2023-08-09 08:15:26 -04:00

437 lines
10 KiB

import { redisClient } from "@/db/redis.js";
import { encode, decode } from "msgpackr";
import { ChainableCommander } from "ioredis";
import {
} from "@/models/index.js";
import { IsNull } from "typeorm";
export class Cache<T> {
private ttl: number;
private prefix: string;
constructor(name: string, ttlSeconds: number) {
this.ttl = ttlSeconds;
this.prefix = `cache:${name}`;
private prefixedKey(key: string | null): string {
return key ? `${this.prefix}:${key}` : this.prefix;
public async set(
key: string | null,
value: T,
transaction?: ChainableCommander,
): Promise<void> {
const _key = this.prefixedKey(key);
const _value = Buffer.from(encode(value));
const commander = transaction ?? redisClient;
await commander.set(_key, _value, "EX", this.ttl);
public async exists(...keys: string[]): Promise<boolean> {
return (
(await redisClient.exists(keys.map((key) => this.prefixedKey(key)))) > 0
public async get(key: string | null, renew = false): Promise<T | undefined> {
const _key = this.prefixedKey(key);
const cached = await redisClient.getBuffer(_key);
if (cached === null) return undefined;
if (renew) await redisClient.expire(_key, this.ttl);
return decode(cached) as T;
public async getAll(renew = false): Promise<Map<string, T>> {
const keys = await redisClient.keys(`${this.prefix}*`);
const map = new Map<string, T>();
if (keys.length === 0) {
return map;
const values = await redisClient.mgetBuffer(keys);
for (const [i, key] of keys.entries()) {
const val = values[i];
if (val !== null) {
map.set(key, decode(val) as T);
if (renew) {
const trans = redisClient.multi();
for (const key of map.keys()) {
trans.expire(key, this.ttl);
await trans.exec();
return map;
public async delete(...keys: (string | null)[]): Promise<void> {
if (keys.length > 0) {
const _keys = keys.map((key) => this.prefixedKey(key));
await redisClient.del(_keys);
* Returns if cached value exists. Otherwise, calls fetcher and caches.
* Overwrites cached value if invalidated by the optional validator.
public async fetch(
key: string | null,
fetcher: () => Promise<T>,
renew = false,
validator?: (cachedValue: T) => boolean,
): Promise<T> {
const cachedValue = await this.get(key, renew);
if (cachedValue !== undefined) {
if (validator) {
if (validator(cachedValue)) {
// Cache HIT
return cachedValue;
} else {
// Cache HIT
return cachedValue;
// Cache MISS
const value = await fetcher();
await this.set(key, value);
return value;
* Returns if cached value exists. Otherwise, calls fetcher and caches if the fetcher returns a value.
* Overwrites cached value if invalidated by the optional validator.
public async fetchMaybe(
key: string | null,
fetcher: () => Promise<T | undefined>,
renew = false,
validator?: (cachedValue: T) => boolean,
): Promise<T | undefined> {
const cachedValue = await this.get(key, renew);
if (cachedValue !== undefined) {
if (validator) {
if (validator(cachedValue)) {
// Cache HIT
return cachedValue;
} else {
// Cache HIT
return cachedValue;
// Cache MISS
const value = await fetcher();
if (value !== undefined) {
await this.set(key, value);
return value;
export class SetCache {
private readonly key: string;
private readonly fetchedKey: string;
private readonly fetcher: () => Promise<string[]>;
protected constructor(
name: string,
userId: string,
fetcher: () => Promise<string[]>,
) {
this.key = `setcache:${name}:${userId}`;
this.fetchedKey = `${this.key}:fetched`;
this.fetcher = fetcher;
protected async fetch() {
// Sync from DB if nothing is cached yet or cache is expired
if ((await redisClient.exists(this.fetchedKey)) === 0) {
await this.clear();
await this.add(...(await this.fetcher()));
await redisClient.set(this.fetchedKey, "", "EX", 60 * 30);
public async add(...targetIds: string[]) {
if (targetIds.length > 0) {
// This is no-op if targets are already in cache
await redisClient.sadd(this.key, targetIds);
if ((await redisClient.ttl(this.key)) < 0) {
await redisClient.expire(this.key, 60 * 60);
public async delete(...targetIds: string[]) {
if (targetIds.length > 0) {
// This is no-op if targets are not in cache
await redisClient.srem(this.key, targetIds);
public async clear() {
await redisClient.del(this.key);
public async has(targetId: string): Promise<boolean> {
return (await redisClient.sismember(this.key, targetId)) === 1;
public async exists(): Promise<boolean> {
return (await redisClient.scard(this.key)) !== 0;
public async getAll(): Promise<string[]> {
return await redisClient.smembers(this.key);
export class HashCache {
private readonly key: string;
private readonly fetchedKey: string;
private readonly fetcher: () => Promise<Map<string, string>>;
protected constructor(
name: string,
userId: string,
fetcher: () => Promise<Map<string, string>>,
