<div class="gafaadew" :class="{ modal, _popup: modal }"
	v-size="{ max: [500] }"
		<button v-if="!fixed" class="cancel _button" @click="cancel"><Fa :icon="faTimes"/></button>
			<span class="text-count" :class="{ over: trimmedLength(text) > max }">{{ max - trimmedLength(text) }}</span>
			<span class="local-only" v-if="localOnly"><Fa :icon="faBiohazard"/></span>
			<button class="_button visibility" @click="setVisibility" ref="visibilityButton" v-tooltip="$t('visibility')" :disabled="channel != null">
				<span v-if="visibility === 'public'"><Fa :icon="faGlobe"/></span>
				<span v-if="visibility === 'home'"><Fa :icon="faHome"/></span>
				<span v-if="visibility === 'followers'"><Fa :icon="faUnlock"/></span>
				<span v-if="visibility === 'specified'"><Fa :icon="faEnvelope"/></span>
			<button class="submit _buttonPrimary" :disabled="!canPost" @click="post">{{ submitText }}<Fa :icon="reply ? faReply : renote ? faQuoteRight : faPaperPlane"/></button>
	<div class="form" :class="{ fixed }">
		<XNotePreview class="preview" v-if="reply" :note="reply"/>
		<XNotePreview class="preview" v-if="renote" :note="renote"/>
		<div class="with-quote" v-if="quoteId"><Fa icon="quote-left"/> {{ $t('quoteAttached') }}<button @click="quoteId = null"><Fa icon="times"/></button></div>
		<div v-if="visibility === 'specified'" class="to-specified">
			<span style="margin-right: 8px;">{{ $t('recipient') }}</span>
			<div class="visibleUsers">
				<span v-for="u in visibleUsers" :key="u.id">
					<MkAcct :user="u"/>
					<button class="_button" @click="removeVisibleUser(u)"><Fa :icon="faTimes"/></button>
				<button @click="addVisibleUser" class="_buttonPrimary"><Fa :icon="faPlus" fixed-width/></button>
		<input v-show="useCw" ref="cw" class="cw" v-model="cw" :placeholder="$t('annotation')" @keydown="onKeydown">
		<textarea v-model="text" class="text" :class="{ withCw: useCw }" ref="text" :disabled="posting" :placeholder="placeholder" @keydown="onKeydown" @paste="onPaste"></textarea>
		<XPostFormAttaches class="attaches" :files="files" @updated="updateMedia" @detach="detachMedia"/>
		<XPollEditor v-if="poll" :poll="poll" @destroyed="poll = null" @updated="onPollUpdate"/>
			<button class="_button" @click="chooseFileFrom" v-tooltip="$t('attachFile')"><Fa :icon="faPhotoVideo"/></button>
			<button class="_button" @click="togglePoll" :class="{ active: poll }" v-tooltip="$t('poll')"><Fa :icon="faPollH"/></button>
			<button class="_button" @click="useCw = !useCw" :class="{ active: useCw }" v-tooltip="$t('useCw')"><Fa :icon="faEyeSlash"/></button>
			<button class="_button" @click="insertMention" v-tooltip="$t('mention')"><Fa :icon="faAt"/></button>
			<button class="_button" @click="insertEmoji" v-tooltip="$t('emoji')"><Fa :icon="faLaughSquint"/></button>
			<button class="_button" @click="showActions" v-tooltip="$t('plugin')" v-if="postFormActions.length > 0"><Fa :icon="faPlug"/></button>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue';
import { faReply, faQuoteRight, faPaperPlane, faTimes, faUpload, faPollH, faGlobe, faHome, faUnlock, faEnvelope, faPlus, faPhotoVideo, faAt, faBiohazard, faPlug } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faEyeSlash, faLaughSquint } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
import insertTextAtCursor from 'insert-text-at-cursor';
import { length } from 'stringz';
import { toASCII } from 'punycode';
import XNotePreview from './note-preview.vue';
import { parse } from '../../mfm/parse';
import { host, url } from '@/config';
import { erase, unique } from '../../prelude/array';
import extractMentions from '../../misc/extract-mentions';
import getAcct from '../../misc/acct/render';
import { formatTimeString } from '../../misc/format-time-string';
import { Autocomplete } from '@/scripts/autocomplete';
import { noteVisibilities } from '../../types';
import * as os from '@/os';
import { selectFile } from '@/scripts/select-file';
import { notePostInterruptors, postFormActions } from '@/store';

