Mar0xy 490b249407
upd: Allow users to change default like emoji
When users change the default like emoji in reactions tab from heart to another one it will be send out as that specific emoji.

If reset back to heart it will default to the instance like emoji again which is heart by default.

Closes transfem-org/Sharkey#95
2023-11-16 00:22:12 +01:00

1219 lines
32 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
:class="[$style.root, { [$style.showActionsOnlyHover]: defaultStore.state.showNoteActionsOnlyHover }]"
:tabindex="!isDeleted ? '-1' : undefined"
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<div v-if="pinned" :class="$style.tip"><i class="ph-push-pin ph-bold ph-lg"></i> {{ i18n.ts.pinnedNote }}</div>
<!--<div v-if="appearNote._prId_" class="tip"><i class="ph-megaphone ph-bold ph-lg"></i> {{ i18n.ts.promotion }}<button class="_textButton hide" @click="readPromo()">{{ i18n.ts.hideThisNote }} <i class="ph-x ph-bold ph-lg"></i></button></div>-->
<!--<div v-if="appearNote._featuredId_" class="tip"><i class="ph-lightning ph-bold ph-lg"></i> {{ i18n.ts.featured }}</div>-->
<div v-if="isRenote" :class="$style.renote">
<div v-if="note.channel" :class="$style.colorBar" :style="{ background: note.channel.color }"></div>
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<i class="ph-rocket-launch ph-bold ph-lg" style="margin-right: 4px;"></i>
<I18n :src="i18n.ts.renotedBy" tag="span" :class="$style.renoteText">
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<MkUserName :user="note.user"/>
<div :class="$style.renoteInfo">
<button ref="renoteTime" :class="$style.renoteTime" class="_button" @click="showRenoteMenu()">
<i class="ph-dots-three ph-bold ph-lg" :class="$style.renoteMenu"></i>
<MkTime :time="note.createdAt"/>
<span v-if="note.visibility !== 'public'" style="margin-left: 0.5em;" :title="i18n.ts._visibility[note.visibility]">
<i v-if="note.visibility === 'home'" class="ph-house ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<i v-else-if="note.visibility === 'followers'" class="ph-lock ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<i v-else-if="note.visibility === 'specified'" ref="specified" class="ph-envelope ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<span v-if="note.localOnly" style="margin-left: 0.5em;" :title="i18n.ts._visibility['disableFederation']"><i class="ph-rocket ph-bold ph-lg"></i></span>
<span v-if="note.channel" style="margin-left: 0.5em;" :title="note.channel.name"><i class="ph-television ph-bold ph-lg"></i></span>
<span v-if="note.updatedAt" ref="menuVersionsButton" style="margin-left: 0.5em;" title="Edited" @mousedown="menuVersions()"><i class="ph-pencil ph-bold ph-lg"></i></span>
<div v-if="renoteCollapsed" :class="$style.collapsedRenoteTarget">
<MkAvatar :class="$style.collapsedRenoteTargetAvatar" :user="appearNote.user" link preview/>
<Mfm :text="getNoteSummary(appearNote)" :plain="true" :nowrap="true" :author="appearNote.user" :nyaize="'account'" :class="$style.collapsedRenoteTargetText" @click="renoteCollapsed = false"/>
<article v-else :class="$style.article" @contextmenu.stop="onContextmenu">
<div v-if="appearNote.channel" :class="$style.colorBar" :style="{ background: appearNote.channel.color }"></div>
<MkAvatar :class="$style.avatar" :user="appearNote.user" :link="!mock" :preview="!mock"/>
<div :class="[$style.main, { [$style.clickToOpen]: defaultStore.state.clickToOpen }]" @click="defaultStore.state.clickToOpen ? noteclick(appearNote.id) : undefined">
<MkNoteHeader :note="appearNote" :mini="true" v-on:click.stop/>
<MkInstanceTicker v-if="showTicker" :instance="appearNote.user.instance"/>
<div style="container-type: inline-size;">
<p v-if="appearNote.cw != null" :class="$style.cw">
<Mfm v-if="appearNote.cw != ''" style="margin-right: 8px;" :text="appearNote.cw" :author="appearNote.user" :nyaize="'account'"/>
