/* tslint:disable */ /* eslint-disable */ /* auto-generated by NAPI-RS */ export interface ServerConfig { url: string port: number /** host to listen on */ bind?: string disableHsts?: boolean db: DbConfig redis: RedisConfig cacheServer?: RedisConfig proxy?: string proxySmtp?: string proxyBypassHosts?: Array allowedPrivateNetworks?: Array /** `NapiValue` is not implemented for `u64` */ maxFileSize?: number accessLog?: string clusterLimits?: WorkerConfig cuid?: IdConfig outgoingAddress?: string deliverJobConcurrency?: number inboxJobConcurrency?: number deliverJobPerSec?: number inboxJobPerSec?: number deliverJobMaxAttempts?: number inboxJobMaxAttempts?: number logLevel?: Array syslog?: SysLogConfig proxyRemoteFiles?: boolean mediaProxy?: string summalyProxyUrl?: string reservedUsernames?: Array maxUserSignups?: number isManagedHosting?: boolean maxNoteLength?: number maxCaptionLength?: number deepl?: DeepLConfig libreTranslate?: LibreTranslateConfig email?: EmailConfig objectStorage?: ObjectStorageConfig } export interface DbConfig { host: string port: number db: string user: string pass: string disableCache?: boolean extra?: any } export interface RedisConfig { host: string port: number family?: number user?: string pass?: string tls?: TlsConfig db: number prefix: string } export interface TlsConfig { host: string rejectUnauthorized: boolean } export interface WorkerConfig { web?: number queue?: number } export interface IdConfig { length?: number fingerprint?: string } export interface SysLogConfig { host: string port: number } export interface DeepLConfig { managed?: boolean authKey?: string isPro?: boolean } export interface LibreTranslateConfig { managed?: boolean apiUrl?: string apiKey?: string } export interface EmailConfig { managed?: boolean address?: string host?: string port?: number user?: string pass?: string useImplicitSslTls?: boolean } export interface ObjectStorageConfig { managed?: boolean baseUrl?: string bucket?: string prefix?: string endpoint?: string region?: string accessKey?: string secretKey?: string useSsl?: boolean connnectOverProxy?: boolean setPublicReadOnUpload?: boolean s3ForcePathStyle?: boolean } export function readServerConfig(): ServerConfig export interface Acct { username: string host: string | null } export function stringToAcct(acct: string): Acct export function acctToString(acct: Acct): string export interface NoteLike { fileIds: Array userId: string | null text: string | null cw: string | null renoteId: string | null replyId: string | null } export function checkWordMute(note: NoteLike, mutedWordLists: Array>, mutedPatterns: Array): Promise export function getFullApAccount(username: string, host?: string | undefined | null): string export function isSelfHost(host?: string | undefined | null): boolean export function isSameOrigin(uri: string): boolean export function extractHost(uri: string): string export function toPuny(host: string): string export function toMastodonId(firefishId: string): string | null export function fromMastodonId(mastodonId: string): string | null export function nyaify(text: string, lang?: string | undefined | null): string export interface AbuseUserReport { id: string createdAt: Date targetUserId: string reporterId: string assigneeId: string | null resolved: boolean comment: string targetUserHost: string | null reporterHost: string | null forwarded: boolean } export interface AccessToken { id: string createdAt: Date token: string hash: string userId: string appId: string | null lastUsedAt: Date | null session: string | null name: string | null description: string | null iconUrl: string | null permission: Array fetched: boolean } export interface Ad { id: string createdAt: Date expiresAt: Date place: string priority: string url: string imageUrl: string memo: string ratio: number } export interface Announcement { id: string createdAt: Date text: string title: string imageUrl: string | null updatedAt: Date | null showPopup: boolean isGoodNews: boolean } export interface AnnouncementRead { id: string userId: string announcementId: string createdAt: Date } export interface Antenna { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string name: string src: AntennaSrcEnum userListId: string | null keywords: Json withFile: boolean expression: string | null notify: boolean caseSensitive: boolean withReplies: boolean userGroupJoiningId: string | null users: Array excludeKeywords: Json instances: Json } export interface App { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string | null secret: string name: string description: string permission: Array callbackUrl: string | null } export interface AttestationChallenge { id: string userId: string challenge: string createdAt: Date registrationChallenge: boolean } export interface AuthSession { id: string createdAt: Date token: string userId: string | null appId: string } export interface Blocking { id: string createdAt: Date blockeeId: string blockerId: string } export interface Channel { id: string createdAt: Date lastNotedAt: Date | null userId: string | null name: string description: string | null bannerId: string | null