|bo|cl|co|cu|cr|ec|es|gt|mx|pa|pe|py|sv|uy|ve)/videohp$"
-    to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=es" />
-  <rule
-   from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com\.)?(?:ae|bh|eg|jo|kw|lb|ly|om|qa|sa)/videohp$"
-     to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=ar" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:at|ch|de)/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=de" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(fr|nl|it|pl|ru|bg|pt|ro|hr|fi|no)/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=$1" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com?\.(id|th|tr)/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=$1" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.il/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=he" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.kr/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=ko" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.kz/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=kk" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.jp/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=ja" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.vn/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=vi" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.br/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=pt-BR" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.se/videohp$"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=sv" />
-<!-- If there are URL parameters, keep them. -->
-  <rule
-   from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com?\.)?(?:ar|bo|cl|co|cu|cr|ec|es|gt|mx|pa|pe|py|sv|uy|ve)/videohp\?"
-    to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=es&#38;" />
-  <rule
-   from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:com\.)?(?:ae|bh|eg|jo|kw|lb|ly|om|qa|sa)/videohp\?"
-     to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=ar&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(?:at|ch|de)/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=de&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.(fr|nl|it|pl|ru|bg|pt|ro|hr|fi|no)/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=$1&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com?\.(id|th|tr)/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=$1&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.il/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=he&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.kr/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=ko&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.kz/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=kk&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.jp/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=ja&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.vn/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=vi&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.com\.br/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=pt-BR&#38;" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?google\.se/videohp\?"
-          to="https://encrypted.google.com/videohp?hl=sv&#38;" />
-	<rule from="^http://video\.google\.com/ThumbnailServer2"
-		to="https://video.google.com/ThumbnailServer2" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleWatchBlog.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleWatchBlog.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index afec70c97..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/GoogleWatchBlog.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-	gwbhrd.appspot.com
-<ruleset name="GoogleWatchBlog">
-	<target host="googlewatchblog.de" />
-	<target host="*.googlewatchblog.de" />
-	<securecookie host="^(?:www)?\.googlewatchblog\.de$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://(static\.|www\.)?googlewatchblog\.de/"
-		to="https://$1googlewatchblog.de/" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google_App_Engine.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google_App_Engine.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 851e051d1..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Google_App_Engine.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-	For other Google coverage, see GoogleServices.xml.
-<ruleset name="Google App Engine">
-	<target host="appspot.com" />
-	<target host="*.appspot.com" />
-		<!--
-			Redirects to http for some reason.
-								-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://photomunchers\.appspot\.com/" />
-	<securecookie host="^.+\.appspot\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^@:\./]+\.)?appspot\.com/"
-		 to="https://$1appspot.com/" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Googleplex.com.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Googleplex.com.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ddbb5ba9..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Googleplex.com.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<!-- This rule was automatically generated based on an HSTS
-     preload rule in the Chromium browser.  See 
-     https://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/net/base/transport_security_state.cc
-     for the list of preloads.  Sites are added to the Chromium HSTS
-     preload list on request from their administrators, so HTTPS should
-     work properly everywhere on this site.
-     Because Chromium and derived browsers automatically force HTTPS for
-     every access to this site, this rule applies only to Firefox. -->
-<ruleset name="Googleplex.com (default off)" platform="firefox" default_off="Certificate error">
-  <target host="googleplex.com" />
-  <securecookie host="^googleplex\.com$" name=".+" />
-  <rule from="^http://googleplex\.com/" to="https://googleplex.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/OpenStreetMap.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/OpenStreetMap.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a661823..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/OpenStreetMap.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="OpenStreetMap">
-	<target host="openstreetmap.org"/>
-	<target host="*.openstreetmap.org"/>
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?openstreetmap\.org/"
-		to="https://www.openstreetmap.org/"/>
-	<rule from="^http://tile\.openstreetmap\.org/"
-		to="https://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/"/>
-	<rule from="^http://(blog|help|lists|nominatim|piwik|taginfo|[abc]\.tile|trac|wiki)\.openstreetmap\.org/"
-		to="https://$1.openstreetmap.org/"/>
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Rawgithub.com.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Rawgithub.com.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3868f332a..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Rawgithub.com.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-	www: cert only matches ^rawgithub.com
-<ruleset name="rawgithub.com">
-	<target host="rawgithub.com" />
-	<target host="www.rawgithub.com" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?rawgithub\.com/"
-		to="https://rawgithub.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Soundcloud.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Soundcloud.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6958e8cbc..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Soundcloud.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-	CDN buckets:
-		- akmedia-a.akamaihd.net
-		- soundcloud.assistly.com
-			- help.soundcloud.com
-		- cs70.wac.edgecastcdn.net
-			- a1.sndcdn.com
-			- i1.sndcdn.com
-			- w1.sndcdn.com
-		- wpc.658D.edgecastcdn.net
-		- m-a.sndcdn.com.edgesuite.net 
-		- soundcloud.gettyimages.com
-		- scbackstage.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com
-			- ssl doesn't exist
-			- backstage.soundcloud.com
-		- soundcloud.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com
-			- -ssl doesn't exist
-			- blog.soundcloud.com
-		- gs1.wpc.v2cdn.netcdn.net
-		- gs1.wpc.v2cdn.net
-			- ec-media.soundcloud.com
-	Nonfunctional soundcloud.com subdomains:
-		- help		(redirects to http, mismatched, CN: *.assistly.com)
-		- m		(redirects to http)
-		- media
-		- status	(times out)
-	Problematic domains:
-		- m-a.sndcdn.com	(works, akamai)
-	Partially covered domains:
-		- backstage.soundcloud.com
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- sndcdn.com subdomains:
-			- a[12]
-			- api
-			- i[1-4]
-			- w[12]
-			- wis
-		- soundcloud.com subdomains:
-			- (www.)
-			- api
-			- blog
-			- connect
-			- developers
-			- ec-media
-			- eventlogger
-			- help-assets
-			- media
-			- visuals
-			- w
-<ruleset name="Soundcloud (partial)">
-	<target host="scbackstage.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com" />
-	<target host="soundcloud.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com" />
-	<target host="*.sndcdn.com" />
-	<target host="soundcloud.com" />
-	<target host="*.soundcloud.com" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^https?://(?:scbackstage\.wpengine\.netdna-cdn|backstage\.soundcloud)\.com/(?!wp-content/)" />
-	<rule from="^http://([aiw]\d|api|wis)\.sndcdn\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.sndcdn.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://((?:api|backstage|blog|connect|developers|ec-media|eventlogger|help-assets|media|visuals|w|www)\.|)soundcloud\.com/"
-		to="https://$1soundcloud.com/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://scbackstage\.wpengine\.netdna-cdn\.com/"
-		to="https://backstage.soundcloud.com/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://soundcloud\.wpengine\.netdna-cdn\.com/"
-		to="https://blog.soundcloud.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/ThePirateBay.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/ThePirateBay.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 010387b6b..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/ThePirateBay.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-  Nonfunctional:
-    - image.bayimg.com
-    - (www.)thepiratebay.sx		(http reply)
-  For problematic rules, see ThePirateBay-mismatches.xml.
