_lang_: "English"
headlineMisskey: "An open source, decentralized social media platform that's free\
  \ forever! \U0001F680"
introMisskey: "Welcome! Calckey is an open source, decentralized social media platform\
  \ that's free forever! \U0001F680"
monthAndDay: "{month}/{day}"
search: "Search"
notifications: "Notifications"
username: "Username"
password: "Password"
forgotPassword: "Forgot password"
fetchingAsApObject: "Fetching from the Fediverse"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Got it!"
cancel: "Cancel"
noThankYou: "No thank you"
enterUsername: "Enter username"
renotedBy: "Boosted by {user}"
noNotes: "No posts"
noNotifications: "No notifications"
instance: "Instance"
settings: "Settings"
basicSettings: "Basic Settings"
otherSettings: "Other Settings"
openInWindow: "Open in window"
profile: "Profile"
timeline: "Timeline"
noAccountDescription: "This user has not written their bio yet."
login: "Sign In"
loggingIn: "Signing In"
logout: "Sign Out"
signup: "Sign Up"
uploading: "Uploading..."
save: "Save"
users: "Users"
addUser: "Add a user"
addInstance: "Add an instance"
favorite: "Add to bookmarks"
favorites: "Bookmarks"
unfavorite: "Remove from bookmarks"
favorited: "Added to bookmarks."
alreadyFavorited: "Already added to bookmarks."
cantFavorite: "Couldn't add to bookmarks."
pin: "Pin to profile"
unpin: "Unpin from profile"
copyContent: "Copy contents"
copyLink: "Copy link"
delete: "Delete"
deleted: "Deleted"
deleteAndEdit: "Delete and edit"
deleteAndEditConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this post and edit it? You\
  \ will lose all reactions, boosts and replies to it."
editNote: "Edit note"
edited: "Edited"
addToList: "Add to list"
sendMessage: "Send a message"
copyUsername: "Copy username"
searchUser: "Search for a user"
reply: "Reply"
loadMore: "Load more"
showMore: "Show more"
showLess: "Close"
youGotNewFollower: "followed you"
receiveFollowRequest: "Follow request received"
followRequestAccepted: "Follow request accepted"
mention: "Mention"
mentions: "Mentions"
directNotes: "Direct messages"
importAndExport: "Import/Export Data"
import: "Import"
export: "Export"
files: "Files"
download: "Download"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete the file \"{name}\"? It will\
  \ be removed from all posts that contain it as an attachment."
unfollowConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to unfollow {name}?"
exportRequested: "You've requested an export. This may take a while. It will be added\
  \ to your Drive once completed."
importRequested: "You've requested an import. This may take a while."
lists: "Lists"
noLists: "You don't have any lists"
note: "Post"
notes: "Posts"
following: "Following"
followers: "Followers"
followsYou: "Follows you"
createList: "Create list"
manageLists: "Manage lists"
error: "Error"
somethingHappened: "An error has occurred"
retry: "Retry"
pageLoadError: "An error occurred loading the page."
pageLoadErrorDescription: "This is normally caused by network errors or the browser's\
  \ cache. Try clearing the cache and then try again after waiting a little while."
serverIsDead: "This server is not responding. Please wait for a while and try again."
youShouldUpgradeClient: "To view this page, please refresh to update your client."
enterListName: "Enter a name for the list"
privacy: "Privacy"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Follow requests require approval"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Default visibility"
follow: "Follow"
followRequest: "Follow"
followRequests: "Follow requests"
unfollow: "Unfollow"
followRequestPending: "Follow request pending"
enterEmoji: "Enter an emoji"
renote: "Boost"
unrenote: "Take back boost"
renoted: "Boosted."
cantRenote: "This post can't be boosted."
cantReRenote: "A boost can't be boosted."
quote: "Quote"
pinnedNote: "Pinned post"
pinned: "Pin to profile"
you: "You"
clickToShow: "Click to show"
sensitive: "NSFW"
add: "Add"
reaction: "Reactions"
enableEmojiReactions: "Enable emoji reactions"
showEmojisInReactionNotifications: "Show emojis in reaction notifications"
reactionSetting: "Reactions to show in the reaction picker"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Drag to reorder, click to delete, press \"+\" to add."
rememberNoteVisibility: "Remember post visibility settings"
attachCancel: "Remove attachment"
markAsSensitive: "Mark as NSFW"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Unmark as NSFW"
enterFileName: "Enter filename"
mute: "Mute"
unmute: "Unmute"
renoteMute: "Mute boosts"
renoteUnmute: "Unmute boosts"
block: "Block"
unblock: "Unblock"
suspend: "Suspend"
unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
blockConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to block this account?"
unblockConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to unblock this account?"
suspendConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to suspend this account?"
unsuspendConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to unsuspend this account?"
selectList: "Select a list"
selectAntenna: "Select an antenna"
selectWidget: "Select a widget"
editWidgets: "Edit widgets"
editWidgetsExit: "Done"
customEmojis: "Custom Emoji"
emoji: "Emoji"
emojis: "Emoji"
emojiName: "Emoji name"
emojiUrl: "Emoji URL"
addEmoji: "Add"
settingGuide: "Recommended settings"
cacheRemoteFiles: "Cache remote files"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "When this setting is disabled, remote files are loaded\
  \ directly from the remote instance. Disabling this will decrease storage usage,\
  \ but increase traffic, as thumbnails will not be generated."
flagAsBot: "Mark this account as a bot"
flagAsBotDescription: "Enable this option if this account is controlled by a program.\
  \ If enabled, it will act as a flag for other developers to prevent endless interaction\
  \ chains with other bots and adjust Calckey's internal systems to treat this account\
  \ as a bot."
flagAsCat: "Are you a cat? \U0001F63A"
flagAsCatDescription: "You'll get cat ears and speak like a cat!"
flagSpeakAsCat: "Speak as a cat"
flagSpeakAsCatDescription: "Your posts will get nyanified when in cat mode"
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Show replies in timeline"
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Shows replies of users to posts of other users\
  \ in the timeline if turned on."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatically approve follow requests from users you're following"
addAccount: "Add account"
loginFailed: "Failed to sign in"
showOnRemote: "View on remote instance"
general: "General"
accountMoved: "User has moved to a new account:"
wallpaper: "Wallpaper"
setWallpaper: "Set wallpaper"
removeWallpaper: "Remove wallpaper"
searchWith: "Search: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "You don't have any lists"
followConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to follow {name}?"
proxyAccount: "Proxy Account"
proxyAccountDescription: "A proxy account is an account that acts as a remote follower\
  \ for users under certain conditions. For example, when a user adds a remote user\
  \ to the list, the remote user's activity will not be delivered to the instance\
  \ if no local user is following that user, so the proxy account will follow instead."
host: "Host"
selectUser: "Select a user"
selectInstance: "Select an instance"
recipient: "Recipient(s)"
annotation: "Comments"
federation: "Federation"
instances: "Instances"
registeredAt: "Registered at"
latestRequestSentAt: "Last request sent"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "Last request received"
latestStatus: "Latest status"
storageUsage: "Storage usage"
charts: "Charts"
perHour: "Per Hour"
perDay: "Per Day"
stopActivityDelivery: "Stop sending activities"
blockThisInstance: "Block this instance"
silenceThisInstance: "Silence this instance"
operations: "Operations"
software: "Software"
version: "Version"
metadata: "Metadata"
withNFiles: "{n} file(s)"
monitor: "Monitor"
jobQueue: "Job Queue"
cpuAndMemory: "CPU and Memory"
network: "Network"
disk: "Disk"
instanceInfo: "Instance Information"
statistics: "Statistics"
clearQueue: "Clear queue"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "Are you sure that you want to clear the queue?"
clearQueueConfirmText: "Any undelivered posts remaining in the queue will not be federated.\
  \ Usually this operation is not needed."
clearCachedFiles: "Clear cache"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete all cached remote files?"
blockedInstances: "Blocked Instances"
blockedInstancesDescription: "List the hostnames of the instances that you want to\
  \ block. Listed instances will no longer be able to communicate with this instance."
silencedInstances: "Silenced Instances"
silencedInstancesDescription: "List the hostnames of the instances that you want to\
  \ silence. Accounts in the listed instances are treated as \"Silenced\", can only\
  \ make follow requests, and cannot mention local accounts if not followed. This\
  \ will not affect the blocked instances."
hiddenTags: "Hidden Hashtags"
hiddenTagsDescription: "List the hashtags (without the #) of the hashtags you wish\
  \ to hide from trending and explore. Hidden hashtags are still discoverable via\
  \ other means. Blocked instances are not affected even if listed here."
muteAndBlock: "Mutes and Blocks"
mutedUsers: "Muted users"
blockedUsers: "Blocked users"
noUsers: "There are no users"
noInstances: "There are no instances"
editProfile: "Edit profile"
noteDeleteConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this post?"
