From 7afd02c94e7c535af7730b6a058238efcadd750b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Flament <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 13:49:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [fix] flickr engine

 searx/engines/            |  17 +-
 searx/tests/engines/ | 250 ++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 193 deletions(-)

diff --git a/searx/engines/ b/searx/engines/
index 2071b8e36..87b912eb3 100644
--- a/searx/engines/
+++ b/searx/engines/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ categories = ['images']
 url = ''
 search_url = url + 'search?{query}&page={page}'
 photo_url = '{userid}/{photoid}'
-regex = re.compile(r"\"search-photos-models\",\"photos\":(.*}),\"totalItems\":", re.DOTALL)
+regex = re.compile(r"\"search-photos-lite-models\",\"photos\":(.*}),\"totalItems\":", re.DOTALL)
 image_sizes = ('o', 'k', 'h', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'n', 'm', 't', 'q', 's')
 paging = True
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ def build_flickr_url(user_id, photo_id):
 def request(query, params):
     params['url'] = search_url.format(query=urlencode({'text': query}),
     return params
@@ -75,10 +76,10 @@ def response(resp):
             logger.debug('cannot find valid image size: {0}'.format(repr(photo)))
-        if 'id' not in photo['owner']:
+        if 'ownerNsid' not in photo:
-# For a bigger thumbnail, keep only the url_z, not the url_n
+        # For a bigger thumbnail, keep only the url_z, not the url_n
         if 'n' in photo['sizes']:
             thumbnail_src = photo['sizes']['n']['url']
         elif 'z' in photo['sizes']:
@@ -86,20 +87,14 @@ def response(resp):
             thumbnail_src = img_src
-        url = build_flickr_url(photo['owner']['id'], photo['id'])
+        url = build_flickr_url(photo['ownerNsid'], photo['id'])
         title = photo.get('title', '')
         content = '<span class="photo-author">' +\
-                  photo['owner']['username'] +\
+                  photo['username'] +\
                   '</span><br />'
-        if 'description' in photo:
-            content = content +\
-                '<span class="description">' +\
-                photo['description'] +\
-                '</span>'
         # append result
         results.append({'url': url,
                         'title': title,
diff --git a/searx/tests/engines/ b/searx/tests/engines/
index a1de3a5e4..3b337a2d8 100644
--- a/searx/tests/engines/
+++ b/searx/tests/engines/
@@ -26,19 +26,29 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, flickr_noapi.response, '')
         self.assertRaises(AttributeError, flickr_noapi.response, '[]')
-        response = mock.Mock(text='"search-photos-models","photos":{},"totalItems":')
+        response = mock.Mock(text='"search-photos-lite-models","photos":{},"totalItems":')
         self.assertEqual(flickr_noapi.response(response), [])
-        response = mock.Mock(text='search-photos-models","photos":{"data": []},"totalItems":')
+        response = mock.Mock(text='search-photos-lite-models","photos":{"data": []},"totalItems":')
         self.assertEqual(flickr_noapi.response(response), [])
+        # everthing is ok test
         json = """
-        "search-photos-models","photos":
+        "search-photos-lite-models","photos":
           "_data": [
-              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-models",
+              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-lite-models",
               "title": "This is the title",
+              "username": "Owner",
+              "pathAlias": "klink692",
+              "realname": "Owner",
+              "license": 0,
+              "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
+              "canComment": false,
+              "commentCount": 14,
+              "faveCount": 21,
+              "id": "14001294434",
               "sizes": {
                 "c": {
                   "displayUrl": "//",
@@ -117,40 +127,7 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
                   "url": "//",
                   "key": "z"
-              },
-              "canComment": false,
-              "rotation": 0,
-              "owner": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "person-models",
-                "pathAlias": "klink692",
-                "username": "Owner",
-                "buddyicon": {
-                  "retina": null,
-                  "large": null,
-                  "medium": null,
-                  "small": null,
-                  "default": "//"
-                },
-                "isPro": true,
-                "id": "59729010@N00"
-              },
-              "engagement": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-engagement-models",
-                "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
-                "faveCount": 21,
-                "commentCount": 14,
-                "viewCount": 10160,
-                "id": "14001294434"
-              },
-              "description": "Description",
-              "isHD": false,
-              "secret": "410f653777",
-              "canAddMeta": false,
-              "license": 0,
-              "oWidth": 1803,
-              "oHeight": 2669,
-              "safetyLevel": 0,
-              "id": "14001294434"
+              }
           "fetchedStart": true,
@@ -168,15 +145,24 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
         self.assertIn('k.jpg', results[0]['img_src'])
         self.assertIn('n.jpg', results[0]['thumbnail_src'])
         self.assertIn('Owner', results[0]['content'])
-        self.assertIn('Description', results[0]['content'])
+        # no n size, only the z size
         json = """
-        "search-photos-models","photos":
+        "search-photos-lite-models","photos":
           "_data": [
-              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-models",
+              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-lite-models",
               "title": "This is the title",
+              "username": "Owner",
+              "pathAlias": "klink692",
+              "realname": "Owner",
+              "license": 0,
+              "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
+              "canComment": false,
+              "commentCount": 14,
+              "faveCount": 21,
+              "id": "14001294434",
               "sizes": {
                 "z": {
                   "displayUrl": "//",
@@ -185,40 +171,7 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
                   "url": "//",
                   "key": "z"
-              },
-              "canComment": false,
-              "rotation": 0,
-              "owner": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "person-models",
-                "pathAlias": "klink692",
-                "username": "Owner",
-                "buddyicon": {
-                  "retina": null,
-                  "large": null,
-                  "medium": null,
-                  "small": null,
-                  "default": "//"
-                },
-                "isPro": true,
-                "id": "59729010@N00"
-              },
-              "engagement": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-engagement-models",
-                "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
-                "faveCount": 21,
-                "commentCount": 14,
-                "viewCount": 10160,
-                "id": "14001294434"
-              },
-              "description": "Description",
-              "isHD": false,