-<ruleset name="The Pirate Bay (partial)">
-  <target host="suprbay.org" />
-  <target host="*.suprbay.org" />
-  <!--	* for cross-domain cookie	-->
-  <target host="*.forum.suprbay.org" />
-  <target host="thepiratebay.org"/>
-  <target host="*.thepiratebay.org"/>
-  <target host="thepiratebay.se"/>
-  <target host="*.thepiratebay.se"/>
-  <securecookie host="^.*\.suprbay\.org$" name=".*" />
-  <securecookie host="^(.*\.)?thepiratebay\.se$" name=".*"/>
-  <!--	Cert doesn't match (www.), redirects like so.	-->
-  <rule from="^https?://(?:forum\.|www\.)?suprbay\.org/"
-    to="https://forum.suprbay.org/" />
-  <rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?thepiratebay\.(?:org|se)/"
-    to="https://thepiratebay.se/"/>
-  <rule from="^http://(rss|static|torrents)\.thepiratebay\.(?:org|se)/"
-    to="https://$1.thepiratebay.se/"/>
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Torproject.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Torproject.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 69269af7e..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Torproject.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="Tor Project">
-	<target host="torproject.org" />
-	<target host="*.torproject.org" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://torperf\.torproject\.org/" />
-	<!--	Not secured by server:
-					-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.blog\.torproject\.org$" name="^SESS[0-9a-f]{32}$" /-->
-	<securecookie host="^(?:.*\.)?torproject\.org$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^/:@\.]+\.)?torproject\.org/"
-		 to="https://$1torproject.org/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Twitter.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Twitter.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3285f44e0..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Twitter.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-	Other Twitter rulesets:
-		- Twitter_Community.com.xml
-	Nonfunctional domains:
-		- status.twitter.com *
-		- status.twitter.jp *
-	* Tumblr
-	CDN buckets:
-		- a1095.g.akamai.net/=/1095/134446/1d/platform.twitter.com/ | platform2.twitter.com.edgesuite.net
-			- platform2.twitter.com
-		- twitter-any.s3.amazonaws.com
-		- twitter-blog.s3.amazonaws.com
-		- d2rdfnizen5apl.cloudfront.net
-			- s.twimg.com
-		- ssl2.twitter.com.edgekey.net
-		- twitter.github.com
-	Problematic domains:
-		- twimg.com subdomains:
-			- a5 *
-			- s		(cloudfront)
-		- twitter.com subdomains:
-			- platform[0-3]		(403, akamai)
-	* akamai
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- (www.)t.co		(www → ^)
-		- twimg.com subdomains:
-			- a[5-9]	(→ si0)
-			- a\d
-			- abs
-			- dnt
-			- ea
-			- g
-			- g2
-			- gu
-			- hca
-			- jp
-			- ma
-			- ma[0123]
-			- o
-			- p
-			- pbs
-			- r
-			- s		(→ d2rdfnizen5apl.cloudfront.net)
-			- si[0-5]
-			- syndication
-			- cdn.syndication
-			- tailfeather
-			- ton
-			- v
-			- widgets
-		- twitter.com subdomains:
-			- (www.)
-			- 201[012]
-			- about
-			- ads
-			- analytics
-			- api
-			- cdn.api
-			- urls.api
-			- blog
-			- business
-			- preview.cdn
-			- preview-dev.cdn
-			- preview-stage.cdn
-			- de
-			- dev
-			- en
-			- engineering
-			- es
-			- firefox
-			- fr
-			- it
-			- ja
-			- jp
-			- m
-			- media
-			- mobile
-			- music
-			- oauth
-			- p
-			- pic
-			- platform
-			- platform[0-3]		(→ platform)
-			- widgets.platform
-			- search
-			- static
-			- support
-			- transparency
-			- upload
-	These altnames don't exist:
-		- i3.twimg.com
-		- p-dev.twimg.com
-		- vmtc.twimg.com
-		- cdn-dev.api.twitter.com
-<ruleset name="Twitter">
-	<target host="t.co" />
-	<target host="*.t.co" />
-	<target host="*.twimg.com" />
-	<target host="twitter.com" />
-	<target host="*.twitter.com" />
-	<!--	Secured by server:
-					-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.twitter\.com$" name="^_twitter_sess$" /-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^support\.twitter\.com$" name="^_help_center_session$" /-->
-	<!--
-		Not secured by server:
-					-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.t\.co$" name="^muc$" /-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.twitter\.com$" name="^guest_id$" /-->
-	<securecookie host="^\.t\.co$" name=".+" />
-	<securecookie host="^(?:.*\.)?twitter\.com$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?t\.co/"
-		to="https://t.co/" />
-	<rule from="^http://a[5-9]\.twimg\.com/"
-		to="https://si0.twimg.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(abs|a\d|dnt|ea|g[2u]?|hca|jp|ma\d?|o|p|pbs|r|si\d|(?:cdn\.)?syndication|tailfeather|ton|v|widgets)\.twimg\.com/"
-		to="https://$1.twimg.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://s\.twimg\.com/"
-		to="https://d2rdfnizen5apl.cloudfront.net/" />
-	<rule from="^http://((?:201\d|about|ads|analytics|blog|(?:cdn\.|urls\.)?api|business|preview(?:-dev|-stage)?\.cdn|de|dev|engineering|en|es|firefox|fr|it|ja|jp|m|media|mobile|music|oauth|p|pic|platform|widgets\.platform|search|static|support|transparency|upload|www)\.)?twitter\.com/"
-		to="https://$1twitter.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://platform\d\.twitter\.com/"
-		to="https://platform.twitter.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Vimeo.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Vimeo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f2a3e5764..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Vimeo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-	CDN buckets:
-		- av.vimeo.com.edgesuite.net
-			- a808.g.akamai.net
-		- pdl.vimeocdn.com.edgesuite.net
-			- a1189.g.akamai.net
-	Problematic subdomains:
-		- av	(pdl.../crossdomain.xml restricts to port 80)
-		- pdl	(works, akamai)
-	Partially covered subdomains:
-		- developer	(some pages redirect to http)
-		- pdl		(→ akamai)
-	Fully covered subdomains:
-		- (www.)
-		- secure
-Default off per https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7569 -->
-<ruleset name="Vimeo (default off)" default_off="breaks some video embedding">
-	<target host="vimeo.com" />
-	<target host="*.vimeo.com" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://av\.vimeo\.com/crossdomain\.xml" />
-		<!--exclusion pattern="^http://developer\.vimeo\.com/($|\?|(apps|guidelines|help|player)($|[?/]))" /-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://developer\.vimeo\.com/(?!apis(?:$|[?/])|favicon\.ico)" />
-	<target host="*.vimeocdn.com" />
-		<!--
-			Uses crossdomain.xml from s3.amazonaws.com, which sets secure="false"
-				https://mail1.eff.org/pipermail/https-everywhere/2012-October/001583.html
-			-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://a\.vimeocdn\.com/p/flash/moogaloop/" />
-		<!--	We cannot secure streams because crossdomain.xml
-			restricts to port 80 :(
-						-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://pdl\.vimeocdn\.com/(?!crossdomain\.xml)" />
-	<!--	Tracking cookies:
-					-->
-	<securecookie host="^\.(?:player\.)?vimeo\.com$" name="^__utm\w$" />
-	<rule from="^http://((?:developer|player|secure|www)\.)?vimeo\.com/"
-		to="https://$1vimeo.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://av\.vimeo\.com/"
-		to="https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/808/9207/8m/av.vimeo.com/" />
-	<!--	a & b: Akamai	-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:secure-)?([ab])\.vimeocdn\.com/"
-		to="https://secure-$1.vimeocdn.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://i\.vimeocdn\.com/"
-		to="https://i.vimeocdn.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://pdl\.vimeocdn\.com/"
-		to="https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/1189/4415/8d/pdl.vimeocdn.com/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/WikiLeaks.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/WikiLeaks.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 977709d2d..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/WikiLeaks.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<ruleset name="WikiLeaks">
-	<target host="wikileaks.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikileaks.org" />
-	<securecookie host="^(?:w*\.)?wikileaks\.org$" name=".+" />
-	<rule from="^http://((?:chat|search|shop|www)\.)?wikileaks\.org/"
-		to="https://$1wikileaks.org/" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Wikimedia.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Wikimedia.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f25831a2..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Wikimedia.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-	Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation wikis previously had no real HTTPS support, and
-	URLs had to be rewritten to https://secure.wikimedia.org/$wikitype/$language/ . This is no
-	longer the case, see https://blog.wikimedia.org/2011/10/03/native-https-support-enabled-for-all-wikimedia-foundation-wikis/ ,
-	so this file is a lot simpler these days.
