import * as crypto from "node:crypto"; import * as fs from "node:fs"; import { join } from "node:path"; import * as stream from "node:stream"; import * as util from "node:util"; import { detectSensitive } from "@/services/detect-sensitive.js"; import { encode } from "blurhash"; import { FSWatcher } from "chokidar"; import { fileTypeFromFile } from "file-type"; import FFmpeg from "fluent-ffmpeg"; import isSvg from "is-svg"; import { type predictionType } from "nsfwjs"; import probeImageSize from "probe-image-size"; import sharp from "sharp"; import { createTempDir } from "./create-temp.js"; const pipeline = util.promisify(stream.pipeline); export type FileInfo = { size: number; md5: string; type: { mime: string; ext: string | null; }; width?: number; height?: number; orientation?: number; blurhash?: string; sensitive: boolean; porn: boolean; warnings: string[]; }; const TYPE_OCTET_STREAM = { mime: "application/octet-stream", ext: null, }; const TYPE_SVG = { mime: "image/svg+xml", ext: "svg", }; /** * Get file information */ export async function getFileInfo( path: string, opts: { skipSensitiveDetection: boolean; sensitiveThreshold?: number; sensitiveThresholdForPorn?: number; enableSensitiveMediaDetectionForVideos?: boolean; }, ): Promise { const warnings = [] as string[]; const size = await getFileSize(path); const md5 = await calcHash(path); let type = await detectType(path); // image dimensions let width: number | undefined; let height: number | undefined; let orientation: number | undefined; if ( [ "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png", "image/apng", "image/webp", "image/bmp", "image/tiff", "image/svg+xml", "image/vnd.adobe.photoshop", "image/avif", ].includes(type.mime) ) { const imageSize = await detectImageSize(path).catch((e) => { warnings.push(`detectImageSize failed: ${e}`); return undefined; }); // うまく判定できない画像は octet-stream にする if (!imageSize) { warnings.push("cannot detect image dimensions"); type = TYPE_OCTET_STREAM; } else if (imageSize.wUnits === "px") { width = imageSize.width; height = imageSize.height; orientation = imageSize.orientation; // 制限を超えている画像は octet-stream にする if (imageSize.width > 16383 || imageSize.height > 16383) { warnings.push("image dimensions exceeds limits"); type = TYPE_OCTET_STREAM; } } else { warnings.push(`unsupported unit type: ${imageSize.wUnits}`); } } let blurhash: string | undefined; if ( [ "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png", "image/apng", "image/webp", "image/svg+xml", "image/avif", ].includes(type.mime) ) { blurhash = await getBlurhash(path).catch((e) => { warnings.push(`getBlurhash failed: ${e}`); return undefined; }); } let sensitive = false; let porn = false; if (!opts.skipSensitiveDetection) { await detectSensitivity( path, type.mime, opts.sensitiveThreshold ?? 0.5, opts.sensitiveThresholdForPorn ?? 0.75, opts.enableSensitiveMediaDetectionForVideos ?? false, ).then( (value) => { [sensitive, porn] = value; }, (error) => { warnings.push(`detectSensitivity failed: ${error}`); }, ); } return { size, md5, type, width, height, orientation, blurhash, sensitive, porn, warnings, }; } async function detectSensitivity( source: string, mime: string, sensitiveThreshold: number, sensitiveThresholdForPorn: number, analyzeVideo: boolean, ): Promise<[sensitive: boolean, porn: boolean]> { let sensitive = false; let porn = false; function judgePrediction( result: readonly predictionType[], ): [sensitive: boolean, porn: boolean] { let sensitive = false; let porn = false; if ( (result.find((x) => x.className === "Sexy")?.probability ?? 0) > sensitiveThreshold ) sensitive = true; if ( (result.find((x) => x.className === "Hentai")?.probability ?? 0) > sensitiveThreshold ) sensitive = true; if ( (result.find((x) => x.className === "Porn")?.probability ?? 0) > sensitiveThreshold ) sensitive = true; if ( (result.find((x) => x.className === "Porn")?.probability ?? 