diff --git a/requirements-dev.txt b/requirements-dev.txt index ec30fdc01..6bab6ea63 100644 --- a/requirements-dev.txt +++ b/requirements-dev.txt @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ sphinx-jinja==2.0.2 sphinx-tabs==3.4.1 sphinxcontrib-programoutput==0.17 sphinx-autobuild==2021.3.14 -sphinx-notfound-page==0.8 +sphinx-notfound-page==0.8.3 myst-parser==0.18.0 linuxdoc==20211220 aiounittest==1.4.2 -yamllint==1.26.3 +yamllint==1.27.1 wlc==1.13 coloredlogs==15.0.1 diff --git a/searx/data/engine_descriptions.json b/searx/data/engine_descriptions.json index f2fea6b83..2eadb9b6f 100644 --- a/searx/data/engine_descriptions.json +++ b/searx/data/engine_descriptions.json @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ "currency:nl-BE", "ref" ], + "emojipedia":"Emojipedia is een online naslagwerk voor emoji dat de betekenis en het gemeenschappelijk gebruik van emoji-tekens in de Unicode-Standaard documenteert. De site werd in 2013 opgestart door de Australiër Jeremy Burge.", "tineye":"TinEye is een zoekmachine voor afbeeldingen. TinEye is eigendom van het in Canada gesitueerde bedrijf Idée, Inc. Met de webapplicatie TinEye kunnen gebruikers naar afbeeldingen zoeken. Afbeeldingen kunnen geüpload worden op de website van TinEye of door een URL in te voeren naar een bestaande afbeelding.", "flickr":"Flickr is een website voor het delen van foto's en videofragmenten. Net als Delicious wordt het gezien als een Web 2.0-applicatie die tagging (trefwoorden) gebruikt om een niet-hiërarchische classificering mogelijk te maken (folksonomie).", "free software directory":"De Free Software Directory is een website opgericht door de Free Software Foundation (FSF) en de UNESCO. Het biedt een overzicht van vrije software, met name software voor vrije besturingssystemen, zoals Linux en BSD. Voordat besloten wordt tot de opname van een programma in de Free Software Directory, wordt nagegaan of de aangeduide licentie wel degelijk de juiste licentie is.", @@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ "archive is":"archive.today又稱archive.is,是一個私人資助的網頁存檔網站,資料中心位於歐洲法國的北部-加來海峽。這個網站典藏檔案館使用Apache Hadoop與Apache Accumulo軟體。它可以一次取回一個類似於WebCite的小於50MB的頁面,並能收錄Google地圖與Twitter。", "arxiv":"arXiv 是一個收集物理學、數學、計算機科學、生物學與數理經濟學的論文預印本的網站,始於1991年8月14日。截至2008年10月,arXiv.org已收集超過50萬篇預印本;至2014年底,藏量達到1百萬篇。截至2016年10月,提交率已達每月超過10,000篇。", "bandcamp":"Bandcamp是一家美國線上音樂公司, 由前Oddpost聯合創始人Ethan Diamond與程序員Shawn Grunberger、Joe Holt和Neal Tucker於2008年創立,總部位於加利福尼亞。", + "wikipedia":"維基百科 是維基媒體基金會運營的一個多語言的線上百科全書,並以創建和維護作為開放式協同合作項目,特點是自由內容、自由編輯、自由版權。目前是全球網絡上最大且最受大眾歡迎的參考工具書,名列全球二十大最受歡迎的網站,其在搜尋引擎中排名亦較為靠前。維基百科目前由非營利組織維基媒體基金會負責營運。Wikipedia是混成詞,分別取自於網站核心技術「Wiki」以及英文中百科全書之意的「encyclopedia」。截至2021年初,所有語種的維基百科條目數量達5,500萬。", "bing":"是一款由微軟公司推出的網路搜尋引擎。Bing的歷史可追溯至於1998年的第三個季度發布的MSN Search,它的由Looksmart和Inktomi等提供;2006年3月8日,微軟發布了Windows Live Search的公測版,並於同年9月11日讓其取代了MSN Search,該引擎開始使用搜尋選項卡;次年3月,微軟將其與Windows Live分開並更名Live Search,在此期間,其子服務曾經多次重組、關閉。到了2009年6月3日,微軟將Live Search改造成了今天的Bing並正式發布。微軟認為Bing一詞簡單明了、易於拼寫,容易被人記住;它源自成語「有求必應」。微軟聲稱,此款搜尋引擎將以全新的姿態面世並帶來革命。Bing的內測代號為Kumo,其後才被命名為Bing。2020年10月5日,Bing更名為Microsoft Bing。", "bing images":[ "bing:zh-HK", @@ -126,6 +128,7 @@ "crossref":"Crossref (曾用名CrossRef)是國際DOI基金會 旗下的一個DOI注冊機構,它的成員來自2,000個不同的出版商。Crossref由Publishers International Linking Association Inc.負責運營。該機構於2000年初成立。", "deezer":"Deezer是一家法國在線音樂流媒體服務提供商。它允許用戶在各種設備上在線或離線收聽來自包括環球音樂集團、索尼音樂和華納音樂集團在內的各家唱片公司的音樂。2007年,Deezer創建於法國巴黎,截至2019年1月,Deezer擁有5600萬首授權曲目,擁有超過3萬個電台頻道,月活躍用戶達1400萬,付費用戶為700萬。該服務適用於Web、Android、IOS、Windows Mobile、BlackBerry OS、Microsoft Windows和MacOS。", "wikidata":"維基數據 是一個可協同編輯的知識庫,是繼2006年的維基學院之後,第一個新的維基媒體基金會項目。這一項目與維基共享資源的工作方式類似,將為其他維基計劃及各語種維基百科中的信息框、列表及跨語言連結等提供統一存放的數據,該項目在2012年10月30日投入使用。維基數據藉由軟體Wikibase運行。", + "emojipedia":"表情圖標百科 是一個表情圖標參考網站,記載了Unicode標准中各個表情圖標的編碼、含義、演變等信息。", "etymonline":"在線詞源詞典 是免費的在線詞典,由道格拉斯·哈珀 編纂和撰寫,用於描述英語單詞的詞源。", "fdroid":"F-Droid是一個Android應用程序的軟件資源庫(或應用商店);其功能類似於Google Play商店,但只包含自由及開放源代碼軟件。應用可從F-Droid網站或直接從F-Droid客戶端應用瀏覽及安裝,F-Droid客戶端應用會自動更新其應用。F-Droid不要求用戶注冊賬號。如果應用包含廣告、用戶分析器,追蹤器或倚賴非自由軟件,會被標記存在「負功能」(antifeatures)。運行F-Droid的服務器也均使用自由及開放源代碼軟件,從而允許任何人創建自己的軟件庫。", "flickr":"Flickr為一家提供圖片分享的網路相簿,是Web 2.0的最佳利用例子之一。", @@ -225,6 +228,7 @@ "currency:ar", "ref" ], + "emojipedia":"إيموجي بيديا هو موقع على الإنترنت مختص بمراجع الإيموجي، قام بإنشائه متخصص الإيموجي جيرمي بورج في 2013.", "tineye":"تن آي هو محرك البحث للصور وهي خدمة أنشأتها شركة مقرها في تورونتو كندا. حيث يقوم المستخدم بإرسال الصورة الي الموقع لكي يقوم محرك بالبحث عن مصدرها.", "etymonline":"قاموس علم اشتقاق الألفاظ هو قاموس حر على الانترنت يصف أصول الكلمات باللغة الإنجليزية.", "fdroid":"إف-درويد هو مستودع برامج أو \"متجر تطبيقات\" لتطبيقات الأندرويد، مماثل ومشابه ل جوجل بلاي ستور . المستودع الرئيسي مستضاف من طرف مشروع يحتوي فقط على تطبيقات ذات برامج حرة أو مفتوحة المصدر. التطبيقات يمكن تصفحها وتحميلها من الموقع الرسمي ل إف-درويد بدون حاجة المستخدم إلى تسجيل أو فتح حساب. «مضاد الميزات» على غرار الإعلانات تستعمل التتبع أو أنها تعتمد على برامج غير حرة ويتم ذكر هذا في الوصف. يقدم الموقع أيضا مصدر الكود للتطبيقات ، حيث أن مضيفي البرامج يستعملون خادم ف-درويد، وبالتالي يسمحون لأي شخص من المجموعة في أن يصبح ملك تطبيق معين في المستودع.", @@ -404,7 +408,7 @@ "reddit":"রেডিট একটি সামাজিক নেটওয়ার্ক সংহতি, ওয়েব বিষয়বস্তু রেটিং, এবং আলোচনার ওয়েবসাইট। নিবন্ধিত সদস্যরা বিভিন্ন কন্টেন্ট যেমনঃ লিঙ্ক, লিখা, এবং ছবি জমা দিতে পারে, যেগুলো পরে অন্য সদস্যদের ভোটে উপরে উঠে বা নিচে নামে। রেডিট এক বৈচিত্রময় সংকলন যার হাজারো ভাগ রয়েছে, যেগুলোকে বলা হয় “সাবরেডিট”। বেশি আপভোট পাওয়া সাবমিশনগুলো তাদের সাবরেডিটের উপরের দিকে জায়গা করে নেয় এবং যদি যথেষ্ট পরিমাণ ভোট পায় তবে শেষ পর্যন্ত সাইটের প্রথম পাতায় জায়গা করে নেয়।", "soundcloud":"সাউন্ডক্লাউড হল জার্মানির রাজধানী বার্লিন-এ স্থাপিত একটি অনলাইন অডিও বণ্টন ভিত্তিক প্রচারের মাধ্যম, যেটি ব্যবহারকারীকে তার নিজেস্ব তৈরীকৃত শব্দ বা সঙ্গীত আপলোড, রেকর্ড, এর উন্নীতকরণ এবং সবার উদ্দেশ্যে তা প্রচারের অধিকার প্রদান করে।", "startpage":"স্টার্টপেজ হল গোপনীয়তা নির্ভর সার্চ ইঞ্জিন। এটি আগে মেটাসার্চ এবং আইএক্সকুইক নামে ভিন্ন দুটি সার্চ ইঞ্জিন ছিল। ২০১৬ সালে দুটি কোম্পানি একীভূত হয়। পূর্বে এটি আইএক্স কুইক অনুসন্ধান ইঞ্জিন নামে পরিচিত ছিলো।", - "youtube":"ইউটিউব হলো সান ব্রুনো, ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া ভিত্তিক একটি মার্কিন অনলাইন ভিডিও হোস্টিং সেবার সাইট, যা ২০০৫ সালের ফেব্রুয়ারিতে প্রকাশিত হয়। ২০০৬ সালের অক্টোবরে, গুগল সাইটটিকে ১.৬৫ বিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলারের বিনিময়ে ক্রয় করে নেয়। ইউটিউব বর্তমানে গুগলের অন্যতম অধীনস্থ প্রতিষ্ঠান হিসেবে পরিচালিত হচ্ছে।", + "youtube":"ইউটিউব হলো সান ব্রুনো, ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া ভিত্তিক একটি মার্কিন অনলাইন ভিডিও প্ল্যাটফর্ম সেবার সাইট, যা ২০০৫ সালের ফেব্রুয়ারিতে প্রকাশিত হয়। ইউটিউব বর্তমানে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি প্ল্যাটফর্ম। ২০০৬ সালের অক্টোবরে, গুগল সাইটটিকে ১.৬৫ বিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলারের বিনিময়ে ক্রয় করে নেয়। ইউটিউব বর্তমানে গুগলের অন্যতম অধীনস্থ প্রতিষ্ঠান হিসেবে পরিচালিত হচ্ছে।", "wikibooks":"উইকিবই হল উইকি-ভিত্তিক পরিবারের একটি উইকিমিডিয়া প্রকল্প যা মিডিয়াউইকি সফটওয়্যারের মাধ্যমে চালিত এবং উইকিমিডিয়া ফাউন্ডেশন কর্তৃক হোস্টকৃত। এটি একটি প্রকল্প, যেখানে বিভিন্ন প্রকার পাঠ্যপুস্তক পঠনযোগ্য আকারে সংরক্ষণ করা হয়।", "wikinews":"উইকিনিউজ বা উইকিসংবাদ হল উইকি মুক্ত বিষয়বস্তুর আলোকে পরিচালিত সংবাদ বিষয়ক ওয়েবসাইট এবং উইকিমিডিয়া ফাউন্ডেশনের একটি প্রকল্প যা বিশ্বব্যাপী সহযোগিতামুলক সাংবাদিকতার মাধ্যমে কাজ করে থাকে। উইকিপিডিয়ার সহ-প্রতিষ্ঠাতা জিমি ওয়েলস উইকিপিডিয়া থেকে উইকিসংবাদ আলাদা করার প্রসঙ্গে বলেন, \"উইকিসংবাদে, প্রতিটি গল্প বিশ্বকোষীয় নিবন্ধ থেকে ভিন্ন আঙ্গিকে মুলতঃ একটি সংবাদ হিসেবে লেখা হবে।\" উইকিসংবাদ নিরপেক্ষ দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি নীতি অনুসরণের মাধ্যমে সাংবাদিকতায় বস্তুনিষ্ঠতার ধারণা প্রতিষ্ঠা করে যা অন্যান্য নাগরিক সাংবাদিকতা চর্চার ওয়েবসাইট যেমন, ইন্ডেমিডিয়া ও ওহমাইনিউজ থেকে ভিন্নতর।", "wikiquote":"উইকিউক্তি উইকি-ভিত্তিক পরিবারের একটি প্রকল্প যা মিডিয়াউইকি সফটওয়্যারের মাধ্যমে চালিত এবং উইকিমিডিয়া ফাউন্ডেশন কর্তৃক পরিচালিত। এটি ড্যানিয়েল অ্যালস্টনের ধারণার উপর ভিত্তি করে এবং ব্রিয়ন ভিবের কর্তৃক বাস্তবায়িত। উইকিউক্তি পাতাসমূহ উইকিপিডিয়ার উল্লেখযোগ্য ব্যক্তিত্ব সম্পর্কে নিবন্ধে ক্রস-সংযুক্ত করা হয়।", @@ -777,6 +781,7 @@ "currency:de", "ref" ], + "emojipedia":"Die Emojipedia ist ein englischsprachiges Online-Nachschlagewerk für Emojis. Sie wurde am 14. Juli 2013 vom australischen Emoji-Experten Jeremy Burge gegründet und ist die führende Ressource zu Emojis im Internet.", "tineye":"Idée Inc. ist ein als Aktiengesellschaft eingetragenes Unternehmen aus Toronto, das Bildidentifizierungs- und Suchsoftware entwickelt und anbietet. Das Unternehmen gilt als einer der Pioniere in der Bildüberwachungsindustrie.", "fdroid":"F-Droid ist ein alternativer App Store für das mobile Betriebssystem Android. Die Besonderheit von F-Droid besteht darin, dass im offiziellen und standardmäßig aktivierten Repository ausschließlich freie Software angeboten wird, üblicherweise nach GNU GPL oder Apache-Lizenz. Der Quellcode jeder App im F-Droid-Repositorium steht nicht nur dem Endnutzer zur Einsichtnahme und Modifikation zur Verfügung, sondern es wird auch garantiert, dass die heruntergeladene apk-Datei vom F-Droid-Server aus diesen Quellen generiert wurde. Entsprechend ist diese Datei auch von F-Droid signiert und nicht wie üblich vom ursprünglichen Entwickler. Dieses Konzept soll für Transparenz und Sicherheit sorgen.", "flickr":"Flickr ist ein kommerzieller Onlinedienst mit Community-Elementen, der es Benutzern erlaubt, digitale und digitalisierte Bilder sowie kurze Videos von maximal zehn Minuten Dauer mit Kommentaren und Notizen auf die Website zu laden und so anderen Nutzern zugänglich zu machen. Neben dem herkömmlichen Hochladen über die Website können die Bilder auch per E-Mail oder vom Mobiltelefon aus übertragen und später von anderen Webauftritten aus verlinkt werden.", @@ -801,7 +806,7 @@ "ref" ], "hoogle":"Haskell ist eine rein funktionale Programmiersprache, benannt nach dem US-amerikanischen Mathematiker Haskell Brooks Curry, dessen Arbeiten zur mathematischen Logik eine Grundlage funktionaler Programmiersprachen bilden. Haskell basiert auf dem Lambda-Kalkül, weshalb auch der griechische Buchstabe Lambda als Logo verwendet wird. Die wichtigste Implementierung ist der Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC).", - "imdb":"Die Internet Movie Database ist eine Datenbank zu Filmen, Fernsehserien, Videoproduktionen und Computerspielen sowie über Personen, die daran mitgewirkt haben. Im Januar 2020 gab es Einträge zu über 7,55 Millionen Filmproduktionen und zu über 11,21 Millionen Film- und Fernsehschaffenden. Betrieben wird die Datenbank seit 1998 von Amazon.", + "imdb":"Die Internet Movie Database ist eine US-amerikanische Datenbank zu Filmen, Fernsehserien, Videoproduktionen und Computerspielen sowie über Personen, die daran mitgewirkt haben. Im Januar 2020 gab es Einträge zu über 7,55 Millionen Filmproduktionen und zu über 11,21 Millionen Film- und Fernsehschaffenden. Betrieben wird die Datenbank seit 1998 von Amazon.", "ina":"Das Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA) ist ein öffentlich-rechtliches französisches Unternehmen. Das INA war das erste digitalisierte Archiv Europas. Sein Auftrag ist es, alle französischen Rundfunk- und Fernsehproduktionen zu sammeln, zu bewahren und öffentlich zugänglich zu machen, in etwa vergleichbar dem Auftrag der Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), geschriebene und gedruckte Dokumente aller Art zu archivieren. Die Sammlungen des INA sind über seine Website für die Öffentlichkeit teilweise kostenlos zugänglich, der Rest unterliegt urheberrechtlichen Beschränkungen.", "invidious":[ "alternatives Frontend für YouTube", @@ -984,7 +989,7 @@ "Arch Linux documentation on the web", "wikidata" ], - "archive is":"archive.today is a web archiving site, founded in 2012, that saves snapshots on demand, and has support for JavaScript-heavy sites such as Google Maps and progressive web applications such as Twitter. Archive.today records two snapshots: one replicates the original webpage including any functional live links; the other is binary image screenshot of the page.", + "archive is":"archive.today is a web archiving site, founded in 2012, that saves snapshots on demand, and has support for JavaScript-heavy sites such as Google Maps and progressive web applications such as Twitter. archive.today records two snapshots: one replicates the original webpage including any functional live links; the other is a screenshot of the page.", "artic":"The Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago's Grant Park, founded in 1879, is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the world. Recognized for its curatorial efforts and popularity among visitors, the museum hosts approximately 1.5 million people annually. Its collection, stewarded by 11 curatorial departments, is encyclopedic, and includes iconic works such as Georges Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, Pablo Picasso's The Old Guitarist, Edward Hopper's Nighthawks, and Grant Wood's American Gothic. Its permanent collection of nearly 300,000 works of art is augmented by more than 30 special exhibitions mounted yearly that illuminate aspects of the collection and present cutting-edge curatorial and scientific research.", "arxiv":"arXiv is an open-access repository of electronic preprints and postprints approved for posting after moderation, but not peer review. It consists of scientific papers in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, electrical engineering, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, mathematical finance and economics, which can be accessed online. In many fields of mathematics and physics, almost all scientific papers are self-archived on the arXiv repository before publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Some publishers also grant permission for authors to archive the peer-reviewed postprint. Begun on August 14, 1991, arXiv.org passed the half-million-article milestone on October 3, 2008, and had hit a million by the end of 2014. As of April 2021, the submission rate is about 16,000 articles per month.", "bandcamp":"Bandcamp is an American online audio distribution platform founded in 2007 by Oddpost co-founder Ethan Diamond and programmers Shawn Grunberger, Joe Holt and Neal Tucker, with headquarters in Oakland, California, US.", @@ -1032,6 +1037,7 @@ "currency:en", "ref" ], + "emojipedia":"Emojipedia is an emoji reference website which documents the meaning and common usage of emoji characters in the Unicode Standard. Most commonly described as an emoji encyclopedia or emoji dictionary, Emojipedia also publishes articles and provides tools for tracking new emoji characters, design changes and usage trends. It is owned by Zedge since 2021.", "tineye":"TinEye is a reverse image search engine developed and offered by Idée, Inc., a company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. TinEye allows users to search not using keywords but with images. Upon submitting an image, TinEye creates a \"unique and compact digital signature or fingerprint\" of the image and matches it with other indexed images. This procedure is able to match even heavily edited versions of the submitted image, but will not usually return similar images in the results.", "etymonline":"The Online Etymology Dictionary is a free online dictionary, written and compiled by Douglas R. Harper, that describes the origins of English-language words.", "1x":[ @@ -1150,7 +1156,7 @@ "A search engine of PeerTube videos, channels and playlists, developed by Framasoft", "https://sepiasearch.org" ], - "soundcloud":"SoundCloud is an online audio distribution platform and music sharing website that enables its users to upload, promote, and share audio, as well as a digital signal processor enabling listeners to stream audio. Founded in 2007 by Alexander Ljung and Eric Wahlforss, SoundCloud has grown to be one of the largest music streaming services in the world and is available in 190 countries and territories. Audience-wise, there are over 76 million active monthly users, with over 175 million global users that SoundCloud reaches, as of November 2021. While its competitors report having roughly 70 million tracks in their systems, SoundCloud supersedes this with over 300 million. SoundCloud offers both free and paid memberships on the platform, available for mobile, desktop and Xbox devices.", + "soundcloud":"SoundCloud is an online audio distribution platform and music sharing website that enables its users to upload, promote, and share audio, as well as a digital signal processor enabling listeners to stream audio. Founded in 2007 by Alexander Ljung and Eric Wahlforss, SoundCloud has grown to be one of the largest music streaming services in the world and is available in 190 countries and territories. Audience-wise, there are over 76 million active monthly users, with over 175 million global users that SoundCloud reaches, as of November 2021. While its competitors report having roughly 70 million tracks in their systems, SoundCloud has over 300 million. SoundCloud offers both free and paid memberships on the platform, available for mobile, desktop and Xbox devices.", "stackoverflow":"Stack Exchange is a network of question-and-answer (Q&A) websites on topics in diverse fields, each site covering a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process. The reputation system allows the sites to be self-moderating. As of August 2019, the three most actively-viewed sites in the network are Stack Overflow, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu.", "askubuntu":[ "stackoverflow:en", @@ -1225,7 +1231,7 @@ "wikidata" ], "brave":"Brave Search is a search engine developed by Brave Software, Inc. and is set as the default search engine for Brave browser users in certain countries.", - "petalsearch":"Petal Search is a search engine, developed by Huawei in the second half of 2020, it is available on mobile and desktop platforms. Inspired by Huawei’s logo, the search engine was named Petal as in flower petals.", + "petalsearch":"Petal Search is a worldwide search engine, developed by Huawei in the second half of 2020, it is available on mobile and desktop platforms. Inspired by Huawei's logo, the search engine was named Petal as in flower petals.", "petalsearch images":[ "petalsearch:en", "ref" @@ -1373,7 +1379,7 @@ "gitlab":"Gitlab Inc. es una compañía de núcleo abierto y es la principal proveedora del software GitLab, un servicio web de forja, control de versiones y DevOps basado en Git. Además de gestor de repositorios, el servicio ofrece también alojamiento de wikis y un sistema de seguimiento de errores, todo ello publicado bajo una licencia de código abierto, principalmente.", "github":"GitHub es una forja para alojar proyectos utilizando el sistema de control de versiones Git. Se utiliza principalmente para la creación de código fuente de programas de ordenador. El software que opera GitHub fue escrito en Ruby on Rails. Desde enero de 2010, GitHub opera bajo el nombre de GitHub, Inc. Anteriormente era conocida como Logical Awesome LLC. El código de los proyectos alojados en GitHub se almacena generalmente de forma pública.", "google":"El buscador de Google o buscador web de Google es un motor de búsqueda en la web propiedad de Alphabet Inc. Es el motor de búsqueda más utilizado en la Web y recibe cientos de millones de consultas cada día a través de sus diferentes servicios. El objetivo principal del buscador de Google es buscar texto en las páginas web, en lugar de otro tipo de datos. Fue desarrollado originalmente por Larry Page y Sergey Brin en 1997.", - "google images":"Google Imágenes es una especialización del buscador principal para imágenes, que fue implementado en el año 2001. Contiene en su interfaz distintas herramientas de búsqueda, que sirven para filtrar los resultados de las imágenes. Estos pueden ser según su tamaño, tipo, formatos, por coloración, por color, por fecha, y por imágenes similares.", + "google images":"Google Imágenes es una especialización del buscador principal para imágenes, se introdujo el 12 de julio de 2001 debido a la demanda de imágenes del vestido verde de Versace que usó Jennifer López en febrero de 2000. En 2011, se agregó la función de búsqueda inversa de imágenes.", "google news":"Google Noticias, conocido en España como Google News, es un agregador y buscador de noticias automatizado que rastrea de forma constante la información de los principales medios de comunicación en línea.", "google videos":"Google Videos fue un servicio de Google que hasta enero de 2009 permitía subir clips de video a sus servidores para que cualquier persona los pudiera buscar y ver directamente desde su navegador. Inicialmente nació como competencia de YouTube, a la que terminó comprando el 10 de octubre de 2006. Finalmente, Google Video pasó a funcionar como un mero buscador de vídeos en la red, pasando a ser YouTube el único servicio de estos dos que permite la subida de vídeos.", "google scholar":"Google Académico es un motor de búsqueda de Google enfocado y especializado en la búsqueda de contenido y bibliografía científico-académica. El sitio indexa editoriales, bibliotecas, repositorios, bases de datos bibliográficas, entre otros; y entre sus resultados se pueden encontrar citas, enlaces a libros, artículos de revistas científicas, comunicaciones y congresos, informes científico-técnicos, tesis, tesinas y archivos depositados en repositorios.", @@ -1884,7 +1890,7 @@ "piratebay":"The Pirate Bay est un site web créé en 2003 en Suède, indexant des liens Magnets de fichiers numériques, permettant le partage de fichiers en pair à pair à l’aide du protocole de communication BitTorrent. Le site se finance par les dons et la publicité, il a été créé dans l’esprit d’une « culture libre ».", "pubmed":"MEDLINE est une base de données bibliographiques regroupant la littérature relative aux sciences biologiques et biomédicales. La base est gérée et mise à jour par la Bibliothèque américaine de médecine (NLM).", "pypi":"PyPI est le dépôt tiers officiel du langage de programmation Python. Son objectif est de doter la communauté des développeurs Python d'un catalogue complet recensant tous les paquets Python libres. Il est analogue au dépôt CPAN pour Perl.", - "qwant":"Qwant est un moteur de recherche français. Mis en ligne le 16 février 2013 en version bêta, puis en version définitive le 4 juillet 2013, il annonce depuis son lancement ne pas tracer ses utilisateurs, ni vendre leurs données personnelles, afin de garantir leur vie privée, et se veut neutre dans l'affichage des résultats. Dans les faits, des données sont cependant partagées avec Microsoft.", + "qwant":"Qwant est un moteur de recherche français. Mis en ligne le 16 février 2013 en version bêta, puis en version définitive le 4 juillet 2013, il annonce depuis son lancement[citation nécessaire] ne pas tracer ses utilisateurs, ni vendre leurs données personnelles, afin de garantir leur vie privée, et se veut neutre dans l'affichage des résultats. Dans les faits, des données sont cependant partagées avec Microsoft.", "qwant news":[ "qwant:fr", "ref" @@ -2027,6 +2033,7 @@ "currency:he", "ref" ], + "emojipedia":"אמוג'יפדיה הוא אתר אנציקלופדי המבוסס על אמוג'ים, שנוצר על ידי ג'רמי בורג בשנת 2013. האתר אחראי לשינוי ולחידוש הסמלים, האמוג'ים ומשמעותם על פי תקן יוניקוד. האתר משתייך לארגונים המשתפים פעולה בעניינים כלכליים-חברתיים ומכונה \"משאב האמוג'י מספר אחת בעולם\".", "fdroid":[ "מאגר של תכניות חופשיות ל־Android", "wikidata" @@ -2550,7 +2557,7 @@ "https://www.bing.com/news" ], "bing videos":[ - "Bing을 사용하면 정보를 기반으로 작업을 수행할 수 있고 검색에서 작업 수행까지 더 빠르고 쉽게 진행할 수 있습니다.", + "Bing 可協助您將資訊轉化為行動,從開始搜尋到採取行動更快、更輕鬆。", "https://www.bing.com/videos" ], "bitbucket":"빗버킷(Bitbucket)은 아틀라시안 소유의 웹 기반 버전 관리 저장소 호스팅 서비스로서, 깃(2011년 10월 이후) 버전 관리 시스템을 사용하는 소스 코드 및 개발 프로젝트를 대상으로 한다. 