import { URL } from "node:url"; import S3 from "aws-sdk/clients/s3.js"; import type { Meta } from "@/models/entities/meta.js"; import { getAgentByUrl } from "@/misc/fetch.js"; export function getS3(meta: Meta) { const u = meta.objectStorageEndpoint != null ? `${meta.objectStorageUseSSL ? "https://" : "http://"}${ meta.objectStorageEndpoint }` : `${meta.objectStorageUseSSL ? "https://" : "http://"}`; try { return new S3({ endpoint: meta.objectStorageEndpoint || undefined, accessKeyId: meta.objectStorageAccessKey!, secretAccessKey: meta.objectStorageSecretKey!, region: meta.objectStorageRegion || undefined, sslEnabled: meta.objectStorageUseSSL, s3ForcePathStyle: !meta.objectStorageEndpoint // AWS with endPoint omitted ? false : meta.objectStorageS3ForcePathStyle, httpOptions: { agent: getAgentByUrl(new URL(u), !meta.objectStorageUseProxy), }, }); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Failed to construct S3 client, assembled S3 URL: ${u}\n${e}`, ); } }