export default defineComponent({
	components: {
		XPostFormAttaches: defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./post-form-attaches.vue')),
		XPollEditor: defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./poll-editor.vue'))

	inject: ['modal'],

	props: {
		reply: {
			type: Object,
			required: false
		renote: {
			type: Object,
			required: false
		channel: {
			type: Object,
			required: false
		mention: {
			type: Object,
			required: false
		specified: {
			type: Object,
			required: false
		initialText: {
			type: String,
			required: false
		initialNote: {
			type: Object,
			required: false
		instant: {
			type: Boolean,
			required: false,
			default: false
		fixed: {
			type: Boolean,
			required: false,
			default: false
		autofocus: {
			type: Boolean,
			required: false,
			default: true

	emits: ['posted', 'cancel', 'esc'],

	data() {
		return {
			posting: false,
			text: '',
			files: [],
			poll: null,
			useCw: false,
			cw: null,
			localOnly: this.$store.state.settings.rememberNoteVisibility ? this.$store.state.deviceUser.localOnly : this.$store.state.settings.defaultNoteLocalOnly,
			visibility: this.$store.state.settings.rememberNoteVisibility ? this.$store.state.deviceUser.visibility : this.$store.state.settings.defaultNoteVisibility,
			visibleUsers: [],
			autocomplete: null,
			draghover: false,
			quoteId: null,
			recentHashtags: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hashtags') || '[]'),
			faReply, faQuoteRight, faPaperPlane, faTimes, faUpload, faPollH, faGlobe, faHome, faUnlock, faEnvelope, faEyeSlash, faLaughSquint, faPlus, faPhotoVideo, faAt, faBiohazard, faPlug

	computed: {
		draftKey(): string {
			let key = this.channel ? `channel:${this.channel.id}` : '';

			if (this.renote) {
				key += `renote:${this.renote.id}`;
			} else if (this.reply) {
				key += `reply:${this.reply.id}`;
			} else {
				key += 'note';

			return key;

		placeholder(): string {
			if (this.renote) {
				return this.$t('_postForm.quotePlaceholder');
			} else if (this.reply) {
				return this.$t('_postForm.replyPlaceholder');
			} else if (this.channel) {
				return this.$t('_postForm.channelPlaceholder');
			} else {
				const xs = [
				return xs[Math.floor(Math.random() * xs.length)];

		submitText(): string {
			return this.renote
				? this.$t('quote')
				: this.reply
					? this.$t('reply')
					: this.$t('note');

		canPost(): boolean {
			return !this.posting &&
				(1 <= this.text.length || 1 <= this.files.length || this.poll || this.renote) &&
				(length(this.text.trim()) <= this.max) &&
				(!this.poll || this.poll.choices.length >= 2);

		max(): number {
			return this.$store.state.instance.meta ? this.$store.state.instance.meta.maxNoteTextLength : 1000;

	mounted() {
		if (this.initialText) {
			this.text = this.initialText;

		if (this.mention) {
			this.text = this.mention.host ? `@${this.mention.username}@${toASCII(this.mention.host)}` : `@${this.mention.username}`;
			this.text += ' ';

		if (this.reply && this.reply.user.host != null) {
			this.text = `@${this.reply.user.username}@${toASCII(this.reply.user.host)} `;

		if (this.reply && this.reply.text != null) {
			const ast = parse(this.reply.text);

			for (const x of extractMentions(ast)) {
				const mention = x.host ? `@${x.username}@${toASCII(x.host)}` : `@${x.username}`;