-	Mixed content:
-		- Images, on:
-			- stats.wikimedia.org from upload.wikimedia.org *
-			- stats.wikimedia.org from wikimediafoundation.org *
-	* Secured by us
-<ruleset name="Wikimedia">
-	<target host="enwp.org" />
-	<target host="frwp.org" />
-	<target host="mediawiki.org" />
-	<target host="www.mediawiki.org" />
-	<target host="wikimedia.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikimedia.org" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:apt|cs|cz|parsoid-lb\.eqiad|status|torrus|ubuntu)\.wikimedia\.org" />
-		<!-- https://mail1.eff.org/pipermail/https-everywhere-rules/2012-June/001189.html -->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://lists\.wikimedia\.org/pipermail(?:$|/)" />
-	<target host="wikimediafoundation.org" />
-	<target host="www.wikimediafoundation.org" />
-	<!-- Wikimedia projects (also some wikimedia.org subdomains) -->
-	<target host="wikibooks.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikibooks.org" />
-	<target host="wikidata.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikidata.org" />
-	<target host="wikinews.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikinews.org" />
-	<target host="wikipedia.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikipedia.org" />
-	<target host="wikiquote.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikiquote.org" />
-	<target host="wikisource.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikisource.org" />
-	<target host="wikiversity.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikiversity.org" />
-	<target host="wikivoyage.org" />
-	<target host="*.wikivoyage.org" />
-	<target host="wiktionary.org" />
-	<target host="*.wiktionary.org" />
-	<!-- Wikimedia chapters -->
-	<target host="wikimedia.ca" />
-	<target host="www.wikimedia.ca" />
-	<!-- Wikimedia Tool Labs -->
-	<target host="tools.wmflabs.org" />
-	<target host="icinga.wmflabs.org" />
-	<target host="ganglia.wmflabs.org" />
-	<!--	Not secured by server:
-					-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.wiki(books|ipedia)\.org$" name="^GeoIP$" /-->
-	<securecookie host="^^\.wik(?:ibooks|idata|imedia|inews|ipedia|iquote|isource|iversity|ivoyage|tionary)\.org$" name="^GeoIP$" />
-	<securecookie host="^([^@:/]+\.)?wik(ibooks|idata|inews|ipedia|iquote|isource|iversity|ivoyage|tionary)\.org$" name=".*" />
-	<securecookie host="^(species|commons|meta|incubator|wikitech).wikimedia.org$" name=".*" />
-	<securecookie host="^(?:www\.)?mediawiki\.org$" name=".*" />
-	<securecookie host="^wikimediafoundation.org$" name=".*" />
-	<rule from="^http://(en|fr)wp\.org/"
-		to="https://$1.wikipedia.org/wiki/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?mediawiki\.org/"
-		to="https://www.mediawiki.org/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://download\.wikipedia\.org/"
-		to="https://dumps.wikimedia.org/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://(download|dataset2|sitemap)\.wikimedia\.org/"
-		to="https://dumps.wikimedia.org/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://(labs-ns[01]|virt0)\.wikimedia\.org/"
-		to="https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/" />	
-	<rule from="^https?://noboard\.chapters\.wikimedia\.org/"
-		to="https://noboard-chapters.wikimedia.org/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://wg\.en\.wikipedia\.org/"
-		to="https://wg-en.wikipedia.org/" />
-	<rule from="^https?://arbcom\.(de|en|fi|nl)\.wikipedia\.org/"
-		to="https://arbcom-$1.wikipedia.org/" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^@:/]+\.)?wik(ibooks|idata|imedia|inews|ipedia|iquote|isource|iversity|ivoyage|tionary)\.org/"
-		to="https://$1wik$2.org/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?wikimediafoundation\.org/"
-		to="https://$1wikimediafoundation.org/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(www\.)?wikimedia\.ca/"
-		to="https://wikimedia.ca/" />
-	<rule from="^http://([^@:/]+)\.wmflabs\.org/"
-		to="https://$1.wmflabs.org/" />
diff --git a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Yahoo.xml b/searx/plugins/https_rules/Yahoo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 33548c4ab..000000000
--- a/searx/plugins/https_rules/Yahoo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2450 +0,0 @@
-	Other Yahoo rulesets:
-		- Flickr.xml
-		- Lexity.com.xml
-		- Right-Media.xml
-		- Yahoo.com.tw.xml
-		- Yahoo.net.xml
-		- Yahoo_APIs.xml
-		- Yahoo_Japan.xml
-		- Yho.com.xml
-		- Yimg.com.xml
-		- YUI_Library.xml
-	CDN buckets:
-		- ipgcdn-a.akamaihd.net
-		- yahootv.flyingfishes.com.br
-		- yahoosports.teamfanshop.com
-	Nonfunctional domains:
-		- yahoo.com subdomains:
-			- account ⁵
-			- cn.adspecs ¹
-			- tw.adspecs ¹
-			- alerts ¹
-			- co.astrology ⁵
-			- espanol.astrology ⁵
-			- mx.astrology ⁵
-			- auction ¹
-			- biz subdomains:
-				- au.rss ¹
-				- nz.rss ¹
-			- bookmarks ⁵
-			- buzz ¹
-			- cn subdomains:
-				- ^ ¹
-				- help ¹
-				- news ¹
-			- docs subdomains:
-				- ^ ⁵
-				- ar ⁵
-				- fr ⁵
-				- uk ⁵
-			- au.rss.food	(403, valid cert)
-			- au.forums ¹
-			- ar.games ⁵
-			- help.cc.hk ⁵
-			- hsrd ¹
-			- labs ¹
-			- lifestyle subdomains:
-				- tw.ipeen ¹
-				- au.rss ³
-				- nz.rss ³
-				- tw ⁵
-			- cn.overview.mail ¹
-			- cf.maps	(404; mismatched, CN: www.yahoo.com)
-			- gws2.maps ¹
-			- kr.mobile ⁵
-			- tw.music ⁵
-			- my subdomains:
-				- ar ⁵
-				- au ²
-				- br ²
-				- ca ²
-				- de ²
-				- es ²
-				- fr ²
-				- hk ²
-				- ie ¹
-				- in ²
-				- it ²
-				- kr ¹
-				- mx ²
-				- nz ²
-				- qc ²
-				- sg ²
-				- tw ²
-				- cm.tw ⁸
-				- uk ²
-			- \w\w.news:
-				- cn ¹
-				- kr ¹
-				- se ¹
-			- opi ¹
-			- au.pfinance ²
-			- ar.rd ¹
-			- research ¹
-			- rightmedia			(shows speakers.watersmartinnovations.com; mismatched, CN: *.watersmartinnovations.com)
-			- search subdomains:
-				- us.recipes ¹
-				- gossip-ss.us ¹
-				- \w\w.yhs:
-					- ar ¹
-					- au ¹
-					- br ¹
-					- ca ¹
-					- de ¹
-					- es ¹
-					- fr ¹
-					- hk ¹
-					- in ¹
-					- it ¹
-					- kr ¹
-					- mx ¹
-					- my ¹
-					- nz ¹
-					- ph ¹