pinLimitExceeded: "You cannot pin any more posts"
intro: "Installation of Calckey has been finished! Please create an admin user."
done: "Done"
processing: "Processing..."
preview: "Preview"
default: "Default"
defaultValueIs: "Default: {value}"
noCustomEmojis: "There are no emoji"
noJobs: "There are no jobs"
federating: "Federating"
blocked: "Blocked"
silenced: "Silenced"
suspended: "Suspended"
all: "All"
subscribing: "Subscribing"
publishing: "Publishing"
notResponding: "Not responding"
instanceFollowing: "Following on instance"
instanceFollowers: "Followers of instance"
instanceUsers: "Users of this instance"
changePassword: "Change password"
security: "Security"
retypedNotMatch: "The inputs do not match."
currentPassword: "Current password"
newPassword: "New password"
newPasswordRetype: "Retype new password"
attachFile: "Attach files"
more: "More!"
featured: "Featured"
usernameOrUserId: "Username or user id"
noSuchUser: "User not found"
lookup: "Lookup"
announcements: "Announcements"
imageUrl: "Image URL"
remove: "Delete"
removed: "Successfully deleted"
removeAreYouSure: "Are you sure that you want to remove \"{x}\"?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Are you sure that you want to delete \"{x}\"?"
resetAreYouSure: "Really reset?"
saved: "Saved"
messaging: "Chat"
upload: "Upload"
keepOriginalUploading: "Keep original image"
keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "Saves the originally uploaded image as-is. If turned\
  \ off, a version to display on the web will be generated on upload."
fromDrive: "From Drive"
fromUrl: "From URL"
uploadFromUrl: "Upload from a URL"
uploadFromUrlDescription: "URL of the file you want to upload"
uploadFromUrlRequested: "Upload requested"
uploadFromUrlMayTakeTime: "It may take some time until the upload is complete."
explore: "Explore"
messageRead: "Read"
noMoreHistory: "There is no further history"
startMessaging: "Start a new chat"
manageGroups: "Manage groups"
nUsersRead: "read by {n}"
agreeTo: "I agree to {0}"
tos: "Terms of Service"
start: "Begin"
home: "Home"
remoteUserCaution: "Information from remote users may be incomplete."
activity: "Activity"
images: "Images"
birthday: "Birthday"
yearsOld: "{age} years old"
registeredDate: "Joined on"
location: "Location"
theme: "Themes"
themeForLightMode: "Theme to use in Light Mode"
themeForDarkMode: "Theme to use in Dark Mode"
light: "Light"
dark: "Dark"
lightThemes: "Light themes"
darkThemes: "Dark themes"
syncDeviceDarkMode: "Sync Dark Mode with your device settings"
drive: "Drive"
fileName: "Filename"
selectFile: "Select a file"
selectFiles: "Select files"
selectFolder: "Select a folder"
selectFolders: "Select folders"
renameFile: "Rename file"
folderName: "Folder name"
createFolder: "Create a folder"
renameFolder: "Rename this folder"
deleteFolder: "Delete this folder"
addFile: "Add a file"
emptyDrive: "Your Drive is empty"
emptyFolder: "This folder is empty"
unableToDelete: "Unable to delete"
inputNewFileName: "Enter a new filename"
inputNewDescription: "Enter new caption"
inputNewFolderName: "Enter a new folder name"
circularReferenceFolder: "The destination folder is a subfolder of the folder you\
  \ wish to move."
hasChildFilesOrFolders: "Since this folder is not empty, it can not be deleted."
copyUrl: "Copy URL"
rename: "Rename"
avatar: "Avatar"
banner: "Banner"
nsfw: "NSFW"
whenServerDisconnected: "When losing connection to the server"
disconnectedFromServer: "Connection to server has been lost"
reload: "Refresh"
doNothing: "Ignore"
reloadConfirm: "Would you like to refresh the timeline?"
watch: "Watch"
unwatch: "Stop watching"
accept: "Accept"
reject: "Reject"
normal: "Normal"
instanceName: "Instance name"
instanceDescription: "Instance description"
maintainerName: "Maintainer"
maintainerEmail: "Maintainer email"
tosUrl: "Terms of Service URL"
thisYear: "Year"
thisMonth: "Month"
today: "Today"
dayX: "{day}"
monthX: "{month}"
yearX: "{year}"
pages: "Pages"
integration: "Integrations"
connectService: "Connect"
disconnectService: "Disconnect"
enableLocalTimeline: "Enable local timeline"
enableGlobalTimeline: "Enable global timeline"
enableRecommendedTimeline: "Enable recommended timeline"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "Adminstrators and Moderators will always have access to all\
  \ timelines, even if they are not enabled."
registration: "Register"
enableRegistration: "Enable new user registration"
invite: "Invite"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Drive capacity per local user"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Drive capacity per remote user"
inMb: "In megabytes"
iconUrl: "Icon URL"
bannerUrl: "Banner image URL"
backgroundImageUrl: "Background image URL"
basicInfo: "Basic info"
pinnedUsers: "Pinned users"
pinnedUsersDescription: "List usernames separated by line breaks to be pinned in the\
  \ \"Explore\" tab."
pinnedPages: "Pinned Pages"
pinnedPagesDescription: "Enter the paths of the Pages you want to pin to the top page\
  \ of this instance, separated by line breaks."
pinnedClipId: "ID of the clip to pin"
pinnedNotes: "Pinned posts"
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
enableHcaptcha: "Enable hCaptcha"
hcaptchaSiteKey: "Site key"
hcaptchaSecretKey: "Secret key"
recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "Enable reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "Site key"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Secret key"
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "Using multiple Captcha systems may cause interference between\
  \ them. Would you like to disable the other Captcha systems currently active? If\
  \ you would like them to stay enabled, press cancel."
antennas: "Antennas"
manageAntennas: "Manage Antennas"
name: "Name"
antennaSource: "Antenna source"
antennaKeywords: "Keywords to listen to"
antennaExcludeKeywords: "Keywords to exclude"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line\
  \ breaks for an OR condition."
notifyAntenna: "Notify about new posts"
withFileAntenna: "Only posts with files"
enableServiceworker: "Enable Push-Notifications for your Browser"
antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line"
antennaInstancesDescription: "List one instance host per line"
caseSensitive: "Case sensitive"
withReplies: "Include replies"
connectedTo: "Following account(s) are connected"
notesAndReplies: "Posts and replies"
withFiles: "Including files"
silence: "Silence"
silenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to silence this user?"
unsilence: "Undo silencing"
unsilenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to undo the silencing of this user?"
popularUsers: "Popular users"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Recently active users"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Newly joined users"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Newly discovered users"
exploreUsersCount: "There are {count} users"
exploreFediverse: "Explore the Fediverse"
popularTags: "Popular tags"
userList: "Lists"
about: "About"
aboutMisskey: "About Calckey"
administrator: "Administrator"
token: "Token"
twoStepAuthentication: "Two-factor authentication"
moderator: "Moderator"
moderation: "Moderation"
nUsersMentioned: "Mentioned by {n} users"
securityKey: "Security key"
securityKeyName: "Key name"
registerSecurityKey: "Register a security key"
lastUsed: "Last used"
unregister: "Unregister"
passwordLessLogin: "Password-less login"
resetPassword: "Reset password"
newPasswordIs: "The new password is \"{password}\""
reduceUiAnimation: "Reduce UI animations"
share: "Share"
notFound: "Not found"
notFoundDescription: "No page corresponding to this URL could be found."
uploadFolder: "Default folder for uploads"
cacheClear: "Clear cache"
markAsReadAllNotifications: "Mark all notifications as read"
markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "Mark all posts as read"
markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "Mark all messages as read"
help: "Help"
inputMessageHere: "Enter message here"
close: "Close"
group: "Group"
groups: "Groups"
createGroup: "Create a group"
ownedGroups: "Owned Groups"
joinedGroups: "Joined groups"
invites: "Invites"
groupName: "Group name"
members: "Members"
transfer: "Transfer"
messagingWithUser: "Private chat"
messagingWithGroup: "Group chat"
title: "Title"
text: "Text"
enable: "Enable"
next: "Next"
retype: "Enter again"
noteOf: "Post by {user}"
inviteToGroup: "Invite to group"
quoteAttached: "Quote"
quoteQuestion: "Append as quote?"
noMessagesYet: "No messages yet"
newMessageExists: "There are new messages"
onlyOneFileCanBeAttached: "You can only attach one file to a message"
signinRequired: "Please register or sign in before continuing"
invitations: "Invites"
invitationCode: "Invitation code"
checking: "Checking..."
available: "Available"
unavailable: "Not available"
usernameInvalidFormat: "You can use upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores."