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<div v-show="appearNote.cw == null || showContent" :class="[{ [$style.contentCollapsed]: collapsed }]" >
<div :class="$style.text">
<span v-if="appearNote.isHidden" style="opacity: 0.5">({{ i18n.ts.private }})</span>
<MkA v-if="appearNote.replyId" :class="$style.replyIcon" :to="`/notes/${appearNote.replyId}`"><i class="ph-arrow-bend-left-up ph-bold ph-lg"></i></MkA>
<div v-if="translating || translation" :class="$style.translation">
<MkLoading v-if="translating" mini/>
<div v-else>
<b>{{ i18n.t('translatedFrom', { x: translation.sourceLang }) }}: </b>
<Mfm :text="translation.text" :author="appearNote.user" :nyaize="'account'" :emojiUrls="appearNote.emojis"/>
<MkButton v-if="!allowAnim && animated" :class="$style.playMFMButton" :small="true" @click="animatedMFM()" v-on:click.stop><i class="ph-play ph-bold ph-lg "></i> {{ i18n.ts._animatedMFM.play }}</MkButton>
<MkButton v-else-if="!defaultStore.state.animatedMfm && allowAnim && animated" :class="$style.playMFMButton" :small="true" @click="animatedMFM()" v-on:click.stop><i class="ph-stop ph-bold ph-lg "></i> {{ i18n.ts._animatedMFM.stop }}</MkButton>
<div v-if="appearNote.files.length > 0">
<MkMediaList :mediaList="appearNote.files" v-on:click.stop/>
<MkPoll v-if="appearNote.poll" :note="appearNote" :class="$style.poll" v-on:click.stop />
<MkUrlPreview v-for="url in urls" :key="url" :url="url" :compact="true" :detail="false" :class="$style.urlPreview" v-on:click.stop/>
<div v-if="appearNote.renote" :class="$style.quote"><MkNoteSimple :note="appearNote.renote" :class="$style.quoteNote"/></div>
<button v-if="isLong && collapsed" :class="$style.collapsed" class="_button" v-on:click.stop @click="collapsed = false">
<span :class="$style.collapsedLabel">{{ i18n.ts.showMore }}</span>
<button v-else-if="isLong && !collapsed" :class="$style.showLess" class="_button" v-on:click.stop @click="collapsed = true">
<span :class="$style.showLessLabel">{{ i18n.ts.showLess }}</span>
<MkA v-if="appearNote.channel && !inChannel" :class="$style.channel" :to="`/channels/${appearNote.channel.id}`"><i class="ph-television ph-bold ph-lg"></i> {{ appearNote.channel.name }}</MkA>
<MkReactionsViewer :note="appearNote" :maxNumber="16" v-on:click.stop @mockUpdateMyReaction="emitUpdReaction">
<template #more>
<div :class="$style.reactionOmitted">{{ i18n.ts.more }}</div>
<footer :class="$style.footer">
<button :class="$style.footerButton" class="_button" v-on:click.stop @click="reply()">
<i class="ph-arrow-u-up-left ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<p v-if="appearNote.repliesCount > 0" :class="$style.footerButtonCount">{{ appearNote.repliesCount }}</p>
:style="renoted ? 'color: var(--accent) !important;' : ''"
@mousedown="renoted ? undoRenote(appearNote) : renote()"
<i class="ph-rocket-launch ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<p v-if="appearNote.renoteCount > 0" :class="$style.footerButtonCount">{{ appearNote.renoteCount }}</p>
<button v-else :class="$style.footerButton" class="_button" disabled>
<i class="ph-prohibit ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
v-if="canRenote && !props.mock"
:style="quoted ? 'color: var(--accent) !important;' : ''"
@mousedown="quoted ? undoQuote(appearNote) : quote()"
<i class="ph-quotes ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<button v-if="appearNote.myReaction == null && appearNote.reactionAcceptance !== 'likeOnly'" ref="likeButton" :class="$style.footerButton" class="_button" v-on:click.stop @click="like()">
<i class="ph-heart ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<button v-if="appearNote.myReaction == null" ref="reactButton" :class="$style.footerButton" class="_button" @mousedown="react()">
