import { get } from "idb-keyval"; import { acct } from "firefish-js"; import type { PushNotificationDataMap } from "@/types"; import { createEmptyNotification, createNotification, } from "@/scripts/create-notification"; import { swLang } from "@/scripts/lang"; import * as swos from "@/scripts/operations"; globalThis.addEventListener("install", () => { // ev.waitUntil(globalThis.skipWaiting()); }); globalThis.addEventListener("activate", (ev) => { ev.waitUntil( caches .keys() .then((cacheNames) => Promise.all( cacheNames .filter((v) => v !== swLang.cacheName) .map((name) => caches.delete(name)), ), ) .then(() => globalThis.clients.claim()), ); }); function offlineContentHTML(): string { return `Offline

Looks like you're offline!

Looks like Firefish couldn't connect to the server, probably because your device is offline.

The installed Service Worker is version ${_VERSION_}`; } globalThis.addEventListener("fetch", (ev) => { let isHTMLRequest = false; if (ev.request.headers.get("sec-fetch-dest") === "document") { isHTMLRequest = true; } else if (ev.request.headers.get("accept")?.includes("/html")) { isHTMLRequest = true; } else if (ev.request.url.endsWith("/")) { isHTMLRequest = true; } if (!isHTMLRequest) return; ev.respondWith( fetch(ev.request).catch(() => { return new Response(offlineContentHTML(), { status: 200, headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, }); }), ); }); globalThis.addEventListener("push", (ev) => { // クライアント取得 ev.waitUntil( globalThis.clients .matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: true, type: "window", }) .then(async () => { const data: PushNotificationDataMap[keyof PushNotificationDataMap] =; switch (data.type) { // case 'driveFileCreated': case "notification": case "unreadAntennaNote": // 1日以上経過している場合は無視 if (new Date().getTime() - data.dateTime > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) break; return createNotification(data); case "readAllNotifications": await globalThis.registration .getNotifications() .then((notifications) => notifications.forEach( (n) => n.tag !== "read_notification" && n.close(), ), ); break; } await createEmptyNotification(); return; }), ); }); (globalThis as unknown as ServiceWorkerGlobalScope).addEventListener( "notificationclick", (ev: ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeEventMap["notificationclick"]) => { ev.waitUntil( (async (): Promise => { if (_DEV_) { console.log("notificationclick", ev.action,; } const { action, notification } = ev; const data: PushNotificationDataMap[keyof PushNotificationDataMap] = ?? {}; const { userId: loginId } = data; let client: WindowClient | null = null; switch (data.type) { case "notification": switch (action) { case "follow": if ("userId" in data.body) await swos.api("following/create", loginId, { userId: data.body.userId, }); break; case "showUser": if ("user" in data.body) client = await swos.openUser( acct.toString(data.body.user), loginId, ); break; case "reply": if ("note" in data.body) client = await swos.openPost( { reply: data.body.note }, loginId, ); break; case "renote": if ("note" in data.body) await swos.api("notes/create", loginId, { renoteId:, }); break; case "accept": switch (data.body.type) { case "receiveFollowRequest": await swos.api("following/requests/accept", loginId, { userId: data.body.userId, }); break; } break; case "reject": switch (data.body.type) { case "receiveFollowRequest": await swos.api("following/requests/reject", loginId, { userId: data.body.userId, }); break; } break; case "showFollowRequests": client = await swos.openClient( "push", "/my/follow-requests", loginId, ); break; default: switch (data.body.type) { case "receiveFollowRequest": client = await swos.openClient( "push", "/my/follow-requests", loginId, ); break; case "reaction": client = await swos.openNote(, loginId); break; default: if ("note" in data.body) { client = await swos.openNote(, loginId); } else if ("user" in data.body) { client = await swos.openUser( acct.toString(data.body.user), loginId, ); } break; } } break; case "unreadAntennaNote": client = await swos.openAntenna(, loginId); break; default: switch (action) { case "markAllAsRead": await globalThis.registration .getNotifications() .then((notifications) => notifications.forEach( (n) => n.tag !== "read_notification" && n.close(), ), ); await get("accounts").then((accounts) => { return Promise.all( (account) => { await swos.sendMarkAllAsRead(; }), ); }); break; case "settings": client = await swos.openClient( "push", "/settings/notifications", loginId, ); break; } } if (client) { client.focus(); } if (data.type === "notification") { await swos.sendMarkAllAsRead(loginId); } notification.close(); })(), ); }, ); (globalThis as unknown as ServiceWorkerGlobalScope).addEventListener( "notificationclose", (ev: ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeEventMap["notificationclose"]) => { const data: PushNotificationDataMap[keyof PushNotificationDataMap] =; ev.waitUntil( (async (): Promise => { if (data.type === "notification") { await swos.sendMarkAllAsRead(data.userId); } return; })(), ); }, ); (globalThis as unknown as ServiceWorkerGlobalScope).addEventListener( "message", (ev: ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeEventMap["message"]) => { ev.waitUntil( (async (): Promise => { switch ( { case "clear": // Cache Storage全削除 await caches .keys() .then((cacheNames) => Promise.all( => caches.delete(name))), ); return; // TODO } if (typeof === "object") { // E.g. '[object Array]' → 'array' const otype = Object.prototype.toString .call( .slice(8, -1) .toLowerCase(); if (otype === "object") { if ( === "initialize") { swLang.setLang(; } } } })(), ); }, );