[enh] google engine : avoid some "sorry google" by adding another cookie : NID. This cookie is specific by hostname.

This allow to send request to google.* (according to the search language).
Before this commit, request in other languages than english was sent to www.google.com which was redirected to www.google.*
The PREF is still use on the www.google.com domain.
This commit is contained in:
Alexandre Flament 2015-05-30 17:41:40 +02:00
parent aac8d3a7bf
commit 39ff21237c
2 changed files with 150 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -14,18 +14,76 @@ from lxml import html
from searx.poolrequests import get
from searx.engines.xpath import extract_text, extract_url
# engine dependent config
categories = ['general']
paging = True
language_support = True
use_locale_domain = True
# based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Google_domains and tests
default_hostname = 'www.google.com'
country_to_hostname = {
'BG': 'www.google.bg', # Bulgaria
'CZ': 'www.google.cz', # Czech Republic
'DE': 'www.google.de', # Germany
'DK': 'www.google.dk', # Denmark
'AT': 'www.google.at', # Austria
'CH': 'www.google.ch', # Switzerland
'GR': 'www.google.gr', # Greece
'AU': 'www.google.com.au', # Australia
'CA': 'www.google.ca', # Canada
'GB': 'www.google.co.uk', # United Kingdom
'ID': 'www.google.co.id', # Indonesia
'IE': 'www.google.ie', # Ireland
'IN': 'www.google.co.in', # India
'MY': 'www.google.com.my', # Malaysia
'NZ': 'www.google.co.nz', # New Zealand
'PH': 'www.google.com.ph', # Philippines
'SG': 'www.google.com.sg', # Singapore
# 'US': 'www.google.us', # United State, redirect to .com
'ZA': 'www.google.co.za', # South Africa
'AR': 'www.google.com.ar', # Argentina
'CL': 'www.google.cl', # Chile
'ES': 'www.google.es', # Span
'MX': 'www.google.com.mx', # Mexico
'EE': 'www.google.ee', # Estonia
'FI': 'www.google.fi', # Finland
'BE': 'www.google.be', # Belgium
'FR': 'www.google.fr', # France
'IL': 'www.google.co.il', # Israel
'HR': 'www.google.hr', # Croatia
'HU': 'www.google.hu', # Hungary
'IT': 'www.google.it', # Italy
'JP': 'www.google.co.jp', # Japan
'KR': 'www.google.co.kr', # South Korean
'LT': 'www.google.lt', # Lithuania
'LV': 'www.google.lv', # Latvia
'NO': 'www.google.no', # Norway
'NL': 'www.google.nl', # Netherlands
'PL': 'www.google.pl', # Poland
'BR': 'www.google.com.br', # Brazil
'PT': 'www.google.pt', # Portugal
'RO': 'www.google.ro', # Romania
'RU': 'www.google.ru', # Russia
'SK': 'www.google.sk', # Slovakia
'SL': 'www.google.si', # Slovenia (SL -> si)
'SE': 'www.google.se', # Sweden
'TH': 'www.google.co.th', # Thailand
'TR': 'www.google.com.tr', # Turkey
'UA': 'www.google.com.ua', # Ikraine
# 'CN': 'www.google.cn', # China, only from china ?
'HK': 'www.google.com.hk', # Hong kong
'TW': 'www.google.com.tw' # Taiwan
# search-url
google_hostname = 'www.google.com'
search_path = '/search'
maps_path = '/maps/'
redirect_path = '/url'
images_path = '/images'
search_url = ('https://' +
google_hostname +
search_url = ('https://{hostname}' +
search_path +
@ -34,6 +92,7 @@ results_xpath = '//li[@class="g"]'
url_xpath = './/h3/a/@href'
title_xpath = './/h3'
content_xpath = './/span[@class="st"]'
content_misc_xpath = './/div[@class="f slp"]'
suggestion_xpath = '//p[@class="_Bmc"]'
images_xpath = './/div/a'
@ -41,6 +100,7 @@ image_url_xpath = './@href'
image_img_src_xpath = './img/@src'
pref_cookie = ''
nid_cookie = {}
# see https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/873?hl=en
@ -52,8 +112,16 @@ def get_google_pref_cookie():
return pref_cookie
def get_google_nid_cookie(google_hostname):
global nid_cookie
if google_hostname not in nid_cookie:
resp = get('https://' + google_hostname)
nid_cookie[google_hostname] = resp.cookies.get("NID", None)
return nid_cookie[google_hostname]
# remove google-specific tracking-url
def parse_url(url_string):
def parse_url(url_string, google_hostname):
parsed_url = urlparse(url_string)
if (parsed_url.netloc in [google_hostname, '']
and parsed_url.path == redirect_path):
@ -63,21 +131,45 @@ def parse_url(url_string):
return url_string
# returns extract_text on the first result selected by the xpath or None
def extract_text_from_dom(result, xpath):
r = result.xpath(xpath)
if len(r) > 0:
return extract_text(r[0])
return None
# do search-request
def request(query, params):
offset = (params['pageno'] - 1) * 10
if params['language'] == 'all':
language = 'en'
country = 'US'
language = params['language'].replace('_', '-').lower()
language_array = params['language'].lower().split('_')
if len(language_array) == 2:
country = language_array[1]
country = ' '
language = language_array[0] + ',' + language_array[0] + '-' + country
if use_locale_domain:
google_hostname = country_to_hostname.get(country.upper(), default_hostname)
google_hostname = default_hostname
params['url'] = search_url.format(offset=offset,
query=urlencode({'q': query}))
query=urlencode({'q': query}),
params['headers']['Accept-Language'] = language
if language.startswith('en'):
params['headers']['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
if google_hostname == default_hostname:
params['cookies']['PREF'] = get_google_pref_cookie()
params['cookies']['NID'] = get_google_nid_cookie(google_hostname)
params['google_hostname'] = google_hostname
return params
@ -86,17 +178,30 @@ def request(query, params):
def response(resp):
results = []
# detect google sorry
resp_url = urlparse(resp.url)
if resp_url.netloc == 'sorry.google.com' or resp_url.path == '/sorry/IndexRedirect':
raise RuntimeWarning('sorry.google.com')
# which hostname ?
google_hostname = resp.search_params.get('google_hostname')
google_url = "https://" + google_hostname
# convert the text to dom
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
# parse results
for result in dom.xpath(results_xpath):
title = extract_text(result.xpath(title_xpath)[0])
url = parse_url(extract_url(result.xpath(url_xpath), search_url))
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
url = parse_url(extract_url(result.xpath(url_xpath), google_url), google_hostname)
parsed_url = urlparse(url, google_hostname)
if (parsed_url.netloc == google_hostname
and parsed_url.path == search_path):
# remove the link to google news
and (parsed_url.path == search_path
or parsed_url.path.startswith(maps_path))):
# remove the link to google news and google maps
# FIXME : sometimes the URL is https://maps.google.*/maps
# no consequence, the result trigger an exception after which is ignored
# images result
@ -104,16 +209,21 @@ def response(resp):
and parsed_url.path == images_path):
# only thumbnail image provided,
# so skipping image results
# results = results + parse_images(result)
# results = results + parse_images(result, google_hostname)
# normal result
content = extract_text(result.xpath(content_xpath)[0])
content = extract_text_from_dom(result, content_xpath)
if content is None:
content_misc = extract_text_from_dom(result, content_misc_xpath)
if content_misc is not None:
content = content_misc + "<br />" + content
# append result
results.append({'url': url,
'title': title,
'content': content})
except Exception:
# parse suggestion
@ -125,10 +235,10 @@ def response(resp):
return results
def parse_images(result):
def parse_images(result, google_hostname):
results = []
for image in result.xpath(images_xpath):
url = parse_url(extract_text(image.xpath(image_url_xpath)[0]))
url = parse_url(extract_text(image.xpath(image_url_xpath)[0]), google_hostname)
img_src = extract_text(image.xpath(image_img_src_xpath)[0])
# append result