-					- se ¹
-					- sg ¹
-					- tw ¹
-					- uk ¹
-					- us ¹
-					- vn ¹
-			- searchmarketing ¹
-			- au.shopping ⁹
-			- es.shopping ⁵
-			- suggestions ⁵
-			- au.rss.thehype ³
-			- video subdomains:
-				- malaysia ¹
-				- my ¹
-				- ph ¹
-				- sg ¹
-				- tw ¹
-			- voices ⁵
-			- cn.weather ¹
-			- visit.webhosting ⁵
-			- count.yisou ¹
-			- youth subdomains:
-				- au.rss ³
-				- nz.rss ³
-		- ypolicyblog.com		(reset)
-		- www.ypolicyblog.com
-	¹ Refused
-	² Redirects to http, valid cert
-	³ 404, valid cert
-	⁴ Redirects to http; mismatched, CN: www.yahoo.com
-	⁵ Dropped
-	⁶ Recursive redirect
-	⁷ 404; mismatched, CN: *.news.yahoo.com
-	⁸ Redirects to http; mismatched, CN: *.news.yahoo.com
-	⁹ "Incorrect Host in URL"
-	Problematic domains:
-		- i.acdn.us ¹
-		- cm.npc-morris.overture.com ²
-		- cm.npc-nydn.overture.com ²
-		- totaltravel.co.uk ³
-		- www.totaltravel.co.uk ⁴
-		- totaltravel.com ³
-		- www.totaltravel.com ⁴
-		yahoo.com subdomains:
-			- fr.actualites ⁴
-			- advertisingcentral ⁴
-			- cl.answers ⁴
-			- co.answers ⁴
-			- pe.answers ⁴
-			- ve.answers ⁴
-			- au.astrology ⁷
-			- ca.astrology ⁴
-			- nz.astrology ⁷
-			- ar.autos ⁴
-			- de.autos ⁴
-			- fr.autos ⁴
-			- mx.autos ⁴
-			- axis ¹
-			- id.berita ⁵
-			- au.biz ⁷
-			- nz.biz ⁷
-			- \w\w.careers:		(works; mismatched, CN: www.yahoo.com)
-				- au
-				- ca
-				- de
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- id
-				- ie
-				- in
-				- it
-				- jp
-				- my
-				- no
-				- ph
-				- qc ¹
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- us
-				- vn
-			- malaysia.careers ¹
-			- cars ¹
-			- tw.help.cc ¹
-			- cine ¹
-			- cn		(reset)
-			- connectedtv	(works; mismatched, CN: smarttv.yahoo.com)
-			- cl.deportes ⁴
-			- co.deportes ⁴
-			- es.deportes ⁴
-			- pe.deportes ⁴
-			- ve.deportes ⁴
-			- au.dir ⁷
-			- au.docs	(works; mismatched, CN: *.yahoo7.com.au)
-			- hk.ent ⁴
-			- br.esportes ⁴
-			- es.everything ⁴
-			- fr.eurosport ⁴
-			- fr.divertissement ⁵
-			- dk ⁴
-			- fantasysports ⁴
-			- es.laliga.fantasysports ⁴
-			- tw.fashion ⁵
-			- feedback ⁴
-			- chart.finance ⁴
-			- ichart.finance ⁴
-			- ie.finance ⁴
-			- kr.finance	(404, valid cert)
-			- au.food	(403; mismatched, CN: *.yahoo7.com.au)
-			- nz.food	(403; mismatched, CN: *.yahoo7.com.au)
-			- au.forums ⁷
-			- games subdomains:
-				- br ⁴
-				- de ⁴
-				- es ⁴
-				- fr ⁴
-				- id ⁴
-				- it ⁴
-				- malaysia ⁴
-				- nz ⁴
-				- ph ⁴
-			- it.giochi ⁵
-			- ie.groups ⁴
-			- kr.gugi ⁴
-			- au.gwn7	(mixed css from l.yimg.com)
-			- fr.help ⁴
-			- help.cc.hk ⁴
-			- fr.jeux ⁵
-			- es.juegos ⁵
-			- kr ⁴
-			- lifestyle subdomains:
-				- ar ⁴
-				- br ⁴
-				- ca ⁴
-				- es ⁴
-				- es-us ⁴
-				- fr ⁴
-				- ie ⁴
-				- it ⁴
-			- ca.local	(dropped, redirect destination cert mismatched)
-			- fr.local ⁴
-			- es.maps ⁴
-			- in.maps ⁴
-			- kr.maps ⁴
-			- mx.maps ⁴
-			- nz.maps ⁴
-			- external.global.media ⁵
-			- au.messages ⁷
-			- ie.messenger ⁴
-			- nz.messenger ⁷
-			- tw.messenger ⁴
-			- dk.mobile ⁴
-			- ie.mobile ⁴
-			- no.mobile ⁴
-			- webservices.mobile	(works, self-signed)
-			- tw.atm.money		(works; mismatched, CN: tw.campaign.money.yahoo.com)
-			- br.movies ¹
-			- fr.movies ¹
-			- es.movies ⁴
-			- es-us.movies ⁴
-			- it.movies ⁴
-			- br.mulher ⁵
-			- hk.music ¹
-			- tw.music ⁵
-			- fr.musique ⁵
-			- news subdomains:
-				- ar ⁴
-				- br ⁴
-				- cl ⁴
-				- co ⁴
-				- de ⁴
-				- dk ⁴
-				- id ⁴
-				- ie ⁴
-				- it ⁴
-				- mx ⁴
-				- pe ⁴
-				- qc ⁴
-				- au.rss	(mixed css from l.yimg.com)
-				- ve ⁴
-			- no ⁴
-			- notepad	(works; mismatched, CN: *.calendar.yahoo.com)
-			- it.notizie ⁵
-			- on ⁴
-			- it.oroscopo ⁵
-			- fr.pourelles ⁵
-			- br.esporteinterativo ⁵
-			- id.olahraga ⁵
-			- au.prime7	(mixed css from l.yimg.com)
-			- ru ⁴
-			- safely subdomains: ⁴
-				- ar
-				- br
-				- cl
-				- es
-				- es-us
-				- malaysia
-				- pe
-				- ve
-				- vn
-			- cn.search ⁴
-			- my.images.search ⁴
-			- kr.images.search ⁴
-			- nz.maps.search ⁴
-			- my.search ⁴
-			- my.video.search ⁴
-			- kr.searchad ¹
-			- ph.she ⁵
-			- fr.sites ⁵
-			- de.solutions ¹
-			- es.solutions ¹
-			- fr.solutions ¹
-			- it.solutions ¹
-			- nz.solutions ⁷
-			- uk.solutions ¹
-			- sport ⁴
-			- sports subdomains:
-				- ar ⁴
-				- br ⁴
-				- de ⁴
-				- es ⁴
-				- id ⁴
-				- in ⁴
-				- uk ⁴
-			- br.tempo ⁵
-			- es.tendencias ⁵
-			- au.todaytonight	(403, valid cert)
-			- au.travel ⁷
-			- ca.travel ⁴
-			- id.travel ⁴
-			- my.travel ⁴
-			- nz.travel ⁷
-			- ph.travel ⁴
-			- uk.travel ⁴
-			- ca.tv ⁴
-			- pe.tv ⁴
-			- video subdomains:
-				- ^ ⁴
-				- ar ⁴
-				- au ⁴
-				- br ⁴
-				- ca ⁴
-				- co ⁴
-				- de ⁴
-				- es ⁴
-				- es-us ⁴
-				- fr ⁴
-				- hk ⁴
-				- in ⁴
-				- it ⁴
-				- pe ⁴
-				- mx ⁴
-				- uk ⁴
-				- ve ⁴
-			- fr.voyage	(works; expired 2013-01-08, mismatched, CN: uk.travel.yahoo.com)
-			- weather subdomains:
-				- ar ⁴
-				- au ⁴
-				- br ⁴
-				- cl ⁴
-				- co ⁴
-				- de ⁴
-				- es ⁴
-				- espanol ⁴
-				- fr ⁴
-				- it ⁴
-				- kr ⁴
-				- mx ⁴
-				- pe ⁴
-				- tw ⁴
-				- mx ⁴
-				- ve ⁴
-			- widgets		(works; mismatched, CN: smarttv.yahoo.com)
-			- au.youth		(works; mismatched, CN: yahoo.com.au)
-		- (www.)yhoo.it ⁴		(bit.ly alias)
-	¹ Dropped
-	² Works, mismatched, CN: *.ysm.yahoo.com
-	³ Works; mismatched, CN: builder.totaltravel.com
-	⁴ Refused
-	⁵ Works; mismatched, CN: *.news.yahoo.com
-	⁶ Works; mismatched, CN: address.yahoo.com
-	⁷ "Incorrect Host in URL"
-	Partially covered domains:
-		- (www.)totaltravel.com		(→ au.totaltravel.yahoo.com, haven't found images/)
-		- yahoo.com subdomains:
-			- advertisingcentral ¹	(→ advertising)
-			- fantasysports ¹	(-> sports)
-			- in.sports		(→ cricket, /*(?!$) doesn't redirect)
-			- nz.video		(→ nz.news, \w.* 404s)
-	¹ Some paths other than root don't redirect
-	⁵ Avoiding false/broken MCB
-	Fully covered domains:
-		- i.acdn.us			(→ s.yimg.com/ck/)
-		- (www.)totaltravel.co.uk	(→ au.totaltravel.yahoo.com)
-		- yahoo.com subdomains:
-			- (www.)