tooShort: "Too short"
tooLong: "Too long"
weakPassword: "Weak password"
normalPassword: "Average password"
strongPassword: "Strong password"
passwordMatched: "Matches"
passwordNotMatched: "Does not match"
signinWith: "Sign in with {x}"
signinFailed: "Unable to sign in. The entered username or password is incorrect."
tapSecurityKey: "Tap your security key"
or: "Or"
language: "Language"
uiLanguage: "User interface language"
groupInvited: "You've been invited to a group"
aboutX: "About {x}"
useOsNativeEmojis: "Use OS native Emoji"
disableDrawer: "Don't use drawer-style menus"
youHaveNoGroups: "You have no groups"
joinOrCreateGroup: "Get invited to a group or create your own."
noHistory: "No history available"
signinHistory: "Login history"
disableAnimatedMfm: "Disable MFM with animation"
doing: "Processing..."
category: "Category"
tags: "Tags"
docSource: "Source of this document"
createAccount: "Create account"
existingAccount: "Existing account"
regenerate: "Regenerate"
fontSize: "Font size"
noFollowRequests: "You don't have any pending follow requests"
openImageInNewTab: "Open images in new tab"
dashboard: "Dashboard"
local: "Local"
remote: "Remote"
total: "Total"
weekOverWeekChanges: "Changes to last week"
dayOverDayChanges: "Changes to yesterday"
appearance: "Appearance"
clientSettings: "Client Settings"
accountSettings: "Account Settings"
promotion: "Promoted"
promote: "Promote"
numberOfDays: "Number of days"
hideThisNote: "Hide this post"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Show featured posts in timelines"
objectStorage: "Object Storage"
useObjectStorage: "Use object storage"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Base URL"
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "The URL used as reference. Specify the URL of your CDN\
  \ or Proxy if you are using either.\nFor S3 use 'https://<bucket>.s3.amazonaws.com'\
  \ and for GCS or equivalent services use 'https://storage.googleapis.com/<bucket>',\
  \ etc."
objectStorageBucket: "Bucket"
objectStorageBucketDesc: "Please specify the bucket name used at your provider."
objectStoragePrefix: "Prefix"
objectStoragePrefixDesc: "Files will be stored under directories with this prefix."
objectStorageEndpoint: "Endpoint"
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "Leave this empty if you are using AWS S3, otherwise specify\
  \ the endpoint as '<host>' or '<host>:<port>', depending on the service you are\
  \ using."
objectStorageRegion: "Region"
objectStorageRegionDesc: "Specify a region like 'xx-east-1'. If your service does\
  \ not distinguish between regions, leave this blank or enter 'us-east-1'."
objectStorageUseSSL: "Use SSL"
objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "Turn this off if you are not going to use HTTPS for API\
  \ connections"
objectStorageUseProxy: "Connect over Proxy"
objectStorageUseProxyDesc: "Turn this off if you are not going to use a Proxy for\
  \ API connections"
objectStorageSetPublicRead: "Set \"public-read\" on upload"
serverLogs: "Server logs"
deleteAll: "Delete all"
showFixedPostForm: "Display the posting form at the top of the timeline"
newNoteRecived: "There are new posts"
sounds: "Sounds"
listen: "Listen"
none: "None"
showInPage: "Show in page"
popout: "Pop-out"
volume: "Volume"
masterVolume: "Master volume"
details: "Details"
chooseEmoji: "Select an emoji"
unableToProcess: "The operation could not be completed"
recentUsed: "Recently used"
install: "Install"
uninstall: "Uninstall"
installedApps: "Authorized Applications"
nothing: "There's nothing to see here"
installedDate: "Authorized at"
lastUsedDate: "Last used at"
state: "State"
sort: "Sort"
ascendingOrder: "Ascending"
descendingOrder: "Descending"
scratchpad: "Scratchpad"
scratchpadDescription: "The scratchpad provides an environment for AiScript experiments.\
  \ You can write, execute, and check the results of it interacting with Calckey in\
  \ it."
output: "Output"
script: "Script"
disablePagesScript: "Disable AiScript on Pages"
updateRemoteUser: "Update remote user information"
deleteAllFiles: "Delete all files"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete all files?"
removeAllFollowing: "Unfollow all followed users"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "Executing this unfollows all accounts from {host}.\
  \ Please run this if the instance e.g. no longer exists."
userSuspended: "This user has been suspended."
userSilenced: "This user is being silenced."
yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "This account is suspended"
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "This account has been suspended due to breaking\
  \ the server's terms of services or similar. Contact the administrator if you would\
  \ like to know a more detailed reason. Please do not create a new account."
menu: "Menu"
divider: "Divider"
addItem: "Add Item"
relays: "Relays"
addRelay: "Add Relay"
inboxUrl: "Inbox URL"
addedRelays: "Added Relays"
serviceworkerInfo: "Must be enabled for push notifications."
deletedNote: "Deleted post"
invisibleNote: "Invisible post"
enableInfiniteScroll: "Automatically load more"
visibility: "Visiblility"
poll: "Poll"
useCw: "Hide content"
enablePlayer: "Open video player"
disablePlayer: "Close video player"
expandTweet: "Expand tweet"
themeEditor: "Theme editor"
description: "Description"
describeFile: "Add caption"
enterFileDescription: "Enter caption"
author: "Author"
leaveConfirm: "There are unsaved changes. Do you want to discard them?"
manage: "Management"
plugins: "Plugins"
preferencesBackups: "Preference backups"
deck: "Deck"
undeck: "Leave Deck"
useBlurEffectForModal: "Use blur effect for modals"
useFullReactionPicker: "Use full-size reaction picker"
width: "Width"
height: "Height"
large: "Big"
medium: "Medium"
small: "Small"
generateAccessToken: "Generate access token"
permission: "Permissions"
enableAll: "Enable all"
disableAll: "Disable all"
tokenRequested: "Grant access to account"
pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "This plugin will be able to use the permissions\
  \ set here."
notificationType: "Notification type"
edit: "Edit"
emailServer: "Email server"
enableEmail: "Enable email distribution"
emailConfigInfo: "Used to confirm your email during sign-up or if you forget your\
  \ password"
email: "Email"
emailAddress: "Email address"
smtpConfig: "SMTP Server Configuration"
smtpHost: "Host"
smtpPort: "Port"
smtpUser: "Username"
smtpPass: "Password"
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "Leave username and password empty to disable SMTP verification"
smtpSecure: "Use implicit SSL/TLS for SMTP connections"
smtpSecureInfo: "Turn this off when using STARTTLS"
testEmail: "Test email delivery"
wordMute: "Word mute"
regexpError: "Regular Expression error"
regexpErrorDescription: "An error occurred in the regular expression on line {line}\
  \ of your {tab} word mutes:"
instanceMute: "Instance Mutes"
userSaysSomething: "{name} said something"
userSaysSomethingReason: "{name} said {reason}"
userSaysSomethingReasonReply: "{name} replied to a post containing {reason}"
userSaysSomethingReasonRenote: "{name} boosted a post containing {reason}"
userSaysSomethingReasonQuote: "{name} quoted a post containing {reason}"
makeActive: "Activate"
display: "Display"
copy: "Copy"
metrics: "Metrics"
overview: "Overview"
logs: "Logs"
delayed: "Delayed"
database: "Database"
channel: "Channels"
create: "Create"
notificationSetting: "Notification settings"
notificationSettingDesc: "Select the types of notification to display."
useGlobalSetting: "Use global settings"
useGlobalSettingDesc: "If turned on, your account's notification settings will be\
  \ used. If turned off, individual configurations can be made."
other: "Other"
regenerateLoginToken: "Regenerate login token"
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "Regenerates the token used internally during login.\
  \ Normally this action is not necessary. If regenerated, all devices will be logged\
  \ out."
setMultipleBySeparatingWithSpace: "Separate multiple entries with spaces."
fileIdOrUrl: "File ID or URL"
behavior: "Behavior"
sample: "Sample"
abuseReports: "Reports"
reportAbuse: "Report"
reportAbuseOf: "Report {name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Please fill in details regarding this report. If it is\
  \ about a specific post, please include its URL."
abuseReported: "Your report has been sent. Thank you very much."
reporter: "Reporter"
reporteeOrigin: "Reportee Origin"
reporterOrigin: "Reporter Origin"
forwardReport: "Forward report to remote instance"
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Instead of your account, an anonymous system account will\
  \ be displayed as reporter at the remote instance."
send: "Send"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "Mark report as resolved"
openInNewTab: "Open in new tab"
openInSideView: "Open in side view"
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "Default navigation behavior"
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "Editing these settings may damage your account."