<i v-if="appearNote.reactionAcceptance === 'likeOnly'" class="ph-heart ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<i v-else class="ph-smiley ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<button v-if="appearNote.myReaction != null" ref="reactButton" :class="$style.footerButton" class="_button" v-on:click.stop @click="undoReact(appearNote)">
<i class="ph-minus ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<button v-if="defaultStore.state.showClipButtonInNoteFooter" ref="clipButton" :class="$style.footerButton" class="_button" @mousedown="clip()">
<i class="ph-paperclip ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<button ref="menuButton" :class="$style.footerButton" class="_button" @mousedown="menu()">
<i class="ph-dots-three ph-bold ph-lg"></i>
<div v-else :class="$style.muted" @click="muted = false">
<I18n :src="i18n.ts.userSaysSomething" tag="small">
<template #name>
<MkA v-user-preview="appearNote.userId" :to="userPage(appearNote.user)">
<MkUserName :user="appearNote.user"/>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, inject, onMounted, ref, shallowRef, Ref, defineAsyncComponent, watch, provide } from 'vue';
import * as mfm from 'mfm-js';
import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
import MkNoteSub from '@/components/MkNoteSub.vue';
import MkNoteHeader from '@/components/MkNoteHeader.vue';
import MkNoteSimple from '@/components/MkNoteSimple.vue';
import MkReactionsViewer from '@/components/MkReactionsViewer.vue';
import MkMediaList from '@/components/MkMediaList.vue';
import MkCwButton from '@/components/MkCwButton.vue';
import MkPoll from '@/components/MkPoll.vue';
import MkUsersTooltip from '@/components/MkUsersTooltip.vue';
import MkUrlPreview from '@/components/MkUrlPreview.vue';
import MkInstanceTicker from '@/components/MkInstanceTicker.vue';
import MkButton from '@/components/MkButton.vue';
import { pleaseLogin } from '@/scripts/please-login.js';
import { focusPrev, focusNext } from '@/scripts/focus.js';
import { checkWordMute } from '@/scripts/check-word-mute.js';
import { userPage } from '@/filters/user.js';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import { defaultStore, noteViewInterruptors } from '@/store.js';
import { reactionPicker } from '@/scripts/reaction-picker.js';
import { extractUrlFromMfm } from '@/scripts/extract-url-from-mfm.js';
import { checkAnimationFromMfm } from '@/scripts/check-animated-mfm.js';
import { $i } from '@/account.js';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import { getAbuseNoteMenu, getCopyNoteLinkMenu, getNoteClipMenu, getNoteMenu } from '@/scripts/get-note-menu.js';
import { getNoteVersionsMenu } from '@/scripts/get-note-versions-menu.js';
import { useNoteCapture } from '@/scripts/use-note-capture.js';
import { deepClone } from '@/scripts/clone.js';
import { useTooltip } from '@/scripts/use-tooltip.js';
import { claimAchievement } from '@/scripts/achievements.js';
import { getNoteSummary } from '@/scripts/get-note-summary.js';
import { MenuItem } from '@/types/menu.js';
import MkRippleEffect from '@/components/MkRippleEffect.vue';
import { showMovedDialog } from '@/scripts/show-moved-dialog.js';
import { shouldCollapsed } from '@/scripts/collapsed.js';
import { useRouter } from '@/router.js';
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
note: Misskey.entities.Note;
pinned?: boolean;
mock?: boolean;
meta: Misskey.entities.LiteInstanceMetadata;
}>(), {
mock: false,
provide('mock', props.mock);
const emit = defineEmits<{
(ev: 'reaction', emoji: string): void;
(ev: 'removeReaction', emoji: string): void;
const router = useRouter();
const inChannel = inject('inChannel', null);
const currentClip = inject<Ref<Misskey.entities.Clip> | null>('currentClip', null);
let note = $ref(deepClone(props.note));
function noteclick(id: string) {
// plugin