notesCount: number usersCount: number } export interface ChannelFollowing { id: string createdAt: Date followeeId: string followerId: string } export interface ChannelNotePining { id: string createdAt: Date channelId: string noteId: string } export interface Clip { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string name: string isPublic: boolean description: string | null } export interface ClipNote { id: string noteId: string clipId: string } export interface DriveFile { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string | null userHost: string | null md5: string name: string type: string size: number comment: string | null properties: Json storedInternal: boolean url: string thumbnailUrl: string | null webpublicUrl: string | null accessKey: string | null thumbnailAccessKey: string | null webpublicAccessKey: string | null uri: string | null src: string | null folderId: string | null isSensitive: boolean isLink: boolean blurhash: string | null webpublicType: string | null requestHeaders: Json | null requestIp: string | null } export interface DriveFolder { id: string createdAt: Date name: string userId: string | null parentId: string | null } export interface Emoji { id: string updatedAt: Date | null name: string host: string | null originalUrl: string uri: string | null type: string | null aliases: Array category: string | null publicUrl: string license: string | null width: number | null height: number | null } export interface FollowRequest { id: string createdAt: Date followeeId: string followerId: string requestId: string | null followerHost: string | null followerInbox: string | null followerSharedInbox: string | null followeeHost: string | null followeeInbox: string | null followeeSharedInbox: string | null } export interface Following { id: string createdAt: Date followeeId: string followerId: string followerHost: string | null followerInbox: string | null followerSharedInbox: string | null followeeHost: string | null followeeInbox: string | null followeeSharedInbox: string | null } export interface GalleryLike { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string postId: string } export interface GalleryPost { id: string createdAt: Date updatedAt: Date title: string description: string | null userId: string fileIds: Array isSensitive: boolean likedCount: number tags: Array } export interface Hashtag { id: string name: string mentionedUserIds: Array mentionedUsersCount: number mentionedLocalUserIds: Array mentionedLocalUsersCount: number mentionedRemoteUserIds: Array mentionedRemoteUsersCount: number attachedUserIds: Array attachedUsersCount: number attachedLocalUserIds: Array attachedLocalUsersCount: number attachedRemoteUserIds: Array attachedRemoteUsersCount: number } export interface Instance { id: string caughtAt: Date host: string usersCount: number notesCount: number followingCount: number followersCount: number latestRequestSentAt: Date | null latestStatus: number | null latestRequestReceivedAt: Date | null lastCommunicatedAt: Date isNotResponding: boolean softwareName: string | null softwareVersion: string | null openRegistrations: boolean | null name: string | null description: string | null maintainerName: string | null maintainerEmail: string | null infoUpdatedAt: Date | null isSuspended: boolean iconUrl: string | null themeColor: string | null faviconUrl: string | null } export interface MessagingMessage { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string recipientId: string | null text: string | null isRead: boolean fileId: string | null groupId: string | null reads: Array uri: string | null } export interface Meta { id: string name: string | null description: string | null maintainerName: string | null maintainerEmail: string | null disableRegistration: boolean disableLocalTimeline: boolean disableGlobalTimeline: boolean useStarForReactionFallback: boolean langs: Array hiddenTags: Array blockedHosts: Array mascotImageUrl: string | null bannerUrl: string | null errorImageUrl: string | null iconUrl: string | null cacheRemoteFiles: boolean enableRecaptcha: boolean recaptchaSiteKey: string | null recaptchaSecretKey: string | null localDriveCapacityMb: number remoteDriveCapacityMb: number summalyProxy: string | null enableEmail: boolean email: string | null smtpSecure: boolean smtpHost: string | null smtpPort: number | null smtpUser: string | null smtpPass: string | null enableServiceWorker: boolean swPublicKey: string | null swPrivateKey: string | null pinnedUsers: Array tosUrl: string | null repositoryUrl: string feedbackUrl: string | null useObjectStorage: boolean objectStorageBucket: string | null objectStoragePrefix: string | null objectStorageBaseUrl: string | null objectStorageEndpoint: string | null objectStorageRegion: string | null objectStorageAccessKey: string | null objectStorageSecretKey: string | null objectStoragePort: number | null objectStorageUseSsl: boolean proxyAccountId: string | null objectStorageUseProxy: boolean enableHcaptcha: boolean hcaptchaSiteKey: string | null hcaptchaSecretKey: string | null objectStorageSetPublicRead: boolean pinnedPages: Array