instanceTicker: "Instance information of posts"
waitingFor: "Waiting for {x}"
random: "Random"
system: "System"
switchUi: "Layout"
desktop: "Desktop"
clip: "Clip"
createNew: "Create new"
optional: "Optional"
createNewClip: "Create new clip"
unclip: "Unclip"
confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "This post is already part of the \"{name}\" clip.\
  \ Do you want to remove it from this clip instead?"
public: "Public"
i18nInfo: "Calckey is being translated into various languages by volunteers. You can\
  \ help at {link}."
manageAccessTokens: "Manage access tokens"
accountInfo: "Account Info"
notesCount: "Number of posts"
repliesCount: "Number of replies sent"
renotesCount: "Number of boosts sent"
repliedCount: "Number of replies received"
renotedCount: "Number of boosts received"
followingCount: "Number of followed accounts"
followersCount: "Number of followers"
sentReactionsCount: "Number of sent reactions"
receivedReactionsCount: "Number of received reactions"
pollVotesCount: "Number of sent poll votes"
pollVotedCount: "Number of received poll votes"
yes: "Yes"
no: "No"
driveFilesCount: "Number of Drive files"
driveUsage: "Drive space usage"
noCrawle: "Reject crawler indexing"
noCrawleDescription: "Ask search engines to not index your profile page, posts, Pages,\
  \ etc."
lockedAccountInfo: "Unless you set your post visiblity to \"Followers only\", your\
  \ posts will be visible to anyone, even if you require followers to be manually\
  \ approved."
alwaysMarkSensitive: "Mark as NSFW by default"
loadRawImages: "Load original images instead of showing thumbnails"
disableShowingAnimatedImages: "Don't play animated images"
verificationEmailSent: "A verification email has been sent. Please follow the included\
  \ link to complete verification."
notSet: "Not set"
emailVerified: "Email has been verified"
noteFavoritesCount: "Number of bookmarked posts"
pageLikesCount: "Number of liked Pages"
pageLikedCount: "Number of received Page likes"
contact: "Contact"
useSystemFont: "Use the system's default font"
clips: "Clips"
experimentalFeatures: "Experimental features"
developer: "Developer"
makeExplorable: "Make account visible in \"Explore\""
makeExplorableDescription: "If you turn this off, your account will not show up in\
  \ the \"Explore\" section."
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "Show a gap between posts on the timeline"
duplicate: "Duplicate"
left: "Left"
center: "Center"
wide: "Wide"
narrow: "Narrow"
reloadToApplySetting: "This setting will only apply after a page reload. Reload now?"
needReloadToApply: "A reload is required for this to be reflected."
showTitlebar: "Show title bar"
clearCache: "Clear cache"
onlineUsersCount: "{n} users are online"
nUsers: "{n} Users"
nNotes: "{n} Posts"
sendErrorReports: "Send error reports"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "When turned on, detailed error information will be shared\
  \ with Calckey when a problem occurs, helping to improve the quality of Calckey.\n\
  This will include information such the version of your OS, what browser you're using,\
  \ your activity in Calckey, etc."
myTheme: "My theme"
backgroundColor: "Background color"
accentColor: "Accent color"
textColor: "Text color"
saveAs: "Save as..."
advanced: "Advanced"
value: "Value"
createdAt: "Created at"
updatedAt: "Updated at"
saveConfirm: "Save changes?"
deleteConfirm: "Really delete?"
invalidValue: "Invalid value."
registry: "Registry"
closeAccount: "Close account"
currentVersion: "Current version"
latestVersion: "Newest version"
youAreRunningUpToDateClient: "You are using the newest version of your client."
newVersionOfClientAvailable: "There is a newer version of your client available."
usageAmount: "Usage"
capacity: "Capacity"
inUse: "Used"
editCode: "Edit code"
apply: "Apply"
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "Receive notifications from this instance"
emailNotification: "Email notifications"
publish: "Publish"
inChannelSearch: "Search in channel"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "Open reaction picker on right-click"
typingUsers: "{users} is typing"
jumpToSpecifiedDate: "Jump to specific date"
showingPastTimeline: "Currently displaying an old timeline"
clear: "Return"
markAllAsRead: "Mark all as read"
goBack: "Back"
unlikeConfirm: "Really remove your like?"
fullView: "Full view"
quitFullView: "Exit full view"
addDescription: "Add description"
userPagePinTip: "You can display posts here by selecting \"Pin to profile\" from the\
  \ menu of individual posts."
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "This post contains mentions of users not included as\
  \ recipients"
info: "About"
userInfo: "User information"
unknown: "Unknown"
onlineStatus: "Online status"
hideOnlineStatus: "Hide online status"
hideOnlineStatusDescription: "Hiding your online status reduces the convenience of\
  \ some features such as the search."
online: "Online"
active: "Active"
offline: "Offline"
notRecommended: "Not recommended"
botProtection: "Bot Protection"
instanceBlocking: "Federation Block/Silence"
selectAccount: "Select account"
switchAccount: "Switch account"
enabled: "Enabled"
disabled: "Disabled"
quickAction: "Quick actions"
user: "User"
administration: "Management"
accounts: "Accounts"
switch: "Switch"
noMaintainerInformationWarning: "Maintainer information is not configured."
noBotProtectionWarning: "Bot protection is not configured."
configure: "Configure"
postToGallery: "Create new gallery post"
gallery: "Gallery"
recentPosts: "Recent pages"
popularPosts: "Popular pages"
shareWithNote: "Share with post"
ads: "Advertisements"
expiration: "Deadline"
memo: "Memo"
priority: "Priority"
high: "High"
middle: "Medium"
low: "Low"
emailNotConfiguredWarning: "Email address not set."
ratio: "Ratio"
secureMode: "Secure Mode (Authorized Fetch)"
instanceSecurity: "Instance Security"
secureModeInfo: "When requesting from other instances, do not send back without proof."
privateMode: "Private Mode"
privateModeInfo: "When enabled, only whitelisted instances can federate with your\
  \ instances. All posts will be hidden from the public."
allowedInstances: "Whitelisted Instances"
allowedInstancesDescription: "Hosts of instances to be whitelisted for federation,\
  \ each separated by a new line (only applies in private mode)."
previewNoteText: "Show preview"
customCss: "Custom CSS"
customCssWarn: "This setting should only be used if you know what it does. Entering\
  \ improper values may cause the client to stop functioning normally."
global: "Global"
recommended: "Recommended"
squareAvatars: "Display squared avatars"
seperateRenoteQuote: "Separate boost and quote buttons"
sent: "Sent"
received: "Received"
searchResult: "Search results"
hashtags: "Hashtags"
troubleshooting: "Troubleshooting"
useBlurEffect: "Use blur effects in the UI"
learnMore: "Learn more"
misskeyUpdated: "Calckey has been updated!"
whatIsNew: "Show changes"
translate: "Translate"
translatedFrom: "Translated from {x}"
accountDeletionInProgress: "Account deletion is currently in progress"
usernameInfo: "A name that identifies your account from others on this server.  You\
  \ can use the alphabet (a~z, A~Z), digits (0~9) or underscores (_). Usernames cannot\
  \ be changed later."
aiChanMode: "Ai-chan in Classic UI"
keepCw: "Keep content warnings"
pubSub: "Pub/Sub Accounts"
lastCommunication: "Last communication"
resolved: "Resolved"
unresolved: "Unresolved"
breakFollow: "Remove follower"
breakFollowConfirm: "Are you sure want to remove follower?"
itsOn: "Enabled"
itsOff: "Disabled"
emailRequiredForSignup: "Require email address for sign-up"
unread: "Unread"
filter: "Filter"
controlPanel: "Control Panel"
manageAccounts: "Manage Accounts"
makeReactionsPublic: "Set reaction history to public"
makeReactionsPublicDescription: "This will make the list of all your past reactions\
  \ publicly visible."
classic: "Classic"
muteThread: "Mute thread"
unmuteThread: "Unmute thread"
ffVisibility: "Follows/Followers Visibility"
ffVisibilityDescription: "Allows you to configure who can see who you follow and who\
  \ follows you."
continueThread: "Continue thread"
deleteAccountConfirm: "This will irreversibly delete your account. Proceed?"
incorrectPassword: "Incorrect password."
voteConfirm: "Confirm your vote for \"{choice}\"?"
hide: "Hide"
leaveGroup: "Leave group"
leaveGroupConfirm: "Are you sure you want to leave \"{name}\"?"
useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: "Display reaction picker as drawer on mobile"
welcomeBackWithName: "Welcome back, {name}"
clickToFinishEmailVerification: "Please click [{ok}] to complete email verification."
overridedDeviceKind: "Device type"
smartphone: "Smartphone"
tablet: "Tablet"
auto: "Auto"
showLocalPosts: "Show local posts in:"
homeTimeline: "Home Timeline"
socialTimeline: "Social Timeline"
themeColor: "Instance Ticker Color"
size: "Size"
numberOfColumn: "Number of columns"
searchByGoogle: "Search"
instanceDefaultLightTheme: "Instance-wide default light theme"
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: "Instance-wide default dark theme"
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: "Enter the theme code in object format."
