import cluster from 'node:cluster'; import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import * as http from 'node:http'; import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import Fastify from 'fastify'; import { IsNull } from 'typeorm'; import { GlobalEventService } from '@/core/GlobalEventService.js'; import type { Config } from '@/config.js'; import type { UserProfilesRepository, UsersRepository } from '@/models/index.js'; import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js'; import type Logger from '@/logger.js'; import { envOption } from '@/env.js'; import * as Acct from '@/misc/acct.js'; import { genIdenticon } from '@/misc/gen-identicon.js'; import { createTemp } from '@/misc/create-temp.js'; import { UserEntityService } from '@/core/entities/UserEntityService.js'; import { LoggerService } from '@/core/LoggerService.js'; import { ActivityPubServerService } from './ActivityPubServerService.js'; import { NodeinfoServerService } from './NodeinfoServerService.js'; import { ApiServerService } from './api/ApiServerService.js'; import { StreamingApiServerService } from './api/StreamingApiServerService.js'; import { WellKnownServerService } from './WellKnownServerService.js'; import { MediaProxyServerService } from './MediaProxyServerService.js'; import { FileServerService } from './FileServerService.js'; import { ClientServerService } from './web/ClientServerService.js'; @Injectable() export class ServerService { private logger: Logger; constructor( @Inject(DI.config) private config: Config, @Inject(DI.usersRepository) private usersRepository: UsersRepository, @Inject(DI.userProfilesRepository) private userProfilesRepository: UserProfilesRepository, private userEntityService: UserEntityService, private apiServerService: ApiServerService, private streamingApiServerService: StreamingApiServerService, private activityPubServerService: ActivityPubServerService, private wellKnownServerService: WellKnownServerService, private nodeinfoServerService: NodeinfoServerService, private fileServerService: FileServerService, private mediaProxyServerService: MediaProxyServerService, private clientServerService: ClientServerService, private globalEventService: GlobalEventService, private loggerService: LoggerService, ) { this.logger = this.loggerService.getLogger('server', 'gray', false); } public launch() { const fastify = Fastify({ trustProxy: true, logger: !['production', 'test'].includes(process.env.NODE_ENV ?? ''), }); // HSTS // 6months (15552000sec) if (this.config.url.startsWith('https') && !this.config.disableHsts) { fastify.addHook('onRequest', (request, reply, done) => { reply.header('strict-transport-security', 'max-age=15552000; preload'); done(); }); } fastify.register(this.apiServerService.createServer, { prefix: '/api' }); fastify.register(this.fileServerService.createServer, { prefix: '/files' }); fastify.register(this.mediaProxyServerService.createServer, { prefix: '/proxy' }); fastify.register(this.activityPubServerService.createServer); fastify.register(this.nodeinfoServerService.createServer); fastify.register(this.wellKnownServerService.createServer); fastify.get<{ Params: { acct: string } }>('/avatar/@:acct', async (request, reply) => { const { username, host } = Acct.parse(request.params.acct); const user = await this.usersRepository.findOne({ where: { usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: (host == null) || (host === ? IsNull() : host, isSuspended: false, }, relations: ['avatar'], }); if (user) { reply.redirect(this.userEntityService.getAvatarUrlSync(user)); } else { reply.redirect('/static-assets/user-unknown.png'); } }); fastify.get<{ Params: { x: string } }>('/identicon/:x', async (request, reply) => { const [temp, cleanup] = await createTemp(); await genIdenticon(request.params.x, fs.createWriteStream(temp)); reply.header('Content-Type', 'image/png'); return fs.createReadStream(temp).on('close', () => cleanup()); }); fastify.get<{ Params: { code: string } }>('/verify-email/:code', async (request, reply) => { const profile = await this.userProfilesRepository.findOneBy({ emailVerifyCode: request.params.code, }); if (profile != null) { await this.userProfilesRepository.update({ userId: profile.userId }, { emailVerified: true, emailVerifyCode: null, }); this.globalEventService.publishMainStream(profile.userId, 'meUpdated', await this.userEntityService.pack(profile.userId, { id: profile.userId }, { detail: true, includeSecrets: true, })); reply.code(200); return 'Verify succeeded!'; } else { reply.code(404); } }); fastify.register(this.clientServerService.createServer); this.streamingApiServerService.attachStreamingApi(fastify.server); fastify.server.on('error', err => { switch ((err as any).code) { case 'EACCES': this.logger.error(`You do not have permission to listen on port ${this.config.port}.`); break; case 'EADDRINUSE': this.logger.error(`Port ${this.config.port} is already in use by another process.`); break; default: this.logger.error(err); break; } if (cluster.isWorker) { process.send!('listenFailed'); } else { // disableClustering process.exit(1); } }); fastify.listen({ port: this.config.port }); } }