backgroundImageUrl: string | null logoImageUrl: string | null pinnedClipId: string | null objectStorageS3ForcePathStyle: boolean allowedHosts: Array | null secureMode: boolean | null privateMode: boolean | null deeplAuthKey: string | null deeplIsPro: boolean emailRequiredForSignup: boolean themeColor: string | null defaultLightTheme: string | null defaultDarkTheme: string | null enableIpLogging: boolean enableActiveEmailValidation: boolean customMotd: Array customSplashIcons: Array disableRecommendedTimeline: boolean recommendedInstances: Array enableGuestTimeline: boolean defaultReaction: string libreTranslateApiUrl: string | null libreTranslateApiKey: string | null silencedHosts: Array experimentalFeatures: Json enableServerMachineStats: boolean enableIdenticonGeneration: boolean donationLink: string | null moreUrls: Json markLocalFilesNsfwByDefault: boolean } export interface Migrations { id: number timestamp: number name: string } export interface ModerationLog { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string type: string info: Json } export interface MutedNote { id: string noteId: string userId: string reason: MutedNoteReasonEnum } export interface Muting { id: string createdAt: Date muteeId: string muterId: string expiresAt: Date | null } export interface Note { id: string createdAt: Date replyId: string | null renoteId: string | null text: string | null name: string | null cw: string | null userId: string localOnly: boolean renoteCount: number repliesCount: number reactions: Json visibility: NoteVisibilityEnum uri: string | null score: number fileIds: Array attachedFileTypes: Array visibleUserIds: Array mentions: Array mentionedRemoteUsers: string emojis: Array tags: Array hasPoll: boolean userHost: string | null replyUserId: string | null replyUserHost: string | null renoteUserId: string | null renoteUserHost: string | null url: string | null channelId: string | null threadId: string | null updatedAt: Date | null lang: string | null } export interface NoteEdit { id: string noteId: string text: string | null cw: string | null fileIds: Array updatedAt: Date emojis: Array } export interface NoteFavorite { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string noteId: string } export interface NoteFile { serialNo: number noteId: string fileId: string } export interface NoteReaction { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string noteId: string reaction: string } export interface NoteThreadMuting { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string threadId: string } export interface NoteUnread { id: string userId: string noteId: string noteUserId: string isSpecified: boolean isMentioned: boolean noteChannelId: string | null } export interface NoteWatching { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string noteId: string noteUserId: string } export interface Notification { id: string createdAt: Date notifieeId: string notifierId: string | null isRead: boolean noteId: string | null reaction: string | null choice: number | null followRequestId: string | null type: NotificationTypeEnum userGroupInvitationId: string | null customBody: string | null customHeader: string | null customIcon: string | null appAccessTokenId: string | null } export interface Page { id: string createdAt: Date updatedAt: Date title: string name: string summary: string | null alignCenter: boolean font: string userId: string eyeCatchingImageId: string | null content: Json variables: Json visibility: PageVisibilityEnum visibleUserIds: Array likedCount: number hideTitleWhenPinned: boolean script: string isPublic: boolean } export interface PageLike { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string pageId: string } export interface PasswordResetRequest { id: string createdAt: Date token: string userId: string } export interface Poll { noteId: string expiresAt: Date | null multiple: boolean choices: Array votes: Array noteVisibility: PollNotevisibilityEnum userId: string userHost: string | null } export interface PollVote { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string noteId: string choice: number } export interface PromoNote { noteId: string expiresAt: Date userId: string } export interface PromoRead { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string noteId: string } export interface RegistrationTicket { id: string createdAt: Date code: string } export interface RegistryItem { id: string createdAt: Date updatedAt: Date userId: string key: string scope: Array domain: string | null value: Json | null } export interface Relay { id: string inbox: string status: RelayStatusEnum } export interface RenoteMuting { id: string createdAt: Date muteeId: string muterId: string } export interface ReplyMuting { id: string createdAt: Date muteeId: string muterId: string } export const enum AntennaSrcEnum { All = 0, Group = 1, Home = 2, Instances = 3, List = 4, Users = 5 } export const enum MutedNoteReasonEnum { Manual = 0, Other = 1, Spam = 2, Word = 3 } export const enum NoteVisibilityEnum { Followers = 0, Hidden = 1, Home = 2, Public = 3, Specified = 4 } export const enum NotificationTypeEnum { App = 