mutePeriod: "Mute duration"
indefinitely: "Permanently"
tenMinutes: "10 minutes"
oneHour: "One hour"
oneDay: "One day"
oneWeek: "One week"
reflectMayTakeTime: "It may take some time for this to be reflected."
failedToFetchAccountInformation: "Could not fetch account information"
rateLimitExceeded: "Rate limit exceeded"
cropImage: "Crop image"
cropImageAsk: "Do you want to crop this image?"
file: "File"
recentNHours: "Last {n} hours"
recentNDays: "Last {n} days"
noEmailServerWarning: "Email server not configured."
thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "There are unsolved reports."
check: "Check"
driveCapOverrideLabel: "Change the drive capacity for this user"
driveCapOverrideCaption: "Reset the capacity to default by inputting a value of 0\
  \ or lower."
requireAdminForView: "You must log in with an administrator account to view this."
isSystemAccount: "An account created and automatically operated by the system."
typeToConfirm: "Please enter {x} to confirm"
deleteAccount: "Delete account"
document: "Documentation"
numberOfPageCache: "Number of cached pages"
numberOfPageCacheDescription: "Increasing this number will improve convenience for\
  \ users but cause more server load as well as more memory to be used."
logoutConfirm: "Really log out?"
lastActiveDate: "Last used at"
statusbar: "Status bar"
pleaseSelect: "Select an option"
reverse: "Reverse"
colored: "Colored"
refreshInterval: "Update interval "
label: "Label"
type: "Type"
speed: "Speed"
slow: "Slow"
fast: "Fast"
sensitiveMediaDetection: "Detection of NSFW media"
localOnly: "Local only"
remoteOnly: "Remote only"
failedToUpload: "Upload failed"
cannotUploadBecauseInappropriate: "This file could not be uploaded because parts of\
  \ it have been detected as potentially NSFW."
cannotUploadBecauseNoFreeSpace: "Upload failed due to lack of Drive capacity."
cannotUploadBecauseExceedsFileSizeLimit: "This file could not be uploaded because\
  \ it exceeds the maximum allowed size."
beta: "Beta"
enableAutoSensitive: "Automatic NSFW-Marking"
enableAutoSensitiveDescription: "Allows automatic detection and marking of NSFW media\
  \ through Machine Learning where possible. Even if this option is disabled, it may\
  \ be enabled instance-wide."
activeEmailValidationDescription: "Enables stricter validation of email addresses,\
  \ which includes checking for disposable addresses and by whether it can actually\
  \ be communicated with. When unchecked, only the format of the email is validated."
navbar: "Navigation bar"
shuffle: "Shuffle"
account: "Account"
move: "Move"
pushNotification: "Push notifications"
subscribePushNotification: "Enable push notifications"
unsubscribePushNotification: "Disable push notifications"
pushNotificationAlreadySubscribed: "Push notifications are already enabled"
pushNotificationNotSupported: "Your browser or instance does not support push notifications"
sendPushNotificationReadMessage: "Delete push notifications once the relevant notifications\
  \ or messages have been read"
sendPushNotificationReadMessageCaption: "A notification containing the text \"{emptyPushNotificationMessage}\"\
  \ will be displayed for a short time. This may increase the battery usage of your\
  \ device, if applicable."
showAds: "Show ads"
enterSendsMessage: "Press Return in Messaging to send message (off is Ctrl + Return)"
adminCustomCssWarn: "This setting should only be used if you know what it does. Entering\
  \ improper values may cause EVERYONE'S clients to stop functioning normally. Please\
  \ ensure your CSS works properly by testing it in your user settings."
customMOTD: "Custom MOTD (splash screen messages)"
customMOTDDescription: "Custom messages for the MOTD (splash screen) separated by\
  \ line breaks to be shown randomly every time a user loads/reloads the page."
customSplashIcons: "Custom splash screen icons (urls)"
customSplashIconsDescription: "URLs for custom splash screen icons separated by line\
  \ breaks to be shown randomly every time a user loads/reloads the page. Please make\
  \ sure the images are on a static URL, preferably all resized to 192x192."
showUpdates: "Show a popup when Calckey updates"
recommendedInstances: "Recommended instances"
recommendedInstancesDescription: "Recommended instances separated by line breaks to\
  \ appear in the recommended timeline. Do NOT add `https://`, ONLY the domain."
caption: "Auto Caption"
splash: "Splash Screen"
updateAvailable: "There might be an update available!"
swipeOnDesktop: "Allow mobile-style swiping on desktop"
logoImageUrl: "Logo image URL"
showAdminUpdates: "Indicate a new Calckey version is avaliable (admin only)"
replayTutorial: "Replay tutorial"
migration: "Migration"
moveTo: "Move current account to new account"
moveToLabel: "Account you're moving to:"
moveAccount: "Move account!"
moveAccountDescription: "This process is irreversible. Make sure you've set up an\
  \ alias for this account on your new account before moving. Please enter the tag\
  \ of the account formatted like @person@instance.com"
moveFrom: "Move to this account from an older account"
moveFromLabel: "Account you're moving from:"
moveFromDescription: "This will set an alias of your old account so that you can move\
  \ from that account to this current one. Do this BEFORE moving from your older account.\
  \ Please enter the tag of the account formatted like @person@instance.com"
migrationConfirm: "Are you absolutely sure you want to migrate your account to {account}?\
  \ Once you do this, you won't be able to reverse it, and you won't be able to use\
  \ your account normally again.\nAlso, please ensure that you've set this current\
  \ account as the account you're moving from."
defaultReaction: "Default emoji reaction for outgoing and incoming posts"
license: "License"
indexPosts: "Index Posts"
indexFrom: "Index from Post ID onwards (leave blank to index every post)"
indexNotice: "Now indexing. This will probably take a while, please don't restart\
  \ your server for at least an hour."
customKaTeXMacro: "Custom KaTeX macros"
customKaTeXMacroDescription: "Set up macros to write mathematical expressions easily!\
  \ The notation conforms to the LaTeX command definitions and is written as \\newcommand{\\\
  name}{content} or \\newcommand{\\name}[number of arguments]{content}. For example,\
  \ \\newcommand{\\add}[2]{#1 + #2} will expand \\add{3}{foo} to 3 + foo. The curly\
  \ brackets surrounding the macro name can be changed to round or square brackets.\
  \ This affects the brackets used for arguments. One (and only one) macro can be\
  \ defined per line, and you can't break the line in the middle of the definition.\
  \ Invalid lines are simply ignored. Only simple string substitution functions are\
  \ supported; advanced syntax, such as conditional branching, cannot be used here."
enableCustomKaTeXMacro: "Enable custom KaTeX macros"
noteId: "Post ID"
signupsDisabled: "Signups on this server are currently disabled, but you can always sign up at another server! If you have an invitation code for this server, please enter it below."
findOtherInstance: "Find another server"

  description: "Reduces the effort of server moderation through automatically recognizing\
    \ NSFW media via Machine Learning. This will slightly increase the load on the\
    \ server."
  sensitivity: "Detection sensitivity"
  sensitivityDescription: "Reducing the sensitivity will lead to fewer misdetections\
    \ (false positives) whereas increasing it will lead to fewer missed detections\
    \ (false negatives)."
  setSensitiveFlagAutomatically: "Mark as NSFW"
  setSensitiveFlagAutomaticallyDescription: "The results of the internal detection\
    \ will be retained even if this option is turned off."
  analyzeVideos: "Enable analysis of videos"
  analyzeVideosDescription: "Analyzes videos in addition to images. This will slightly\
    \ increase the load on the server."
  used: "This email address is already being used"
  format: "The format of this email address is invalid"
  disposable: "Disposable email addresses may not be used"
  mx: "This email server is invalid"
  smtp: "This email server is not responding"
  public: "Public"
  followers: "Visible to followers only"
  private: "Private"
  almostThere: "Almost there"
  emailAddressInfo: "Please enter your email address. It will not be made public."
  emailSent: "A confirmation email has been sent to your email address ({email}).\
    \ Please click the included link to complete account creation."
  accountDelete: "Delete account"
  mayTakeTime: "As account deletion is a resource-heavy process, it may take some\
    \ time to complete depending on how much content you have created and how many\
    \ files you have uploaded."
  sendEmail: "Once account deletion has been completed, an email will be sent to the\
    \ email address registered to this account."
  requestAccountDelete: "Request account deletion"
  started: "Deletion has been started."
  inProgress: "Deletion is currently in progress"
  back: "Back"
  reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: "Show this ad less"
  enterEmail: "Enter the email address you used to register. A link with which you\
    \ can reset your password will then be sent to it."
