Asrael 44f593945c
build: reduce container size by removing dev dependencies from final image
This change moves many of the dependencies into devDependencies, by analyzing what is used in the runtime files. Additionally, NPM and apk cache are eliminated with multi-stage builds
2023-02-03 21:38:40 -08:00

51 lines
1.7 KiB

## Install dev and compilation dependencies, build files
FROM node:19-alpine as build
WORKDIR /calckey
# Install compilation dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache --no-progress git alpine-sdk python3
# Copy only the dependency-related files first, to cache efficiently
COPY package.json pnpm*.yaml ./
COPY packages/backend/package.json packages/backend/package.json
COPY packages/client/package.json packages/client/package.json
COPY packages/sw/package.json packages/sw/package.json
# Configure corepack and pnpm
RUN corepack enable
RUN corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate
# Install dev mode dependencies for compilation
RUN pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
# Copy in the rest of the files, to compile from TS to JS
COPY . ./
RUN pnpm run build
# Trim down the dependencies to only the prod deps
RUN pnpm i --prod --frozen-lockfile
## Runtime container
FROM node:19-alpine
WORKDIR /calckey
# Install runtime dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache --no-progress tini ffmpeg
COPY . ./
# Copy node modules
COPY --from=build /calckey/node_modules /calckey/node_modules
COPY --from=build /calckey/packages/backend/node_modules /calckey/packages/backend/node_modules
COPY --from=build /calckey/packages/sw/node_modules /calckey/packages/sw/node_modules
COPY --from=build /calckey/packages/client/node_modules /calckey/packages/client/node_modules
# Copy the finished compiled files
COPY --from=build /calckey/built /calckey/built
COPY --from=build /calckey/packages/backend/built /calckey/packages/backend/built
COPY --from=build /calckey/packages/backend/assets/instance.css /calckey/packages/backend/assets/instance.css
RUN corepack enable
ENTRYPOINT [ "/sbin/tini", "--" ]
CMD [ "pnpm", "run", "migrateandstart" ]