-              "secret": "410f653777",
-              "canAddMeta": false,
-              "license": 0,
-              "oWidth": 1803,
-              "oHeight": 2669,
-              "safetyLevel": 0,
-              "id": "14001294434"
+              }
           "fetchedStart": true,
@@ -235,15 +188,24 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
         self.assertIn('z.jpg', results[0]['img_src'])
         self.assertIn('z.jpg', results[0]['thumbnail_src'])
         self.assertIn('Owner', results[0]['content'])
-        self.assertIn('Description', results[0]['content'])
+        # no z or n size
         json = """
-        "search-photos-models","photos":
+        "search-photos-lite-models","photos":
           "_data": [
-              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-models",
+              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-lite-models",
               "title": "This is the title",
+              "username": "Owner",
+              "pathAlias": "klink692",
+              "realname": "Owner",
+              "license": 0,
+              "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
+              "canComment": false,
+              "commentCount": 14,
+              "faveCount": 21,
+              "id": "14001294434",
               "sizes": {
                 "o": {
                   "displayUrl": "//",
@@ -252,39 +214,7 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
                   "url": "//",
                   "key": "o"
-              },
-              "canComment": false,
-              "rotation": 0,
-              "owner": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "person-models",
-                "pathAlias": "klink692",
-                "username": "Owner",
-                "buddyicon": {
-                  "retina": null,
-                  "large": null,
-                  "medium": null,
-                  "small": null,
-                  "default": "//"
-                },
-                "isPro": true,
-                "id": "59729010@N00"
-              },
-              "engagement": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-engagement-models",
-                "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
-                "faveCount": 21,
-                "commentCount": 14,
-                "viewCount": 10160,
-                "id": "14001294434"
-              },
-              "isHD": false,
-              "secret": "410f653777",
-              "canAddMeta": false,
-              "license": 0,
-              "oWidth": 1803,
-              "oHeight": 2669,
-              "safetyLevel": 0,
-              "id": "14001294434"
+              }
           "fetchedStart": true,
@@ -302,48 +232,25 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
         self.assertIn('o.jpg', results[0]['thumbnail_src'])
         self.assertIn('Owner', results[0]['content'])
+        # no image test
         json = """
-        "search-photos-models","photos":
+        "search-photos-lite-models","photos":
           "_data": [
-              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-models",
+              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-lite-models",
               "title": "This is the title",
-              "sizes": {
-              },
-              "canComment": false,
-              "rotation": 0,
-              "owner": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "person-models",
-                "pathAlias": "klink692",
-                "username": "Owner",
-                "buddyicon": {
-                  "retina": null,
-                  "large": null,
-                  "medium": null,
-                  "small": null,
-                  "default": "//"
-                },
-                "isPro": true,
-                "id": "59729010@N00"
-              },
-              "engagement": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-engagement-models",
-                "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
-                "faveCount": 21,
-                "commentCount": 14,
-                "viewCount": 10160,
-                "id": "14001294434"
-              },
-              "description": "Description",
-              "isHD": false,
-              "secret": "410f653777",
-              "canAddMeta": false,
+              "username": "Owner",
+              "pathAlias": "klink692",
+              "realname": "Owner",
               "license": 0,
-              "oWidth": 1803,
-              "oHeight": 2669,
-              "safetyLevel": 0,
-              "id": "14001294434"
+              "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
+              "canComment": false,
+              "commentCount": 14,
+              "faveCount": 21,
+              "id": "14001294434",
+              "sizes": {
+              }
           "fetchedStart": true,
@@ -356,6 +263,7 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
         self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
+        # null test
         json = """
@@ -370,13 +278,22 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
         self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
+        # no ownerNsid test
         json = """
-        "search-photos-models","photos":
+        "search-photos-lite-models","photos":
           "_data": [
-              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-models",
+              "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-lite-models",
               "title": "This is the title",
+              "username": "Owner",
+              "pathAlias": "klink692",
+              "realname": "Owner",
+              "license": 0,
+              "canComment": false,
+              "commentCount": 14,
+              "faveCount": 21,
+              "id": "14001294434",
               "sizes": {
                 "o": {
                   "displayUrl": "//",
@@ -385,39 +302,7 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
                   "url": "//",
                   "key": "o"
-              },
-              "canComment": false,
-              "rotation": 0,
-              "owner": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "person-models",
-                "pathAlias": "klink692",
-                "username": "Owner",
-                "buddyicon": {
-                  "retina": null,
-                  "large": null,
-                  "medium": null,
-                  "small": null,
-                  "default": "//"
-                },
-                "isPro": true
-              },
-              "engagement": {
-                "_flickrModelRegistry": "photo-engagement-models",
-                "ownerNsid": "59729010@N00",
-                "faveCount": 21,
-                "commentCount": 14,
-                "viewCount": 10160,
-                "id": "14001294434"
-              },
-              "description": "Description",
-              "isHD": false,
-              "secret": "410f653777",
-              "canAddMeta": false,
-              "license": 0,
-              "oWidth": 1803,
-              "oHeight": 2669,
-              "safetyLevel": 0,
-              "id": "14001294434"
+              }
           "fetchedStart": true,
@@ -430,6 +315,7 @@ class TestFlickrNoapiEngine(SearxTestCase):
         self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
         self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
+        # garbage test
         json = """
             {"id":200,"name":"Artist Name",