  ifNoEmail: "If you did not use an email during registration, please contact the\
    \ instance administrator instead."
  contactAdmin: "This instance does not support using email addresses, please contact\
    \ the instance administrator to reset your password instead."
  my: "My Gallery"
  liked: "Liked Posts"
  like: "Like"
  unlike: "Remove like"
    title: "You've got a new follower"
    title: "You've received a follow request"
  install: "Install plugins"
  installWarn: "Please do not install untrustworthy plugins."
  manage: "Manage plugins"
  list: "Created backups"
  saveNew: "Save new backup"
  loadFile: "Load from file"
  apply: "Apply to this device"
  save: "Save changes"
  inputName: "Please enter a name for this backup"
  cannotSave: "Saving failed"
  nameAlreadyExists: "A backup called \"{name}\" already exists. Please enter a different\
    \ name."
  applyConfirm: "Do you really want to apply the \"{name}\" backup to this device?\
    \ Existing settings of this device will be overwritten."
  saveConfirm: "Save backup as {name}?"
  deleteConfirm: "Delete the {name} backup?"
  renameConfirm: "Rename this backup from \"{old}\" to \"{new}\"?"
  noBackups: "No backups exist. You may backup your client settings on this server\
    \ by using \"Create new backup\"."
  createdAt: "Created at: {date} {time}"
  updatedAt: "Updated at: {date} {time}"
  cannotLoad: "Loading failed"
  invalidFile: "Invalid file format"
  scope: "Scope"
  key: "Key"
  keys: "Keys"
  domain: "Domain"
  createKey: "Create key"
  about: "Calckey is a fork of Misskey made by ThatOneCalculator, which has been in\
    \ development since 2022."
  contributors: "Main contributors"
  allContributors: "All contributors"
  source: "Source code"
  translation: "Translate Calckey"
  donate: "Donate to Calckey"
  morePatrons: "We also appreciate the support of many other helpers not listed here.\
    \ Thank you! \U0001F970"
  patrons: "Calckey patrons"
  respect: "Hide NSFW media"
  ignore: "Don't hide NSFW media"
  force: "Hide all media"
  cheatSheet: "MFM Cheatsheet"
  intro: "MFM is a markup language used on Misskey, Calckey, Akkoma, and more that\
    \ can be used in many places. Here you can view a list of all available MFM syntax."
  dummy: "Calckey expands the world of the Fediverse"
  mention: "Mention"
  mentionDescription: "You can specify a user by using an At-Symbol and a username."
  hashtag: "Hashtag"
  hashtagDescription: "You can specify a hashtag using a number sign and text."
  url: "URL"
  urlDescription: "URLs can be displayed."
  link: "Link"
  linkDescription: "Specific parts of text can be displayed as a URL."
  bold: "Bold"
  boldDescription: "Highlights letters by making them thicker."
  small: "Small"
  smallDescription: "Displays content small and thin."
  center: "Center"
  centerDescription: "Displays content centered."
  inlineCode: "Code (Inline)"
  inlineCodeDescription: "Displays inline syntax highlighting for (program) code."
  blockCode: "Code (Block)"
  blockCodeDescription: "Displays syntax highlighting for multi-line (program) code\
    \ in a block."
  inlineMath: "Math (Inline)"
  inlineMathDescription: "Display math formulas (KaTeX) in-line"
  blockMath: "Math (Block)"
  blockMathDescription: "Display math formulas (KaTeX) in a block"
  quote: "Quote"
  quoteDescription: "Displays content as a quote."
  emoji: "Custom Emoji"
  emojiDescription: "By surrounding a custom emoji name with colons, custom emoji\
    \ can be displayed."
  search: "Search"
  searchDescription: "Displays a search box with pre-entered text."
  flip: "Flip"
  flipDescription: "Flips content horizontally or vertically."
  jelly: "Animation (Jelly)"
  jellyDescription: "Gives content a jelly-like animation."
  tada: "Animation (Tada)"
  tadaDescription: "Gives content a \"Tada!\"-like animation."
  jump: "Animation (Jump)"
  jumpDescription: "Gives content a jumping animation."
  bounce: "Animation (Bounce)"
  bounceDescription: "Gives content a bouncy animation."
  shake: "Animation (Shake)"
  shakeDescription: "Gives content a shaking animation."
  twitch: "Animation (Twitch)"
  twitchDescription: "Gives content a strongly twitching animation."
  spin: "Animation (Spin)"
  spinDescription: "Gives content a spinning animation."
  x2: "Big"
  x2Description: "Displays content bigger."
  x3: "Very big"
  x3Description: "Displays content even bigger."
  x4: "Unbelievably big"
  x4Description: "Displays content even bigger than bigger than big."
  blur: "Blur"
  blurDescription: "Blurs content. It will be displayed clearly when hovered over."
  font: "Font"
  fontDescription: "Sets the font to display content in."
  rainbow: "Rainbow"
  rainbowDescription: "Makes the content appear in rainbow colors."
  sparkle: "Sparkle"
  sparkleDescription: "Gives content a sparkling particle effect."
  rotate: "Rotate"
  rotateDescription: "Turns content by a specified angle."
  position: "Position"
  positionDescription: "Move content by a specified amount."
  scale: "Scale"
  scaleDescription: "Scale content by a specified amount."
  foreground: "Foreground color"
  foregroundDescription: "Change the foreground color of text."
  background: "Background color"
  backgroundDescription: "Change the background color of text."
  plain: "Plain"
  plainDescription: "Deactivates the effects of all MFM contained within this MFM\
    \ effect."
  none: "Never show"
  remote: "Show for remote users"
  always: "Always show"
  reload: "Automatically reload"
  dialog: "Show warning dialog"
  quiet: "Show unobtrusive warning"
  nothing: "Do nothing"
  create: "Create channel"
  edit: "Edit channel"
  setBanner: "Set banner"
  removeBanner: "Remove banner"
  featured: "Trending"
  owned: "Owned"
  following: "Followed"
  usersCount: "{n} Participants"
  notesCount: "{n} Posts"
  nameAndDescription: "Name and description"
  nameOnly: "Name only"
  dms: "Private"
  groups: "Groups"
  sideFull: "Side"
  sideIcon: "Side (Icons)"
  top: "Top"
  hide: "Hide"
  muteWords: "Muted words"
  muteWordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks\
    \ for an OR condition."
  muteWordsDescription2: "Surround keywords with slashes to use regular expressions."
  softDescription: "Hide posts that fulfil the set conditions from the timeline."
  hardDescription: "Prevents posts fulfilling the set conditions from being added\
    \ to the timeline. In addition, these posts will not be added to the timeline\
    \ even if the conditions are changed."
  soft: "Soft"
  hard: "Hard"
  mutedNotes: "Muted posts"
  instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any posts/boosts from the listed instances,\
    \ including those of users replying to a user from a muted instance."
  instanceMuteDescription2: "Separate with newlines"
  title: "Hides posts from listed instances."
  heading: "List of instances to be muted"
  explore: "Explore Themes"
  install: "Install a theme"
  manage: "Manage themes"
  code: "Theme code"
  description: "Description"
  installed: "{name} has been installed"
  installedThemes: "Installed themes"
  builtinThemes: "Built-in themes"
  alreadyInstalled: "This theme is already installed"
  invalid: "The format of this theme is invalid"
  make: "Make a theme"
  base: "Base"
  addConstant: "Add constant"
  constant: "Constant"
  defaultValue: "Default value"
  color: "Color"
  refProp: "Reference a property"
  refConst: "Reference a constant"
  key: "Key"
  func: "Functions"
  funcKind: "Function type"
  argument: "Argument"
  basedProp: "Referenced property"
  alpha: "Opacity"
  darken: "Darken"
  lighten: "Lighten"
  inputConstantName: "Enter a name for this constant"
  importInfo: "If you enter theme code here, you can import it to the theme editor"
  deleteConstantConfirm: "Do you really want to delete the constant {const}?"