빗버킷은 상용 플랜과 무료 계정을 동시에 제공한다. 2010년 9월 기준으로 무료 계정의 경우 무제한 수의 개인 저장소(무료 계정의 경우 최대 5명의 사용자 보유 가능)를 제공한다. 빗버킷은 지라, 힙챗, 컨플루언스, 밤부 등의 기타 아틀라시안 소프트웨어와 연동된다.", @@ -2862,6 +2869,10 @@ "currency:en", "ref" ], + "emojipedia":[ + "emojipedia:en", + "ref" + ], "tineye":[ "tineye:en", "ref" @@ -3256,6 +3267,10 @@ "currency:nl-BE", "ref" ], + "emojipedia":[ + "emojipedia:nl-BE", + "ref" + ], "tineye":[ "tineye:nl-BE", "ref" @@ -3638,10 +3653,6 @@ "ref" ], "openstreetmap":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) é um projeto de mapeamento colaborativo para criar um mapa livre e editável do mundo, inspirado por sites como a Wikipédia. Traduzindo para português o nome significa Mapa Aberto de Ruas. Ele fornece dados a centenas de sites na internet, aplicações de celular e outros dispositivos.", - "pdbe":[ - "PDBe home < Node < EMBL-EBI", - "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe" - ], "piratebay":"The Pirate Bay (TPB), autointitulado \"O tracker BitTorrent mais resiliente da galáxia\", contém magnet links, sendo também o índice para os arquivos .torrent. Um magnet link ou um arquivo .torrent, em conjunto com um cliente BitTorrent, proporciona ao cliente as informações necessárias para se copiar um arquivo ou conjunto de arquivos de outras pessoas que estão copiando ou compartindo o mesmo arquivo.", "pubmed":"MEDLINE® é uma sigla em inglês para Sistema Online de Busca e Análise de Literatura Médica é a base de dados bibliográficos da Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina dos Estados Unidos da América. Contém mais de 18 milhões de referências a artigos de jornais científicos, com maior concentração em biomedicina, mas contém também artigos sobre enfermagem, veterinária, farmacologia, odontologia, entre outros. Uma característica marcante da MEDLINE é que os dados gravados no sistema são indexados com palavras-chave específicas de um sistema chamado MeSH.", "pypi":"O Python Package Index, abreviado como PyPI e também conhecido como Cheese Shop, é o repositório de software oficial de terceiros para Python. É análogo ao CPAN, o repositório para Perl. Alguns gerenciadores de pacotes, incluindo o pip, usam o PyPI como a fonte padrão para os pacotes e suas dependências. Mais de 113.000 pacotes Python podem ser acessados por meio do PyPI.", @@ -4384,6 +4395,7 @@ "currency:sv", "ref" ], + "emojipedia":"Emojipedia är ett digitalt lexikon för emojier. Lexikonet dokumenterar alla emojier som finns i standarden Unicode och deras betydelse. Emojipedia har kallats för världens främsta resurs om emojier.", "etymonline":"Online Etymology Dictionary är en nätbaserad engelskspråkig etymologisk ordbok, framtagen och publicerad 2001 av historikern Douglas R. Harper.", "fdroid":[ "pakethanterare som innehåller fri programvara samt open source för Android plattformen", @@ -4440,7 +4452,7 @@ }, "ta":{ "artic":"ஆர்ட் இன்ஸ்டியூட் ஆப் சிகாகோ என்பது ஐக்கிய அமெரிக்காவின் சிகாகோ நகரில் அமைந்துள்ள கலைக்களஞ்சிய அருங்காட்சியகம் ஆகும். இவ்வருங்காட்சியகம் மிகப்பிரம்மாண்டமான மூன்று கட்டடங்களில் இயங்குகிறது. இம்மூன்று கட்டடங்களும் முதல் தளத்துடன் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.", - "wikipedia":"விக்கிப்பீடியா என்பது, வணிக நோக்கற்ற விக்கிமீடியா நிறுவனத்தின் உதவியுடன் நடத்தப்படும், கூட்டாகத் தொகுக்கப்படும், பன்மொழி, கட்டற்ற இணையக் கலைக்களஞ்சியமாகும். தமிழ் விக்கிப்பீடியாவின் 1,00,000க்கும் மேற்பட்ட கட்டுரைகளுடன் சேர்த்து இதன் மொத்தக் கட்டுரைகளான 24 மில்லியன் கட்டுரைகளும் உலகெங்கிலுமுள்ள தன்னார்வலர்களால் கூட்டாக எழுதப்படுகின்றன. பெரும்பாலும் இதன் எல்லாக் கட்டுரைகளும், இதனைப் பயன்படுத்தும் எவராலும், தொகுக்கப்படக் கூடுவன. மேலும் இது கிட்டத்தட்ட 100,000 முனைப்பான பங்களிப்பாளர்களையும் கொண்டுள்ளது. சூன் 2022 வரையில், விக்கிப்பீடியா 285 மொழிகளில் செயற்படுகிறது. இது இணையத்தளத்தில் இயங்கும் உசாத்துணைப் பகுதிகளிலேயே மிகவும் பெரியதும், அதிகப் புகழ்பெற்றதுமாகும். மேலும், இது அலெக்சா இணையத்தளத்தில் காணப்படும் இணையத்தளங்களின் தரவரிசையில் ஆறாவது இடத்தில் உள்ளதோடு, உலகளவில் அண்ணளவாக 365 மில்லியன் வாசகர்களையும் கொண்டுள்ளது.", + "wikipedia":"விக்கிப்பீடியா என்பது, வணிக நோக்கற்ற விக்கிமீடியா நிறுவனத்தின் உதவியுடன் நடத்தப்படும், கூட்டாகத் தொகுக்கப்படும், பன்மொழி, கட்டற்ற இணையக் கலைக்களஞ்சியமாகும். தமிழ் விக்கிப்பீடியாவின் 1,00,000க்கும் மேற்பட்ட கட்டுரைகளுடன் சேர்த்து இதன் மொத்தக் கட்டுரைகளான 24 மில்லியன் கட்டுரைகளும் உலகெங்கிலுமுள்ள தன்னார்வலர்களால் கூட்டாக எழுதப்படுகின்றன. பெரும்பாலும் இதன் எல்லாக் கட்டுரைகளும், இதனைப் பயன்படுத்தும் எவராலும், தொகுக்கப்படக் கூடுவன. மேலும் இது கிட்டத்தட்ட 100,000 முனைப்பான பங்களிப்பாளர்களையும் கொண்டுள்ளது. சூலை 2022 வரையில், விக்கிப்பீடியா 285 மொழிகளில் செயற்படுகிறது. இது இணையத்தளத்தில் இயங்கும் உசாத்துணைப் பகுதிகளிலேயே மிகவும் பெரியதும், அதிகப் புகழ்பெற்றதுமாகும். மேலும், இது அலெக்சா இணையத்தளத்தில் காணப்படும் இணையத்தளங்களின் தரவரிசையில் ஆறாவது இடத்தில் உள்ளதோடு, உலகளவில் அண்ணளவாக 365 மில்லியன் வாசகர்களையும் கொண்டுள்ளது.", "bing":"பிங் (Bing) என்பது மைக்ரோசாப்ட் நிறுவத்திற்குச் சொந்தமான வலைத் தேடல் பொறி ஆகும். இத்தேடல் பொறியானது முன்னர் லைவ் சேர்ச், வின்டோசு லைவ் சேர்ச், எம்எஸ்என் சேர்ச் ஆகிய பெயர்களைக் கொண்டு அமைந்திருந்தது. இத்தேடல் பொறி மைக்ரோசாப்ட் நிறுவனத்தினால் முடிவெடுக்கும் பொறியாக விளம்பரப்படுத்தப்பட்டது. 2009 ஆம் ஆண்டு மே மாதம் 28 ஆம் திகதியன்று சான் டியேகோ நகரில் இடம்பெற்ற ஆல் திங்ஸ் டிஜிட்டல் (All Things Digital) மாநாட்டின் போது மைக்ரோசாப்ட் நிறுவனத்தின் முன்னாள் தலைமை நிர்வாக அதிகாரி இசுட்டீவ் பால்மரால் இத்தேடல் பொறி அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்பட்டு சூன் 1 இல் வெளியிடப்படும் எனவும் அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது.. 2009 ஆம் ஆண்டு சூன், 29 ஆம் திகதியன்று யாகூ! தேடல் பொறியினை பிங் தேடல் பொறி நிர்வகிக்கும் என அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது.", "bing images":[ "bing:ta", @@ -4530,10 +4542,6 @@ ], "imdb":"ఇంటర్నెట్ మూవీ డేటాబేసు వీడియోలకి సంబంధించిన ఒక వెబ్ సైటు. ఇది సినిమాలు, TV షోలు, నటులు, సాంకేతిక నిపుణుల వివరాలతో కూడిన అతి పెద్ద ఆన్ లైన్ సమాచార నిధి (డేటాబేసు). ఇది ప్రస్తుతం Amazon.com సంస్థ ఆధ్వర్వంలో నడుస్తుంది. ఇది అందుబాటులో ఉన్న ఏకైక భాష ఆంగ్లం.", "library of congress":"ప్రపంచంలోని అతి పెద్ద గ్రంథాలయం యునైటెడ్ స్టేట్స్ లైబ్రరీ ఆఫ్ కాంగ్రెస్, వాషింగ్టన్, డి.సి. లోని కాపిటల్ హిల్ పైన స్థాపించారు. ఇది 1800వ సంవత్సరం ఏప్రిల్ 24న స్థాపితమైంది.", - "openstreetmap":[ - "OpenStreetMap is the free wiki world map.", - "https://www.openstreetmap.org/" - ], "youtube":"యూట్యూబ్ అనేది అంతర్జాలంలో వీడియోలను ఇతరులతో పంచుకోవడాని వీలుకల్పించే ఒక అంతర్జాతీయ సేవ. దీని ప్రధాన కార్యాలయం అమెరికాలోని, కాలిఫోర్నియా రాష్ట్రం, శాన్ బ్రూనో అనే నగరంలో ఉంది.", "wikibooks":"వికీబుక్స్ స్వేచ్ఛానకలుహక్కులతో సమష్టిగా తయారు చేయగల పుస్తకాల జాల స్థలి. ఇది 2004 ఆగస్టు 13న ప్రారంభమైంది. వికీ ప్రాజెక్టులన్నిటిలోఅతితక్కువ వ్యాసపేజీలు ఉన్నాయి. దీనిలో ఉబుంటు వాడుకరి మార్గదర్శిని పూర్తికాబడిన పుస్తకం. దీనిలో ఉబుంటుతో తెలుగులో టైపు చేయడం దగ్గరనుండి, ఉత్తరములు వ్రాయుట, ప్రదర్శన పత్రములు చేయుట, వివిధ రకాల ధ్వని, దృశ్య శ్రవణ మాధ్యమములను నడుపుట, వాడబడే విహరిణులు లాంటివన్నీ ఎలా చేయవచ్చో వివరించటమైనది. ఇంకా వంట పుస్తకం ప్రారంభించబడింది. వికీసోర్స్ లో ఉండవలసిన కొన్ని వ్యాసాలు పొరపాటున వికీబుక్స్ లో సృష్టించబడినవి. ఈ ప్రాజెక్టు ప్రధాన ఉద్దేశం పాఠ్యపుస్తకాలు సమష్టిగా వృద్ధిచేయటం. ఏప్రిల్ 2010 అలెక్సా లెక్కల ప్రకారం ప్రపంచంలోని జాలస్థలులన్నిటిలో 2,462వ స్థానములోఉన్నది.", "wikiquote":"వికీకోట్ అనగా వికీవ్యాఖ్య .వికీమీడియా ఫౌండేషను ఆధ్వర్యములో మీడియావికీ సాఫ్టువేరుతో నడిచే వికీ ఆధారిత ప్రాజెక్టు కుటుంబములో ఒక ప్రాజెక్టు. డేనియల్ ఆల్స్టన్ యొక్క ఆలోచనను బ్రయన్ విబ్బర్ కార్యాచరణలో పెట్టగా రూపొందిన ఈ ప్రాజెక్టు యొక్క లక్ష్యం సమిష్టి సమన్వయ కృషితో వివిధ ప్రముఖ వ్యక్తులు, పుస్తకాలు, సామెతలనుండి సేకరించిన వ్యాఖ్యల యొక్క విస్తృత వనరును తయారుచేసి వాటికి సంబంధించిన వివరాలు పొందుపరచడం. అనేక అన్లైన్ వ్యాఖ్యల సేకరణలు ఉన్నప్పటికీ సందర్శకులను సేకరణ ప్రక్రియలో పాలుపంచుకొనే అవకాశము ఇస్తున్న అతికొద్ది వాటిల్లో వికీవ్యాఖ్య ఒకటిగా విశిష్ఠత సంపాదించుకొన్నది.", @@ -4847,8 +4855,8 @@ "ref" ], "bing videos":[ - "Bing 可協助您將資訊轉化為行動,從開始搜尋到採取行動更快、更輕鬆。", - "https://www.bing.com/videos" + "bing videos:ko", + "ref" ], "crossref":"Crossref (曾用名CrossRef)是國際DOI基金會 旗下的一個DOI注册机构,它的成員來自2,000個不同的出版商。Crossref由Publishers International Linking Association Inc.負責运营。該機構于2000年初成立。", "deezer":"Deezer是一家法国在线音乐流媒体服务提供商。它允许用户在各种设备上在线或离线收听来自包括环球音乐集团、索尼音乐和华纳音乐集团在內的各家唱片公司的音乐。2007年,Deezer创建于法国巴黎,截至2019年1月,Deezer拥有5600万首授权曲目,拥有超过3万个电台频道,月活跃用户達1400万,付费用户為700万。该服务适用于Web、Android、IOS、Windows Mobile、BlackBerry OS、Microsoft Windows和MacOS。", diff --git a/searx/engines/emojipedia.py b/searx/engines/emojipedia.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b89267c0d --- /dev/null +++ b/searx/engines/emojipedia.py @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later +# lint: pylint +"""Emojipedia + +Emojipedia is an emoji reference website which documents the meaning and +common usage of emoji characters in the Unicode Standard. It is owned by Zedge +since 2021. Emojipedia is a voting member of The Unicode Consortium.[1] + +[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emojipedia +""" + +from urllib.parse import urlencode +from lxml import html + +from searx.utils import ( + eval_xpath_list, + eval_xpath_getindex, + extract_text, +) + +about = { + "website": 'https://emojipedia.org', + "wikidata_id": 'Q22908129', + "official_api_documentation": None, + "use_official_api": False, + "require_api_key": False, + "results": 'HTML', +} + +categories = [] +paging = False +time_range_support = False + +base_url = 'https://emojipedia.org' +search_url = base_url + '/search/?{query}' + + +def request(query, params): + params['url'] = search_url.format( + query=urlencode({'q': query}), + ) + return params + + +def response(resp): + results = [] + + dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) + + for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, "/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/ol/li"): + + extracted_desc = extract_text(eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/p', 0)) + + if 'No results found.' in extracted_desc: + break + + link = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/h2/a', 0) + + url = base_url + link.attrib.get('href') + title = extract_text(link) + content = extracted_desc + + res = {'url': url, 'title': title, 'content': content} + + results.append(res) + + return results diff --git a/searx/settings.yml b/searx/settings.yml index a00c0b4cb..f392c9bd6 100644 --- a/searx/settings.yml +++ b/searx/settings.yml @@ -544,6 +544,12 @@ engines: timeout: 3.0 disabled: true + - name: emojipedia + engine: emojipedia + timeout: 4.0 + shortcut: em + disabled: true + - name: tineye engine: tineye shortcut: tin diff --git a/searx/templates/simple/preferences.html b/searx/templates/simple/preferences.html index 8ee0a02c7..7f9be5693 100644 --- a/searx/templates/simple/preferences.html +++ b/searx/templates/simple/preferences.html @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ <p class="value"> <select name='image_proxy' aria-labelledby="pref_image_proxy"> <option value="1" {% if image_proxy %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Enabled') }}</option> - <option value="" {% if not image_proxy %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Disabled') }}</option> + <option value="0" {% if not image_proxy %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Disabled') }}</option> </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _('Proxying image results through SearXNG') }}</div> @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ <p class="value"> <select name='query_in_title' aria-labelledby="pref_query_in_title"> <option value="1" {% if query_in_title %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Enabled') }}</option> - <option value="" {% if not query_in_title %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Disabled') }}</option> + <option value="0" {% if not query_in_title %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ _('Disabled') }}</option> </select> </p> <div class="description">{{ _("When enabled, the result page's title contains your query. Your browser can record this title") }}</div> diff --git a/searx/translations/ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 478886e50..e05ba8537 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index d2efec9a6..999bd5d2b 100644 --- a/searx/translations/ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-08 07:17+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language-Team: Arabic <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/ar/>" "\n" @@ -206,27 +206,27 @@ msgstr "المصدر" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "حدث خلل أثناء تحميل الصفحة التالية" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "إنّ الإعدادات خاطئة، يرجى تعديل خياراتك" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "إعدادات غير صالحة" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "خطأ في البحث" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "قبل دقائق" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "قبل {hours} ساعات، {minutes} دقائق" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "معلق" @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ msgstr "الدالات الإحصائية" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "احصل على الاتجاهات" @@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ msgstr "" #: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:9 msgid "Hostname replace" -msgstr "" +msgstr "استبدال اسم المضيف" #: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:10 msgid "Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أعد كتابة أسماء مضيفي النتائج أو أزل النتائج بناءً على اسم المضيف" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9 msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite" @@ -347,45 +347,45 @@ msgstr "صفحة البحث" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "التفضيلات" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "مدعوم بواسطة" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "محرك بحث يحمي الخصوصية و قابل للتهكير" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "الشفرة المصدرية" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "إحصائيات المحرك" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "مثيلات الخوادم العمومية" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "الإتصال بالمشرف على مثيل الخادم" @@ -410,7 +410,23 @@ msgstr "النسخة المخبأة" msgid "proxied" msgstr "النفاذ عبر البروكسي" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" @@ -811,7 +827,7 @@ msgstr "حاول البحث عن :" #: searx/templates/simple/results.html:152 msgid "Back to top" -msgstr "" +msgstr "العودة للأعلى" #: searx/templates/simple/results.html:170 msgid "Previous page" @@ -833,7 +849,7 @@ msgstr "البحث عن ..." #: searx/templates/simple/search.html:10 #: searx/templates/simple/simple_search.html:6 msgid "clear" -msgstr "" +msgstr "مسح" #: searx/templates/simple/search.html:11 #: searx/templates/simple/simple_search.html:7 @@ -882,7 +898,7 @@ msgstr "استثناء" #: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:110 msgid "Message" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الرسالة" #: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:112 msgid "Percentage" @@ -910,7 +926,7 @@ msgstr "" #: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:134 msgid "Failed test" -msgstr "" +msgstr "اختبار فاشل" #: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:135 msgid "Comment(s)" diff --git a/searx/translations/bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index f61ee7f99..e325c57cd 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 14727532c..3cfd45f77 100644 --- a/searx/translations/bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,19 +8,18 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Bulgarian <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" -"bg/>\n" "Language: bg\n" +"Language-Team: Bulgarian " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/bg/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. 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msgstr "পরিসংখ্যান কার্যাবলী" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "আর্গুমেন্টগুলির {functions গণনা করুন৷" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 #, fuzzy msgid "Get directions" msgstr "দিকনির্দেশ পান" @@ -365,45 +364,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "পছন্দসমূহ" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: 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+msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" @@ -1077,3 +1092,4 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "পছন্দসমূহ" + diff --git a/searx/translations/bo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/bo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index b1bd4cf7b..d8272f798 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/bo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/bo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/bo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/bo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 8e6b22e0f..6afc414d6 100644 --- a/searx/translations/bo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/bo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-17 07:17+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language: bo\n" @@ -202,27 +202,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "ནུས་མེད་ཀྱི་སྒྲིག་འགོད།ཁྱེད་ཀྱིས་གདམ་ཀ་ལ་བཅོས་སྒྲིག་གཏོང་རོགས།" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "ནུས་མེད་ཀྱི་སྒྲིག་འགོད།" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "འཚོལ་བཤེར་ལ་ནོར་འཁྲུལ་བྱུང་།" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "སྐར་མ་ {minutes} སྔོན་ལ།" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: 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"a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "མི་སྒེར་ཆ་འཕྲིན་ལ་བརྩི་གསོག་ལྡན་ཞིང་འཚོལ་བྱེད་ནང་དོན་ཕུན་སུམ་པའི་འཚོལ་བཤེར་སྒུལ་བྱེད་མ་ལག" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "སྒུལ་བྱེད་ཀྱི་སྡོམ་རྩིས།" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -410,7 +410,23 @@ msgstr "འདྲ་བཤུས་རྒྱབ་ཚར།" msgid "proxied" msgstr "མངག་བཅོལ་བྱེད་ཟིན།" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/ca/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ca/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 1f16b93e2..ebf622f9a 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ca/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and 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"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -206,27 +205,27 @@ msgstr "Origen" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en carregar la pàgina següent" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "La configuració no és vàlida, editeu-la" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "La configuració no és vàlida" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "error en la cerca" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "fa {minutes} minuts" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "fa {hours} hores i {minutes} minuts" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspès" @@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ msgstr "Funcions estadístiques" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Calcula {functions} dels arguments" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Obtén indicacions" @@ -358,45 +357,45 @@ msgstr "pàgina de cerca" msgid "About" msgstr "Sobre Nosaltres" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Donar" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferències" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Funciona amb" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "un meta motor de cerca personalitzable i respectuós amb la privadesa" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Codi font" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Gestor de tiquets" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Estadístiques del motor" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Instàncies públiques" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Polítiques de privacitat" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Contacteu amb el mantenidor de la instància" @@ -421,7 +420,23 @@ msgstr "en memòria cau" msgid "proxied" msgstr "en servidor intermediari" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Envieu un tiquet a Github que inclou la informació anterior" @@ -1337,3 +1352,4 @@ msgstr "amaga el vídeo" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "preferències" + diff --git a/searx/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 6fccf29d9..bf0020cb1 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 10c018fa6..1eaa5a2f5 100644 --- a/searx/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -10,19 +10,20 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-01 07:18+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" +"Language-Team: Czech <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/cs/>" +"\n" "Language: cs\n" -"Language-Team: Czech " -"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/cs/>\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && " -"n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n " +"<= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -206,27 +207,27 @@ msgstr "zdroj" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Chyba