				// 自分は除外
				if (this.$store.state.i.username == x.username && x.host == null) continue;
				if (this.$store.state.i.username == x.username && x.host == host) continue;

				// 重複は除外
				if (this.text.indexOf(`${mention} `) != -1) continue;

				this.text += `${mention} `;

		if (this.channel) {
			this.visibility = 'public';
			this.localOnly = true; // TODO: チャンネルが連合するようになった折には消す

		// 公開以外へのリプライ時は元の公開範囲を引き継ぐ
		if (this.reply && ['home', 'followers', 'specified'].includes(this.reply.visibility)) {
			this.visibility = this.reply.visibility;
			if (this.reply.visibility === 'specified') {
				os.api('users/show', {
					userIds: this.reply.visibleUserIds.filter(uid => uid !== this.$store.state.i.id && uid !== this.reply.userId)
				}).then(users => {

				if (this.reply.userId !== this.$store.state.i.id) {
					os.api('users/show', { userId: this.reply.userId }).then(user => {

		if (this.specified) {
			this.visibility = 'specified';

		// keep cw when reply
		if (this.$store.state.settings.keepCw && this.reply && this.reply.cw) {
			this.useCw = true;
			this.cw = this.reply.cw;

		if (this.autofocus) {

			this.$nextTick(() => {

		// TODO: detach when unmount
		new Autocomplete(this.$refs.text, this, { model: 'text' });
		new Autocomplete(this.$refs.cw, this, { model: 'cw' });

		this.$nextTick(() => {
			// 書きかけの投稿を復元
			if (!this.instant && !this.mention && !this.specified) {
				const draft = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('drafts') || '{}')[this.draftKey];
				if (draft) {
					this.text = draft.data.text;
					this.useCw = draft.data.useCw;
					this.cw = draft.data.cw;
					this.visibility = draft.data.visibility;
					this.localOnly = draft.data.localOnly;
					this.files = (draft.data.files || []).filter(e => e);
					if (draft.data.poll) {
						this.poll = draft.data.poll;

			// 削除して編集
			if (this.initialNote) {
				const init = this.initialNote;
				this.text = init.text ? init.text : '';
				this.files = init.files;
				this.cw = init.cw;
				this.useCw = init.cw != null;
				if (init.poll) {
					this.poll = init.poll;
				this.visibility = init.visibility;
				this.localOnly = init.localOnly;
				this.quoteId = init.renote ? init.renote.id : null;

			this.$nextTick(() => this.watch());

	methods: {
		watch() {
			this.$watch('text', () => this.saveDraft());
			this.$watch('useCw', () => this.saveDraft());
			this.$watch('cw', () => this.saveDraft());
			this.$watch('poll', () => this.saveDraft());
			this.$watch('files', () => this.saveDraft(), { deep: true });
			this.$watch('visibility', () => this.saveDraft());
			this.$watch('localOnly', () => this.saveDraft());

		togglePoll() {
			if (this.poll) {
				this.poll = null;
			} else {
				this.poll = {
					choices: ['', ''],
					multiple: false,
					expiresAt: null,
					expiredAfter: null,

		trimmedLength(text: string) {
			return length(text.trim());

		addTag(tag: string) {
			insertTextAtCursor(this.$refs.text, ` #${tag} `);

		focus() {
			(this.$refs.text as any).focus();

		chooseFileFrom(ev) {
			selectFile(ev.currentTarget || ev.target, this.$t('attachFile'), true).then(files => {
				for (const file of files) {

		detachMedia(id) {
			this.files = this.files.filter(x => x.id != id);

		updateMedia(file) {
			this.files[this.files.findIndex(x => x.id === file.id)] = file;

