2020-04-16 00:47:17 +09:00

128 lines
3.7 KiB

import { publishNoteStream } from '../../stream';
import watch from '../watch';
import { renderLike } from '../../../remote/activitypub/renderer/like';
import DeliverManager from '../../../remote/activitypub/deliver-manager';
import { renderActivity } from '../../../remote/activitypub/renderer';
import { IdentifiableError } from '../../../misc/identifiable-error';
import { toDbReaction, decodeReaction } from '../../../misc/reaction-lib';
import { User, IRemoteUser } from '../../../models/entities/user';
import { Note } from '../../../models/entities/note';
import { NoteReactions, Users, NoteWatchings, Notes, UserProfiles, Emojis } from '../../../models';
import { Not } from 'typeorm';
import { perUserReactionsChart } from '../../chart';
import { genId } from '../../../misc/gen-id';
import { createNotification } from '../../create-notification';
import deleteReaction from './delete';
export default async (user: User, note: Note, reaction?: string) => {
// Myself
if (note.userId === user.id) {
throw new IdentifiableError('2d8e7297-1873-4c00-8404-792c68d7bef0', 'cannot react to my note');
reaction = await toDbReaction(reaction, user.host);
const exist = await NoteReactions.findOne({
noteId: note.id,
userId: user.id,
if (exist) {
if (exist.reaction !== reaction) {
// 別のリアクションがすでにされていたら置き換える
await deleteReaction(user, note);
} else {
// 同じリアクションがすでにされていたら何もしない
// Create reaction
const inserted = await NoteReactions.save({
id: genId(),
createdAt: new Date(),
noteId: note.id,
userId: user.id,
// Increment reactions count
const sql = `jsonb_set("reactions", '{${reaction}}', (COALESCE("reactions"->>'${reaction}', '0')::int + 1)::text::jsonb)`;
await Notes.createQueryBuilder().update()
reactions: () => sql,
.where('id = :id', { id: note.id })
Notes.increment({ id: note.id }, 'score', 1);
perUserReactionsChart.update(user, note);
// カスタム絵文字リアクションだったら絵文字情報も送る
const decodedReaction = decodeReaction(reaction);
let emoji = await Emojis.findOne({
where: {
name: decodedReaction.name,
host: decodedReaction.host
select: ['name', 'host', 'url']
if (emoji) {
emoji = {
name: emoji.host ? `${emoji.name}@${emoji.host}` : `${emoji.name}@.`,
url: emoji.url
} as any;
publishNoteStream(note.id, 'reacted', {
reaction: decodedReaction.reaction,
emoji: emoji,
userId: user.id
// リアクションされたユーザーがローカルユーザーなら通知を作成
if (note.userHost === null) {
createNotification(note.userId, 'reaction', {
notifierId: user.id,
noteId: note.id,
reaction: reaction
// Fetch watchers
noteId: note.id,
userId: Not(user.id)
}).then(watchers => {
for (const watcher of watchers) {
createNotification(watcher.userId, 'reaction', {
notifierId: user.id,
noteId: note.id,
reaction: reaction
const profile = await UserProfiles.findOne(user.id);
// ユーザーがローカルユーザーかつ自動ウォッチ設定がオンならばこの投稿をWatchする
if (Users.isLocalUser(user) && profile!.autoWatch) {
watch(user.id, note);
//#region 配信
if (Users.isLocalUser(user) && !note.localOnly) {
const content = renderActivity(await renderLike(inserted, note));
const dm = new DeliverManager(user, content);
if (note.userHost !== null) {
const reactee = await Users.findOne(note.userId)
dm.addDirectRecipe(reactee as IRemoteUser);