při načítání další stránky" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Neplatné nastavení, upravte své předvolby" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Neplatné nastavení" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "chyba vyhledávání" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "před {minutes} minutami" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "před {hours} hodinami, {minutes} minutami" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Pozastaveno" @@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ msgstr "Statistické funkce" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Výpočet funkcí {functions} pro daný argument" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Získat pokyny" @@ -354,47 +355,47 @@ msgstr "stránka vyhledávání" #: searx/templates/simple/base.html:46 msgid "About" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O něčem" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dar" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Nastavení" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Poháněno softwarem" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "soukromí respektujícím, nastavitelným multivyhledávačem" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Zdrojový kód" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Hlášení chyb" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statistiky vyhledávače" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Veřejné instance" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Zásady soukromí" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kontaktujte správce instance" @@ -419,7 +420,23 @@ msgstr "archivovaná verze" msgid "proxied" msgstr "přes proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" @@ -1328,4 +1345,3 @@ msgstr "skrýt video" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "nastavení" - diff --git a/searx/translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 45467a9a5..e3018d29c 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index a8e42da32..75494671a 100644 --- a/searx/translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/cy/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-19 22:16+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language: cy\n" @@ -202,27 +202,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Gosodiadau annilys. Addasa dy ddewisiadau." -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Gosodiadau annilys" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "gwall chwilio" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} munud yn ôl" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} awr, {minutes} munud yn ôl" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "" @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "" @@ -343,45 +343,45 @@ msgstr "tudalen chwilio" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: 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a/searx/translations/da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index a7035f903..7c4bc5871 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index cc508275c..746aadb8e 100644 --- a/searx/translations/da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language-Team: Danish <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/da/>" "\n" @@ -204,27 +204,27 @@ msgstr "Kilde" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Fejl ved indlæsning af den næste side" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Ugyldige indstillinger, redigér venligst dine valg" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Ugyldig indstilling" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "søgefejl" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "for {minutes} minut(ter) siden" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "for {hours} time(r) og {minutes} minut(ter) siden" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspenderet" @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgstr "Statistiske funktioner" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Beregn {functions} af parametrene" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Få rutevejledning" @@ -355,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "søgeside" msgid "About" msgstr "Om" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Donere" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Indstillinger" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Leveret af" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "en privatlivs--respekterende, hackbar meta-søgemaskine" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Kildekode" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Problemsporer" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Søgemaskine-statistik" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Offentlige instanser" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Privatlivspolitik" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kontakt tilbyderen af instansen" @@ -418,7 +418,26 @@ msgstr "cachet" msgid "proxied" msgstr "viderestillet" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Opret ny sag på GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" +"Venligst tjek for eksisterende, relateret til denne søgemaskine, på GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" +"Jeg bekræfter, at der ikke er nogen eksisterende sag relateret til det " +"problem, jeg støder på" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Udgiv en ny version på Github, med det overstående information inkluderet" diff --git a/searx/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index fb39b3bbc..307d71632 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and 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-msgstr "Ungültige Einstellungen, bitte Einstellungen ändern." +msgstr "Ungültige Einstellungen, bitte Einstellungen ändern" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Ungültige Einstellungen" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "Suchfehler" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "vor {minutes} Minute(n)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "vor {hours} Stunde(n), {minutes} Minute(n)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Ausgesetzt" @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ msgstr "Statistikfunktionen" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "{functions} der Argumente berechnen" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Richtung holen" @@ -369,45 +369,45 @@ msgstr "Suchseite" msgid "About" msgstr "Über" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Spenden" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Einstellungen" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Betrieben mit" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "eine privatsphären-respektierende, hackbare Metasuchmaschine" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Quellcode" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Bugtracker" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Suchmaschinenstatistiken" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Öffentliche Instanzen" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Datenschutzerklärung" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kontakt zum Betreuer der Instanz" @@ -432,7 +432,27 @@ msgstr "Im Cache" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Fehlerbericht auf GitHub erstellen" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "Zuvor überprüfe bitte bereits existierende Fehlereinträge auf GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" +"Ich bestätige, dass es für das Problem, auf das ich stoße, keinen " +"existierenden Fehlereintrag gibt" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" +"Wenn es sich um eine öffentliche Instanz handelt, gib bitte die URL in dem " +"Fehlerbericht an" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" "Erstelle mit den oben stehenden Informationen auf GitHub einen neuen " diff --git a/searx/translations/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index b69a03a5b..afdf804f0 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ 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-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -204,27 +203,27 @@ msgstr "Πηγή" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Σφάλμα φόρτωσης της επόμενης σελίδας" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Άκυρες-εσφαλμένες ρυθμίσεις,παρακαλώ ελέγξτε τις προτιμήσεις σας" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Άκυρες-εσφαλμένες ρυθμίσεις" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "λάθος αναζήτησης" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} λεπτά πριν" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{ώρες} ώρα(-ες), {λεπτά} λεπτό(-ά) πριν" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Σε αναστολή" @@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ msgstr "Λειτουργίες στατιστικής" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Υπολογισμός {συναρτήσεις} των παραμέτρων" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Πάρε οδηγίες" @@ -349,45 +348,45 @@ msgstr "σελίδα αναζήτησης" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Κάνε δωρεά" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Προτιμήσεις" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "Μια χακέψιμη μεταμηχανή αναζήτησης , που σέβεται την ιδιωτικότητα" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source 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searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" @@ -1293,3 +1308,4 @@ msgstr "απόκρυψη βίντεο" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "Προτιμήσεις" + diff --git a/searx/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 2612bf586..77a81a832 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 3fd2e5569..3cfeef9d9 100644 --- a/searx/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-30 15:22+0100\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language: en\n" @@ -199,27 +199,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "" @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "" @@ -340,45 +340,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: 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searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 388326539..5ccb16166 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 11ead8b46..a4ef408c0 100644 --- a/searx/translations/eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-22 07:18+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language: eo\n" @@ -204,27 +204,27 @@ msgstr "Fonto" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Nevalidaj agordoj, bonvolu redakti viajn agordojn" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Nevalidaj agordoj" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "serĉa eraro" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "antaŭ {minutes} minuto(j)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "antaŭ {hours} horo(j), {minutes} minuto(j)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspendigita" @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgstr "Statistikaj funkcioj" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Kalkulas {functions} el la argumentoj" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Akiru direktojn" @@ -355,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "Serĉopaĝo" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Agordoj" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Funkciigita per" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "kodumebla metaserĉilo kiu respektas vian privatecon" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Fontkodo" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Spurilo de problemoj" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statistikoj pri la motoro" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Publikaj instancoj" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kontaktu instancon prizorganto" @@ -418,7 +418,23 @@ msgstr "kaŝmemorigita" msgid "proxied" msgstr "prokurata" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index ed36c980c..3cc7b712b 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index bdf09672f..5c87df82b 100644 --- a/searx/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ # wefwefew ewfewfewf <nnnedmz0d@moakt.ws>, 2016 # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. # Fijxu <fijxu@zzls.xyz>, 2022. +# Raúl Díaz <flan@chocoflan.net>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-04 18:46+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language-Team: Spanish <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/es/" ">\n" @@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ msgstr "Preguntas y respuestas" #. CATEGORY_GROUPS['REPOS'] #: searx/searxng.msg msgid "repos" -msgstr "Repos" +msgstr "Repositorios" #. CATEGORY_GROUPS['SOFTWARE_WIKIS'] #: searx/searxng.msg @@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ msgstr "expirado" #: searx/webapp.py:166 msgid "parsing error" -msgstr "error de parseo" +msgstr "error de análisis" #: searx/webapp.py:167 msgid "HTTP protocol error" @@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ msgstr "Error de HTTP" #: searx/webapp.py:178 msgid "HTTP connection error" -msgstr "Error de conexíon HTTP" +msgstr "Error de conexión HTTP" #: searx/webapp.py:184 msgid "proxy error" @@ -215,27 +216,27 @@ msgstr "Fuente" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Error al cargar la siguiente página" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Parámetros incorrectos, por favor, cambia tus preferencias" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Ajustes no válidos" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "error en la búsqueda" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "hace {minutes} minuto(s)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "hace {hours} hora(s) y {minutes} minuto(s)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspendido" @@ -253,9 +254,9 @@ msgstr "Funciones de estadística" #: searx/answerers/statistics/answerer.py:48 msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" -msgstr "Computar {functions} de parámetros" +msgstr "Calcular las funciones {functions} de parámetros dados" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Obtener indicaciones" @@ -277,7 +278,9 @@ msgstr "Canal" #: searx/plugins/hash_plugin.py:24 msgid "Converts strings to different hash digests." -msgstr "Convierte hilos de texto a differentes digestiones hash." +msgstr "" +"Convierte cadenas de texto a diferentes valores extraído con funciones " +"'hash'." #: searx/plugins/hash_plugin.py:52 msgid "hash digest" @@ -295,7 +298,7 @@ msgstr "" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9 msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite" -msgstr "Reescribir acceso abierto a DOI (Identificador de objeto digital)" +msgstr "Reescribir DOI (Identificador de objeto digital) de Open Access" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:10 msgid "" @@ -367,45 +370,45 @@ msgstr "Página de búsqueda" msgid "About" msgstr "Acerca de" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Donar" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferencias" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Desarrollado por" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "un metabuscador hackeable que respeta la privacidad" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Código fuente" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Rastreador de problemas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Estadísticas del motor de búsqueda" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Instancias públicas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Politica de privacidad" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Contactar al mantenedor de la instancia" @@ -430,7 +433,25 @@ msgstr "en caché" msgid "proxied" msgstr "por un proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Enviar un nuevo problema a GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "Por favor revisa si ya existe un problema con este motor en GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "Confirmo que no existe un bug relacionado al problema que encontré" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" +"Si esta es una instancia pública, por favor especifíca la URL en el reporte " +"del bug" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Enviar un nuevo problema a Github que incluya la información de arriba" diff --git a/searx/translations/et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 27439060a..fa30c0354 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 5cba05f66..c8c98f1d2 100644 --- a/searx/translations/et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-05-13 07:20+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Mico Hautaluoma <m@mha.fi>\n" "Language: et\n" @@ -202,27 +202,27 @@ msgstr "Allikas" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Viga järgmise lehekülje laadimisel" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Sobimatud seaded, palun muuda oma eelistusi" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Sobimatud seaded" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "otsingu viga" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minut(it) tagasi" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} tund(i), {minutes} minut(it) tagasi" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Peatatud" @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ msgstr "Statistikafunktsioonid" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Arvuta argumentide {functions}" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Hangi juhised" @@ -354,45 +354,45 @@ msgstr "otsinguleht" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Eelistused" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Põhineb tarkvaral" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "privaatsust austaval, häkitaval metaotsingu mootoril" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Lähtekood" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Vigade loetelu" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Mootori statistika" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Avalikud eksemplarid" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Võtke ühendust instantsi hooldajaga" @@ -417,7 +417,23 @@ msgstr "vahemälus" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proksitud" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Esitage Githubis uus probleem, mis sisaldab ülaltoodud teavet" diff --git a/searx/translations/eu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/eu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 95c6bd269..fb42c861f 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/eu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/eu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/eu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/eu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 9c3ed8aef..e666d9676 100644 --- a/searx/translations/eu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ 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minutu" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "duela {hours} ordu eta {minutes} minutu" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "" @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgstr "Funtzio estatistikoak" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Parametroen {functions} zenbatu" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Norabideak lortu" @@ -354,45 +354,45 @@ msgstr "bilaketa orria" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Hobespenak" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Honek bultzatua" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "pribatutasun-errespetatzaile, metabilaketa motor hackeagarri bat" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Iturburu-kodea" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Arazoak" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Bilatzaileen estatistikak" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Instantzia publikoak" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -417,7 +417,23 @@ msgstr "cacheatuta" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proxyatuta" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/fa_IR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/fa_IR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index ce9124fd1..baa4d5a2b 100644 Binary files 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1;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -207,27 +206,27 @@ msgstr "منبع" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "خطا در بارگزاری صفحه جدید" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "تنظیمات نادرست است، لطفا پیشفرضهای جستجو را تغییر دهید" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "تنظیمات نادرست" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "خطای جستوجو" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} دقیقه پیش" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} ساعت و {minutes} دقیقه پیش" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "تعلیقشده" @@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ msgstr "توابع آماری" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "پردازش {functions} نشانوندها" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "دستورهای دریافت" @@ -356,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "صفحهٔ جستوجو" msgid "About" msgstr "درباره" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "اهداء کردن" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "پیشفرضها" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "قدرت گرفته از<br>" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "یک ابرموتور جستوجوی حافظ حریم شخصی" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "کد منبع" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "دنبالگر مشکل" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "آمار موتور" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "شاهدهای عمومی" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "نگهدارندهٔ شاهد تماس" @@ -419,7 +418,23 @@ msgstr "جاسازیشده" msgid "proxied" msgstr "پروکسیشده" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "در گیتهاب مشکل جدید را با توجه به اطلاعات فوق ثبت نمایید" @@ -1319,3 +1334,4 @@ msgstr "پنهانسازی ویدئو" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "پیشفرضها" + diff --git a/searx/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index f8e89f5a6..191a476c2 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 37d94fd6b..49fac6a30 100644 --- a/searx/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,19 +7,18 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Finnish <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/fi/" -">\n" "Language: fi\n" +"Language-Team: Finnish " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/fi/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -203,27 +202,27 @@ msgstr "Lähde" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Virhe ladattaessa seuraavaa sivua" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Virheelliset asetukset, muokkaa siis asetuksia" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Virheelliset asetukset" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "hakuvirhe" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minuutti(a) sitten" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} tunti(a), {minutes} minuutti(a) sitten" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Keskeytetty" @@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ msgstr "Tilastolliset funktiot" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Laske argumenttien {functions}" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Reittiohjeet" @@ -354,45 +353,45 @@ msgstr "hakusivulle" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Asetukset" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Taustavoimana" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "yksityisyyttä kunnioittava, muokattava metahakukone" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Lähdekoodi" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Ongelmien seuranta" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Hakukoneen tilastot" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Julkiset palvelimet" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Ota yhteyttä palvelun ylläpitäjään" @@ -417,7 +416,23 @@ msgstr "välimuistissa" msgid "proxied" msgstr "välityspalvelimella" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Lähetä uusi ongelma Githubiin sisältäen edellä mainitut tiedot" @@ -1325,3 +1340,4 @@ msgstr "piilota video" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "asetukset" + diff --git a/searx/translations/fil/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/fil/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 21a461c97..1cf6bd480 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/fil/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/fil/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/fil/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/fil/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index ecb2253c2..d738feba3 100644 --- a/searx/translations/fil/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/fil/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ # Translators: # gr01d, 2018 # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. +# Hachiki <ninonakano408@gmail.com>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-15 07:19+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Hachiki <ninonakano408@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Filipino <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" "fil/>\n" "Language: fil\n" @@ -26,12 +27,12 @@ msgstr "" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] #: searx/searxng.msg msgid "others" -msgstr "" +msgstr "other pa" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['OTHER_CATEGORY'] #: searx/searxng.msg msgid "other" -msgstr "" +msgstr "other" #. CATEGORY_NAMES['FILES'] #: searx/searxng.msg @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ msgstr "repositoryo" #. CATEGORY_GROUPS['SOFTWARE_WIKIS'] #: searx/searxng.msg msgid "software wikis" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sofwer wikis" #. CATEGORY_GROUPS['WEB'] #: searx/searxng.msg @@ -145,19 +146,19 @@ msgstr "madilim" #: searx/webapp.py:165 msgid "timeout" -msgstr "" +msgstr "panandaliang pagtigil" #: searx/webapp.py:166 msgid "parsing error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pag iintinde ng mali" #: searx/webapp.py:167 msgid "HTTP protocol error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HTTPS protokol pagkakamali" #: searx/webapp.py:168 msgid "network error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pagkakamali sa network" #: searx/webapp.py:170 msgid "unexpected crash" @@ -185,11 +186,11 @@ msgstr "Masyadong maraming hinihingi" #: searx/webapp.py:187 msgid "access denied" -msgstr "" +msgstr "walang pahintulot" #: searx/webapp.py:188 msgid "server API error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pagkakamali sa server API" #: searx/webapp.py:363 msgid "No item found" @@ -204,27 +205,27 @@ msgstr "Pinagmulan" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Nag error ang pagload ng kabilang pahina" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Maling settings, paki ayos ang preferences" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Maling settings" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "nagkaproblema sa paghahanap" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} na minuto ang nakalipas" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} oras at {minutes} na minto ang nakalipas" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspendido" @@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ msgstr "Estatistika ng mga tungkulin" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Tuusin ang {functions} ng pangangatuwiran" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Kumuha ng direksyon" @@ -278,8 +279,7 @@ msgstr "Hostname replace" #: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:10 msgid "Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname" -msgstr "" -"Palitan ang resulta ng hostname o tanggalin ang resulta base sa hostname" +msgstr "Palitan ang resulta ng hostname o tanggalin ang resulta base sa hostname" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9 msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite" @@ -355,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "ang pahina ng paghahanap" msgid "About" msgstr "Tungkol" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Magbigay" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mga Kagustuhan" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Pinapatakbo ng" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "isang gumagalang sa pagiging pribado, hackable na metasearch engine" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sors kowd" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tagasubaybay ng isyu" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Engine stats" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Pampublikong instances" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Polisiyang pampribado" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kontakin ang iyong instance maintainer" @@ -412,16 +412,33 @@ msgstr "Awtor" #: searx/templates/simple/macros.html:45 msgid "cached" -msgstr "" +msgstr "naka-cache" #: searx/templates/simple/macros.html:45 msgid "proxied" -msgstr "" +msgstr "proxied" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 -msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Mag-simulang mag-abot ng mga bagong isyu sa GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "Pakitingnan ang mga umiiral nang bug tungkol sa engine na ito sa GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "Kinukumpirma kong walang umiiral na bug tungkol sa isyung nakatagpo ko" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" msgstr "" -"Mag sumite ng bagong isyu sa github kasama ng bagong impormasyon sa taas." +"Kung ito ay isang pampublikong instance, mangyaring tukuyin ang URL sa ulat " +"ng bug" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 +msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" +msgstr "Mag sumite ng bagong isyu sa github kasama ng bagong impormasyon sa taas." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:29 msgid "No HTTPS" @@ -442,20 +459,20 @@ msgstr "Gitna" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:73 msgid "P80" -msgstr "" +msgstr "P80" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:55 #: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:79 msgid "P95" -msgstr "" +msgstr "P95" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:83 msgid "Failed checker test(s): " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nabigo ang checker test(s): " #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:85 msgid "Errors:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mga error:" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:105 msgid "General" @@ -481,7 +498,7 @@ msgstr "Ano ang gusto mong wika sa paghahanap?" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:129 msgid "Autocomplete" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kusang tinatapos" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:138 msgid "Find stuff as you type" @@ -524,14 +541,16 @@ msgid "" "Redirect to open-access versions of publications when available (plugin " "required)" msgstr "" +"Mag-redirect sa open-access na mga bersyon ng mga publikasyon kapag " +"available (kailangan ang plugin)" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:171 msgid "Engine tokens" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mga token ng makina" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:175 msgid "Access tokens for private engines" -msgstr "" +msgstr "I-access ang mga token para sa mga pribadong makina" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:179 msgid "User interface" @@ -551,7 +570,7 @@ msgstr "Tema" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:203 msgid "Change SearXNG layout" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Baguhin ang SearXNG layout" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:206 msgid "Theme style" @@ -559,11 +578,11 @@ msgstr "Stilo ng theme" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:214 msgid "Choose auto to follow your browser settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pumili ng auto para sundin ang mga setting ng iyong browser" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:217 msgid "Center Alignment" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pag-align sa Gitnang" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:220 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:232 @@ -605,7 +624,7 @@ msgstr "Pagiging Pribado" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:257 msgid "HTTP Method" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Paraan ng HTTP" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:264 msgid "" @@ -633,17 +652,19 @@ msgstr "Hindi paganahin" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:276 msgid "Proxying image results through SearXNG" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ang pag-proxy ng mga resulta ng imahe sa pamamagitan ng SearXNG" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:281 msgid "Query in the page's title" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Query sa pamagat ng page" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:288 msgid "" "When enabled, the result page's title contains your query. Your browser " "can record this title" msgstr "" +"Kapag pinagana, ang pamagat ng pahina ng resulta ay naglalaman ng iyong " +"query. Maaaring i-record ng iyong browser ang pamagat na ito" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:294 msgid "Engines" @@ -658,6 +679,8 @@ msgid "" "This tab does not show up for search results, but you can search the " "engines listed here via bangs." msgstr "" +"Ang tab na ito ay hindi lumalabas para sa mga resulta ng paghahanap, ngunit " +"maaari kang maghanap sa mga engine na nakalista dito sa pamamagitan ng bangs." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:307 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:358 @@ -671,7 +694,7 @@ msgstr "Pangalan ng engine" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:309 msgid "Shortcut" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pagikliin/Maikli" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:310 msgid "Supports selected language" @@ -685,7 +708,7 @@ msgstr "Agwat ng oras" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:313 #: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:28 msgid "Response time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oras ng pagtugon" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:314 msgid "Max time" @@ -694,11 +717,11 @@ msgstr "Ang max na oras" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:315 #: searx/templates/simple/stats.html:29 msgid "Reliability" -msgstr "" +msgstr "pagiging maaasahan" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:353 msgid "Special Queries" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mga Espesyal na Queries" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:359 msgid "Keywords" @@ -718,11 +741,11 @@ msgstr "Mga halimbawa" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:365 msgid "This is the list of SearXNG's instant answering modules." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ito ang listahan ng mga instant answering module ng SearXNG." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:376 msgid "This is the list of plugins." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ito ang listahan ng mga plugin." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:393 msgid "Cookies" diff --git a/searx/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 4ddc1f546..4255453e3 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 141cf4d89..7000aeb72 100644 --- a/searx/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -11,20 +11,22 @@ # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, 2014 # Noémi Ványi <sitbackandwait@gmail.com>, 2017 # rike, 2014 +# Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-01 07:18+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Alexandre Flament <alex@al-f.net>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" +"Language-Team: French <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/fr/>" +"\n" "Language: fr\n" -"Language-Team: French " -"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/fr/>\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -208,27 +210,27 @@ msgstr "Source" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Erreur lors du chargement de la page suivante" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Paramètres non valides, veuillez éditer vos préférences" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Paramètres non valides" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "erreur de recherche" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "il y a {minutes} minute(s)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "il y a {hours} heure(s), {minutes} minute(s)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspendu" @@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ msgstr "Fonctions statistiques" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Calcule les {functions} des arguments" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Obtenir l'itinéraire" @@ -358,45 +360,45 @@ msgstr "la page d'accueil" msgid "About" msgstr "À propos" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Faire un don" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Préférences" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Propulsé par" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "un métamoteur de recherche hackable et respectueux de la vie privée" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Code source" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Suivi des problèmes" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statistiques des moteurs" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Instances publiques" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Politique de confidentialité" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Contacter le responsable de l'instance" @@ -421,7 +423,26 @@ msgstr "en cache" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proxifié" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Soumettre un nouveau problème sur GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" +"Merci de vérifier l’existence de bugs sur ce moteur de recherche sur GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" +"Je confirme qu'il n'existe pas de bug pour le problème que j'ai rencontré" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" +"Si c'est une instance public, merci de spécifier l'URL dans le rapport de bug" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Soumettre un nouveau ticket sur Github incluant l'information ci-dessus" @@ -1339,4 +1360,3 @@ msgstr "cacher la vidéo" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "préférences" - diff --git a/searx/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 166809974..e9e7409eb 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index ba02f5476..bd53321ee 100644 --- a/searx/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,19 +7,18 @@ # Xosé M. <correo@xmgz.eu>, 2018-2019, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Xosé M. <correo@xmgz.eu>\n" -"Language-Team: Galician <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" -"gl/>\n" "Language: gl\n" +"Language-Team: Galician " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/gl/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -203,27 +202,27 @@ msgstr "Fonte" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Erro ao cargar a páxina seguinte" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Axustes non válidos, por favor edita a configuración" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Axustes non válidos" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "fallo na busca" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "fai {minutes} minuto(s)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "fai {hours} hora(s), {minutes} minuto(s)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspendido" @@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ msgstr "Funcións de estatística" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Calcula {functions} dos argumentos" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Obter direccións" @@ -278,8 +277,8 @@ msgstr "Substituír servidor" #: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:10 msgid "Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname" msgstr "" -"Reescribir o nome do servidor ou eliminar resultado en función do nome do " -"servidor" +"Reescribir o nome do servidor ou eliminar resultado en función do nome do" +" servidor" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9 msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite" @@ -290,8 +289,8 @@ msgid "" "Avoid paywalls by redirecting to open-access versions of publications " "when available" msgstr "" -"Evitar valados de pago redireccionando a versións públicas das publicacións " -"cando estén dispoñibles" +"Evitar valados de pago redireccionando a versións públicas das " +"publicacións cando estén dispoñibles" #: searx/plugins/search_on_category_select.py:19 msgid "Search on category select" @@ -355,45 +354,45 @@ msgstr "páxina de busca" msgid "About" msgstr "Acerca de" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Doar" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Axustes" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Proporcionado por" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "un metabuscador configurable que respecta a túa privacidade" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Código fonte" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Seguimento de problemas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Estatísticas do buscador" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Instancias públicas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Política de privacidade" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Contactar coa administración" @@ -418,7 +417,23 @@ msgstr "en memoria" msgid "proxied" msgstr "a través de proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Enviar un issue a Github incluíndo a información superior" @@ -645,8 +660,8 @@ msgid "" "When enabled, the result page's title contains your query. Your browser " "can record this title" msgstr "" -"Se está activado, o título da páxina de resultados contén a túa consulta. O " -"navegador pode rexistrar este título" +"Se está activado, o título da páxina de resultados contén a túa consulta." +" O navegador pode rexistrar este título" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:294 msgid "Engines" @@ -661,8 +676,8 @@ msgid "" "This tab does not show up for search results, but you can search the " "engines listed here via bangs." msgstr "" -"Esta lapela non é para os resultados, pero podesbuscar nos buscadores aquí " -"mostrados a través de bangs." +"Esta lapela non é para os resultados, pero podesbuscar nos buscadores " +"aquí mostrados a través de bangs." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:307 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:358 @@ -782,16 +797,16 @@ msgid "" "These settings are stored in your cookies, this allows us not to store " "this data about you." msgstr "" -"Estes axustes gárdanse en cookies, así non temos que almacenar ningún dato " -"sobre ti." +"Estes axustes gárdanse en cookies, así non temos que almacenar ningún " +"dato sobre ti." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:430 msgid "" "These cookies serve your sole convenience, we don't use these cookies to " "track you." msgstr "" -"Estas cookies son para a túa conveniencia, non utilizamos estas cookies para " -"rastrexarte." +"Estas cookies son para a túa conveniencia, non utilizamos estas cookies " +"para rastrexarte." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:433 msgid "Save" @@ -1328,3 +1343,4 @@ msgstr "agochar vídeo" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "axustes" + diff --git a/searx/translations/he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 19af2271b..660b9a454 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index a06d24c49..a2fcc6a77 100644 --- a/searx/translations/he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -12,20 +12,19 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Hebrew <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/he/>" -"\n" "Language: he\n" +"Language-Team: Hebrew " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/he/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1) ? 