# 🚚 Migrating from Misskey/FoundKey to Firefish All the guides below assume you're starting in the root of the repo directory. ### Before proceeding - **Ensure you have stopped all master and worker processes of Misskey.** - **Ensure you have backups of the database before performing any commands.** ## Misskey v13 and above Tested with Misskey v13.11.3. If your Misskey v13 is older, we recommend updating your Misskey to v13.11.3. ```sh wget -O mkv13.patch https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish/-/raw/develop/docs/mkv13.patch wget -O mkv13_restore.patch https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish/-/raw/develop/docs/mkv13_restore.patch git apply mkv13.patch mkv13_restore.patch cd packages/backend LINE_NUM="$(pnpm typeorm migration:show -d ormconfig.js | grep -n activeEmailValidation1657346559800 | cut -d ':' -f 1)" NUM_MIGRATIONS="$(pnpm typeorm migration:show -d ormconfig.js | tail -n+"$LINE_NUM" | grep '\[X\]' | wc -l)" for i in $(seq 1 $NUM_MIGRATIONS); do pnpm typeorm migration:revert -d ormconfig.js; done cd ../../ git remote set-url origin https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish.git git fetch origin git stash push rm -rf fluent-emojis misskey-assets git switch main # or beta or develop git pull --ff wget -O renote_muting.patch https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish/-/raw/develop/docs/renote_muting.patch git apply renote_muting.patch pnpm install NODE_ENV=production pnpm run build pnpm run migrate git stash push ``` Depending on the version you're migrating from, you may have to open Postgres with `psql -d your_database` and run the following commands: ```sql ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "disableLocalTimeline" boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "disableGlobalTimeline" boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "localDriveCapacityMb" integer DEFAULT 512; ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "remoteDriveCapacityMb" integer DEFAULT 128; ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "isSilenced" boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "isAdmin" boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "isModerator" boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "remoteDriveCapacityMb" integer DEFAULT 128; ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "driveCapacityOverrideMb" integer DEFAULT 128; ALTER TABLE "instance" ADD COLUMN "caughtAt" date; ALTER TABLE "instance" ADD COLUMN "latestRequestSentAt" date; ALTER TABLE "instance" ADD COLUMN "latestStatus" character varying(512); ALTER TABLE "instance" ADD COLUMN "lastCommunicatedAt" date; ``` then quit with `\q`, and restart Firefish. Note: Ignore errors of `column "xxx" of relation "xxx" already exists`. If no other errors happened, your Firefish is ready to launch! ## Misskey v12.119 and before ```sh git remote set-url origin https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish.git git fetch git checkout main # or beta or develop git pull --ff NODE_ENV=production pnpm run migrate # build using prefered method ``` ## FoundKey ```sh wget -O fk.patch https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish/-/raw/develop/docs/fk.patch git apply fk.patch cd packages/backend LINE_NUM="$(npx typeorm migration:show -d ormconfig.js | grep -n uniformThemecolor1652859567549 | cut -d ':' -f 1)" NUM_MIGRATIONS="$(npx typeorm migration:show -d ormconfig.js | tail -n+"$LINE_NUM" | grep '\[X\]' | wc -l)" for i in $(seq 1 $NUM_MIGRATIONS); do npx typeorm migration:revert -d ormconfig.js done git remote set-url origin https://firefish.dev/firefish/firefish.git git fetch git checkout main # or beta or develop git pull --ff NODE_ENV=production pnpm run migrate # build using prefered method ``` ## Reverse You ***cannot*** migrate back to Misskey from Firefish due to re-hashing passwords on signin with argon2. You can migrate to [Sharkey](https://github.com/transfem-org/Sharkey), a soft fork of Misskey that uses argon2 though. You can also migrate from Firefish to FoundKey, although this is not recommended due to FoundKey being end-of-life, and may have some problems with alt-text.