import config from "@/config/index.js"; import { fetchMeta } from "@/misc/fetch-meta.js"; import { getJson } from "@/misc/fetch.js"; import { query } from "@/prelude/url.js"; import Logger from "@/services/logger.js"; import type Koa from "koa"; import summaly from "summaly"; const logger = new Logger("url-preview"); export const urlPreviewHandler = async (ctx: Koa.Context) => { const url = ctx.query.url; if (typeof url !== "string") { ctx.status = 400; return; } const lang = ctx.query.lang; if (Array.isArray(lang)) { ctx.status = 400; return; } const meta = await fetchMeta(); meta.summalyProxy ? `(Proxy) Getting preview of ${url}@${lang} ...` : `Getting preview of ${url}@${lang} ...`, ); try { const summary = meta.summalyProxy ? await getJson( `${meta.summalyProxy}?${query({ url: url, lang: lang ?? "en-US", })}`, ) : await summaly.default(url, { followRedirects: false, lang: lang ?? "en-US", }); logger.succ(`Got preview of ${url}: ${summary.title}`); if ( summary.url && !(summary.url.startsWith("http://") || summary.url.startsWith("https://")) ) { throw new Error("unsupported schema included"); } if ( summary.player?.url && !( summary.player.url.startsWith("http://") || summary.player.url.startsWith("https://") ) ) { throw new Error("unsupported schema included"); } summary.icon = wrap(summary.icon); summary.thumbnail = wrap(summary.thumbnail); // Cache 7days ctx.set("Cache-Control", "max-age=604800, immutable"); ctx.body = summary; } catch (err) { logger.warn(`Failed to get preview of ${url}: ${err}`); ctx.status = 200; ctx.set("Cache-Control", "max-age=86400, immutable"); ctx.body = "{}"; } }; function wrap(url?: string): string | null { return url != null ? url.match(/^https?:\/\//) ? `${config.url}/proxy/preview.webp?${query({ url, preview: "1", })}` : url : null; }