import { Entity, Index, Column, PrimaryColumn } from "typeorm"; import { id } from "../id.js"; @Entity() export class Ad { @PrimaryColumn(id()) public id: string; @Index() @Column("timestamp with time zone", { comment: "The created date of the Ad.", }) public createdAt: Date; @Index() @Column("timestamp with time zone", { comment: "The expired date of the Ad.", }) public expiresAt: Date; @Column("varchar", { length: 32, nullable: false, }) public place: string; // 今は使われていないが将来的に活用される可能性はある @Column("varchar", { length: 32, nullable: false, }) public priority: string; @Column("integer", { default: 1, nullable: false, }) public ratio: number; @Column("varchar", { length: 1024, nullable: false, }) public url: string; @Column("varchar", { length: 1024, nullable: false, }) public imageUrl: string; @Column("varchar", { length: 8192, nullable: false, }) public memo: string; constructor(data: Partial) { if (data == null) return; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(data)) { (this as any)[k] = v; } } }