-			- \w\w:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- cl
-				- cn	(→ sg)
-				- co
-				- de
-				- dk	(→ www)
-				- e1	(→ espanol)
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- gr
-				- hk
-				- id
-				- ie
-				- in
-				- it
-				- kr	(→ tools.search)
-				- mx
-				- no	(→ www)
-				- nz
-				- pe
-				- ph
-				- qc
-				- ru	(→ www)
-				- se
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- ve
-				- vn
-				- uk
-				- us
-			- fr.actualites		(→ fr.news)
-			- fr-ca.actualites
-			- address
-			- \w\w.address:
-				- ca
-				- e1
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- nz
-			- admanager
-			- \w\w.adserver:
-				- au
-				- uk
-				- us
-			- global.adserver
-			- adspecs
-			- \w+.adspecs:
-				- au
-				- de
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- in
-				- it
-				- latam
-				- nz
-				- sea
-				- uk
-			- \w+.adspecs-new:
-				- in
-				- sea
-			- advertising
-			- \w\w.advertising:
-				- au
-				- ca
-				- fr
-				- nz
-			- beap.adx
-			- c5.ah
-			- c5a.ah
-			- cookex.amp
-			- s-cookex.amp
-			- analytics subdomains:
-				- [aoyz]
-				- apac
-				- y3
-			- anc
-			- answers
-			- \w\w.answers:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- cl	(→ espanol.answers)
-				- co	(→ espanol.answers)
-				- de
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- id
-				- in
-				- it
-				- mx
-				- nz
-				- pe	(→ espanol.answers)
-				- ph
-				- qc
-				- sg
-				- uk
-				- ve	(→ espanol.answers)
-				- vn
-			- espanol.answers
-			- malaysia.answers
-			- antispam
-			- \w\w.antispam:
-				- ca
-				- dk
-				- fr
-				- in
-			- vn.antoan
-			- au.apps
-			- global.ard
-			- \w\w.astrology:
-				- au	(→ au.lifestyle)
-				- ca	(→ ca.shine)
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- nz	(→ nz.lifestyle)
-				- uk
-			- auctions subdomains:
-				- hk
-				- hk.info
-				- hk.f1.master
-				- hk.f1.page
-				- hk.search
-				- hk.store
-				- hk.edit.store
-				- hk.user
-			- autos
-			- \w\w.autos:
-				- ca
-				- ar	(→ ar.autocosmos.yahoo.net)
-				- de	(→ de.cars)
-				- fr	(→ fr.cars)
-				- mx	(→ mx.autocosmos.yahoo.net)
-				- tw
-			- bc subdomains:
-				- clicks.beap
-				- csc.beap
-				- pn1
-				- row
-				- us
-			- axis		(→ www)
-			- ar.ayuda
-			- bid subdomains:
-				- tw.campaign
-				- tw.master
-				- tw.mb
-				- tw.page
-				- tw.search
-				- tw.store
-				- tw
-				- tw.user
-			- tw.bigdeals
-			- m.tw.bigdeals
-			- tw.billing
-			- biz
-			- au.biz	(→ au.finance)
-			- nz.biz	(→ nz.finance)
-			- boss
-			- tw.partner.buy
-			- tw.buy
-			- calendar
-			- \w\w.calendar:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- de
-				- dk
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- gr
-				- hk
-				- ie
-				- in
-				- it
-				- no
-				- nz
-				- se
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- us
-			- careers
-			- \w\w.careers	(→ careers)
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- cl
-				- de
-				- fr
-				- es
-				- hk
-				- id
-				- ie
-				- in
-				- it
-				- jp
-				- mx
-				- my
-				- no
-				- ph
-				- qc
-				- nz
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- us
-				- vn
-			- malaysia.careers	(→ careers)
-			- cars		(→ autos)
-			- \w\w.cars:
-				- de
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- it
-				- uk
-			- \w\w.celebridades:
-				- ar
-				- br
-				- co
-				- mx
-			- es-us.celebridades
-			- celebrity
-			- \w\w.celebrity:
-				- ca
-				- es
-				- gr
-				- id
-				- in
-				- it
-				- hk
-				- ph
-				- tw
-				- uk
-			- tw.help.cc	(→ help)
-			- tw.charity
-			- chart
-			- cine		(→ es-us.cine)
-			- \w\w.cine:
-				- cl
-				- co
-				- es
-				- mx
-				- pe
-				- ve
-			- es-us.cine
-			- \w\w.cinema:
-				- br
-				- fr
-				- it
-			- \w\w.clima:
-				- cl
-				- co
-				- mx
-				- pe
-				- ve
-			- es-us.clima
-			- migration.cn
-			- commercecentral
-			- developers.commercecentral
-			- connectedtv			(→ smarttv)
-			- br.contribuidores
-			- contributor
-			- uk.contributor
-			- cricket
-			- au.dating
-			- \w\w.deportes:
-				- ar
-				- cl	(→ es-us.deportes)
-				- co	(→ es-us.deportes)
-				- es	(→ es.eurosport)
-				- mx
-				- pe	(→ pe-us.deportes)
-				- ve	(→ ve-us.deportes)
-			- es-us.deportes
-			- developer
-			- tw.dictionary
-			- dir
-			- au.dir	(→ au.search)
-			- downloads
-			- s-b.dp
-			- edit subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- eu
-				- na
-				- sa
-				- tw
-			- tw.emarketing
-			- tw.ysm.emarketing
-			- en-maktoob
-			- hk.ent		(→ hk.celebrity)
-			- \w\w.entertainment:
-				- my
-				- nz
-			- espanol
-			- edit.europe
-			- java.europe		(→ adgallery.zenfs.com)
-			- eurosport subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- de
-				- es
-				- fr	(→ fr.sports)
-				- it
-				- uk
-			- everything
-			- \w\w.everything:
-				- ca
-				- es		(→ es.todo)
-				- nz
-				- ph
-				- pt
-				- tw
-				- uk
-			- au.fango
-			- \w+.fantasysports:
-				- baseball
-				- football
-				- golf
-				- hockey
-				- racing
-			- es.laliga.fantasysports	(→ es.eurosport)
-			- tw.fashion
-			- feedback		(→ yahoo.uservoice.com)
-			- br.financas
-			- finance
-			- \w\w.finance:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- de
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- ie		(→ uk.finance)
-				- in
-				- it
-				- kr		(→ tools.search)
-				- mx
-				- nz
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- uk
-			- chart.finance		(→ chart)
-			- tw.chart.finance
-			- espanol.finance
-			- tw.futures.finance
-			- ichart.finance	(→ ichart)
-			- streamerapi.finance
-			- \w\w.finanzas:
-				- ar
-				- mx
-			- es-us.finanzas
-			- food subdomains:
-				- au		(→ au.lifestyle)
-				- nz		(→ nz.lifestyle)
-				- nz.rss
-			- au.forums		(→ au.answers)
-			- nz.forums
-			- games subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- au
-				- ca
-				- de		(→ de.spiele)
-				- id		(→ games)
-				- malaysia	(→ games)
-				- nz.games	(→ games)
-				- ph		(→ games)
-				- uk
-			- geo
-			- gma
-			- groups
-			- \w\w.groups:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- de
-				- dk
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- ie	(→ uk.groups)
-				- in
-				- it
-				- kr
-				- mx
-				- nz
-				- ph
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- us
-			- asia.groups
-			- espanol.groups
-			- es-us.groups
-			- fr-ca.groups
-			- moderators.groups