0, Follow = 1, FollowRequestAccepted = 2, GroupInvited = 3, Mention = 4, PollEnded = 5, PollVote = 6, Quote = 7, Reaction = 8, ReceiveFollowRequest = 9, Renote = 10, Reply = 11 } export const enum PageVisibilityEnum { Followers = 0, Public = 1, Specified = 2 } export const enum PollNotevisibilityEnum { Followers = 0, Home = 1, Public = 2, Specified = 3 } export const enum RelayStatusEnum { Accepted = 0, Rejected = 1, Requesting = 2 } export const enum UserEmojimodpermEnum { Add = 0, Full = 1, Mod = 2, Unauthorized = 3 } export const enum UserProfileFfvisibilityEnum { Followers = 0, Private = 1, Public = 2 } export const enum UserProfileMutingnotificationtypesEnum { App = 0, Follow = 1, FollowRequestAccepted = 2, GroupInvited = 3, Mention = 4, PollEnded = 5, PollVote = 6, Quote = 7, Reaction = 8, ReceiveFollowRequest = 9, Renote = 10, Reply = 11 } export interface Signin { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string ip: string headers: Json success: boolean } export interface SwSubscription { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string endpoint: string auth: string publickey: string sendReadMessage: boolean } export interface UsedUsername { username: string createdAt: Date } export interface User { id: string createdAt: Date updatedAt: Date | null lastFetchedAt: Date | null username: string usernameLower: string name: string | null followersCount: number followingCount: number notesCount: number avatarId: string | null bannerId: string | null tags: Array isSuspended: boolean isSilenced: boolean isLocked: boolean isBot: boolean isCat: boolean isAdmin: boolean isModerator: boolean emojis: Array host: string | null inbox: string | null sharedInbox: string | null featured: string | null uri: string | null token: string | null isExplorable: boolean followersUri: string | null lastActiveDate: Date | null hideOnlineStatus: boolean isDeleted: boolean driveCapacityOverrideMb: number | null movedToUri: string | null alsoKnownAs: string | null speakAsCat: boolean emojiModPerm: UserEmojimodpermEnum isIndexable: boolean } export interface UserGroup { id: string createdAt: Date name: string userId: string isPrivate: boolean } export interface UserGroupInvitation { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string userGroupId: string } export interface UserGroupInvite { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string userGroupId: string } export interface UserGroupJoining { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string userGroupId: string } export interface UserIp { id: number createdAt: Date userId: string ip: string } export interface UserKeypair { userId: string publicKey: string privateKey: string } export interface UserList { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string name: string } export interface UserListJoining { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string userListId: string } export interface UserNotePining { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string noteId: string } export interface UserPending { id: string createdAt: Date code: string username: string email: string password: string } export interface UserProfile { userId: string location: string | null birthday: string | null description: string | null fields: Json url: string | null email: string | null emailVerifyCode: string | null emailVerified: boolean twoFactorTempSecret: string | null twoFactorSecret: string | null twoFactorEnabled: boolean password: string | null clientData: Json autoAcceptFollowed: boolean alwaysMarkNsfw: boolean carefulBot: boolean userHost: string | null securityKeysAvailable: boolean usePasswordLessLogin: boolean pinnedPageId: string | null room: Json injectFeaturedNote: boolean enableWordMute: boolean mutedWords: Json mutingNotificationTypes: Array noCrawle: boolean receiveAnnouncementEmail: boolean emailNotificationTypes: Json mutedInstances: Json publicReactions: boolean ffVisibility: UserProfileFfvisibilityEnum moderationNote: string preventAiLearning: boolean isIndexable: boolean mutedPatterns: Array } export interface UserPublickey { userId: string keyId: string keyPem: string } export interface UserSecurityKey { id: string userId: string publicKey: string lastUsed: Date name: string } export interface Webhook { id: string createdAt: Date userId: string name: string on: Array url: string secret: string active: boolean latestSentAt: Date | null latestStatus: number | null } /** Initializes Cuid2 generator. Must be called before any [create_id]. */ export function initIdGenerator(length: number, fingerprint: string): void export function getTimestamp(id: string): number /** * The generated ID results in the form of `[8 chars timestamp] + [cuid2]`. * The minimum and maximum lengths are 16 and 24, respectively. * With the length of 16, namely 8 for cuid2, roughly 1427399 IDs are needed * in the same millisecond to reach 50% chance of collision. * * Ref: https://github.com/paralleldrive/cuid2#parameterized-length */ export function genId(date?: Date | undefined | null): string export function secureRndstr(length?: number | undefined | null): string