View file

@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ from searx.testing import SearxTestCase
class TestGoogleEngine(SearxTestCase):
def mock_response(self, text):
response = mock.Mock(text=text, url='https://www.google.com/search?q=test&start=0&gbv=1')
response.search_params = mock.Mock()
response.search_params.get = mock.Mock(return_value='www.google.com')
return response
def test_request(self):
query = 'test_query'
dicto = defaultdict(dict)
@ -16,14 +22,17 @@ class TestGoogleEngine(SearxTestCase):
params = google.request(query, dicto)
self.assertIn('url', params)
self.assertIn(query, params['url'])
self.assertIn('google.com', params['url'])
self.assertIn('google.fr', params['url'])
self.assertNotIn('PREF', params['cookies'])
self.assertIn('NID', params['cookies'])
self.assertIn('fr', params['headers']['Accept-Language'])
dicto['language'] = 'all'
params = google.request(query, dicto)
self.assertIn('google.com', params['url'])
self.assertIn('en', params['headers']['Accept-Language'])
self.assertIn('PREF', params['cookies'])
self.assertIn('NID', params['cookies'])
def test_response(self):
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, google.response, None)
@ -31,7 +40,7 @@ class TestGoogleEngine(SearxTestCase):
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, google.response, '')
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, google.response, '[]')
response = mock.Mock(text='<html></html>')
response = self.mock_response('<html></html>')
self.assertEqual(google.response(response), [])
html = """
@ -124,7 +133,7 @@ class TestGoogleEngine(SearxTestCase):
response = mock.Mock(text=html)
response = self.mock_response(html)
results = google.response(response)
self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
@ -137,11 +146,21 @@ class TestGoogleEngine(SearxTestCase):
<li class="b_algo" u="0|5109|4755453613245655|UAGjXgIrPH5yh-o5oNHRx_3Zta87f_QO">
response = mock.Mock(text=html)
response = self.mock_response(html)
results = google.response(response)
self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
response = mock.Mock(text='<html></html>', url='https://sorry.google.com')
response.search_params = mock.Mock()
response.search_params.get = mock.Mock(return_value='www.google.com')
self.assertRaises(RuntimeWarning, google.response, response)
response = mock.Mock(text='<html></html>', url='https://www.google.com/sorry/IndexRedirect')
response.search_params = mock.Mock()
response.search_params.get = mock.Mock(return_value='www.google.com')
self.assertRaises(RuntimeWarning, google.response, response)
def test_parse_images(self):
html = """
@ -154,7 +173,7 @@ class TestGoogleEngine(SearxTestCase):
dom = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
results = google.parse_images(dom)
results = google.parse_images(dom, 'www.google.com')
self.assertEqual(type(results), list)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
self.assertEqual(results[0]['url'], 'http://this.is.the.url/')