		upload(file: File, name?: string) {
			os.upload(file, this.$store.state.settings.uploadFolder, name).then(res => {

		onPollUpdate(poll) {
			this.poll = poll;

		async setVisibility() {
			if (this.channel) {
				// TODO: information dialog

			os.popup(await import('./visibility-picker.vue'), {
				currentVisibility: this.visibility,
				currentLocalOnly: this.localOnly,
				src: this.$refs.visibilityButton
			}, {
				changeVisibility: visibility => {
					this.visibility = visibility;
					if (this.$store.state.settings.rememberNoteVisibility) {
						this.$store.commit('deviceUser/setVisibility', visibility);
				changeLocalOnly: localOnly => {
					this.localOnly = localOnly;
					if (this.$store.state.settings.rememberNoteVisibility) {
						this.$store.commit('deviceUser/setLocalOnly', localOnly);
			}, 'closed');

		addVisibleUser() {
			os.selectUser().then(user => {

		removeVisibleUser(user) {
			this.visibleUsers = erase(user, this.visibleUsers);

		clear() {
			this.text = '';
			this.files = [];
			this.poll = null;
			this.quoteId = null;

		onKeydown(e) {
			if ((e.which === 10 || e.which === 13) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && this.canPost) this.post();
			if (e.which === 27) this.$emit('esc');

		async onPaste(e: ClipboardEvent) {
			for (const { item, i } of Array.from(e.clipboardData.items).map((item, i) => ({item, i}))) {
				if (item.kind == 'file') {
					const file = item.getAsFile();
					const lio = file.name.lastIndexOf('.');
					const ext = lio >= 0 ? file.name.slice(lio) : '';
					const formatted = `${formatTimeString(new Date(file.lastModified), this.$store.state.settings.pastedFileName).replace(/{{number}}/g, `${i + 1}`)}${ext}`;
					this.upload(file, formatted);

			const paste = e.clipboardData.getData('text');

			if (!this.renote && !this.quoteId && paste.startsWith(url + '/notes/')) {

					type: 'info',
					text: this.$t('quoteQuestion'),
					showCancelButton: true
				}).then(({ canceled }) => {
					if (canceled) {
						insertTextAtCursor(this.$refs.text, paste);

					this.quoteId = paste.substr(url.length).match(/^\/notes\/(.+?)\/?$/)[1];

		onDragover(e) {
			if (!e.dataTransfer.items[0]) return;
			const isFile = e.dataTransfer.items[0].kind == 'file';
			const isDriveFile = e.dataTransfer.types[0] == _DATA_TRANSFER_DRIVE_FILE_;
			if (isFile || isDriveFile) {
				this.draghover = true;
				e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed == 'all' ? 'copy' : 'move';

		onDragenter(e) {
			this.draghover = true;

		onDragleave(e) {
			this.draghover = false;

		onDrop(e): void {
			this.draghover = false;

			// ファイルだったら
			if (e.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
				for (const x of Array.from(e.dataTransfer.files)) this.upload(x);

			//#region ドライブのファイル
			const driveFile = e.dataTransfer.getData(_DATA_TRANSFER_DRIVE_FILE_);
			if (driveFile != null && driveFile != '') {
				const file = JSON.parse(driveFile);

		saveDraft() {
			if (this.instant) return;

			const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('drafts') || '{}');

			data[this.draftKey] = {
				updatedAt: new Date(),
				data: {
					text: this.text,
					useCw: this.useCw,
					cw: this.cw,
					visibility: this.visibility,
					localOnly: this.localOnly,
					files: this.files,
					poll: this.poll

			localStorage.setItem('drafts', JSON.stringify(data));

		deleteDraft() {
			const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('drafts') || '{}');

			delete data[this.draftKey];

			localStorage.setItem('drafts', JSON.stringify(data));

		async post() {
			let data = {
				text: this.text == '' ? undefined : this.text,
				fileIds: this.files.length > 0 ? this.files.map(f => f.id) : undefined,
				replyId: this.reply ? this.reply.id : undefined,
				renoteId: this.renote ? this.renote.id : this.quoteId ? this.quoteId : undefined,
				channelId: this.channel ? this.channel.id : undefined,
				poll: this.poll,
				cw: this.useCw ? this.cw || '' : undefined,
				localOnly: this.localOnly,
				visibility: this.visibility,
				visibleUserIds: this.visibility == 'specified' ? this.visibleUsers.map(u => u.id) : undefined,
				viaMobile: os.isMobile