if (noteViewInterruptors.length > 0) {
onMounted(async () => {
let result:Misskey.entities.Note | null = deepClone(note);
for (const interruptor of noteViewInterruptors) {
result = await interruptor.handler(result);
if (result === null) return isDeleted.value = true;
note = result;
const isRenote = (
note.renote != null &&
note.text == null &&
note.fileIds.length === 0 &&
note.poll == null
const el = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
const menuButton = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
const menuVersionsButton = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
const renoteButton = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
const renoteTime = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
const reactButton = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
const quoteButton = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
const clipButton = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
const likeButton = shallowRef<HTMLElement>();
let appearNote = $computed(() => isRenote ? note.renote as Misskey.entities.Note : note);
const renoteUrl = appearNote.renote ? appearNote.renote.url : null;
const renoteUri = appearNote.renote ? appearNote.renote.uri : null;
const isMyRenote = $i && ($i.id === note.userId);
const showContent = ref(false);
const parsed = $computed(() => appearNote.text ? mfm.parse(appearNote.text) : null);
const urls = parsed ? extractUrlFromMfm(parsed) : null;
const animated = $computed(() => parsed ? checkAnimationFromMfm(parsed) : null);
const allowAnim = ref(defaultStore.state.advancedMfm && defaultStore.state.animatedMfm ? true : false);
const isLong = shouldCollapsed(appearNote, urls ?? []);
const collapsed = ref(appearNote.cw == null && isLong);
const isDeleted = ref(false);
const renoted = ref(false);
const quoted = ref(false);
const muted = ref($i ? checkWordMute(appearNote, $i, $i.mutedWords) : false);
const translation = ref<any>(null);
const translating = ref(false);
const showTicker = (defaultStore.state.instanceTicker === 'always') || (defaultStore.state.instanceTicker === 'remote' && appearNote.user.instance);
const canRenote = computed(() => ['public', 'home'].includes(appearNote.visibility) || (appearNote.visibility === 'followers' && appearNote.userId === $i.id));
let renoteCollapsed = $ref(defaultStore.state.collapseRenotes && isRenote && (($i && ($i.id === note.userId || $i.id === appearNote.userId)) || (appearNote.myReaction != null)));
const defaultLike = computed(() => defaultStore.state.like !== '❤️' ? defaultStore.state.like : props.meta.defaultLike);
const keymap = {
'r': () => reply(true),
'e|a|plus': () => react(true),
'q': () => renoteButton.value.renote(true),
'up|k|shift+tab': focusBefore,
'down|j|tab': focusAfter,
'esc': blur,
'm|o': () => menu(true),
's': () => showContent.value !== showContent.value,
provide('react', (reaction: string) => {
os.api('notes/reactions/create', {
noteId: appearNote.id,
reaction: reaction,
if (props.mock) {
watch(() => props.note, (to) => {
note = deepClone(to);
}, { deep: true });
} else {
rootEl: el,
note: $$(appearNote),
pureNote: $$(note),
isDeletedRef: isDeleted,
if (!props.mock) {
useTooltip(renoteButton, async (showing) => {
const renotes = await os.api('notes/renotes', {
noteId: appearNote.id,
limit: 11,
const users = renotes.map(x => x.user);
if (users.length < 1) return;
os.popup(MkUsersTooltip, {
count: appearNote.renoteCount,
targetElement: renoteButton.value,
}, {}, 'closed');
useTooltip(quoteButton, async (showing) => {
const renotes = await os.api('notes/renotes', {
noteId: appearNote.id,
limit: 11,
quote: true,
const users = renotes.map(x => x.user);
if (users.length < 1) return;
os.popup(MkUsersTooltip, {
count: appearNote.renoteCount,
targetElement: quoteButton.value,