    accent: "Accent"
    bg: "Background"
    fg: "Text"
    focus: "Focus"
    indicator: "Indicator"
    panel: "Panel"
    shadow: "Shadow"
    header: "Header"
    navBg: "Sidebar background"
    navFg: "Sidebar text"
    navHoverFg: "Sidebar text (Hover)"
    navActive: "Sidebar text (Active)"
    navIndicator: "Sidebar indicator"
    link: "Link"
    hashtag: "Hashtag"
    mention: "Mention"
    mentionMe: "Mentions (Me)"
    renote: "Boost"
    modalBg: "Modal background"
    divider: "Divider"
    scrollbarHandle: "Scrollbar handle"
    scrollbarHandleHover: "Scrollbar handle (Hover)"
    dateLabelFg: "Date label text"
    infoBg: "Information background"
    infoFg: "Information text"
    infoWarnBg: "Warning background"
    infoWarnFg: "Warning text"
    cwBg: "CW button background"
    cwFg: "CW button text"
    cwHoverBg: "CW button background (Hover)"
    toastBg: "Notification background"
    toastFg: "Notification text"
    buttonBg: "Button background"
    buttonHoverBg: "Button background (Hover)"
    inputBorder: "Input field border"
    listItemHoverBg: "List item background (Hover)"
    driveFolderBg: "Drive folder background"
    wallpaperOverlay: "Wallpaper overlay"
    badge: "Badge"
    messageBg: "Chat background"
    accentDarken: "Accent (Darkened)"
    accentLighten: "Accent (Lightened)"
    fgHighlighted: "Highlighted Text"
  note: "New post"
  noteMy: "Own post"
  notification: "Notifications"
  chat: "Chat"
  chatBg: "Chat (Background)"
  antenna: "Antennas"
  channel: "Channel notifications"
  future: "Future"
  justNow: "Just now"
  secondsAgo: "{n}s ago"
  minutesAgo: "{n}m ago"
  hoursAgo: "{n}h ago"
  daysAgo: "{n}d ago"
  weeksAgo: "{n}w ago"
  monthsAgo: "{n}mo ago"
  yearsAgo: "{n}y ago"
  second: "Second(s)"
  minute: "Minute(s)"
  hour: "Hour(s)"
  day: "Day(s)"
  title: "How to use Calckey"
  step1_1: "Welcome!"
  step1_2: "Let's get you set up. You'll be up and running in no time!"
  step2_1: "First, please fill out your profile."
  step2_2: "Providing some information about who you are will make it easier for others\
    \ to tell if they want to see your posts or follow you."
  step3_1: "Now it's time to follow some people!"
  step3_2: "Your home and social timelines are based off of who you follow, so try\
    \ following a couple accounts to get started.\nClick the plus circle on the top\
    \ right of a profile to follow them."
  step4_1: "Let's get you out there."
  step4_2: "For your first post, some people like to make an {introduction} post or\
    \ a simple \"Hello world!\""
  step5_1: "Timelines, timelines everywhere!"
  step5_2: "Your instance has {timelines} different timelines enabled."
  step5_3: "The Home {icon} timeline is where you can see posts from the accounts\
    \ you follow and from everyone else on this instance. If you prefer your Home\
    \ timeline to only display posts from accounts you follow, you can easily change\
    \ this in Settings!"
  step5_4: "The Local {icon} timeline is where you can see posts from everyone else\
    \ on this instance."
  step5_5: "The Social {icon} timeline is where you can see posts only from the accounts\
    \ you follow."
  step5_6: "The Recommended {icon} timeline is where you can see posts from instances\
    \ the admins recommend."
  step5_7: "The Global {icon} timeline is where you can see posts from every other\
    \ connected instance."
  step6_1: "So, what is this place?"
  step6_2: "Well, you didn't just join Calckey. You joined a portal to the Fediverse,\
    \ an interconnected network of thousands of servers, called \"instances\"."
  step6_3: "Each server works in different ways, and not all servers run Calckey.\
    \ This one does though! It's a bit complicated, but you'll get the hang of it\
    \ in no time."
  step6_4: "Now go, explore, and have fun!"
  alreadyRegistered: "You have already registered a 2-factor authentication device."
  registerDevice: "Register a new device"
  registerKey: "Register a security key"
  step1: "First, install an authentication app (such as {a} or {b}) on your device."
  step2: "Then, scan the QR code displayed on this screen."
  step2Url: "You can also enter this URL if you're using a desktop program:"
  step3: "Enter the token provided by your app to finish setup."
  step4: "From now on, any future login attempts will ask for such a login token."
  securityKeyInfo: "Besides fingerprint or PIN authentication, you can also setup\
    \ authentication via hardware security keys that support FIDO2 to further secure\
    \ your account."
  "read:account": "View your account information"
  "write:account": "Edit your account information"
  "read:blocks": "View your list of blocked users"
  "write:blocks": "Edit your list of blocked users"
  "read:drive": "Access your Drive files and folders"
  "write:drive": "Edit or delete your Drive files and folders"
  "read:favorites": "View your list of bookmarks"
  "write:favorites": "Edit your list of bookmarks"
  "read:following": "View information on who you follow"
  "write:following": "Follow or unfollow other accounts"
  "read:messaging": "View your chats"
  "write:messaging": "Compose or delete chat messages"
  "read:mutes": "View your list of muted users"
  "write:mutes": "Edit your list of muted users"
  "write:notes": "Compose or delete posts"
  "read:notifications": "View your notifications"
  "write:notifications": "Manage your notifications"
  "read:reactions": "View your reactions"
  "write:reactions": "Edit your reactions"
  "write:votes": "Vote on a poll"
  "read:pages": "View your page"
  "write:pages": "Edit or delete your page"
  "read:page-likes": "View your likes on page"
  "write:page-likes": "Edit your likes on page"
  "read:user-groups": "View your user groups"
  "write:user-groups": "Edit or delete your user groups"
  "read:channels": "View your channels"
  "write:channels": "Edit your channels"
  "read:gallery": "View your gallery"
  "write:gallery": "Edit your gallery"
  "read:gallery-likes": "View your list of liked gallery posts"
  "write:gallery-likes": "Edit your list of liked gallery posts"
  shareAccess: "Would you like to authorize \"{name}\" to access this account?"
  shareAccessAsk: "Are you sure you want to authorize this application to access your\
    \ account?"
  permissionAsk: "This application requests the following permissions"
  pleaseGoBack: "Please go back to the application"
  callback: "Returning to the application"
  denied: "Access denied"
  copyAsk: "Please paste the following authorization code to the application"
  all: "All posts"
  homeTimeline: "Posts from followed users"
  users: "Posts from specific users"
  userList: "Posts from a specified list of users"
  userGroup: "Posts from users in a specified group"
  instances: "Posts from all users on an instance"
  sunday: "Sunday"
  monday: "Monday"
  tuesday: "Tuesday"
  wednesday: "Wednesday"
  thursday: "Thursday"
  friday: "Friday"
  saturday: "Saturday"
  memo: "Sticky notes"
  notifications: "Notifications"
  timeline: "Timeline"
  calendar: "Calendar"
  trends: "Trending"
  clock: "Clock"
  rss: "RSS reader"
  rssTicker: "RSS-Ticker"
  activity: "Activity"
  photos: "Photos"
  digitalClock: "Digital clock"
  unixClock: "UNIX clock"
  federation: "Federation"
  instanceCloud: "Instance cloud"
  postForm: "Posting form"
  slideshow: "Slideshow"
  button: "Button"
  onlineUsers: "Online users"
  jobQueue: "Job Queue"
  serverMetric: "Server metrics"
  aiscript: "AiScript console"
  userList: "User list"
    chooseList: "Select a list"
  hide: "Hide"
  show: "Show content"
  chars: "{count} characters"
  files: "{count} file(s)"
  noOnlyOneChoice: "At least two choices are needed"
  choiceN: "Choice {n}"
  noMore: "You cannot add more choices"
  canMultipleVote: "Allow selecting multiple choices"
  expiration: "End poll"
  infinite: "Never"
  at: "End at..."
  after: "End after..."
  deadlineDate: "End date"
  deadlineTime: "Time"
  duration: "Duration"
  votesCount: "{n} votes"
  totalVotes: "{n} votes in total"
  vote: "Vote"
  showResult: "View results"
  voted: "Voted"
  closed: "Ended"
  remainingDays: "{d} day(s) {h} hour(s) remaining"
  remainingHours: "{h} hour(s) {m} minute(s) remaining"
  remainingMinutes: "{m} minute(s) {s} second(s) remaining"
  remainingSeconds: "{s} second(s) remaining"
  public: "Public"
  publicDescription: "Your post will be visible for all users"
  home: "Unlisted"
  homeDescription: "Post to home timeline only"
  followers: "Followers"
  followersDescription: "Make visible to your followers only"
  specified: "Direct"
  specifiedDescription: "Make visible for specified users only"
  localOnly: "Local only"
  localOnlyDescription: "Not visible to remote users"
  replyPlaceholder: "Reply to this post..."
  quotePlaceholder: "Quote this post..."
  channelPlaceholder: "Post to a channel..."
    a: "What are you up to?"
    b: "What's happening around you?"
    c: "What's on your mind?"
    d: "What do you want to say?"
    e: "Start writing..."
    f: "Waiting for you to write..."
  name: "Name"
  username: "Username"
  description: "Bio"
  youCanIncludeHashtags: "You can also include hashtags in your bio."
  metadata: "Additional Information"
  metadataEdit: "Edit additional Information"
  metadataDescription: "Using these, you can display additional information fields\
    \ in your profile."