0 : ((n == 2) ? 1 : ((n > 10 " +"&& n % 10 == 0) ? 2 : 3));\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1) ? 0 : ((n == 2) ? 1 : ((n > 10 && " -"n % 10 == 0) ? 2 : 3));\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -209,27 +208,27 @@ msgstr "מקור" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "שגיאה בטעינת העמוד הבא" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "הגדרות לא תקינות, עליך לתקן את ההעדפות שלך" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "הגדרות לא תקינות" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "שגיאת חיפוש" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "לפני {minutes} דקות" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "לפני {hours} שעות, {minutes} דקות" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "מושהה" @@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ msgstr "פונקציות סטטיסטיקה" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "מחשבת {functions} של הארגומנטים" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "קבל כיוונים" @@ -358,45 +357,45 @@ msgstr "עמוד חיפוש" msgid "About" msgstr "על אודות" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "תרומות" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "העדפות" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "מופעל באמצעות" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "מנוע חיפוש metasearch אשר מקפיד על פרטיות המשתמש (קוד פתוח)" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "קוד מקור" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "דווח על בעיה" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "סטטיסטיקת מנוע חיפוש" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "שרתים מקבילים" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "פוליסת פרטיות" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "צור קשר עם מפעיל השירת" @@ -421,7 +420,23 @@ msgstr "מוטמן" msgid "proxied" msgstr "פרוקסי" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "שלח בעיה חדשה ב-Github הכוללת את המידע לעיל" @@ -1318,3 +1333,4 @@ msgstr "הסתר וידאו" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "העדפות" + diff --git a/searx/translations/hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 485552b44..c6005466d 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 85b68cc40..d58146127 100644 --- a/searx/translations/hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-05-20 07:19+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Anthony ocic <drake@zmmapperz.net>\n" "Language: hr\n" @@ -203,27 +203,27 @@ msgstr "Izvor" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Greška u učitavnju sljedeće stranice" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Nevažeće postavke, uredite svoje postavke" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Nevažeće postavke" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "greška u pretraživanju" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "prije {minutes} minut(u,e,a)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "prije {hours} sat(i) i {minutes} minut(u,e,a)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Zaustavljeno" @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ msgstr "Funkcije statistike" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Izračunajte {functions} argumenata" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Uzmi upute za smjer" @@ -351,45 +351,45 @@ msgstr "pretraži stranicu" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Postavke" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Pokreće" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "meta-tražilica koja poštuje privatnost" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Izvorni kod" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Tragač problema" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Podaci o tražilic" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Javne instance" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -414,7 +414,23 @@ msgstr "spremljeno" msgid "proxied" msgstr "preko proxyja" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Postavi novi problem na Github uključujući podatke poviše" diff --git a/searx/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index cc768409f..4ff3b2f37 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index df05ff778..dfa293cb7 100644 --- a/searx/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -11,19 +11,18 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Hungarian <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" -"hu/>\n" "Language: hu\n" +"Language-Team: Hungarian " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/hu/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -207,27 +206,27 @@ msgstr "Forrás" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Hiba a következő oldal betöltése során" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Érvénytelen beállítások, kérlek módosítsd őket" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Érvénytelen beállítások" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "keresési hiba" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} perce" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} óra, {minutes} perce" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Felfüggesztve" @@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ msgstr "Statisztikai függvények" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "{functions} függvények alkalmazása az argumentumokon" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Útvonal tervezés" @@ -282,7 +281,8 @@ msgstr "Hosztnév kicserélése" #: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:10 msgid "Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname" msgstr "" -"Találatok hosztnevének átírása vagy találatok eltávolítása hosztnév alapján" +"Találatok hosztnevének átírása vagy találatok eltávolítása hosztnév " +"alapján" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9 msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite" @@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ msgid "" "Displays your IP if the query is \"ip\" and your user agent if the query " "contains \"user agent\"." msgstr "" -"Saját IP cím, user agent megjelenítése az \"ip\", \"user agent\" szavakra " -"keresve." +"Saját IP cím, user agent megjelenítése az \"ip\", \"user agent\" szavakra" +" keresve." #: searx/plugins/tracker_url_remover.py:29 msgid "Tracker URL remover" @@ -337,9 +337,9 @@ msgid "" "Navigate search results with Vim-like hotkeys (JavaScript required). " "Press \"h\" key on main or result page to get help." msgstr "" -"Navigálj Vim stílusú gombnyomásokkal a találatok között. Aktiválás után a \"h" -"\" betű lenyomásával jeleníthető meg részletes segítség a használatról. (Ez " -"a funkció JavaScriptet igényel)." +"Navigálj Vim stílusú gombnyomásokkal a találatok között. Aktiválás után a" +" \"h\" betű lenyomásával jeleníthető meg részletes segítség a " +"használatról. (Ez a funkció JavaScriptet igényel)." #: searx/templates/simple/404.html:4 msgid "Page not found" @@ -358,45 +358,45 @@ msgstr "kereső oldal" msgid "About" msgstr "Rólunk" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Támogatás" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Beállítások" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Az oldalt kiszolgálja" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "egy magánszféra tisztelő, könnyen módosítható metakereső" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Forráskód" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Hibajegy kezelő" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Kereső statisztikák" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Publikus példányok" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Adatvédelmi irányelvek" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kapcsolat felvétele az egység fenntartójával" @@ -421,10 +421,27 @@ msgstr "tárolt" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proxy nézet" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" -"Jelents be egy új problémát GitHubon, amely tartalmazza a fenti információkat" +"Jelents be egy új problémát GitHubon, amely tartalmazza a fenti " +"információkat" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:29 msgid "No HTTPS" @@ -768,15 +785,16 @@ msgstr "Megjegyzés: URL-ben tárolt saját beállítások csökkenthetik az ano #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:419 msgid "URL to restore your preferences in another browser" msgstr "" -"Ennek a linknek segítségével átviheted a beállításaidat egy másik böngészőbe" +"Ennek a linknek segítségével átviheted a beállításaidat egy másik " +"böngészőbe" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:423 msgid "" "Specifying custom settings in the preferences URL can be used to sync " "preferences across devices." msgstr "" -"Meghatározhatsz egyéni beállításokat a \"beállítások\" linkben, amelyeket " -"szinkronizálhatsz az eszközeid között." +"Meghatározhatsz egyéni beállításokat a \"beállítások\" linkben, amelyeket" +" szinkronizálhatsz az eszközeid között." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:428 msgid "" @@ -989,8 +1007,8 @@ msgid "" "we didn't find any results. Please use another query or search in more " "categories." msgstr "" -"Nincs megjeleníthető találat. Kérlek, hogy használj másik kifejezést vagy " -"keress több kategóriában." +"Nincs megjeleníthető találat. Kérlek, hogy használj másik kifejezést vagy" +" keress több kategóriában." #: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/default.html:6 msgid "show media" @@ -1324,3 +1342,4 @@ msgstr "videó elrejtése" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "beállítások" + diff --git a/searx/translations/ia/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ia/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index c70c6996b..a268d87ad 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ia/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/ia/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/ia/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/ia/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 03dbc0271..8b0a2cc7d 100644 --- a/searx/translations/ia/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/ia/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-10 07:17+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language: ia\n" @@ -201,27 +201,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Configurationes non valide, per favor, modifica tu preferentias" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Configurationes invalide" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "error in recerca" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minuta(s) retro" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} hora(s), {minutes} minuta(s) retro" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "" @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ msgstr "Functiones statistic" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Computa {functions} del argumentos" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "" @@ -352,47 +352,47 @@ msgstr "pagina de recerca" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferentias" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Actionate per" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "" "un motor de meta-recerca, capabile de reprogrammation e respectuose al " "confidentialitate" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statisticas de motores" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -417,7 +417,23 @@ msgstr "in cache" msgid "proxied" msgstr "per proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 9ed16a2eb..083747834 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 749ba81dd..730621fa1 100644 --- a/searx/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,16 +8,17 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-02 09:00+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Linerly <linerly@protonmail.com>\n" +"Language-Team: Indonesian <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" +"id/>\n" "Language: id\n" -"Language-Team: Indonesian " -"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/id/>\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. 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{minutes} minuti fa" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Sospeso" @@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ msgstr "Funzioni statistiche" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Calcola {functions} degli argomenti" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Ricevi direzioni" @@ -362,45 +364,45 @@ msgstr "cerca nella pagina" msgid "About" msgstr "Di più" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Dona" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferenze" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Offerto da" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "un metamotore di ricerca personalizzabile e rispettoso della privacy" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Codice sorgente" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Tracker problemi" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statistiche dei motori" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Istanze pubbliche" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" -msgstr "Privacy policy" +msgstr "Politica sulla riservatezza" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Contatta il manutentore dell'istanza" @@ -425,7 +427,25 @@ msgstr "cache" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" +"Se questa è un'istanza pubblica, per favore specifica l'URL nella " +"segnalazione del bug" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" "Segnala un nuovo problema su Github, includendo le informazioni sopra " @@ -1337,4 +1357,3 @@ msgstr "nascondi video" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "preferenze" - diff --git a/searx/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index ccb1c271d..9f1a278c2 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index e6c77ba86..3b6be9881 100644 --- a/searx/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-08 07:17+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: tents <remendne@pentrens.jp>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" "ja/>\n" "Language: ja\n" @@ -213,27 +213,27 @@ msgstr "ソース" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "次のページの読み込み中にエラーが発生しました" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "設定が無効です、設定を変更してください" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "無効な設定です" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "検索エラー" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} 分前" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} 時間と{minutes} 分前" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "一時停止" @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ msgstr "統計機能" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "変数の {functions} を計算する" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "経路を取得する" @@ -356,45 +356,45 @@ msgstr "検索ページ" msgid "About" msgstr "関連情報" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "寄付" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "設定" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Powered by" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "プライバシー保護を重視した、ハッカブルなメタ検索エンジン" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "ソースコード" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "課題報告" -#: 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"Githubで、すでにこの件が出ていないか確認をしてください" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "発生している問題がすでに提出済みのバグ出ないことを確認してください" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "パブリックインスタンスなら、このURLにバグの報告をしてください" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Githubで情報を含めて新たな問題を提起" diff --git a/searx/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index d3f0b1ea5..57331e353 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index bb7d9f96f..292e4bee6 100644 --- a/searx/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,17 +8,16 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Sangha Lee <totoriato@gmail.com>\n" -"Language-Team: Korean <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/ko/>" -"\n" "Language: ko\n" +"Language-Team: Korean " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/ko/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -204,27 +203,27 @@ msgstr "소스" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "다음 페이지를 로드하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "잘못된 설정입니다, 설정을 수정하세요" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "잘못된 설정" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "검색 오류" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes}분 전" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours}시간 {minutes}분 전" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "중단됨" @@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ msgstr "통계 기능" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "{functions} 매개변수 계산" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "길찾기" @@ -347,45 +346,45 @@ msgstr "검색 페이지" msgid "About" msgstr "정보" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "기부" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "설정" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Powered by" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "개인 정보를 존중하는 맞춤형 메타 검색 엔진" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "소스 코드" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "이슈 트래커" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "검색 엔진 상태" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "공개 인스턴스" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "개인 정보 정책" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "인스턴스 관리자에게 문의" @@ -410,7 +409,23 @@ msgstr "캐시" msgid "proxied" msgstr "프록시됨" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Github에 위 정보를 포함한 새 이슈 작성하기" @@ -1173,3 +1188,4 @@ msgstr "비디오 숨기기" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "설정" + diff --git a/searx/translations/lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 0a2517a0d..46cde17ac 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index bfd7aa5fa..cda672a6b 100644 --- a/searx/translations/lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-08 07:17+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: John Doe <cryptiox@protonmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" "lt/>\n" @@ -205,27 +205,27 @@ msgstr "Šaltinis" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Klaida keliant kitą puslapį" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Neteisingi nustatymai, pakeiskite savo nuostatas" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Neteisingi nustatymai" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "paieškos klaida" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "prieš {minutes} min" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "prieš {hours} val., {minutes} min" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Sustabdytas" @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ msgstr "Statistikos funkcijos" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Skaičiuoti argumentų {functions} funkcijas" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Gauti nurodymus" @@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ msgstr "Kompiuterio pavadinimo pakeitimas" #: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:10 msgid "Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname" msgstr "" -"Perašyti kompiuterio pavadinimo rezultatus arba ištrinti rezultatus pagal " -"kompiuterio pavadinimą" +"Perašyti kompiuterio pavadinimo rezultatus arba ištrinti rezultatus pagal" +" kompiuterio pavadinimą" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9 msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite" @@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ msgid "" "Perform search immediately if a category selected. Disable to select " "multiple categories. (JavaScript required)" msgstr "" -"Jei pasirenkama kategorija, nedelsiant atlikti paiešką. Išjunkite norėdami " -"pasirinkti kelias kategorijas. (reikalingas JavaScript)" +"Jei pasirenkama kategorija, nedelsiant atlikti paiešką. Išjunkite " +"norėdami pasirinkti kelias kategorijas. (reikalingas JavaScript)" #: searx/plugins/self_info.py:20 msgid "Self Informations" @@ -336,9 +336,9 @@ msgid "" "Navigate search results with Vim-like hotkeys (JavaScript required). " "Press \"h\" key on main or result page to get help." msgstr "" -"Naršyti po paieškos rezultatus naudojant Vim pavidalo sparčiuosius klavišus (" -"reikalingas JavaScript). Paspauskite pagrindiniame ar rezultatų puslapyje \"h" -"\" klavišą norėdami gauti pagalbos." +"Naršyti po paieškos rezultatus naudojant Vim pavidalo sparčiuosius " +"klavišus (reikalingas JavaScript). Paspauskite pagrindiniame ar rezultatų" +" puslapyje \"h\" klavišą norėdami gauti pagalbos." #: searx/templates/simple/404.html:4 msgid "Page not found" @@ -357,45 +357,45 @@ msgstr "paieškos puslapį" msgid "About" msgstr "Apie" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Paaukoti" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Nuostatos" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Veikia su" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "gerbianti privatumą, programuojama metapaieškos sistema" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Šaltinio kodas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Klaidų sekiklis" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statistika statistika" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Viešos instancijos" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Privatumo politika" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Susisiekite su instancijos prižiūrėtoju" @@ -420,7 +420,24 @@ msgstr "patalpinta" msgid "proxied" msgstr "persiustas" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Pateikite naują klaidą Github'e" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "Prasome paziurėti esamas klaidas apie šią sistemą Github'e" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +#, fuzzy +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "Aš patvirtinu, kad nera jokių esamų" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Pateikite nauja klaidą Github, įvedant informaciją viršuje." @@ -645,8 +662,8 @@ msgid "" "When enabled, the result page's title contains your query. Your browser " "can record this title" msgstr "" -"Įjungus, prie rezultatų puslapio pavadinimo pridedama jūsų užklausa. Jūsų " -"naršykle gali šį pavadinimą įrašyti" +"Įjungus, prie rezultatų puslapio pavadinimo pridedama jūsų užklausa. Jūsų" +" naršykle gali šį pavadinimą įrašyti" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:294 msgid "Engines" diff --git a/searx/translations/lv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/lv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 978f7bcfa..1474f3e55 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/lv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/lv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/lv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/lv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 1631db9b9..cb58ea8a4 100644 --- a/searx/translations/lv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/lv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,18 +7,17 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-08 07:17+0000\n" "Last-Translator: visiks-vs <vls@visiks.lv>\n" -"Language-Team: Latvian <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/lv/" -">\n" "Language: lv\n" +"Language-Team: Latvian " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/lv/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n % 10 == 0 || n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100" +" <= 19) ? 