}, {}, 'closed');
if ($i) {
os.api("notes/renotes", {
noteId: appearNote.id,
userId: $i.id,
limit: 1,
}).then((res) => {
renoted.value = res.length > 0;
os.api("notes/renotes", {
noteId: appearNote.id,
userId: $i.id,
limit: 1,
quote: true,
}).then((res) => {
quoted.value = res.length > 0;
type Visibility = 'public' | 'home' | 'followers' | 'specified';
// defaultStore.state.visibilityがstringなためstringも受け付けている
function smallerVisibility(a: Visibility | string, b: Visibility | string): Visibility {
if (a === 'specified' || b === 'specified') return 'specified';
if (a === 'followers' || b === 'followers') return 'followers';
if (a === 'home' || b === 'home') return 'home';
// if (a === 'public' || b === 'public')
return 'public';
function renote() {
if (appearNote.channel) {
const el = renoteButton.value as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = rect.left + (el.offsetWidth / 2);
const y = rect.top + (el.offsetHeight / 2);
os.popup(MkRippleEffect, { x, y }, {}, 'end');
if (!props.mock) {
os.api('notes/create', {
renoteId: appearNote.id,
channelId: appearNote.channelId,
}).then(() => {
renoted.value = true;
} else if (!appearNote.channel || appearNote.channel?.allowRenoteToExternal) {
const el = renoteButton.value as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = rect.left + (el.offsetWidth / 2);
const y = rect.top + (el.offsetHeight / 2);
os.popup(MkRippleEffect, { x, y }, {}, 'end');
const configuredVisibility = defaultStore.state.rememberNoteVisibility ? defaultStore.state.visibility : defaultStore.state.defaultNoteVisibility;
const localOnly = defaultStore.state.rememberNoteVisibility ? defaultStore.state.localOnly : defaultStore.state.defaultNoteLocalOnly;
let visibility = appearNote.visibility;
visibility = smallerVisibility(visibility, configuredVisibility);
if (appearNote.channel?.isSensitive) {
visibility = smallerVisibility(visibility, 'home');
if (!props.mock) {
os.api('notes/create', {
renoteId: appearNote.id,
}).then(() => {
renoted.value = true;
function quote() {
if (props.mock) {
if (appearNote.channel) {
renote: appearNote,
channel: appearNote.channel,
}).then(() => {
os.api("notes/renotes", {
noteId: appearNote.id,
userId: $i.id,
limit: 1,
quote: true,
}).then((res) => {
if (!(res.length > 0)) return;
const el = quoteButton.value as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el && res.length > 0) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = rect.left + (el.offsetWidth / 2);
const y = rect.top + (el.offsetHeight / 2);
os.popup(MkRippleEffect, { x, y }, {}, 'end');
quoted.value = res.length > 0;
} else {
renote: appearNote,
}).then(() => {
os.api("notes/renotes", {
noteId: appearNote.id,
userId: $i.id,
limit: 1,
quote: true,
}).then((res) => {
if (!(res.length > 0)) return;
const el = quoteButton.value as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el && res.length > 0) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = rect.left + (el.offsetWidth / 2);
const y = rect.top + (el.offsetHeight / 2);
os.popup(MkRippleEffect, { x, y }, {}, 'end');
quoted.value = res.length > 0;
function reply(viaKeyboard = false): void {
if (props.mock) {
reply: appearNote,
channel: appearNote.channel,
animation: !viaKeyboard,
}, () => {
function like(): void {
if (props.mock) {
os.api('notes/reactions/create', {
noteId: appearNote.id,
reaction: defaultLike.value,
const el = likeButton.value as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = rect.left + (el.offsetWidth / 2);
const y = rect.top + (el.offsetHeight / 2);
os.popup(MkRippleEffect, { x, y }, {}, 'end');
function react(viaKeyboard = false): void {
if (appearNote.reactionAcceptance === 'likeOnly') {
if (props.mock) {
os.api('notes/reactions/create', {
noteId: appearNote.id,
reaction: defaultLike.value,