0) > sensitiveThresholdForPorn ) porn = true; return [sensitive, porn]; } if (["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/webp"].includes(mime)) { const result = await detectSensitive(source); if (result) { [sensitive, porn] = judgePrediction(result); } } else if ( analyzeVideo && (mime === "image/apng" || mime.startsWith("video/")) ) { const [outDir, disposeOutDir] = await createTempDir(); try { const command = FFmpeg() .input(source) .inputOptions([ "-skip_frame", "nokey", // 可能ならキーフレームのみを取得してほしいとする(そうなるとは限らない) "-lowres", "3", // 元の画質でデコードする必要はないので 1/8 画質でデコードしてもよいとする(そうなるとは限らない) ]) .noAudio() .videoFilters([ { filter: "select", // フレームのフィルタリング options: { e: "eq(pict_type,PICT_TYPE_I)", // I-Frame のみをフィルタする(VP9 とかはデコードしてみないとわからないっぽい) }, }, { filter: "blackframe", // 暗いフレームの検出 options: { amount: "0", // 暗さに関わらず全てのフレームで測定値を取る }, }, { filter: "metadata", options: { mode: "select", // フレーム選択モード key: "lavfi.blackframe.pblack", // フレームにおける暗部の百分率(前のフィルタからのメタデータを参照する) value: "50", function: "less", // 50% 未満のフレームを選択する(50% 以上暗部があるフレームだと誤検知を招くかもしれないので) }, }, { filter: "scale", options: { w: 299, h: 299, }, }, ]) .format("image2") .output(join(outDir, "%d.png")) .outputOptions(["-vsync", "0"]); // 可変フレームレートにすることで穴埋めをさせない const results: ReturnType[] = []; let frameIndex = 0; let targetIndex = 0; let nextIndex = 1; for await (const path of asyncIterateFrames(outDir, command)) { try { const index = frameIndex++; if (index !== targetIndex) { continue; } targetIndex = nextIndex; nextIndex += index; // fibonacci sequence によってフレーム数制限を掛ける const result = await detectSensitive(path); if (result) { results.push(judgePrediction(result)); } } finally { fs.promises.unlink(path); } } sensitive = results.filter((x) => x[0]).length >= Math.ceil(results.length * sensitiveThreshold); porn = results.filter((x) => x[1]).length >= Math.ceil(results.length * sensitiveThresholdForPorn); } finally { disposeOutDir(); } } return [sensitive, porn]; } async function* asyncIterateFrames( cwd: string, command: FFmpeg.FfmpegCommand, ): AsyncGenerator { const watcher = new FSWatcher({ cwd, disableGlobbing: true, }); let finished = false; command.once("end", () => { finished = true; watcher.close(); });; for (let i = 1; true; i++) { const current = `${i}.png`; const next = `${i + 1}.png`; const framePath = join(cwd, current); if (await exists(join(cwd, next))) { yield framePath; } else if (!finished) { watcher.add(next); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { watcher.on("add", function onAdd(path) { if (path === next) { // 次フレームの書き出しが始まっているなら、現在フレームの書き出しは終わっている watcher.unwatch(current);"add", onAdd); resolve(); } }); command.once("end", resolve); // 全てのフレームを処理し終わったなら、最終フレームである現在フレームの書き出しは終わっている command.once("error", reject); }); yield framePath; } else if (await exists(framePath)) { yield framePath; } else { return; } } } function exists(path: string): Promise { return fs.promises.access(path).then( () => true, () => false, ); } /** * Detect MIME Type and extension */ export async function detectType(path: string): Promise<{ mime: string; ext: string | null; }> { // Check 0 byte const fileSize = await getFileSize(path); if (fileSize === 0) { return TYPE_OCTET_STREAM; } const type = await fileTypeFromFile(path); if (type) { // XMLはSVGかもしれない if (type.mime === "application/xml" && (await checkSvg(path))) { return TYPE_SVG; } return { mime: type.mime, ext: type.ext, }; } // 種類が不明でもSVGかもしれない if (await checkSvg(path)) { return TYPE_SVG; } // それでも種類が不明なら application/octet-stream にする return TYPE_OCTET_STREAM; } /** * Check the file is SVG or not */ export async function checkSvg(path: string) { try { const size = await getFileSize(path); if (size > 1 * 1024 * 1024) return false; return isSvg(fs.readFileSync(path)); } catch { return false; } } /** * Get file size */ export async function getFileSize(path: string): Promise { const getStat = util.promisify(fs.stat); return (await getStat(path)).size; } /** * Calculate MD5 hash */ async function calcHash(path: string): Promise { const hash = crypto.createHash("md5").setEncoding("hex"); await pipeline(fs.createReadStream(path), hash); return; } /** * Detect dimensions of image */ async function detectImageSize(path: string): Promise<{ width: number; height: number; wUnits: string; hUnits: string; orientation?: number; }> { const readable = fs.createReadStream(path); const imageSize = await probeImageSize(readable); readable.destroy(); return imageSize; } /** * Calculate average color of image */ function getBlurhash(path: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { sharp(path) .raw() .ensureAlpha() .resize(64, 64, { fit: "inside" }) .toBuffer((err, buffer, { width, height }) => { if (err) return reject(err); let hash; try { hash = encode(new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer), width, height, 7, 7); } catch (e) { return reject(e); } resolve(hash); }); }); }