import config from "@/config/index.js"; import type { PopulatedEmoji } from "@/misc/populate-emojis.js"; import type { Note } from "@/models/entities/note.js"; import type { NoteReaction } from "@/models/entities/note-reaction.js"; import { Client, types } from "cassandra-driver"; import { noteVisibilities } from "@/types.js"; function newClient(): Client | null { if (!config.scylla) { return null; } return new Client({ contactPoints: config.scylla.nodes, localDataCenter: config.scylla.localDataCentre, keyspace: config.scylla.keyspace, }); } export const scyllaClient = newClient(); export const prepared = { note: { insert: `INSERT INTO note ( "createdAtDate", "createdAt", "id", "visibility", "content", "name", "cw", "localOnly", "renoteCount", "repliesCount", "uri", "url", "score", "files", "visibleUserIds", "mentions", "emojis", "tags", "hasPoll", "threadId", "channelId", "channelName", "userId", "replyId", "renoteId", "reactions", "noteEdit", "updatedAt" ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, select: { byDate: `SELECT * FROM note WHERE "createdAtDate" IN ?`, byId: `SELECT * FROM note WHERE "id" IN ?`, byUri: `SELECT * FROM note WHERE "uri" IN ?`, byUrl: `SELECT * FROM note WHERE "url" IN ?`, byUserId: `SELECT * FROM note_by_userid WHERE "userId" IN ?`, }, delete: `DELETE FROM note WHERE "createdAtDate" = ? AND "createdAt" = ? AND "id" = ?`, update: { renoteCount: `UPDATE note SET "renoteCount" = ?, "score" = ? WHERE "createdAtDate" = ? AND "createdAt" = ? AND "id" = ? IF EXISTS`, reactions: `UPDATE note SET "emojis" = ?, "reactions" = ?, "score" = ? WHERE "createdAtDate" = ? AND "createdAt" = ? AND "id" = ? IF EXISTS`, }, }, reaction: { insert: `INSERT INTO reaction ("id", "noteId", "userId", "reaction", "emoji", "createdAt") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, select: { byNoteId: `SELECT * FROM reaction WHERE "noteId" IN ?`, byUserId: `SELECT * FROM reaction_by_userid WHERE "userId" IN ?`, byNoteAndUser: `SELECT * FROM reaction WHERE "noteId" = ? AND "userId" = ?`, byId: `SELECT * FROM reaction WHERE "id" IN ?`, }, delete: `DELETE FROM reaction WHERE "noteId" = ? AND "userId" = ?`, }, }; export interface ScyllaDriveFile { id: string; type: string; createdAt: Date; name: string; comment: string | null; blurhash: string | null; url: string; thumbnailUrl: string; isSensitive: boolean; isLink: boolean; md5: string; size: number; } export interface ScyllaNoteEditHistory { content: string; cw: string; files: ScyllaDriveFile[]; updatedAt: Date; } export type ScyllaNote = Note & { createdAtDate: Date; createdAt: Note["createdAt"]; id: Note["id"]; visibility: Note["visibility"]; text: Note["text"]; name: Note["name"]; cw: Note["cw"]; localOnly: Note["localOnly"]; renoteCount: Note["renoteCount"]; repliesCount: Note["repliesCount"]; uri: Note["uri"]; url: Note["url"]; score: Note["score"]; files: ScyllaDriveFile[]; fileIds: Note["fileIds"]; attachedFileTypes: Note["attachedFileTypes"]; visibleUserIds: Note["visibleUserIds"]; mentions: Note["mentions"]; emojis: Note["emojis"]; tags: Note["tags"]; hasPoll: Note["hasPoll"]; threadId: Note["threadId"]; channelId: Note["channelId"]; channelName: string; userId: Note["userId"]; replyId: Note["replyId"]; renoteId: Note["renoteId"]; reactions: Note["reactions"]; noteEdit: ScyllaNoteEditHistory[]; updatedAt: Note["updatedAt"]; }; export function parseScyllaNote(row: types.Row): ScyllaNote { const files: ScyllaDriveFile[] = row.get("files"); return { createdAtDate: row.get("createdAtDate"), createdAt: row.get("createdAt"), id: row.get("id"), visibility: row.get("visibility"), text: row.get("content"), name: row.get("name"), cw: row.get("cw"), localOnly: row.get("localOnly"), renoteCount: row.get("renoteCount"), repliesCount: row.get("repliesCount"), uri: row.get("uri"), url: row.get("url"), score: row.get("score"), files, fileIds: =>, attachedFileTypes: => file.type), visibleUserIds: row.get("visibleUserIds"), mentions: row.get("mentions"), emojis: row.get("emojis"), tags: row.get("tags"), hasPoll: row.get("hasPoll"), threadId: row.get("threadId"), channelId: row.get("channelId"), channelName: row.get("channelName"), userId: row.get("userId"), replyId: row.get("replyId"), renoteId: row.get("replyId"), reactions: row.get("reactions"), noteEdit: row.get("noteEdit"), updatedAt: row.get("updatedAt"), /* unused postgres denormalization */ channel: null, renote: null, reply: null, renoteUserHost: null, renoteUserId: null, mentionedRemoteUsers: "", replyUserHost: null, replyUserId: null, user: null, userHost: null, }; } export interface ScyllaNoteReaction extends NoteReaction { emoji: PopulatedEmoji; } export function parseScyllaReaction(row: types.Row): ScyllaNoteReaction { return { id: row.get("id"), noteId: row.get("noteId"), userId: row.get("userId"), reaction: row.get("reaction"), createdAt: row.get("createdAt"), emoji: row.get("emoji"), }; }