diff --git a/searx/engines/flickr_noapi.py b/searx/engines/flickr_noapi.py
index 4ff59fc52..5299c604f 100644
--- a/searx/engines/flickr_noapi.py
+++ b/searx/engines/flickr_noapi.py
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- Flickr (Images)
+# lint: pylint
+"""Flickr (Images)
-from json import loads
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+import json
 from time import time
 import re
 from urllib.parse import urlencode
 from searx.utils import ecma_unescape, html_to_text
+    import logging
+    logger: logging.Logger
 # about
 about = {
     "website": 'https://www.flickr.com',
@@ -19,23 +27,24 @@ about = {
     "results": 'HTML',
+# engine dependent config
 categories = ['images']
-url = 'https://www.flickr.com/'
-search_url = url + 'search?{query}&page={page}'
-time_range_url = '&min_upload_date={start}&max_upload_date={end}'
-photo_url = 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/{userid}/{photoid}'
-modelexport_re = re.compile(r"^\s*modelExport:\s*({.*}),$", re.M)
-image_sizes = ('o', 'k', 'h', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'n', 'm', 't', 'q', 's')
 paging = True
 time_range_support = True
+safesearch = False
 time_range_dict = {
     'day': 60 * 60 * 24,
     'week': 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
     'month': 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4,
     'year': 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52,
+image_sizes = ('o', 'k', 'h', 'b', 'c', 'z', 'm', 'n', 't', 'q', 's')
+search_url = 'https://www.flickr.com/search?{query}&page={page}'
+time_range_url = '&min_upload_date={start}&max_upload_date={end}'
+photo_url = 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/{userid}/{photoid}'
+modelexport_re = re.compile(r"^\s*modelExport:\s*({.*}),$", re.M)
 def build_flickr_url(user_id, photo_id):
@@ -55,51 +64,59 @@ def request(query, params):
     return params
-def response(resp):
+def response(resp):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
     results = []
     matches = modelexport_re.search(resp.text)
     if matches is None:
         return results
     match = matches.group(1)
-    model_export = loads(match)
+    model_export = json.loads(match)
     if 'legend' not in model_export:
         return results
     legend = model_export['legend']
     # handle empty page
     if not legend or not legend[0]:
         return results
-    for index in legend:
-        photo = model_export['main'][index[0]][int(index[1])][index[2]][index[3]][int(index[4])]
+    for x, index in enumerate(legend):
+        if len(index) != 8:
+            logger.debug("skip legend enty %s : %s", x, index)
+            continue
+        photo = model_export['main'][index[0]][int(index[1])][index[2]][index[3]][index[4]][index[5]][int(index[6])][
+            index[7]
+        ]
         author = ecma_unescape(photo.get('realname', ''))
-        source = ecma_unescape(photo.get('username', '')) + ' @ Flickr'
+        source = ecma_unescape(photo.get('username', ''))
+        if source:
+            source += ' @ Flickr'
         title = ecma_unescape(photo.get('title', ''))
         content = html_to_text(ecma_unescape(photo.get('description', '')))
         img_src = None
         # From the biggest to the lowest format
+        size_data = None
         for image_size in image_sizes:
-            if image_size in photo['sizes']:
-                img_src = photo['sizes'][image_size]['url']
-                img_format = (
-                    'jpg ' + str(photo['sizes'][image_size]['width']) + 'x' + str(photo['sizes'][image_size]['height'])
-                )
+            if image_size in photo['sizes']['data']:
+                size_data = photo['sizes']['data'][image_size]['data']
-        if not img_src:
-            logger.debug('cannot find valid image size: {0}'.format(repr(photo)))
+        if not size_data:
+            logger.debug('cannot find valid image size: {0}'.format(repr(photo['sizes']['data'])))
+        img_src = size_data['url']
+        img_format = f"{size_data['width']} x {size_data['height']}"
         # For a bigger thumbnail, keep only the url_z, not the url_n
-        if 'n' in photo['sizes']:
-            thumbnail_src = photo['sizes']['n']['url']
-        elif 'z' in photo['sizes']:
-            thumbnail_src = photo['sizes']['z']['url']
+        if 'n' in photo['sizes']['data']:
+            thumbnail_src = photo['sizes']['data']['n']['data']['url']
+        elif 'z' in photo['sizes']['data']:
+            thumbnail_src = photo['sizes']['data']['z']['data']['url']
             thumbnail_src = img_src