) {
this.key = `hashcache:${name}:${userId}`;
this.fetchedKey = `${this.key}:fetched`;
this.fetcher = fetcher;
protected async fetch() {
// Sync from DB if nothing is cached yet or cache is expired
if ((await redisClient.exists(this.fetchedKey)) === 0) {
await this.clear();
await this.setHash(await this.fetcher());
await redisClient.set(this.fetchedKey, "", "EX", 60 * 30);
public async exists(): Promise<boolean> {
return (await redisClient.hlen(this.key)) > 0;
public async setHash(hash: Map<string, string>) {
if (hash.size > 0) {
await redisClient.hset(this.key, hash);
if ((await redisClient.ttl(this.key)) < 0) {
await redisClient.expire(this.key, 60 * 60);
public async set(field: string, value: string) {
await this.setHash(new Map([[field, value]]));
public async delete(...fields: string[]) {
if (fields.length > 0) {
await redisClient.hdel(this.key, ...fields);
public async clear() {
await redisClient.del(this.key);
public async get(...fields: string[]): Promise<Map<string, string>> {
let pairs: [string, string][] = [];
if (fields.length > 0) {
pairs = (await redisClient.hmget(this.key, ...fields))
.map((v, i) => [fields[i], v] as [string, string | null])
.filter(([_, value]) => value !== null) as [string, string][];
} else {
pairs = Object.entries(await redisClient.hgetall(this.key));
return new Map(pairs);
export class LocalFollowingsCache extends SetCache {
private constructor(userId: string) {
const fetcher = () =>
select: ["followeeId"],
where: { followerId: userId, followerHost: IsNull() },
}).then((follows) => follows.map(({ followeeId }) => followeeId));
super("follow", userId, fetcher);
public static async init(userId: string): Promise<LocalFollowingsCache> {
const cache = new LocalFollowingsCache(userId);
await cache.fetch();
return cache;
export class ChannelFollowingsCache extends SetCache {
private constructor(userId: string) {
const fetcher = () =>
select: ["followeeId"],
where: {
followerId: userId,
}).then((follows) => follows.map(({ followeeId }) => followeeId));
super("channel", userId, fetcher);
public static async init(userId: string): Promise<ChannelFollowingsCache> {
const cache = new ChannelFollowingsCache(userId);
await cache.fetch();
return cache;
export class UserMutingsCache extends HashCache {
private constructor(userId: string) {
const fetcher = () =>
select: ["muteeId", "expiresAt"],
where: { muterId: userId },
(mutes) =>
new Map(
mutes.map(({ muteeId, expiresAt }) => [
expiresAt?.toISOString() ?? "",
super("mute", userId, fetcher);
public static async init(userId: string): Promise<UserMutingsCache> {
const cache = new UserMutingsCache(userId);
await cache.fetch();
return cache;
public async mute(muteeId: string, expiresAt?: Date | null) {
await this.set(muteeId, expiresAt?.toISOString() ?? "");
public async unmute(muteeId: string) {
await this.delete(muteeId);
public async getAll(): Promise<string[]> {
const mutes = await this.get();
const expired: string[] = [];
const valid: string[] = [];
for (const [k, v] of mutes.entries()) {
if (v !== "" && new Date(v) < new Date()) {
} else {
await this.delete(...expired);
return valid;
public async isMuting(muteeId: string): Promise<boolean> {
const result = (await this.get(muteeId)).get(muteeId); // Could be undefined or ""
let muting = result === "";
if (result) {
muting = new Date(result) > new Date(); // Check if not expired yet
if (!muting) {
await this.unmute(muteeId);
return muting;
export class InstanceMutingsCache extends SetCache {
private constructor(userId: string) {
const fetcher = () =>
select: ["mutedInstances"],
where: { userId },
}).then((profile) => (profile ? profile.mutedInstances : []));
super("instanceMute", userId, fetcher);
public static async init(userId: string): Promise<InstanceMutingsCache> {
const cache = new InstanceMutingsCache(userId);
await cache.fetch();
return cache;
export class UserBlockedCache extends SetCache {
private constructor(userId: string) {
const fetcher = () =>
select: ["blockerId"],
where: { blockeeId: userId },
}).then((blocks) => blocks.map(({ blockerId }) => blockerId));
super("blocked", userId, fetcher);
public static async init(userId: string): Promise<UserBlockedCache> {
const cache = new UserBlockedCache(userId);
await cache.fetch();
return cache;
export const userWordMuteCache = new Cache<string[][]>("mutedWord", 60 * 30);
export class RenoteMutingsCache extends SetCache {
private constructor(userId: string) {
const fetcher = () =>
select: ["muteeId"],
where: { muterId: userId },
}).then((mutes) => mutes.map(({ muteeId }) => muteeId));
super("renoteMute", userId, fetcher);
public static async init(userId: string): Promise<RenoteMutingsCache> {
const cache = new RenoteMutingsCache(userId);
await cache.fetch();
return cache;