-			- kr.gugi	(→ tools.search)
-			- health
-			- help
-			- \w\w.help:
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- dk
-				- fr	(→ help)
-				- hk
-				- io
-				- tw
-				- uk
-			- secure.help
-			- help.cc.hk	(→ help)
-			- homes
-			- tw.house
-			- tw.v2.house
-			- ichart
-			- info
-			- \w\w.info:
-				- tw
-			- tw.tool.ks
-			- au.launch
-			- legalredirect
-			- \w\w.lifestyle:
-				- ar	(→ ar.mujer)
-				- au
-				- ca	(→ ca.shine)
-				- de
-				- hk
-				- ie	(→ uk.lifestyle)
-				- in
-				- it
-				- mx	(→ mx.mujer)
-				- nz
-				- uk
-			- es-us.lifestyle	(→ ar.mujer)
-			- login
-			- gh.bouncer.login
-			- us.lrd
-			- local
-			- \w\w.local:
-				- au
-				- de
-				- fr	(→ fr)
-				- uk
-			- m
-			- r.m
-			- \w\w.m:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- cn
-				- de
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- id
-				- ie
-				- in
-				- it
-				- kr
-				- ph
-				- qc
-				- se
-				- sg
-				- mx
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- us
-				- vn
-			- mail
-			- *.mail:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- co
-				- e1
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- it
-				- mrd
-				- my
-				- overview
-				- \w\w.overview:
-					- br
-					- ca
-					- co
-					- e1
-					- hk
-					- ph
-					- tw
-					- uk
-					- us
-				- ph
-				- th
-				- tw
-				- us-mg6
-				- vn
-				- c.c.yom
-				- \w+-c.c.yom
-			- maktoob
-			- malaysia
-			- tw.mall
-			- tw.user.mall
-			- maps
-			- \w\w.maps:
-				- au
-				- ca
-				- de
-				- es	(→ es.search)
-				- fr
-				- in	(→ maps)
-				- it
-				- kr	(→ tools.search)
-				- mx	(→ espanol.maps)
-				- nz	(→ nz.search)
-				- qc
-				- tw
-				- uk
-			- espanol.maps
-			- sgws2.maps
-			- au.messages	(→ au.answers)
-			- messenger
-			- \w\w.messenger:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- cf
-				- cl
-				- co
-				- de
-				- e1
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- id
-				- ie	(→ uk.messenger)
-				- in
-				- it
-				- kr
-				- mx
-				- my
-				- nz	(→ messenger)
-				- pe
-				- ph
-				- qc
-				- sg
-				- th
-				- tw	(→ hk)
-				- uk
-				- us
-				- ve
-				- vn
-			- malaysia.messenger
-			- \w\w.meteo:
-				- fr
-				- it
-			- mlogin
-			- mobile
-			- \w\w.mobile:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- de
-				- dk	(→ www)
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- id
-				- ie	(→ uk.mobile)
-				- in
-				- it
-				- mx
-				- my
-				- nz
-				- no	(→ www)
-				- ph
-				- qc
-				- sg
-				- th
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- us
-				- vn
-			- espanol.mobile
-			- malaysia.mobile
-			- tw.campaign.money
-			- tw.money
-			- tw.movie
-			- movies subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- au
-				- br		(→ br.cinema)
-				- ca
-				- es		(→ es.cine)
-				- espanol	(→ es-us.cine)
-				- fr		(→ fr.cinema)
-				- it		(→ it.cinema)
-				- nz
-				- au.rss
-				- nz.rss
-				- tw
-				- uk
-			- *.msg:
-				- dps			(→ ycpi-mail-dps)
-				- prod2.rest-core
-				- prod1.rest-notify
-				- ycpi-mail-dps
-				- ycpi-mail-preferences
-				- ycpi-mail-rest-core
-				- ycpi-mail-rest-core2
-			- \w\w.mujer:
-				- ar
-				- co
-				- mx
-			- es-us.mujer
-			- music subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- ca
-				- hk	(→ hk.celebrity)
-				- tw	(→ tw.music.yahoo.net)
-			- [\w-]+\.musica:
-				- es-us
-				- mx
-			- my
-			- us.my
-			- de.nachrichten
-			- ucs.netsvs
-			- news subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- ar	(→ ar.noticias)
-				- au
-				- br	(→ br.noticias)
-				- au
-				- ca
-				- cl	(→ cl.noticias)
-				- co	(→ co.noticias)
-				- dk	(→ www)
-				- es	(→ es.noticias)
-				- fr
-				- gr
-				- hk
-				- ie	(→ uk.news)
-				- in
-				- mx	(→ mx.noticias)
-				- my
-				- nz
-				- pe	(→ pe.noticias)
-				- ph
-				- nz.rss
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- ve	(→ ve.noticias)
-				- vn
-			- cookiex.ngd
-			- \w\w.noticias
-				- ar
-				- br
-				- cl
-				- co
-				- es
-				- mx
-				- pe
-				- ve
-			- es-us.noticias
-			- omg
-			- \w\w.omg:
-				- ar
-				- br
-				- co
-				- es
-				- it
-				- mx
-				- ph
-				- tw
-			- es-us.omg
-			- on		(→ pilotx1)
-			- au.oztips
-			- rtb.pclick
-			- pilotx1
-			- pipes
-			- play
-			- playerio
-			- privacy
-			- profile
-			- tw.promo
-			- au.promotions
-			- hk.promotions
-			- nz.promotions
-			- publishing
-			- query subdomains:
-				- analytics
-				- mailapps
-				- media
-				- ucs
-				- us-locdrop
-				- video
-			- tw.rd
-			- us.rd
-			- safely
-			- \w\w.safely:
-				- ar	(→ ar.seguridad)
-				- au
-				- ca
-				- cl	(→ cl.seguridad)
-				- co
-				- de
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- id
-				- in
-				- it
-				- mx	(→ mx.seguridad)
-				- my
-				- nz
-				- pe	(→ pe.seguridad)
-				- ph
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- ve	(→ ve.seguridad)
-			- es-us.safely		(→ es.us.seguridad)
-			- fr-ca.safely
-			- malaysia.safely	(→ my.safely)
-			- screen
-			- \w\w.screen:
-				- ar
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- co
-				- de
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- in
-				- it
-				- mx
-				- tw
-				- uk
-			- es-us.screen
-			- scribe
-			- search subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- \w\w:
-					- ar
-					- au
-					- be
-					- br
-					- ca
-					- cl
-					- cn	(→ sg)
-					- co
-					- de
-					- dk
-					- es
-					- fi
-					- fr
-					- gr
-					- hk
-					- id
-					- ie
-					- in
-					- it
-					- kr
-					- mx
-					- my	(→ malaysia)
-					- nl
-					- no
-					- nz
-					- pe
-					- ph
-					- ru
-					- se
-					- sg
-					- tw
-					- uk
-					- ve
-					- vn
-				- \w\w.blog:
-					- tw
-				- \w\w.dictionary:
-					- tw
-				- finance
-				- \w\w.finance:
-					- au
-					- nz
-				- images
-				- \w\w.images:
-					- ar
-					- au
-					- br
-					- ca
-					- cn	(→ sg.images.search)
-					- de
-					- dk
-					- es
-					- fi
-					- fr
-					- hk
-					- id
-					- in
-					- it
-					- kr	(→ kr.search)
-					- nl
-					- mx
-					- my	(→ malaysia.images.search)
-					- no
-					- nz
-					- pe
-					- ph
-					- qc
-					- ru
-					- se
-					- sg
-					- tw
-					- uk
-					- ve
-					- vn
-				- malaysia.images
-				- \w\w.knowledge:
-					- tw
-				- \w\w.lifestyle:
-					- au
-					- nz
-				- \w\w.local:
-					- tw
-				- malaysia
-				- nz.maps	(→ nz.search)
