SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only

	<template #header><MkPageHeader v-model:tab="tab" :actions="headerActions" :tabs="headerTabs"/></template>
	<MkSpacer :contentMax="700" :class="$style.main">
		<div v-if="channel && tab === 'overview'" class="_gaps">
			<div class="_panel" :class="$style.bannerContainer">
				<XChannelFollowButton :channel="channel" :full="true" :class="$style.subscribe"/>
				<MkButton v-if="favorited" v-tooltip="i18n.ts.unfavorite" asLike class="button" rounded primary :class="$style.favorite" @click="unfavorite()"><i class="ti ti-star"></i></MkButton>
				<MkButton v-else v-tooltip="i18n.ts.favorite" asLike class="button" rounded :class="$style.favorite" @click="favorite()"><i class="ti ti-star"></i></MkButton>
				<div :style="{ backgroundImage: channel.bannerUrl ? `url(${channel.bannerUrl})` : undefined }" :class="$style.banner">
					<div :class="$style.bannerStatus">
						<div><i class="ti ti-users ti-fw"></i><I18n :src="i18n.ts._channel.usersCount" tag="span" style="margin-left: 4px;"><template #n><b>{{ channel.usersCount }}</b></template></I18n></div>
						<div><i class="ti ti-pencil ti-fw"></i><I18n :src="i18n.ts._channel.notesCount" tag="span" style="margin-left: 4px;"><template #n><b>{{ channel.notesCount }}</b></template></I18n></div>
					<div v-if="channel.isSensitive" :class="$style.sensitiveIndicator">{{ i18n.ts.sensitive }}</div>
					<div :class="$style.bannerFade"></div>
				<div v-if="channel.description" :class="$style.description">
					<Mfm :text="channel.description" :isNote="false"/>

				<template #header><i class="ti ti-pin ti-fw" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"></i>{{ i18n.ts.pinnedNotes }}</template>
				<div v-if="channel.pinnedNotes && channel.pinnedNotes.length > 0" class="_gaps">
					<MkNote v-for="note in channel.pinnedNotes" :key="note.id" class="_panel" :note="note"/>
		<div v-if="channel && tab === 'timeline'" class="_gaps">
			<MkInfo v-if="channel.isArchived" warn>{{ i18n.ts.thisChannelArchived }}</MkInfo>

			<!-- スマホ・タブレットの場合、キーボードが表示されると投稿が見づらくなるので、デスクトップ場合のみ自動でフォーカスを当てる -->
			<MkPostForm v-if="$i && defaultStore.reactiveState.showFixedPostFormInChannel.value" :channel="channel" class="post-form _panel" fixed :autofocus="deviceKind === 'desktop'"/>

			<MkTimeline :key="channelId" src="channel" :channel="channelId" @before="before" @after="after" @note="miLocalStorage.setItemAsJson(`channelLastReadedAt:${channel.id}`, Date.now())"/>
		<div v-else-if="tab === 'featured'">
			<MkNotes :pagination="featuredPagination"/>
		<div v-else-if="tab === 'search'">
			<div class="_gaps">
					<MkInput v-model="searchQuery" @enter="search()">
						<template #prefix><i class="ti ti-search"></i></template>
					<MkButton primary rounded style="margin-top: 8px;" @click="search()">{{ i18n.ts.search }}</MkButton>
				<MkNotes v-if="searchPagination" :key="searchKey" :pagination="searchPagination"/>
	<template #footer>
		<div :class="$style.footer">
			<MkSpacer :contentMax="700" :marginMin="16" :marginMax="16">
				<div class="_buttonsCenter">
					<MkButton inline rounded primary gradate @click="openPostForm()"><i class="ti ti-pencil"></i> {{ i18n.ts.postToTheChannel }}</MkButton>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, watch, ref } from 'vue';
import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
import MkPostForm from '@/components/MkPostForm.vue';
import MkTimeline from '@/components/MkTimeline.vue';
import XChannelFollowButton from '@/components/MkChannelFollowButton.vue';
import * as os from '@/os.js';
import { misskeyApi } from '@/scripts/misskey-api.js';
import { useRouter } from '@/router.js';
import { $i, iAmModerator } from '@/account.js';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n.js';
import { definePageMetadata } from '@/scripts/page-metadata.js';
import { deviceKind } from '@/scripts/device-kind.js';
import MkNotes from '@/components/MkNotes.vue';
import { url } from '@/config.js';
import MkButton from '@/components/MkButton.vue';
import MkInput from '@/components/MkInput.vue';
import { defaultStore } from '@/store.js';
import MkNote from '@/components/MkNote.vue';
import MkInfo from '@/components/MkInfo.vue';
import MkFoldableSection from '@/components/MkFoldableSection.vue';
import { PageHeaderItem } from '@/types/page-header.js';
import { isSupportShare } from '@/scripts/navigator.js';
import copyToClipboard from '@/scripts/copy-to-clipboard.js';
import { miLocalStorage } from '@/local-storage.js';