0 : ((n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 1 : 2);\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n % 10 == 0 || n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= " -"19) ? 0 : ((n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 1 : 2);\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -202,27 +201,27 @@ msgstr "Avots" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Kļūda lādējot nākošo lapu" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Nepareizi iestatījumi, lūdzu rediģējiet savas preferences" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Nederīgi iestatījumi" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "meklēšanas kļūda" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "pirms {minutes} minūtes(-ēm)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "pirms {hours} stundas(-ām) un {minutes} minūtēm(-es)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Apturēts" @@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ msgstr "Statistikas funkcijas" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Aprēķināt argumentu {functions}" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Saņemt norādījumus" @@ -345,45 +344,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Pirmkods" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Privātuma politika" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -408,7 +407,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "proxied" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" "Iesniedziet jaunu problēmjautājumu iekš Github, ieskaitot augstāk minēto " @@ -1065,3 +1080,4 @@ msgstr "slēpt video" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "" + diff --git a/searx/translations/messages.pot b/searx/translations/messages.pot index 44d80dfbe..65a1c6ea2 100644 --- a/searx/translations/messages.pot +++ b/searx/translations/messages.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" @@ -198,27 +198,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "" @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "" @@ -339,45 +339,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -402,7 +402,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "proxied" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index afd714b3b..aa1df12ef 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 1866fd9bc..1eec826c2 100644 --- a/searx/translations/ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Translations template for PROJECT. +# Malay translations for PROJECT. # Copyright (C) 2022 ORGANIZATION # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project. # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, 2022. @@ -8,17 +8,16 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Malay <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/ms/>" -"\n" "Language: ms\n" +"Language-Team: Malay " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/ms/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -202,27 +201,27 @@ msgstr "Punca" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Gagal memuat turun muka seterusnya" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Kesilapan tetapan, sila ubahsuai pilihan" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Tetapan tidak sah" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "ralat pencarian" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minit} minit yang lalu" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{jam} jam, {minit} minit yang lalu" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Digantung" @@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ msgstr "Fungsi statistik" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Dapatkan tunjuk-arah" @@ -278,7 +277,8 @@ msgstr "Gantikan nama hos" #, fuzzy msgid "Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname" msgstr "" -"Tulis semula menyebabkan nama hos atau buang keputusan berdasarkan nama hos" +"Tulis semula menyebabkan nama hos atau buang keputusan berdasarkan nama " +"hos" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9 msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite" @@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ msgid "" "Avoid paywalls by redirecting to open-access versions of publications " "when available" msgstr "" -"Elakkan paywall dengan mengubahalih kepada penerbitan versi akses-awam jika " -"ada" +"Elakkan paywall dengan mengubahalih kepada penerbitan versi akses-awam " +"jika ada" #: searx/plugins/search_on_category_select.py:19 msgid "Search on category select" @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ msgid "" "Perform search immediately if a category selected. Disable to select " "multiple categories. (JavaScript required)" msgstr "" -"Jalankan pencarian serta-merta jika kategori telah dipilih. Nyah-aktif untuk " -"memilih pelbagai kategori. (JavaScript diperlukan)" +"Jalankan pencarian serta-merta jika kategori telah dipilih. Nyah-aktif " +"untuk memilih pelbagai kategori. (JavaScript diperlukan)" #: searx/plugins/self_info.py:20 msgid "Self Informations" @@ -349,45 +349,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -412,7 +412,23 @@ msgstr "" msgid "proxied" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" @@ -1052,3 +1068,4 @@ msgstr "" #: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/videos.html:6 msgid "hide video" msgstr "" + diff --git a/searx/translations/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index cc36c290a..ce8a2ada3 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index eccdf90c6..916b6dc40 100644 --- a/searx/translations/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,17 +7,16 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Morten R. Bjørklund <mortenrb@live.no>\n" -"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/" -"searxng/nb_NO/>\n" "Language: nb_NO\n" +"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/nb_NO/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -201,27 +200,27 @@ msgstr "Kilde" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Det var et problem med lasting av neste side" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Ugyldige innstillinger, rediger dine preferanser" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Ugyldige innstillinger" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "søkefeil" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "for {minutes} minute(s) siden" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "for {hours} time(r), {minutes} minutt(er) siden" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "I hvilemodus" @@ -241,7 +240,7 @@ msgstr "Statistikkfunksjoner" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Regn ut {functions} av parameterne" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Få veibeskrivelser" @@ -350,45 +349,45 @@ msgstr "søkeside" msgid "About" msgstr "Om" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Doner" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Innstillinger" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Drevet av" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "en personvernsrespekterende, hackbar metasøkemotor" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Kildekode" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Problemsporer" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Søkemotorstatistikk" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Offentlige instanser" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Personvernerklæring" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kontakt tilbyderen av instansen" @@ -413,7 +412,23 @@ msgstr "hurtiglagret" msgid "proxied" msgstr "mellomtjent" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Opprett en ny sak på Github med informasjonen ovenfor" @@ -1244,3 +1259,4 @@ msgstr "skjul video" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "innstillinger" + diff --git a/searx/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 003216e60..9f8962a9f 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 128977f14..689a74f6a 100644 --- a/searx/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ # Nathan Follens, 2015-2018 # Rejo Zenger <rejo@zenger.nl>, 2016-2017 # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. +# Chris Capisce <christof1588@gmail.com>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-15 07:19+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language-Team: Dutch <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/nl/>" "\n" @@ -206,27 +207,27 @@ msgstr "Bron" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Fout bij het laden van de volgende pagina" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Ongeldige instellingen, gelieve je voorkeuren bij te werken" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Ongeldige instellingen" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "zoekfout" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minu(u)t(en) geleden" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} uur, {minutes} minu(u)t(en) geleden" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Geschorst" @@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ msgstr "Statistische functies" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Bereken {functions} van de argumenten" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Routebeschrijving" @@ -359,45 +360,45 @@ msgstr "zoekpagina" msgid "About" msgstr "Over" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Doneren" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Voorkeuren" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Zoekmachine" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "een privacy-respecterende, aanpasbare meta-zoekmachine" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Broncode" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Probleem-tracker" -#: 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check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "Controleer op bestaande bugs over deze engine op GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" +"Ik bevestig dat er geen bestaand probleem is over het probleem dat ik " +"tegenkom" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" +"Indien dit een openbare instantie is, specificeer de URL in het " +"probleemrapport" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Maak een nieuwe issue op Github met de bovenstaande informatie" diff --git a/searx/translations/oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index e05b55162..3ffc7c263 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index bd3219bd7..d1f677b79 100644 --- a/searx/translations/oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-10 07:17+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language: oc\n" @@ -201,27 +201,27 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Paramètre pas valide, mercés de modificar vòstras preferéncias" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Paramètres invalids" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "error de recèrca" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "fa {minutes} minuta(s)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "Fa {hours} ora(s), {minutes} minuta(s)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "" @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ msgstr "Foncions estatisticas" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Calcula las {functions} dels arguments" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "" @@ -351,45 +351,45 @@ msgstr "cercar dins la pagina" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferéncias" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Propulsat per" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "un meta-motor de recèrca hackable e respectuós de la vida privada" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Estatistica del motor" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -414,7 +414,23 @@ msgstr "en version locala" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proxifiat" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/pap/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/pap/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index ebdb9714a..1030a28dd 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/pap/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/pap/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/pap/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/pap/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 88740e2f8..e971bd6d7 100644 --- a/searx/translations/pap/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/pap/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Translations template for PROJECT. +# pap translations for PROJECT. # Copyright (C) 2022 ORGANIZATION # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project. # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, 2022. @@ -7,17 +7,15 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Angelo B. J. Luidens <aluidens@stargue.com>\n" -"Language-Team: Papiamento <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" -"pap/>\n" "Language: pap\n" +"Language-Team: Papiamento " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/pap/>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -200,30 +198,30 @@ msgstr "Fuente" #: searx/webapp.py:367 msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "" -"Ora skroling ta aktivá, e mensahe aki ta aparesé abou riba e página ora e " -"siguiente página no por wòrdu di presentá." +"Ora skroling ta aktivá, e mensahe aki ta aparesé abou riba e página ora e" +" siguiente página no por wòrdu di presentá." -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "E settingnan ta inválido, por fabor kambia bo preferensianan" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Settingnan ta inválido" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minüt awor ei" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} ora, {minutes} minüt awor ei" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspendé" @@ -243,7 +241,7 @@ msgstr "Funshon nan estadístiko" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "" @@ -344,45 +342,45 @@ msgstr "" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "" -#: 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GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" @@ -1047,3 +1061,4 @@ msgstr "" #: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/videos.html:6 msgid "hide video" msgstr "" + diff --git a/searx/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index ee63603df..b103db172 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 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msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Nieprawidłowe ustawienia" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "błąd wyszukiwania" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minut(y) temu" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} godzin(y), {minutes} minut(y) temu" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Zawieszone" @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ msgstr "Funkcje statystyczne" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Oblicz {functions} argumentów" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Pokaż wskazówki" @@ -355,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "strona wyszukiwania" msgid "About" msgstr "Informacje o" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Wpłać" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferencje" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Obsługiwane przez" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "szanująca prywatność, hackowalna wyszukiwarka metasearch" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Kod źródłowy" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Śledzenie błędów" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statystyki wyszukiwarki" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Publiczne instancje" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Polityka prywatności" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Skontaktuj się z właścicielem instancji" @@ -418,7 +418,26 @@ msgstr "buforowane" msgid "proxied" msgstr "przesłane poprzez proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Zacznij zgłaszać nowy problemy na GitHub'ie" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "Sprawdź istniejące błędy dotyczące tego silnika na GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" +"Potwierdzam, że nie ma istniejącego błędu dotyczącego napotkanego problemu" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" +"Jeśli jest to instancja publiczna, podaj adres URL w zgłoszeniu dotyczącego " +"tego błędu" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Zgłoś nowy problem na Githubie, podając powyższe informacje" diff --git a/searx/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index b45981282..02f3c3334 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 6511dffb8..46c456c39 100644 --- a/searx/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,19 +8,18 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Portuguese <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" -"pt/>\n" "Language: pt\n" +"Language-Team: Portuguese " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/pt/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -204,27 +203,27 @@ msgstr "Fonte" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Erro ao carregar a próxima página" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Definições inválidas, por favor edite as suas preferências" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Configurações inválidas" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "erro de procura" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minuto(s) atrás" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} hora(s), {minutes} minuto(s) atrás" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspenso" @@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ msgstr "Funções de estatística" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Calcular {functions} dos argumentos" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Obter direções" @@ -356,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "pesquisar página" msgid "About" msgstr "Acerca" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Doar" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferências" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Produzido por" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "um motor de metapesquisa editável e respeitador da sua privacidade" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Código fonte" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Rastreador de problemas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Estatísticas de motor de pesquisa" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Instâncias públicas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Política de privacidade" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Contate o mantenedor da instância" @@ -419,7 +418,23 @@ msgstr "armazenados em cache" msgid "proxied" msgstr "via proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Submeta um novo problema no Github incluindo a informação acima" @@ -1333,3 +1348,4 @@ msgstr "esconder vídeo" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "preferências" + diff --git a/searx/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 6f3b45157..1bf8679e9 100644 Binary files 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<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/" "searxng/searxng/pt_BR/>\n" "Language: pt_BR\n" @@ -211,27 +212,27 @@ msgstr "Fonte" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Erro ao carregar a próxima página" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Configurações inválidas, por favor, edite suas preferências" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Configurações inválidas" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "erro de busca" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minuto(s) atrás" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} hora(s), {minutes} minuto(s) atrás" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Suspenso" @@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ msgstr "Funções estatísticas" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Computa {functions} dos argumentos" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Obter direções" @@ -361,45 +362,45 @@ msgstr "página de busca" msgid "About" msgstr "Sobre" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Doar" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferências" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Distribuído por" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "um mecanismo de metabusca que respeita a sua