import $ from 'cafy'; import ID, { transform } from '../../../../../misc/cafy-id'; import Vote from '../../../../../models/poll-vote'; import Note from '../../../../../models/note'; import Watching from '../../../../../models/note-watching'; import watch from '../../../../../services/note/watch'; import { publishNoteStream } from '../../../../../stream'; import notify from '../../../../../notify'; import define from '../../../define'; export const meta = { desc: { 'ja-JP': '指定した投稿のアンケートに投票します。', 'en-US': 'Vote poll of a note.' }, requireCredential: true, kind: 'vote-write', params: { noteId: { validator: $.type(ID), transform: transform, desc: { 'ja-JP': '対象の投稿のID', 'en-US': 'Target note ID' } }, choice: { validator: $.num }, } }; export default define(meta, (ps, user) => new Promise(async (res, rej) => { // Get votee const note = await Note.findOne({ _id: ps.noteId }); if (note === null) { return rej('note not found'); } if (note.poll == null) { return rej('poll not found'); } if (!note.poll.choices.some(x => == ps.choice)) return rej('invalid choice param'); // if already voted const exist = await Vote.findOne({ noteId: note._id, userId: user._id }); if (exist !== null) { return rej('already voted'); } // Create vote await Vote.insert({ createdAt: new Date(), noteId: note._id, userId: user._id, choice: ps.choice }); // Send response res(); const inc: any = {}; inc[`poll.choices.${note.poll.choices.findIndex(c => == ps.choice)}.votes`] = 1; // Increment votes count await Note.update({ _id: note._id }, { $inc: inc }); publishNoteStream(note._id, 'pollVoted', { choice: ps.choice, userId: user._id.toHexString() }); // Notify notify(note.userId, user._id, 'poll_vote', { noteId: note._id, choice: ps.choice }); // Fetch watchers Watching .find({ noteId: note._id, userId: { $ne: user._id }, // 削除されたドキュメントは除く deletedAt: { $exists: false } }, { fields: { userId: true } }) .then(watchers => { for (const watcher of watchers) { notify(watcher.userId, user._id, 'poll_vote', { noteId: note._id, choice: ps.choice }); } }); // この投稿をWatchする if (user.settings.autoWatch !== false) { watch(user._id, note); } }));