const router = useRouter();

const props = defineProps<{
	channelId: string;

const tab = ref('overview');
const channel = ref<Misskey.entities.Channel | null>(null);
const favorited = ref(false);
const searchQuery = ref('');
const searchPagination = ref();
const searchKey = ref('');
const featuredPagination = computed(() => ({
	endpoint: 'notes/featured' as const,
	limit: 10,
	params: {
		channelId: props.channelId,

watch(() => props.channelId, async () => {
	channel.value = await misskeyApi('channels/show', {
		channelId: props.channelId,
	favorited.value = channel.value.isFavorited ?? false;
	if (favorited.value || channel.value.isFollowing) {
		tab.value = 'timeline';

	if ((favorited.value || channel.value.isFollowing) && channel.value.lastNotedAt) {
		const lastReadedAt: number = miLocalStorage.getItemAsJson(`channelLastReadedAt:${channel.value.id}`) ?? 0;
		const lastNotedAt = Date.parse(channel.value.lastNotedAt);

		if (lastNotedAt > lastReadedAt) {
			miLocalStorage.setItemAsJson(`channelLastReadedAt:${channel.value.id}`, lastNotedAt);
}, { immediate: true });

function edit() {

function openPostForm() {
		channel: channel.value,

function favorite() {
	if (!channel.value) return;

	os.apiWithDialog('channels/favorite', {
		channelId: channel.value.id,
	}).then(() => {
		favorited.value = true;

async function unfavorite() {
	if (!channel.value) return;

	const confirm = await os.confirm({
		type: 'warning',
		text: i18n.ts.unfavoriteConfirm,
	if (confirm.canceled) return;
	os.apiWithDialog('channels/unfavorite', {
		channelId: channel.value.id,
	}).then(() => {
		favorited.value = false;

async function search() {
	if (!channel.value) return;

	const query = searchQuery.value.toString().trim();

	if (query == null) return;

	searchPagination.value = {
		endpoint: 'notes/search',
		limit: 10,
		params: {
			query: query,
			channelId: channel.value.id,

	searchKey.value = query;

const headerActions = computed(() => {
	if (channel.value && channel.value.userId) {
		const headerItems: PageHeaderItem[] = [];

			icon: 'ti ti-link',
			text: i18n.ts.copyUrl,
			handler: async (): Promise<void> => {
				if (!channel.value) {
					console.warn('failed to copy channel URL. channel.value is null.');

		if (isSupportShare()) {
				icon: 'ti ti-share',
				text: i18n.ts.share,
				handler: async (): Promise<void> => {
					if (!channel.value) {
						console.warn('failed to share channel. channel.value is null.');

						title: channel.value.name,
						text: channel.value.description ?? undefined,
						url: `${url}/channels/${channel.value.id}`,

		if (($i && $i.id === channel.value.userId) || iAmModerator) {
				icon: 'ti ti-settings',
				text: i18n.ts.edit,
				handler: edit,

		return headerItems.length > 0 ? headerItems : null;
	} else {
		return null;

const headerTabs = computed(() => [{
	key: 'overview',
	title: i18n.ts.overview,
	icon: 'ti ti-info-circle',
}, {
	key: 'timeline',
	title: i18n.ts.timeline,
	icon: 'ti ti-home',
}, {
	key: 'featured',
	title: i18n.ts.featured,
	icon: 'ti ti-bolt',
}, {
	key: 'search',
	title: i18n.ts.search,
	icon: 'ti ti-search',

definePageMetadata(computed(() => channel.value ? {
	title: channel.value.name,
	icon: 'ti ti-device-tv',
} : null));

<style lang="scss" module>
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.bannerContainer {
	position: relative;

.subscribe {
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 1;
	top: 16px;
	left: 16px;

.favorite {
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 1;
	top: 16px;
	right: 16px;

.banner {
	position: relative;
	height: 200px;
	background-position: center;
	background-size: cover;

.bannerFade {
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	height: 64px;
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.bannerStatus {
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	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
	border-radius: 6px;
	color: #fff;

.description {
	padding: 16px;

.sensitiveIndicator {
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 1;
	bottom: 16px;
	left: 16px;
	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
	color: var(--warn);
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