BEGIN; DELETE FROM "migrations" WHERE name IN ( 'RemoveEnumTypenameSuffix1716462794927', 'CreateScheduledNote1714728200194', 'AddBackTimezone1715351290096', 'UserprofileJsonbToArray1714270605574', 'DropUnusedUserprofileColumns1714259023878', 'AntennaJsonbToArray1714192520471', 'AddUserProfileLanguage1714888400293', 'DropUnusedIndexes1714643926317', 'AlterAkaType1714099399879', 'AddDriveFileUsage1713451569342', 'ConvertCwVarcharToText1713225866247', 'FixChatFileConstraint1712855579316', 'DropTimeZone1712425488543', 'ExpandNoteEdit1711936358554', 'markLocalFilesNsfwByDefault1709305200000', 'FixMutingIndices1710690239308', 'NoteFile1710304584214', 'RenameMetaColumns1705944717480', 'SeparateHardMuteWordsAndPatterns1706413792769', 'IndexAltTextAndCw1708872574733', 'Pgroonga1698420787202', 'ChangeDefaultConfigs1709251460718', 'AddReplyMuting1704851359889', 'FixNoteUrlIndex1709129810501', 'RemoveCharts1709047957489', 'DropUserProfileLanguage1708452631156', 'EmojiModerator1692825433698', 'RemoveNsfwDetection1705848938166', 'FirefishUrlMove1707850084123', 'SwSubscriptionAccessToken1709395223611' 'UserProfileMentions1711075007936', 'ClientCredentials1713108561474', 'AddMastodonSubscriptionType1715181461692' ); -- addMastodonSubscriptionType ALTER TABLE "sw_subscription" DROP COLUMN "subscriptionTypes"; DROP TYPE "push_subscription_type"; -- sw-subscription-per-access-token ALTER TABLE "sw_subscription" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_98a1aa2db2a5253924f42f38767"; ALTER TABLE "sw_subscription" DROP COLUMN "appAccessTokenId"; -- user-profile-mentions ALTER TABLE "user_profile" DROP COLUMN "mentions"; -- client-credential-support ALTER TABLE "access_token" ALTER COLUMN "userId" SET NOT NULL; -- remove-enum-typename-suffix ALTER TYPE "antenna_src" RENAME TO "antenna_src_enum"; ALTER TYPE "drive_file_usage_hint" RENAME TO "drive_file_usage_hint_enum"; ALTER TYPE "muted_note_reason" RENAME TO "muted_note_reason_enum"; ALTER TYPE "note_visibility" RENAME TO "note_visibility_enum"; ALTER TYPE "notification_type" RENAME TO "notification_type_enum"; ALTER TYPE "page_visibility" RENAME TO "page_visibility_enum"; ALTER TYPE "poll_note_visibility" RENAME TO "poll_notevisibility_enum"; ALTER TYPE "relay_status" RENAME TO "relay_status_enum"; ALTER TYPE "user_emoji_mod_perm" RENAME TO "user_emojimodperm_enum"; ALTER TYPE "user_profile_ffvisibility" RENAME TO "user_profile_ffvisibility_enum"; ALTER TYPE "user_profile_muting_notification_types" RENAME TO "user_profile_mutingnotificationtypes_enum"; -- create-scheduled-note DROP TABLE "scheduled_note"; -- userprofile-jsonb-to-array ALTER TABLE "user_profile" RENAME COLUMN "mutedInstances" TO "mutedInstances_old"; ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD COLUMN "mutedInstances" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'; UPDATE "user_profile" SET "mutedInstances" = to_jsonb("mutedInstances_old"); ALTER TABLE "user_profile" DROP COLUMN "mutedInstances_old"; ALTER TABLE "user_profile" RENAME COLUMN "mutedWords" TO "mutedWords_old"; ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD COLUMN "mutedWords" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'; CREATE TEMP TABLE "BCrsGgLCUeMMLARy" ("userId" character varying(32), "kws" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'); INSERT INTO "BCrsGgLCUeMMLARy" ("userId", "kws") SELECT "userId", jsonb_agg("X"."w") FROM (SELECT "userId", to_jsonb(string_to_array(unnest("mutedWords_old"), ' ')) AS "w" FROM "user_profile") AS "X" GROUP BY "userId"; UPDATE "user_profile" SET "mutedWords" = "kws" FROM "BCrsGgLCUeMMLARy" WHERE "user_profile"."userId" = "BCrsGgLCUeMMLARy"."userId"; ALTER TABLE "user_profile" DROP COLUMN "mutedWords_old"; -- drop-unused-userprofile-columns ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD "room" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_profile"."room" IS 'The room data of the User.'; ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD "clientData" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'; COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_profile"."clientData" IS 'The client-specific data of the User.'; -- antenna-jsonb-to-array UPDATE "antenna" SET "instances" = '{""}' WHERE "instances" = '{}'; ALTER TABLE "antenna" RENAME COLUMN "instances" TO "instances_old"; ALTER TABLE "antenna" ADD COLUMN "instances" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'; UPDATE "antenna" SET "instances" = to_jsonb("instances_old"); ALTER TABLE "antenna" DROP COLUMN "instances_old"; UPDATE "antenna" SET "keywords" = '{""}' WHERE "keywords" = '{}'; ALTER TABLE "antenna" RENAME COLUMN "keywords" TO "keywords_old"; ALTER TABLE "antenna" ADD COLUMN "keywords" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'; CREATE TEMP TABLE "QvPNcMitBFkqqBgm" ("id" character varying(32), "kws" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'); INSERT INTO "QvPNcMitBFkqqBgm" ("id", "kws") SELECT "id", jsonb_agg("X"."w") FROM (SELECT "id", to_jsonb(string_to_array(unnest("keywords_old"), ' ')) AS "w" FROM "antenna") AS "X" GROUP BY "id"; UPDATE "antenna" SET "keywords" = "kws" FROM "QvPNcMitBFkqqBgm" WHERE "antenna"."id" = "QvPNcMitBFkqqBgm"."id"; ALTER TABLE "antenna" DROP COLUMN "keywords_old"; UPDATE "antenna" SET "excludeKeywords" = '{""}' WHERE "excludeKeywords" = '{}'; ALTER TABLE "antenna" RENAME COLUMN "excludeKeywords" TO "excludeKeywords_old"; ALTER TABLE "antenna" ADD COLUMN "excludeKeywords" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'; CREATE TEMP TABLE "MZvVSjHzYcGXmGmz" ("id" character varying(32), "kws" jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'); INSERT INTO "MZvVSjHzYcGXmGmz" ("id", "kws") SELECT "id", jsonb_agg("X"."w") FROM (SELECT "id", to_jsonb(string_to_array(unnest("excludeKeywords_old"), ' ')) AS "w" FROM "antenna") AS "X" GROUP BY "id"; UPDATE "antenna" SET "excludeKeywords" = "kws" FROM "MZvVSjHzYcGXmGmz" WHERE "antenna"."id" = "MZvVSjHzYcGXmGmz"."id"; ALTER TABLE "antenna" DROP COLUMN "excludeKeywords_old"; -- drop-unused-indexes CREATE INDEX "IDX_01f4581f114e0ebd2bbb876f0b" ON "note_reaction" ("createdAt"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_0610ebcfcfb4a18441a9bcdab2" ON "poll" ("userId"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_25dfc71b0369b003a4cd434d0b" ON "note" ("attachedFileTypes"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_2710a55f826ee236ea1a62698f" ON "hashtag" ("mentionedUsersCount"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_4c02d38a976c3ae132228c6fce" ON "hashtag" ("mentionedRemoteUsersCount"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_51c063b6a133a9cb87145450f5" ON "note" ("fileIds"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_54ebcb6d27222913b908d56fd8" ON "note" ("mentions"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_7fa20a12319c7f6dc3aed98c0a" ON "poll" ("userHost"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_88937d94d7443d9a99a76fa5c0" ON "note" ("tags"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_b11a5e627c41d4dc3170f1d370" ON "notification" ("createdAt"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_c8dfad3b72196dd1d6b5db168a" ON "drive_file" ("createdAt"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_d57f9030cd3af7f63ffb1c267c" ON "hashtag" ("attachedUsersCount"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_e5848eac4940934e23dbc17581" ON "drive_file" ("uri"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_fa99d777623947a5b05f394cae" ON "user" ("tags"); -- alter-aka-type ALTER TABLE "user" RENAME COLUMN "alsoKnownAs" TO "alsoKnownAsOld"; ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "alsoKnownAs" text; UPDATE "user" SET "alsoKnownAs" = array_to_string("alsoKnownAsOld", ','); COMMENT ON COLUMN "user"."alsoKnownAs" IS 'URIs the user is known as too'; ALTER TABLE "user" DROP COLUMN "alsoKnownAsOld"; -- AddDriveFileUsage ALTER TABLE "drive_file" DROP COLUMN "usageHint"; DROP TYPE "drive_file_usage_hint_enum"; -- convert-cw-varchar-to-text DROP INDEX "IDX_8e3bbbeb3df04d1a8105da4c8f"; ALTER TABLE "note" ALTER COLUMN "cw" TYPE character varying(512); CREATE INDEX "IDX_8e3bbbeb3df04d1a8105da4c8f" ON "note" USING "pgroonga" ("cw" pgroonga_varchar_full_text_search_ops_v2); -- fix-chat-file-constraint ALTER TABLE "messaging_message" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_535def119223ac05ad3fa9ef64b"; ALTER TABLE "messaging_message" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_535def119223ac05ad3fa9ef64b" FOREIGN KEY ("fileId") REFERENCES "drive_file"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION; -- expand-note-edit ALTER TABLE "note_edit" DROP COLUMN "emojis"; -- markLocalFilesNsfwByDefault ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "markLocalFilesNsfwByDefault"; -- fix-muting-indices DROP INDEX "IDX_renote_muting_createdAt"; DROP INDEX "IDX_renote_muting_muteeId"; DROP INDEX "IDX_renote_muting_muterId"; DROP INDEX "IDX_reply_muting_createdAt"; DROP INDEX "IDX_reply_muting_muteeId"; DROP INDEX "IDX_reply_muting_muterId"; CREATE INDEX "IDX_renote_muting_createdAt" ON "muting" ("createdAt"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_renote_muting_muteeId" ON "muting" ("muteeId"); CREATE INDEX "IDX_renote_muting_muterId" ON "muting" ("muterId"); -- note-file DROP TABLE "note_file"; -- rename-meta-columns ALTER TABLE "meta" RENAME COLUMN "tosUrl" TO "ToSUrl"; ALTER TABLE "meta" RENAME COLUMN "objectStorageUseSsl" TO "objectStorageUseSSL"; ALTER TABLE "meta" RENAME COLUMN "customMotd" TO "customMOTD"; -- separate-hard-mute-words-and-patterns UPDATE "user_profile" SET "mutedWords" = "mutedWords" || array_to_json("mutedPatterns")::jsonb; ALTER TABLE "user_profile" DROP "mutedPatterns"; -- index-alt-text-and-cw DROP INDEX "IDX_f4f7b93d05958527300d79ac82"; DROP INDEX "IDX_8e3bbbeb3df04d1a8105da4c8f"; -- pgroonga DROP INDEX "IDX_f27f5d88941e57442be75ba9c8"; DROP INDEX "IDX_065d4d8f3b5adb4a08841eae3c"; DROP INDEX "IDX_fcb770976ff8240af5799e3ffc"; DROP EXTENSION pgroonga CASCADE; -- change-default-configs ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ALTER COLUMN "noCrawle" SET DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ALTER COLUMN "publicReactions" SET DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "meta" ALTER COLUMN "disableRegistration" SET DEFAULT false; -- reply-muting DROP TABLE "reply_muting"; -- remove-charts CREATE TABLE public.__chart__ap_request ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "___deliverFailed" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "___deliverSucceeded" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "___inboxReceived" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__ap_request_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__ap_request_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__drive ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "___local_incCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___local_incSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___local_decCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___local_decSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___remote_incCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___remote_incSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___remote_decCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___remote_decSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__drive_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__drive_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__federation ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "unique_temp___deliveredInstances" character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL, "___deliveredInstances" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, "unique_temp___inboxInstances" character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL, "___inboxInstances" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, unique_temp___stalled character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL, ___stalled smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, ___sub smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, ___pub smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, ___pubsub smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, "___subActive" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, "___pubActive" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__federation_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__federation_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__hashtag ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___local_users integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ___remote_users integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, unique_temp___local_users character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL, unique_temp___remote_users character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__hashtag_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__hashtag_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__instance ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___requests_failed smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___requests_succeeded smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___requests_received smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_inc integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_dec integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_diffs_normal integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_diffs_reply integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_diffs_renote integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___users_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___users_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___users_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___following_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___following_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___following_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___followers_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___followers_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___followers_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_totalFiles" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_incFiles" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_incUsage" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_decFiles" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_decUsage" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___notes_diffs_withFile" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__instance_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__instance_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__network ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "___incomingRequests" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___outgoingRequests" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___totalTime" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___incomingBytes" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___outgoingBytes" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__network_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__network_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__notes ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, ___local_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_inc integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_dec integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_diffs_normal integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_diffs_reply integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_diffs_renote integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_inc integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_dec integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_diffs_normal integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_diffs_reply integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_diffs_renote integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___local_diffs_withFile" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "___remote_diffs_withFile" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__notes_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__notes_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__per_user_drive ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, "___totalCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___totalSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___incCount" smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___incSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___decCount" smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___decSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__per_user_drive_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__per_user_drive_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__per_user_following ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___local_followings_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followings_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followings_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followers_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followers_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followers_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followings_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followings_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followings_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followers_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followers_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followers_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__per_user_following_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__per_user_following_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__per_user_notes ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___diffs_normal smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___diffs_reply smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___diffs_renote smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___diffs_withFile" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__per_user_notes_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__per_user_notes_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__per_user_reaction ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___local_count smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_count smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__per_user_reaction_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__per_user_reaction_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__test ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128), ___foo_total bigint NOT NULL, ___foo_inc bigint NOT NULL, ___foo_dec bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE public.__chart__test_grouped ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128), ___foo_total bigint NOT NULL, ___foo_inc bigint NOT NULL, ___foo_dec bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__test_grouped_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__test_grouped_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__test_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__test_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__test_unique ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128), ___foo character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__test_unique_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__test_unique_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart__users ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, ___local_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart__users_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart__users_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__ap_request ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "___deliverFailed" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "___deliverSucceeded" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "___inboxReceived" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__ap_request_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__ap_request_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__drive ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "___local_incCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___local_incSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___local_decCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___local_decSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___remote_incCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___remote_incSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___remote_decCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___remote_decSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__drive_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__drive_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__federation ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "unique_temp___deliveredInstances" character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL, "___deliveredInstances" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, "unique_temp___inboxInstances" character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL, "___inboxInstances" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, unique_temp___stalled character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL, ___stalled smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, ___sub smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, ___pub smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, ___pubsub smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, "___subActive" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL, "___pubActive" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__federation_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__federation_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__hashtag ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___local_users integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ___remote_users integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, unique_temp___local_users character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL, unique_temp___remote_users character varying[] DEFAULT '{}'::character varying[] NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__hashtag_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__hashtag_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__instance ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___requests_failed smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___requests_succeeded smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___requests_received smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_inc integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_dec integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_diffs_normal integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_diffs_reply integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___notes_diffs_renote integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___users_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___users_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___users_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___following_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___following_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___following_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___followers_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___followers_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___followers_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_totalFiles" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_incFiles" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_incUsage" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_decFiles" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___drive_decUsage" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___notes_diffs_withFile" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__instance_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__instance_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__network ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "___incomingRequests" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___outgoingRequests" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___totalTime" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___incomingBytes" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___outgoingBytes" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__network_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__network_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__notes ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, ___local_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_inc integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_dec integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_diffs_normal integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_diffs_reply integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_diffs_renote integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_inc integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_dec integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_diffs_normal integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_diffs_reply integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_diffs_renote integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___local_diffs_withFile" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "___remote_diffs_withFile" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__notes_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__notes_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__per_user_drive ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, "___totalCount" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___totalSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___incCount" smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___incSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___decCount" smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___decSize" integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__per_user_drive_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__per_user_drive_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__per_user_following ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___local_followings_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followings_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followings_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followers_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followers_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_followers_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followings_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followings_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followings_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followers_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followers_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_followers_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__per_user_following_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__per_user_following_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__per_user_notes ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___diffs_normal smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___diffs_reply smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___diffs_renote smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, "___diffs_withFile" smallint DEFAULT '0'::smallint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__per_user_notes_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__per_user_notes_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__per_user_reaction ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, "group" character varying(128) NOT NULL, ___local_count smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_count smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__per_user_reaction_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__per_user_reaction_id_seq OWNED BY; CREATE TABLE public.__chart_day__users ( id integer NOT NULL, date integer NOT NULL, ___local_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___local_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_total integer DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_inc smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL, ___remote_dec smallint DEFAULT '0'::bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__users_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE public.__chart_day__users_id_seq OWNED BY; -- emoji-moderator ALTER TABLE "user" DROP COLUMN "emojiModPerm"; DROP TYPE "public"."user_emojimodperm_enum"; -- remove-nsfw-detection ALTER TABLE "user_profile" ADD "autoSensitive" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "enableSensitiveMediaDetectionForVideos" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "setSensitiveFlagAutomatically" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; CREATE TYPE "public"."meta_sensitivemediadetectionsensitivity_enum" AS ENUM('medium', 'low', 'high', 'veryLow', 'veryHigh'); ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "sensitiveMediaDetectionSensitivity" "public"."meta_sensitivemediadetectionsensitivity_enum" NOT NULL DEFAULT 'medium'; CREATE TYPE "public"."meta_sensitivemediadetection_enum" AS ENUM('none', 'all', 'local', 'remote'); ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "sensitiveMediaDetection" "public"."meta_sensitivemediadetection_enum" NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none'; ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ADD "maybePorn" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ADD "maybeSensitive" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false; COMMENT ON COLUMN "drive_file"."maybeSensitive" IS 'Whether the DriveFile is NSFW. (predict)'; -- firefish-url-move UPDATE "meta" SET "repositoryUrl" = ''; UPDATE "meta" SET "feedbackUrl" = ''; -- remove-native-utils-migration CREATE TABLE "seaql_migrations" ( version character varying NOT NULL, applied_at bigint NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO "seaql_migrations" (version, applied_at) VALUES ('m20230531_180824_drop_reversi', 1705876632), ('m20230627_185451_index_note_url', 1705876632), ('m20230709_000510_move_antenna_to_cache', 1705876632), ('m20230806_170616_fix_antenna_stream_ids', 1705876632), ('m20230904_013244_is_indexable', 1705876632), ('m20231002_143323_remove_integrations', 1705876632) ; COMMIT;