-				- \w\w.news:
-					- ar
-					- au
-					- ca
-					- de
-					- fr
-					- sg
-					- tw
-					- uk
-				- malaysia.news
-				- movies
-				- \w\w.movies:
-					- au
-					- ca
-					- es
-					- fr
-					- it
-					- nz
-					- sg
-					- uk
-				- news
-				- \w\w.news:
-					- ar
-					- au
-					- br
-					- es
-					- fr
-					- it
-					- nz
-					- pe
-					- sg
-					- uk
-				- r
-				- recipes
-				- \w\w.recipes:
-					- ar
-					- au
-					- br
-					- es
-					- fr
-					- it
-					- mx
-					- nz
-					- tw
-					- uk
-				- shine
-				- shopping
-				- \w\w.shopping:
-					- tw
-				- sports
-				- \w\w.sports:
-					- au
-					- nz
-				- profiles.sports
-				- tools
-				- au.tv
-				- video
-				- \w\w.video:
-					- ar
-					- au
-					- br
-					- ca
-					- de
-					- es
-					- fr
-					- hk
-					- id
-					- in
-					- it
-					- mx
-					- my	(→ malaysia.video)
-					- nz
-					- ph
-					- qc
-					- sg
-					- tw
-					- uk
-					- vn
-				- malaysia.video
-			- kr.searchad		(→ tools.search)
-			- rtb.pclick.secure
-			- security
-			- tw.security
-			- \w\w.seguranca:
-				- br
-			- \w\w.seguridad:
-				- ar
-				- cl
-				- co
-				- mx
-				- pe
-				- ve
-			- es-us.seguridad
-			- \w\w.seguro:
-				- seguro
-			- tw.serviceplus
-			- settings
-			- shine
-			- ca.shine
-			- shopping
-			- ca.shopping
-			- \w+.sitios:
-				- co
-				- mx
-			- dashboard.slingstone
-			- smallbusiness
-			- au.smallbusiness
-			- order.smallbusiness
-			- smarttv
-			- de.solutions	(→ de.adspecs)
-			- es.solutions	(→ es.adspecs)
-			- fr.solutions	(→ fr.adspecs)
-			- it.solutions	(→ it.adspecs)
-			- nz.solutions	(→ nz.advertising)
-			- uk.solutions	(→ uk.adspecs)
-			- rd.software
-			- de.spiele
-			- sport		(→ sports)
-			- sports subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- au
-				- ca
-				- de	(→ de.eurosport)
-				- es	(→ es.eurosport)
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- nz
-				- ph
-				- au.rss
-				- nz.rss
-				- tw
-				- uk	(→ uk.eurosport)
-			- tw.stock
-			- au.thehype
-			- \w\w.tiempo:
-				- ar
-				- es
-			- au.todaytonight	(→ au.news)
-			- es.todo
-			- toolbar
-			- \w\w.toolbar:
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca
-				- cl
-				- cn
-				- co
-				- de
-				- es
-				- fr
-				- hk
-				- id
-				- in
-				- it
-				- mx
-				- my
-				- nz
-				- pe
-				- ph
-				- sg
-				- tw
-				- uk
-				- ve
-				- vn
-			- data.toolbar
-			- malaysia.toolbar
-			- au.totaltravel
-			- nz.totaltravel
-			- transparency
-			- travel
-			- au.travel	(→ au.totaltravel)
-			- ca.travel	(→ travel)
-			- my.travel	(→ my.news)
-			- nz.travel	(→ nz.totaltravel)
-			- ph.travel	(→ ph.news)
-			- tw.travel
-			- uk.travel	(→ uk.lifestyle)
-			- tv subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- ar
-				- au
-				- br
-				- ca	(→ tv)
-				- de
-				- es
-				- es-us
-				- fr
-				- hk	(→ hk.celebrity)
-				- it
-				- mx
-				- nz
-				- pe	(→ es-us.tv)
-				- au.rss
-				- uk
-			- tw.uwant
-			- video subdomains:
-				- ^	(→ screen)
-				- ar	(→ ar.screen)
-				- au	(→ au.tv)
-				- br	(→ br.screen)
-				- ca	(→ ca.screen)
-				- co	(→ co.screen)
-				- de	(→ de.screen)
-				- es	(→ es.screen)
-				- es-us	(→ es-us.screen)
-				- fr	(→ fr.screen)
-				- hk	(→ help)
-				- in	(→ in.screen)
-				- it	(→ it.screen)
-				- mh
-				- mx	(→ mx.screen)
-				- nz
-				- pe	(→ es-us.screen)
-				- qos
-				- uk	(→ uk.screen)
-				- ve	(→ es-us.screen)
-				- yep
-			- weather subdomains:
-				- ^
-				- ar		(→ ar.tiempo)
-				- au
-				- ca
-				- cl		(→ cl.clima)
-				- co		(→ co.clima)
-				- es		(→ es.tiempo)
-				- espanol	(→ es-us.clima)
-				- fr		(→ fr.meteo)
-				- hk
-				- in
-				- it		(→ it.meteo)
-				- mx		(→ mx.clima)
-				- nz
-				- pe		(→ pe.clima)
-				- ph
-				- sg
-				- tw		(→ tw.news)
-				- uk
-				- us
-				- ve		(→ ve.clima)
-			- de.wetter
-			- widgets	(→ www)
-			- au.yel
-			- video.media.yql
-			- dmros.ysm
-	These altnames don't exist:
-		- manhattan.yahoo.com
-		- tw.moderation.money.yahoo.com
-	Observed cookie domains:
-		- . ¹
-		- .answers ²
-		- .auctions ¹
-		- .bid ¹
-		- .buy ⁴
-		- commercecentral
-		- developers.commercecentral ²
-		- .contributor ⁵
-		- tw.ysm.emarketing ³
-		- games ³
-		- homes ³
-		- au.local ³
-		- .maps ³
-		- .playerio ³
-		- profile ³
-		- .search ⁴
-		- .\w\w.tv ³
-		- tw.uwant ³
-		- .voices ⁵
-		- .www ³
-	¹ Partially secured by us <= accounting for possible use on unsecurable domains
-	² Secured by server
-	⁵ Some secured by server, rest by us
-	³ Secured by us <= not secured by server
-	⁴ Not secured by us <= accounting for possible use on unsecurable domains
-	⁵ Not secured by us <= no tls support
-	Mixed content:
-		- css, on:
-			- au.gwn7, tw.money, au.rss.news, and au.prime7 from l[13]?.yimg.com ¹
-		- Ads/web bugs, on:
-			- au.games from secure-us.imrworldwide.com ¹
-			- \w\w.celebrity, m, \w\w.m, and ar.mujer from csc.beap.bc.yahoo.com ¹
-			- au.news from au.adserver.yahoo.com ¹
-			- shine from www.facebook.com ¹
-		- Images, on:
-			- au.local from dacsisb9yvy2v.cloudfront.net ¹
-			- au.advertising, nz.advertising, au.answers, nz.answers, ph.answers, sg.answers, au, biz, \w\w.celebrity, cricket, nz.entertainment, eurosport, \w\w.eurosport, everything, au.fango, games, ichart, au.launch, nz.lifestyle, au.local, sg.messenger, tw.money, au.movies, nz.movies, au.news, nz.news, au.oztips, au.promotions, \w\w.safely, fr-ca.safely, search, \w\w.seguridad, es-us.seguridad, es.seguro, au.smallbusiness, au.rss.sports, nz.rss.sports, au.thehype, tw.toolbar, au.totaltravel, nz.totaltravel, au.tv, nz.tv, au.rss.tv, and nz.weather from l.yimg.com ¹
-			- ca.autos from yui.yahooapis.com ¹
-			- tw.info from l.yimg.com ¹
-			- tw.knowledge from tw.tool.ks ¹
-			- tw.knowledge from l.yimg.com ¹
-			- tw.money from ichart ¹
-			- tw.money from tw.news2.yimg.com ²
-			- tw.promo from www.adobe.com ¹
-			- au.totaltravel and nz.totaltravel from www.totaltravel.com ²
-			- \w\w.weather and de.wetter from media.zenfs.com ¹
-		- faivcon on tw from tw *
-		- Ads, on:
-			- fr.finance from www.borse.it ³
-			- tw.promo from www.facebook.com ¹
-			- de.kino from yahoo.quizaction.de ¹
-			- my.news from widgets.wego.com ²
-	¹ Secured by us
-	² Unsecurable
-	³ Unsecurable <= redirects to http
-	Reported to fix bug
-		https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4441
-	If you have a Yahoo Mail account, please test this ruleset!