privacidade" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Código fonte" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Rastreador de problemas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Estatísticas de busca" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Instâncias públicas" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Política de Privacidade" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Contatar o responsável da instância" @@ -424,7 +425,26 @@ msgstr "em cache" msgid "proxied" msgstr "por proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Submeta um novo problema no Github" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "Por favor, cheque bugs existentes sobre essa engine no GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" +"Eu confirmo que não há nenhum bug existente sobre o problema que eu encontrei" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" +"Se essa for uma instância pública, por favor, especifique a URL no relatório " +"do bug" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Envie um novo problema no Github incluindo as informações acima" diff --git a/searx/translations/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 71b64e1df..9252dba6a 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 75f32be53..36bea1f6e 100644 --- a/searx/translations/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-02 09:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: lukasig <lukasig@hotmail.com>\n" "Language: ro\n" @@ -205,27 +205,27 @@ msgstr "Sursă" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Eroare la încărcarea paginii următoare" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Configurări nevalide, modificați preferințele" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Configurări nevalide" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "eroare de căutare" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minut(e) în urmă" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} oră(e), {minutes} minut(e) în urmă" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Întrerupt" @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ msgstr "Funcții statistice" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Calculează {functions} din argumente" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Gaseste directia" @@ -355,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "pagină de căutare" msgid "About" msgstr "Despre" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Donează" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferințe" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Motorizat de" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "un meta-motor de căutare care respectă confidențialitatea" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Cod sursă" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Urmăritor de probleme" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statisticile motorului" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Instanțe publice" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Confidențialitate" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Contactați întreținătorul instanței" @@ -418,7 +418,23 @@ msgstr "stocat temporar" msgid "proxied" msgstr "delegat" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" "Deschide un nou \"issue\" pe Github, cu toate informațiile din partea de " diff --git a/searx/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index e09fce7a7..0eb864800 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 4ac6ef6b9..85d679fb4 100644 --- a/searx/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language-Team: Russian <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/ru/" ">\n" @@ -211,27 +211,27 @@ msgstr "Источник" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Не удалось загрузить следующую страницу" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Неправильные параметры, пожалуйста измените ваши настройки" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Неверные настройки" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "ошибка поиска" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} минут(а) назад" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} час(ов), {minutes} минут(а) назад" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Приостановлено" @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ msgstr "Статистические функции" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Применяет функции {functions} к аргументам" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Запрашивать маршруты" @@ -359,45 +359,45 @@ msgstr "страница поиска" msgid "About" msgstr "О программе" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Пожертвовать" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Настройки" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Основано на" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "открытая метапоисковая система, уважающая приватность" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Исходный код" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Сообщить о проблеме" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Статистика по поисковым системам" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Публичные зеркала" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Политика конфиденциальности" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Сопровождающий текущего зеркала" @@ -422,7 +422,25 @@ msgstr "веб-архив" msgid "proxied" msgstr "через прокси" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Откройте issue на GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "Пожалуйста проверьте ныне существующие ошибки этого движка на GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" +"Я подтверждаю, что не существует ошибки, связанной с встретившейся мне " +"проблемой" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" "Отправить новое сообщение о проблеме на Github, включая вышеуказанную " @@ -776,8 +794,8 @@ msgid "" "Specifying custom settings in the preferences URL can be used to sync " "preferences across devices." msgstr "" -"Пользовательские настройки URL-адреса можно использовать для синхронизации " -"настроек между устройствами." +"Пользовательские настройки URL-адреса можно использовать для " +"синхронизации настроек между устройствами." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:428 msgid "" diff --git a/searx/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 23f047948..af84a8de9 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and 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"Neplatné nastavenia, upravte svoje hodnoty, prosím" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Chybná konfigurácia" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "chyba vyhľadávania" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} min. pred" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} hod., {minutes} min. pred" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Pozastavené" @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgstr "Štatistické funkcie" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Vypočítať {functions} argumentov" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Požiadať o navigáciu" @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ msgstr "Zámeny názvov serverov" #: searx/plugins/hostname_replace.py:10 msgid "Rewrite result hostnames or remove results based on the hostname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Informácie o sebe" #: searx/plugins/oa_doi_rewrite.py:9 msgid "Open Access DOI rewrite" @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ msgstr "" #: searx/plugins/self_info.py:20 msgid "Self Informations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Informácie o sebe" #: searx/plugins/self_info.py:21 msgid "" @@ -352,47 +352,47 @@ msgstr "stránka vyhľadávania" #: searx/templates/simple/base.html:46 msgid "About" -msgstr "" +msgstr "O nás" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Prispejte" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Nastavenia" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Používame" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "prispôsobitelný meta-vyhľadávač, ktorý rešpektuje vaše súkromie" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Zdrojový kód" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Štatistiky vyhľadávača" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Verejné inštancie" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Ochrana súkromia" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kontaktujte správcu inštancie" @@ -417,7 +417,23 @@ msgstr "z vyrovnávacej pamäte" msgid "proxied" msgstr "cez proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Odošlite novú chybu na Github vrátane informácii nad" diff --git a/searx/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 19afb947f..4a1cdd769 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index c2e6ef312..71e5d47e6 100644 --- a/searx/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,20 +7,19 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Slovenian <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/" -"sl/>\n" "Language: sl\n" +"Language-Team: Slovenian " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/sl/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 " +"|| n%100==4 ? 2 : 3;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n" -"%100==4 ? 2 : 3;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -204,27 +203,27 @@ msgstr "Vir" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju naslednje strani" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Neveljavne nastavitve. Prosimo, preverite vašo konfiguracijo" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Neveljavne nastavitve" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "napaka pri iskanju" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minut nazaj" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "pred {hours} urami in {minutes} minut" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Prekinjeno" @@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ msgstr "Statistične funkcije" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Izračunaj {functions} argumentov" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Pridobite navodila" @@ -354,45 +353,45 @@ msgstr "stran za iskanje" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Nastavitve" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Omogočeno z" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "razširljiv metaiskalnik, ki spoštuje vašo zasebnost" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statistike iskalnika" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -417,7 +416,23 @@ msgstr "predpomnjeno" msgid "proxied" msgstr "preko posredniškega strežnika" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" @@ -1315,3 +1330,4 @@ msgstr "skrij video" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "nastavitve" + diff --git a/searx/translations/sr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/sr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 06d949739..a7bfd7856 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/sr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/sr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/sr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/sr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 2e04354a2..9be623a95 100644 --- a/searx/translations/sr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/sr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,20 +9,19 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Serbian <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/sr/" -">\n" "Language: sr\n" +"Language-Team: Serbian " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/sr/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " +"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n" -"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -206,27 +205,27 @@ msgstr "Извор" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Грешка приликом учитавања следеће странице" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Неважеће поставке, молимо уредите свој избор" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Неважећа подешавања" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "грешка у претрази" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "пре {minutes} минут(у,е,а)" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "пре {hours} час(a) и {minutes} минут(у,е,а)" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Суспендован" @@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ msgstr "Статистичке функције" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Израчунајте {functions} аргумената" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Упутства за правац" @@ -356,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "Претражи страницу" msgid "About" msgstr "О нама" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Донирај" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Подешавања" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Покреће" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "мета-претраживач који поштује приватност" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Изворни код" 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+msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Пријавите нову грешку на Гитхабу укључујући следеће инфоржације" @@ -1318,3 +1333,4 @@ msgstr "сакриј видео" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "ПОДЕШАВАЊА" + diff --git a/searx/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 0dd23a784..f0214599d 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git 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searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Ogiltiga inställningar" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "sökfel" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} minut(er) sedan" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} timm(e/ar), {minutes} minut(er) sedan" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Avstängd" @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ msgstr "Statistikfunktioner" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Beräkna {functions} av argumenten" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Få vägbeskrivningar" @@ -355,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "söksida" msgid "About" msgstr "Om" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid 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+#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Publika instanser" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Integritetspolicy" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Kontakta instansens underhållare" @@ -418,7 +418,23 @@ msgstr "cachad" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proxade" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "Rapportera ett nytt problem på GitHub" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Skicka in ett nytt nummer på Github inklusive ovanstående information" @@ -560,7 +576,7 @@ msgstr "Tema stil" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:214 msgid "Choose auto to follow your browser settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Välj auto för att använda webbläsarens inställningar" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:217 msgid "Center Alignment" diff --git a/searx/translations/szl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/szl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 7e4b7a154..d610734c3 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/szl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/szl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/szl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/szl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 4f9e35fd0..2e6cc5e68 100644 --- 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searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Spiyrane ôd" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "hakowalno metawyszukowarka, co szanuje prywatność" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Kod zdrzōdłowy" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Dziynnik problymōw" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Statystyki wyszukowarki" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Publiczne instancyje" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Skōntaktuj sie ze administratorym instancyje" @@ -414,7 +414,23 @@ msgstr "buforowane" msgid "proxied" msgstr "ze proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Wyślij nowe zgłoszynie problymu na Github ze informacyjōm wyżyj" diff --git a/searx/translations/ta/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/ta/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 2ddee546c..4933d0d06 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/ta/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/ta/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/ta/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/ta/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 4d19a78db..c7820924c 100644 --- a/searx/translations/ta/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/ta/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -12,19 +12,18 @@ # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" +"Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" -"Language-Team: Tamil <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/ta/>" -"\n" "Language: ta\n" +"Language-Team: Tamil " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/ta/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. 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{functions} of the arguments" msgstr "வாதங்களின் {functions} கணக்கிடவும்" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "திசைகளைப் பெறுங்கள்" @@ -362,45 +361,45 @@ msgstr "தேடல் பக்கம்" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "நன்கொடை" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "விருப்பத்தேர்வு" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "மூலம் இயக்கப்படுகிறது" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "உங்கள் அகவுரிமையை மதிக்கும் மாற்றியமைக்ககூடிய ஒரு தேடல் எந்திரம்" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "மூல குறியீடு" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "பிரச்சினை டிராக்கர்" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "எந்திரத்தின் புள்ளி விவரங்கள்" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "பொது நிகழ்வுகள்" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "நிகழ்வு பராமரிப்பாளரைத் தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்" @@ -425,7 +424,23 @@ msgstr "தற்காலிக சேமிப்பு" msgid "proxied" msgstr "ப்ராக்ஸி" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" @@ -1326,3 +1341,4 @@ msgstr "காணொளிகளை மறை" #~ msgid "preferences" #~ msgstr "விருப்பத்தேர்வு" + diff --git a/searx/translations/te/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/te/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index c0f23092b..e10914cb1 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/te/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/te/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git 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preferences" msgstr "చెల్లని సెట్టింగ్లు, దయచేసి మీ ప్రాధాన్యతలను సవరించండి" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "చెల్లని అమరికలు" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "శోధనలో లోపము" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} నిమిషము(ల) క్రిందట" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} గంట(లు), {minutes} నిమిషం(లు) క్రితం" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "రద్ధు చెయ్యబడింది" @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ msgstr "సాంఖ్యకశాస్త్ర ప్రమేయాలు" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "ఆర్గ్యుమెంట్ల {functions} గణించండి" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "దిశలను పొందండి" @@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ msgid "" "Perform search immediately if a category selected. Disable to select " "multiple categories. (JavaScript required)" msgstr "" -"వర్గం ఎంపిక చేయబడితే వెంటనే శోధనను నిర్వహించండి. బహుళ వర్గాలను ఎంచుకోవడానికి " -"నిలిపివేయండి. (జావాస్క్రిప్ట్ అవసరం)" +"వర్గం ఎంపిక చేయబడితే వెంటనే శోధనను నిర్వహించండి. బహుళ వర్గాలను " +"ఎంచుకోవడానికి నిలిపివేయండి. (జావాస్క్రిప్ట్ అవసరం)" #: searx/plugins/self_info.py:20 msgid "Self Informations" @@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ msgid "" "Displays your IP if the query is \"ip\" and your user agent if the query " "contains \"user agent\"." msgstr "" -"ప్రశ్న \"ip\" అయితే మీ IPని మరియు ప్రశ్నలో \"యూజర్ ఏజెంట్\" ఉంటే మీ యూజర్ " -"ఏజెంట్ని ప్రదర్శిస్తుంది." +"ప్రశ్న \"ip\" అయితే మీ IPని మరియు ప్రశ్నలో \"యూజర్ ఏజెంట్\" ఉంటే మీ యూజర్" +" ఏజెంట్ని ప్రదర్శిస్తుంది." #: searx/plugins/tracker_url_remover.py:29 msgid "Tracker URL remover" @@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ msgid "" "Navigate search results with Vim-like hotkeys (JavaScript required). " "Press \"h\" key on main or result page to get help." msgstr "" -"Vim లాంటి హాట్కీలతో శోధన ఫలితాలను నావిగేట్ చేయండి (జావాస్క్రిప్ట్ అవసరం). " -"సహాయం పొందడానికి ప్రధాన లేదా ఫలితాల పేజీలో \"h\" కీని నొక్కండి." +"Vim లాంటి హాట్కీలతో శోధన ఫలితాలను నావిగేట్ చేయండి (జావాస్క్రిప్ట్ " +"అవసరం). సహాయం పొందడానికి ప్రధాన లేదా ఫలితాల పేజీలో \"h\" కీని నొక్కండి." #: searx/templates/simple/404.html:4 msgid "Page not found" @@ -355,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "శోధన పుట" msgid "About" msgstr "గురించి" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "దానం చేయండి" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "అభిరుచులు" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "ద్వారా ఆధారితం" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "గోప్యతను గౌరవించే, హ్యాక్ చేయదగిన మెటా సెర్చ్ ఇంజిన్" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "సోర్స్ కోడ్" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "ఇష్యూ ట్రాకర్" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "ఇంజిన్ గణాంకాలు" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "పబ్లిక్ ఇన్స్తంచెస్" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "గోప్యతా విధానం" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "నిర్వహించేవాడిని సంప్రదించండి" @@ -418,7 +418,23 @@ msgstr "కాష్ చేయబడింది" msgid "proxied" msgstr "ప్రాక్సీడ్" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "GitHub లో కొత్త సంచికను సమర్పించడం ప్రారంభించండి" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "పై సమాచారంతో సహా Github పై కొత్త సంచికను సమర్పించండి" @@ -597,8 +613,8 @@ msgstr "అనంతమైన స్క్రోల్" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:248 msgid "Automatically load next page when scrolling to bottom of current page" msgstr "" -"ప్రస్తుత పేజీ దిగువకు స్క్రోల్ చేస్తున్నప్పుడు తదుపరి పేజీని స్వయంచాలకంగా " -"లోడ్ చేయండి" +"ప్రస్తుత పేజీ దిగువకు స్క్రోల్ చేస్తున్నప్పుడు తదుపరి పేజీని స్వయంచాలకంగా" +" లోడ్ చేయండి" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:254 msgid "Privacy" @@ -614,9 +630,9 @@ msgid "" "href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\"" " rel=\"external\">learn more about request methods</a>" msgstr "" -"ఫారమ్లను ఎలా సమర్పించాలో మార్చండి, <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" -"Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\" rel=\"external\">అభ్యర్థన " -"పద్ధతుల గురించి మరింత తెలుసుకోండి</a>" +"ఫారమ్లను ఎలా సమర్పించాలో మార్చండి, <a " +"href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\"" +" rel=\"external\">అభ్యర్థన పద్ధతుల గురించి మరింత తెలుసుకోండి</a>" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:269 msgid "Image proxy" @@ -645,8 +661,8 @@ msgid "" "When enabled, the result page's title contains your query. Your browser " "can record this title" msgstr "" -"ప్రారంభించబడినప్పుడు, ఫలిత పేజీ యొక్క శీర్షిక మీ ప్రశ్నను కలిగి ఉంటుంది. మీ " -"బ్రౌజర్ ఈ శీర్షికను రికార్డ్ చేయగలదు" +"ప్రారంభించబడినప్పుడు, ఫలిత పేజీ యొక్క శీర్షిక మీ ప్రశ్నను కలిగి ఉంటుంది. " +"మీ బ్రౌజర్ ఈ శీర్షికను రికార్డ్ చేయగలదు" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:294 msgid "Engines" @@ -661,8 +677,8 @@ msgid "" "This tab does not show up for search results, but you can search the " "engines listed here via bangs." msgstr "" -"ఈ ట్యాబ్ శోధన ఫలితాల కోసం చూపబడదు, కానీ మీరు ఇక్కడ జాబితా చేయబడిన ఇంజిన్లను " -"బ్యాంగ్స్ ద్వారా శోధించవచ్చు." +"ఈ ట్యాబ్ శోధన ఫలితాల కోసం చూపబడదు, కానీ మీరు ఇక్కడ జాబితా చేయబడిన " +"ఇంజిన్లను బ్యాంగ్స్ ద్వారా శోధించవచ్చు." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:307 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:358 @@ -762,8 +778,8 @@ msgid "" "Note: specifying custom settings in the search URL can reduce privacy by " "leaking data to the clicked result sites." msgstr "" -"గమనిక: శోధన URLలో అనుకూల సెట్టింగ్లను పేర్కొనడం క్లిక్ చేసిన ఫలితాల సైట్లకు" -" డేటాను లీక్ చేయడం ద్వారా గోప్యతను తగ్గిస్తుంది." +"గమనిక: శోధన URLలో అనుకూల సెట్టింగ్లను పేర్కొనడం క్లిక్ చేసిన ఫలితాల " +"సైట్లకు డేటాను లీక్ చేయడం ద్వారా గోప్యతను తగ్గిస్తుంది." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:419 msgid "URL to restore your preferences in another browser" @@ -782,8 +798,8 @@ msgid "" "These settings are stored in your cookies, this allows us not to store " "this data about you." msgstr "" -"ఈ సెట్టింగ్లు మీ కుక్కీలలో నిల్వ చేయబడ్డాయి, ఇది మీ గురించిన ఈ డేటాను నిల్వ " -"చేయకుండా ఉండటానికి మాకు అనుమతిస్తుంది." +"ఈ సెట్టింగ్లు మీ కుక్కీలలో నిల్వ చేయబడ్డాయి, ఇది మీ గురించిన ఈ డేటాను " +"నిల్వ చేయకుండా ఉండటానికి మాకు అనుమతిస్తుంది." #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:430 msgid "" @@ -979,8 +995,7 @@ msgstr "యంత్రాలు ఫలితాలను రాబట్టల #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Please, try again later or find another SearXNG instance." -msgstr "" -"దయచేసి, తర్వాత మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి లేదా మరొక SearXNG ఇన్స్తంచె కనుగొనండి." +msgstr "దయచేసి, తర్వాత మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి లేదా మరొక SearXNG ఇన్స్తంచె కనుగొనండి." #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:20 msgid "Sorry!" @@ -991,8 +1006,8 @@ msgid "" "we didn't find any results. Please use another query or search in more " "categories." msgstr "" -"మేము ఏ ఫలితాలను కనుగొనలేదు. దయచేసి మరొక ప్రశ్నను ఉపయోగించండి లేదా మరిన్ని " -"వర్గాల్లో శోధించండి." +"మేము ఏ ఫలితాలను కనుగొనలేదు. దయచేసి మరొక ప్రశ్నను ఉపయోగించండి లేదా మరిన్ని" +" వర్గాల్లో శోధించండి." #: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/default.html:6 msgid "show media" diff --git a/searx/translations/th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 014195dfb..3e425cc40 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index ea504b474..c50c5a1fb 100644 --- a/searx/translations/th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Translations template for PROJECT. +# Thai translations for PROJECT. # Copyright (C) 2022 ORGANIZATION # This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project. # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, 2022. @@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 22:11+0000\n" "Last-Translator: watchakorn-18k <porton2559@gmail.com>\n" -"Language-Team: Thai <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/th/>\n" "Language: th\n" +"Language-Team: Thai " +"<https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/th/>\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 4.13.1\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.10.3\n" #. CONSTANT_NAMES['DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME'] @@ -200,27 +200,27 @@ msgstr "แหล่งที่มา" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการโหลดหน้าถัดไป" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "การตั้งค่าไม่ถูกต้อง โปรดแก้ไขการตั้งค่าของคุณ" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "การตั้งค่าไม่ถูกต้อง" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "ข้อผิดพลาดจากการค้นหา" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} นาทีก่อน" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} ชั่วโมง),{minutes} นาทีก่อน" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "ถูกระงับ" @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ msgstr "ฟังก์ชันสถิติ" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "คำนวณ {functions} จากอาร์กิวเมนต์" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "รับเส้นทาง" @@ -284,8 +284,7 @@ msgstr "เปิดการเข้าถึง DOI ที่เขียน msgid "" "Avoid paywalls by redirecting to open-access versions of publications " "when available" -msgstr "" -"หลีกเลี่ยงข้อจำกัดการชำระเงินโดยเปลี่ยนเส้นทางไปรุ่นเอกสารที่เปิดให้ใช้งาน" +msgstr "หลีกเลี่ยงข้อจำกัดการชำระเงินโดยเปลี่ยนเส้นทางไปรุ่นเอกสารที่เปิดให้ใช้งาน" #: searx/plugins/search_on_category_select.py:19 msgid "Search on category select" @@ -328,8 +327,8 @@ msgid "" "Navigate search results with Vim-like hotkeys (JavaScript required). " "Press \"h\" key on main or result page to get help." msgstr "" -"นำทางผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหาด้วยปุ่มลัดแบบ Vim (ต้องใช้ JavaScript) กดปุ่ม \"h\" " -"บนหน้าหลักหรือหน้าผลลัพธ์เพื่อรับความช่วยเหลือ" +"นำทางผลลัพธ์จากการค้นหาด้วยปุ่มลัดแบบ Vim (ต้องใช้ JavaScript) กดปุ่ม " +"\"h\" บนหน้าหลักหรือหน้าผลลัพธ์เพื่อรับความช่วยเหลือ" #: searx/templates/simple/404.html:4 msgid "Page not found" @@ -348,45 +347,45 @@ msgstr "หน้าค้นหา" msgid "About" msgstr "เกี่ยวกับ" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "บริจาค" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "การตั้งค่า" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "ขับเคลื่อนโดย" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "เคารพความเป็นส่วนตัว เครื่องมือค้นหา meta ที่แฮ็กได้" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "แหล่งที่เก็บโค้ด" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "ตัวติดตามปัญหา" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "เครื่องมือสถิติ" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "อินสแตนซ์สาธารณะ" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "ติดต่อผู้ดูแลอินสแตนซ์" @@ -411,7 +410,23 @@ msgstr "แคช" msgid "proxied" msgstr "พร็อกซี่" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "ส่งปัญหาใหม่บน Github รวมทั้งข้อมูลข้างต้นด้วย" @@ -603,9 +618,9 @@ msgid "" "href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\"" " rel=\"external\">learn more about request methods</a>" msgstr "" -"เปลี่ยนวิธีการส่งแบบฟอร์ม <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" -"Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\" rel=\"external\"" -">เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับวิธีการส่งคำขอ</a>" +"เปลี่ยนวิธีการส่งแบบฟอร์ม <a " +"href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods\"" +" rel=\"external\">เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับวิธีการส่งคำขอ</a>" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:269 msgid "Image proxy" @@ -726,9 +741,7 @@ msgstr "คุกกี้" msgid "" "This is the list of cookies and their values SearXNG is storing on your " "computer." -msgstr "" -"นี่คือรายการคุกกี้และค่าของคุกกี้ที่เซียร์เอ็กซ์เอ็นจีจัดเก็บไว้ในคอมพิวเตอร์" -"ของคุณ" +msgstr "นี่คือรายการคุกกี้และค่าของคุกกี้ที่เซียร์เอ็กซ์เอ็นจีจัดเก็บไว้ในคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณ" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:396 msgid "With that list, you can assess SearXNG transparency." @@ -751,8 +764,8 @@ msgid "" "Note: specifying custom settings in the search URL can reduce privacy by " "leaking data to the clicked result sites." msgstr "" -"หมายเหตุ: การระบุการตั้งค่าแบบกำหนดเองใน URL การค้นหาสามารถลดความเป็นส่วนตัวไ" -"ด้โดยการทำให้ข้อมูลรั่วไหลไปยังไซต์ผลลัพธ์ที่คลิก" +"หมายเหตุ: การระบุการตั้งค่าแบบกำหนดเองใน URL " +"การค้นหาสามารถลดความเป็นส่วนตัวได้โดยการทำให้ข้อมูลรั่วไหลไปยังไซต์ผลลัพธ์ที่คลิก" #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:419 msgid "URL to restore your preferences in another browser" @@ -1068,3 +1081,4 @@ msgstr "แสดงวิดีโอ" #: searx/templates/simple/result_templates/videos.html:6 msgid "hide video" msgstr "ซ่อนวิดีโอ" + diff --git a/searx/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index c886c9636..6c85fd51e 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index c8600dc32..bc3317f54 100644 --- a/searx/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ # FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, 2014 # Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>, 2022. # 0xFFD <barann.afsarr@gmail.com>, 2022. +# crazychicken1 <seymaomay1809@gmail.com>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-06 00:21+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: 0xFFD <barann.afsarr@gmail.com>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-13 15:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: crazychicken1 <seymaomay1809@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Turkish <https://weblate.bubu1.eu/projects/searxng/searxng/tr/" ">\n" "Language: tr\n" @@ -207,27 +208,27 @@ msgstr "Kaynak" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Sonraki sayfa yüklenemedi" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Geçersiz ayarlar, lütfen tercihlerinizi düzenleyin" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Geçersiz ayarlar" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "arama hatası" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} dakika önce" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} saat, {minutes} dakika önce" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Askıya alındı" @@ -247,7 +248,7 @@ msgstr "İstatistik fonksiyonları" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Bağımsız değişkenlerin {functions} değerini hesapla" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Yönleri al" @@ -359,45 +360,45 @@ msgstr "arama sayfası" msgid "About" msgstr "Hakkında" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Bağış" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Tercihler" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Destekleyen" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "gizliliğe saygılı, kurcalanabilir bir meta arama motoru" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Kaynak kodu" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Sorun izleyici" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Motor istatistikleri" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Açık sunucular" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "Gizlilik politikası" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Sunucu sahibi ile iletişime geçin" @@ -422,7 +423,28 @@ msgstr "önbellek" msgid "proxied" msgstr "proxylendi" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "GitHub'a Yeni bir hata göndeymeye başlayin" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" +"Lütfen Github üzerinden bu tarayıcı hakkında devam eden sorunları kontrol " +"ediniz" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" +"Karşılaştığım hata ile ilgili süregelen bir hata bulunmadığını onaylıyorum" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" +"Eğer bu bir bulut üzerinde bir bilgisayar ise lütfen URL'yi hata raporunda " +"belirtin" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "Yukarıdaki bilgilerle Github'da bir sorun bildirin" diff --git a/searx/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 715d76cdd..3fd721b36 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 10bca29c3..fa3b52cec 100644 --- a/searx/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-24 07:18+0000\n" "Last-Translator: HACKKER <andriy.o.vovk@gmail.com>\n" "Language: uk\n" @@ -205,27 +205,27 @@ msgstr "Джерело" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Не вдалося завантажити наступну сторінку" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Неправильні налаштування, будь ласка, зробіть зміни в налаштуваннях" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Неправильні налаштування" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "помилка пошуку" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} хвилин тому" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} годин, {minutes} хвилин тому" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Призупинено" @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ msgstr "Функції статистики" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Розрахувати {functions} аргументів" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Отримати директорії" @@ -355,45 +355,45 @@ msgstr "сторінки пошуку" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Опції" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Використовується" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "вільна система метапошуку, яка поважає вашу приватність" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Вихідний код" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "Трекер помилок" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Статистика пошукової системи" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "Публічні інстанції" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "Зв'язатися з власником інстанції" @@ -418,7 +418,23 @@ msgstr "архівовано" msgid "proxied" msgstr "проксовано" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 0c3276a3a..810306964 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index ed950bbae..0d0cd3fa3 100644 --- a/searx/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-22 07:18+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language: vi\n" @@ -201,27 +201,27 @@ msgstr "Nguồn" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "Không thể tải trang kế tiếp" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "Cài đặt không hợp lệ, xin xem lại tuỳ chỉnh" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "Cài đặt không hợp lệ" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "lỗi tìm kiếm" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} phút() trước" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} giờ, {minutes} phút trước" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Treo/gián đoạn/chặn" @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ msgstr "Các hàm thống kê" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "Tính toán {functions} của các đối số" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "Nhận điều hướng" @@ -349,45 +349,45 @@ msgstr "tìm kiếm trang" msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Tuỳ chỉnh" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "Được cung cấp bởi" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "một trình tìm kiếm đa nguồn, dễ tuỳ biến và tôn trọng quyền riêng tư" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "Các thông số về trình tìm kiếm" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "" @@ -412,7 +412,23 @@ msgstr "đã lưu cache" msgid "proxied" msgstr "đã proxy" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "" diff --git a/searx/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 16d95e966..06d0e7bc9 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 3b18a3640..319d295be 100644 --- a/searx/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-01 07:18+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language: zh_Hans_CN\n" @@ -210,27 +210,27 @@ msgstr "来源" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "载入下个页面时发生错误" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "无效设置,请编辑您的首选项" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "无效设置" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "搜索错误" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} 分钟前" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} 小时 {minutes} 分钟前" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "暂停服务" @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ msgstr "统计功能" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "计算 {functions} 参数" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "获取路线" @@ -351,45 +351,45 @@ msgstr "搜索页面" msgid "About" msgstr "关于" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "捐赠" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "首选项" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "功能来自" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "一个尊重隐私、可二次开发的元搜索引擎" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "源代码" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "问题跟踪系统" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "搜索引擎统计" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "公共站点" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "隐私政策" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "联系站点维护人员" @@ -414,7 +414,23 @@ msgstr "缓存" msgid "proxied" msgstr "代理" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "在GitHub上提交包含上述信息的新问题" diff --git a/searx/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/searx/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 33e251c00..af6eabf79 100644 Binary files a/searx/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/searx/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/searx/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/searx/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 257ce1c6a..1bb4303d7 100644 --- a/searx/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/searx/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: searx\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-02 08:59+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-08 18:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-07-02 09:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>\n" "Language: zh_Hant_TW\n" @@ -206,27 +206,27 @@ msgstr "來源" msgid "Error loading the next page" msgstr "載入下個頁面時發生錯誤" -#: searx/webapp.py:510 searx/webapp.py:954 +#: searx/webapp.py:516 searx/webapp.py:960 msgid "Invalid settings, please edit your preferences" msgstr "無效的設定,請編輯您的偏好設定" -#: searx/webapp.py:526 +#: searx/webapp.py:532 msgid "Invalid settings" msgstr "無效的設定" -#: searx/webapp.py:603 searx/webapp.py:679 +#: searx/webapp.py:609 searx/webapp.py:685 msgid "search error" msgstr "搜尋錯誤" -#: searx/webapp.py:725 +#: searx/webapp.py:731 msgid "{minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{minutes} 分鐘前" -#: searx/webapp.py:727 +#: searx/webapp.py:733 msgid "{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago" msgstr "{hours} 小時 {minutes} 分鐘前" -#: searx/webapp.py:853 +#: searx/webapp.py:859 msgid "Suspended" msgstr "暫停服務" @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ msgstr "統計功能" msgid "Compute {functions} of the arguments" msgstr "計算 {functions} 參數" -#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:156 +#: searx/engines/openstreetmap.py:160 msgid "Get directions" msgstr "取得路線" @@ -347,45 +347,45 @@ msgstr "搜尋頁面" msgid "About" msgstr "關於" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:49 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:50 msgid "Donate" msgstr "捐獻" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:52 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:54 #: searx/templates/simple/preferences.html:99 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "偏好設定" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "Powered by" msgstr "技術支援" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:62 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 msgid "a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" msgstr "一個尊重隱私,可再開發的集合式搜尋引擎" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 msgid "Source code" msgstr "原始碼" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:64 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 msgid "Issue tracker" msgstr "問題追蹤" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:65 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:67 searx/templates/simple/stats.html:18 msgid "Engine stats" msgstr "引擎統計" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:66 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:69 #: searx/templates/simple/messages/no_results.html:15 msgid "Public instances" msgstr "公開站臺" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:68 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:72 msgid "Privacy policy" msgstr "私隱權條款" -#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:71 +#: searx/templates/simple/base.html:75 msgid "Contact instance maintainer" msgstr "聯繫站點維護人員" @@ -410,7 +410,23 @@ msgstr "已快取" msgid "proxied" msgstr "已代理" -#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:63 +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:64 +msgid "Start submiting a new issue on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:66 +msgid "Please check for existing bugs about this engine on GitHub" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:69 +msgid "I confirm there is no existing bug about the issue I encounter" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:71 +msgid "If this is a public instance, please specify the URL in the bug report" +msgstr "" + +#: searx/templates/simple/new_issue.html:72 msgid "Submit a new issue on Github including the above information" msgstr "在GitHub上提交包含上述信息的新問題"