const el = reactButton.value as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = rect.left + (el.offsetWidth / 2);
const y = rect.top + (el.offsetHeight / 2);
os.popup(MkRippleEffect, { x, y }, {}, 'end');
} else {
reactionPicker.show(reactButton.value, reaction => {
if (props.mock) {
emit('reaction', reaction);
os.api('notes/reactions/create', {
noteId: appearNote.id,
reaction: reaction,
if (appearNote.text && appearNote.text.length > 100 && (Date.now() - new Date(appearNote.createdAt).getTime() < 1000 * 3)) {
}, () => {
function undoReact(note): void {
const oldReaction = note.myReaction;
if (!oldReaction) return;
if (props.mock) {
emit('removeReaction', oldReaction);
os.api('notes/reactions/delete', {
noteId: note.id,
function undoRenote(note) : void {
if (props.mock) {
os.api("notes/unrenote", {
noteId: note.id
renoted.value = false;
const el = renoteButton.value as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = rect.left + (el.offsetWidth / 2);
const y = rect.top + (el.offsetHeight / 2);
os.popup(MkRippleEffect, { x, y }, {}, 'end');
function undoQuote(note) : void {
if (props.mock) {
os.api("notes/unrenote", {
noteId: note.id,
quote: true
quoted.value = false;
const el = quoteButton.value as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = rect.left + (el.offsetWidth / 2);
const y = rect.top + (el.offsetHeight / 2);
os.popup(MkRippleEffect, { x, y }, {}, 'end');
function onContextmenu(ev: MouseEvent): void {
if (props.mock) {
const isLink = (el: HTMLElement) => {
if (el.tagName === 'A') return true;
// 再生速度の選択などのために、Audio要素のコンテキストメニューはブラウザデフォルトとする。
if (el.tagName === 'AUDIO') return true;
if (el.parentElement) {
return isLink(el.parentElement);
if (isLink(ev.target)) return;
if (window.getSelection().toString() !== '') return;
if (defaultStore.state.useReactionPickerForContextMenu) {
} else {
const { menu, cleanup } = getNoteMenu({ note: note, translating, translation, menuButton, isDeleted, currentClip: currentClip?.value });
os.contextMenu(menu, ev).then(focus).finally(cleanup);
function menu(viaKeyboard = false): void {
if (props.mock) {
const { menu, cleanup } = getNoteMenu({ note: note, translating, translation, menuButton, isDeleted, currentClip: currentClip?.value });
os.popupMenu(menu, menuButton.value, {
async function menuVersions(viaKeyboard = false): Promise<void> {
const { menu, cleanup } = await getNoteVersionsMenu({ note: note, menuVersionsButton });
os.popupMenu(menu, menuVersionsButton.value, {
async function clip() {
if (props.mock) {
os.popupMenu(await getNoteClipMenu({ note: note, isDeleted, currentClip: currentClip?.value }), clipButton.value).then(focus);
function showRenoteMenu(viaKeyboard = false): void {
if (props.mock) {
function getUnrenote(): MenuItem {
return {
text: i18n.ts.unrenote,
icon: 'ph-trash ph-bold ph-lg',
danger: true,
action: () => {
os.api('notes/delete', {
noteId: note.id,
isDeleted.value = true;
if (isMyRenote) {
getCopyNoteLinkMenu(note, i18n.ts.copyLinkRenote),
], renoteTime.value, {
viaKeyboard: viaKeyboard,
} else {
getCopyNoteLinkMenu(note, i18n.ts.copyLinkRenote),
getAbuseNoteMenu(note, i18n.ts.reportAbuseRenote),
$i.isModerator || $i.isAdmin ? getUnrenote() : undefined,
], renoteTime.value, {
viaKeyboard: viaKeyboard,
function animatedMFM() {
if (allowAnim.value) {
allowAnim.value = false;
} else {
type: 'warning',
text: i18n.ts._animatedMFM._alert.text,
okText: i18n.ts._animatedMFM._alert.confirm,
}).then((res) => { if (!res.canceled) allowAnim.value = true; });
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function readPromo() {
os.api('promo/read', {
noteId: appearNote.id,
isDeleted.value = true;
function emitUpdReaction(emoji: string, delta: number) {
if (delta < 0) {
emit('removeReaction', emoji);
} else if (delta > 0) {
emit('reaction', emoji);
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