			// plugin
			if (notePostInterruptors.length > 0) {
				for (const interruptor of notePostInterruptors) {
					data = await interruptor.handler(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)));

			this.posting = true;
			os.api('notes/create', data).then(() => {
				this.$nextTick(() => {
					if (this.text && this.text != '') {
						const hashtags = parse(this.text).filter(x => x.node.type === 'hashtag').map(x => x.node.props.hashtag);
						const history = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hashtags') || '[]') as string[];
						localStorage.setItem('hashtags', JSON.stringify(unique(hashtags.concat(history))));
					this.posting = false;
			}).catch(err => {
				this.posting = false;
					type: 'error',
					text: err.message + '\n' + (err as any).id,

		cancel() {

		insertMention() {
			os.selectUser().then(user => {
				insertTextAtCursor(this.$refs.text, '@' + getAcct(user) + ' ');

		async insertEmoji(ev) {
			os.pickEmoji(ev.currentTarget || ev.target).then(emoji => {
				insertTextAtCursor(this.$refs.text, emoji);

		showActions(ev) {
			os.modalMenu(postFormActions.map(action => ({
				text: action.title,
				action: () => {
						text: this.text
					}, (key, value) => {
						if (key === 'text') { this.text = value; }
			})), ev.currentTarget || ev.target);

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		> .cancel {
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			font-size: 20px;
			width: 64px;
			line-height: 66px;

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			position: absolute;
			top: 0;
			right: 0;

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				opacity: 0.7;
				line-height: 66px;

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				width: 34px;
				margin: 0 8px;

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					margin-left: 0 !important;
			> .local-only {
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				opacity: 0.7;

			> .submit {
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				padding: 0 12px;
				line-height: 34px;
				font-weight: bold;
				vertical-align: bottom;
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		> .preview {
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			color: var(--accent);

			> button {
				padding: 4px 8px;
				color: var(--accentAlpha04);

				&:hover {
					color: var(--accentAlpha06);

				&:active {
					color: var(--accentDarken30);

		> .to-specified {
			padding: 6px 24px;
			margin-bottom: 8px;
			overflow: auto;
			white-space: nowrap;

			> .visibleUsers {
				display: inline;
				top: -1px;
				font-size: 14px;

				> button {
					padding: 4px;
					border-radius: 8px;

				> span {
					margin-right: 14px;
					padding: 8px 0 8px 8px;
					border-radius: 8px;
					background: var(--X4);

					> button {
						padding: 4px 8px;

		> .cw,
		> .text {
			display: block;
			box-sizing: border-box;
			padding: 0 24px;
			margin: 0;
			width: 100%;
			font-size: 16px;
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			border-radius: 0;
			background: transparent;
			color: var(--fg);
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			&:focus {
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			&:disabled {
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		> .cw {
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			border-bottom: solid 1px var(--divider);

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			padding: 0 16px 16px 16px;

			> button {
				display: inline-block;
				padding: 0;
				margin: 0;
				font-size: 16px;
				width: 48px;
				height: 48px;
				border-radius: 6px;

				&:hover {
					background: var(--X5);

				&.active {
					color: var(--accent);

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			> .cancel {
				width: 50px;
				line-height: 50px;

			> div {
				> .text-count {
					line-height: 50px;

				> .submit {
					margin: 8px;

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			> .to-specified {
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