This pull request adds support for the [sonic]( full text indexing server into Calckey. In addition to this, a stateful endpoint has been added that will completely (re-)index all notes into any (elasticsearch and/or sonic) indexing server defined in your config at `/api/admin/search/index-all`. It can (optionally) take input data to define the starting point, such as: ``` {"cursor": "9beg3lx6ad"} ``` Currently if both sonic and elasticsearch are defined in the config, sonic will take precedence for searching, but both indexes will continue to be updated for new note creations. Future enhancements may include the ability to choose which indexer to use (or combine multiple). Co-authored-by: Kaitlyn Allan <> Reviewed-on: Co-authored-by: Kaity A <> Co-committed-by: Kaity A <>
197 lines
5.2 KiB
197 lines
5.2 KiB
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