-<ruleset name="Yahoo! (partial)">
-	<target host="i.acdn.us" />
-	<target host="rocketmail.com" />
-	<target host="www.rocketmail.com" />
-	<target host="totaltravel.co.uk" />
-	<target host="www.totaltravel.co.uk" />
-	<target host="totaltravel.com" />
-	<target host="*.totaltravel.com" />
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:www\.)?totaltravel\.com/images/" />
-	<target host="yahoo.com" />
-	<target host="*.yahoo.com" />
-		<!--
-			Refused:
-					-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:(?:cn|kr|tw)\.adspecs|(?:co|espanol|mx)\.astrology|kr\.mobile)\.yahoo\.com/" />
-		<!--
-			Redirect destination cert mismatched:
-								-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://ca\.local\.yahoo\.com/" />
-		<!--
-			Refused:
-					-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://cn\.overview\.mail\.yahoo\.com/" />
-		<!--exclusion pattern="^http://(cn|de|dk|id|ie|it|qc)\.news\.yahoo\.com/" /-->
-		<!--
-			Destination has mismatched cert:
-							-->
-		<exclusion pattern="^http://(?:br|es)\.safely\.yahoo\.com/" />
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-	<target host="yhoo.it" />
-	<target host="ymail.com" />
-	<target host="www.ymail.com" />
-	<target host="*.zenfs.com" />
-	<!--	Some Yahoo cookies are cross-domain cookies.
-		It's a case of figuring out which ones
-		aren't needed on unsecurable pages.
-			- .yahoo.com
-				- AO
-				- B
-					- Set by y3.analytics.yahoo.com/itr.pl & us.bc.yahoo.com/b
-				- BA
-					- t=\d{10}
-				- CH
-					- \w{59}/
-				- F
-				- HP
-					- 0
-				- MSC
-					- t=\d{10}X
-				- PH	(set by hjsal)
-				- SSL
-				- ucs	(set by ucs.query)
-					- bnas=\d
-				- V
-					- v=\d.\d&cc=0&m=0
-				- Y
-		-->
-	<!--
-		Secured by server:
-					-->
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-	<!--securecookie host="^(developers\.)?commercecentral\.yahoo\.com$" name="^_rockstar_session$" /-->
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-	<!--
-		Not secured by server:
-					-->
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-	<securecookie host="^\.yahoo\.com$" name="^(?:AO|B|SSL)$" />
-	<securecookie host="^(?:\.analytics|\w\w\.celebridades|\w\w\.cinema|commercecentral|\.contributor|tw\.ysm\.emarketing|everything|\w\w\.financas|games|help|\w\w\.help|homes|\w\w\.local|\.mail|\.maps|\.maktoob|movies|\.?news|\w\w.news|\.playerio|profile|(?:us-locdrop|video)\.query|images\.search|fr\.images\.search|\.toolbar|\.\w\w\.tv|\.uk|\.?us|tw\.uwant|\.www)\.yahoo\.com$" name=".+" />
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-	<securecookie host="^\.auctions\.yahoo\.com$" name="^hkRecentHistory$" />
-	<securecookie host="^\.zenfs\.com$" name="^BX$" />
-	<!--	Could we secure any of these safely?
-							-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.yahoo\.com$" name="^(DK|PH|au_ytv|tt_currency)$" /-->
-	<!--securecookie host="^\.buy\.yahoo\.com$" name="^YAct$" /-->
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-		to="https://s.yimg.com/ck/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?(?:rocket|y)mail\.com/"
-		to="https://mail.yahoo.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://(?:www\.)?totaltravel\.co(?:m|\.uk)/"
-		to="https://au.totaltravel.yahoo.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://builder\.totaltravel\.com/"
-		to="https://builder.totaltravel.com/" />
-	<!--	Redirect drops path and args:
-						-->
-	<rule from="^http://fr\.actualites\.yahoo\.com/.*"
-		to="https://fr.news.yahoo.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://advertisingcentral\.yahoo\.com/+(?=$|\?)"
-		to="https://advertising.yahoo.com/" />
-	<!--	Redirect preserves path and args:
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://(?:cl|co|pe|ve)\.answers\.yahoo\.com/+"
-		to="https://espanol.answers.yahoo.com/" />
-	<!--	Redirect drops path but not args:
-							-->
-	<rule from="^http://(au|nz)\.astrology\.yahoo\.com/[^?]*"
-		to="https://$1.lifestyle.yahoo.com/horoscopes/" />
-	<!--	Redirect drops path and args:
-						-->
-	<rule from="^http://ca\.astrology\.yahoo\.com/.*"
-		to="https://ca.shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/" />
-	<!--	Redirect keeps path and args:
-						-->
-	<rule from="^http://(ar|mx)\.autos\.yahoo\.com/+"
-		to="https://$1.autocosmos.yahoo.net/" />
-	<!--	Redirect keeps path and args:
-						-->
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-						-->
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-						-->
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-						-->
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-						-->
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-		to="https://maps.yahoo.com/" />
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-						-->
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-							-->
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-						-->
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-						-->
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-							-->
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-		to="https://ycpi-mail-dps.msg.yahoo.com/" />
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-		all appear equivalent.
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-						-->
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-		to="https://au.news.yahoo.com/today-tonight/" />
-	<rule from="^http://au\.todaytonight\.yahoo\.com/[^?]*"
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-						-->
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-		to="https://travel.yahoo.com/" />
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-						-->
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-						-->
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-		to="https://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=home&amp;locale=zh_HK" />
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-					-->
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-		to="https://malaysia.video.yahoo.com/" />
-	<rule from="^http://nz\.video\.yahoo\.com/+(?:\?.*)?$"
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-						-->
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-						-->
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-						-->
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