  metadataLabel: "Label"
  metadataContent: "Content"
  changeAvatar: "Change avatar"
  changeBanner: "Change banner"
  locationDescription: "If you enter your city first, it will display your local time\
    \ to other users."
  allNotes: "All posts"
  followingList: "Followed users"
  muteList: "Muted users"
  blockingList: "Blocked users"
  userLists: "User lists"
  excludeMutingUsers: "Exclude muted users"
  excludeInactiveUsers: "Exclude inactive users"
  federation: "Federation"
  apRequest: "Requests"
  usersIncDec: "Difference in the number of users"
  usersTotal: "Total number of users"
  activeUsers: "Active users"
  notesIncDec: "Difference in the number of posts"
  localNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of local posts"
  remoteNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of remote posts"
  notesTotal: "Total number of posts"
  filesIncDec: "Difference in the number of files"
  filesTotal: "Total number of files"
  storageUsageIncDec: "Difference in storage usage"
  storageUsageTotal: "Total storage usage"
  requests: "Requests"
  users: "Difference in the number of users"
  usersTotal: "Cumulative number of users"
  notes: "Difference in the number of posts"
  notesTotal: "Cumulative number of posts"
  ff: "Difference in the number of followed users / followers "
  ffTotal: "Cumulative number of followed users / followers"
  cacheSize: "Difference in cache size"
  cacheSizeTotal: "Cumulative total cache size"
  files: "Difference in the number of files"
  filesTotal: "Cumulative number of files"
  home: "Home"
  local: "Local"
  recommended: "Recommended"
  social: "Social"
  global: "Global"
  newPage: "Create a new Page"
  editPage: "Edit this Page"
  readPage: "Viewing this Page's source"
  created: "Page successfully created"
  updated: "Page successfully edited"
  deleted: "Page successfully deleted"
  pageSetting: "Page settings"
  nameAlreadyExists: "The specified Page URL already exists"
  invalidNameTitle: "The specified Page URL is invalid"
  invalidNameText: "Make sure the Page title is not empty"
  editThisPage: "Edit this Page"
  viewSource: "View source"
  viewPage: "View your Pages"
  like: "Like"
  unlike: "Remove like"
  my: "My Pages"
  liked: "Liked Pages"
  featured: "Popular"
  inspector: "Inspector"
  contents: "Content"
  content: "Page block"
  variables: "Variables"
  title: "Title"
  url: "Page URL"
  summary: "Page summary"
  alignCenter: "Center elements"
  hideTitleWhenPinned: "Hide Page title when pinned to profile"
  font: "Font"
  fontSerif: "Serif"
  fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
  eyeCatchingImageSet: "Set thumbnail"
  eyeCatchingImageRemove: "Delete thumbnail"
  chooseBlock: "Add a block"
  selectType: "Select a type"
  enterVariableName: "Enter a variable name"
  variableNameIsAlreadyUsed: "This variable name is already in use"
  contentBlocks: "Content"
  inputBlocks: "Input"
  specialBlocks: "Special"
    text: "Text"
    textarea: "Text area"
    section: "Section"
    image: "Images"
    button: "Button"
    if: "If"
      variable: "Variable"
    post: "Posting form"
      text: "Content"
      attachCanvasImage: "Attach canvas image"
      canvasId: "Canvas ID"
    textInput: "Text input"
      name: "Variable name"
      text: "Title"
      default: "Default value"
    textareaInput: "Multiline text input"
      name: "Variable name"
      text: "Title"
      default: "Default value"
    numberInput: "Numeric input"
      name: "Variable name"
      text: "Title"
      default: "Default value"
    canvas: "Canvas"
      id: "Canvas ID"
      width: "Width"
      height: "Height"
    note: "Embedded post"
      id: "Post ID"
      idDescription: "You can alternatively paste the post URL here."
      detailed: "Detailed view"
    switch: "Switch"
      name: "Variable name"
      text: "Title"
      default: "Default value"
    counter: "Counter"
      name: "Variable name"
      text: "Title"
      inc: "Step"
      text: "Title"
      colored: "Colored"
      action: "Behavior when the button is pressed"
        dialog: "Show a dialog"
          content: "Content"
        resetRandom: "Reset the random seed"
        pushEvent: "Send an event"
          event: "Event name"
          message: "Message to display when activated"
          variable: "Variable to send"
          no-variable: "None"
        callAiScript: "Invoke AiScript"
          functionName: "Function name"
    radioButton: "Choice"
      name: "Variable name"
      title: "Title"
      values: "List of choices separated by line breaks"
      default: "Default value"
      flow: "Flow control"
      logical: "Logical operation"
      operation: "Computation"
      comparison: "Comparison"
      random: "Random"
      value: "Values"
      fn: "Functions"
      text: "Text operations"
      convert: "Transformations"
      list: "Lists"
      text: "Text"
      multiLineText: "Text (multiline)"
      textList: "Text list"
        info: "Separate each entry with a line break"
      strLen: "Text length"
        arg1: "Text"
      strPick: "Extract string"
        arg1: "Text"
        arg2: "String location"
      strReplace: "Replacement string"
        arg1: "Text"
        arg2: "Text to be replaced"
        arg3: "Replace with"
      strReverse: "Flip text"
        arg1: "Text"
      join: "Text concatenation"
        arg1: "Lists"
        arg2: "Separator"
      add: "Add"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      subtract: "Subtract"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      multiply: "Multiply"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      divide: "Divide"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      mod: "Remainder"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      round: "Decimal rounding"
        arg1: "Number"
      eq: "A and B are equal"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      notEq: "A and B are different"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      and: "A AND B"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      or: "A OR B"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      lt: "< A is less than B"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      gt: "> A is larger than B"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      ltEq: "<= A is less than or equal to B"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      gtEq: ">= A is greater than or equal to B"
        arg1: "A"
        arg2: "B"
      if: "Branch"
        arg1: "If"
        arg2: "Then"
        arg3: "Else"
      not: "NOT"
        arg1: "NOT"
      random: "Random"
        arg1: "Probability"
      rannum: "Random number"
        arg1: "Minimum value"
        arg2: "Maximum value"
      randomPick: "Randomly choose from list"
        arg1: "List"
      dailyRandom: "Random (Changes once a day for each user)"
        arg1: "Probability"
      dailyRannum: "Random number (Changes once a day for each user)"
        arg1: "Minimum value"
        arg2: "Maximum value"
      dailyRandomPick: "Randomly choose from a list (Changes once a day for each user)"
        arg1: "List"
      seedRandom: "Random (with seed)"
        arg1: "Seed"
        arg2: "Probability"
      seedRannum: "Random number (with seed)"
        arg1: "Seed"
        arg2: "Minimum value"
        arg3: "Maximum value"
      seedRandomPick: "Randomly choose from list (with seed)"
        arg1: "Seed"
        arg2: "List"
      DRPWPM: "Randomly choose from weighted list (Changes once a day for each user)"
        arg1: "Text list"
      pick: "Select from list"
        arg1: "List"
        arg2: "Position"
      listLen: "Get length of list"
        arg1: "List"
      number: "Number"
      stringToNumber: "Text to number"
        arg1: "Text"
      numberToString: "Number to text"
        arg1: "Number"
      splitStrByLine: "Split text by line breaks"
        arg1: "Text"
      ref: "Variable"
      aiScriptVar: "AiScript Variable"
      fn: "Function"
        slots: "Slots"
        slots-info: "Separate each slot with a line break"
        arg1: "Output"
      for: "for-Loop"
        arg1: "Number of times to repeat"
        arg2: "Action"
    typeError: "Slot {slot} accepts values of type \"{expect}\", but the provided\
      \ value is of type \"{actual}\"!"
    thereIsEmptySlot: "Slot {slot} is empty!"
      string: "Text"
      number: "Number"
      boolean: "Flag"
      array: "List"
      stringArray: "Text list"
    emptySlot: "Empty slot"
    enviromentVariables: "Environment variables"
    pageVariables: "Page variables"
    argVariables: "Input slots"
  requesting: "Pending"
  accepted: "Accepted"
  rejected: "Rejected"
  fileUploaded: "File successfully uploaded"
  youGotMention: "{name} mentioned you"
  youGotReply: "{name} replied to you"
  youGotQuote: "{name} quoted you"
  youRenoted: "Boost from {name}"
  youGotPoll: "{name} voted on your poll"
  youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "{name} sent you a chat message"
  youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "A chat message was sent to the {name} group"
  youWereFollowed: "followed you"
  youReceivedFollowRequest: "You've received a follow request"
  yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Your follow request was accepted"
  youWereInvitedToGroup: "{userName} invited you to a group"
  pollEnded: "Poll results have become available"
  emptyPushNotificationMessage: "Push notifications have been updated"
    all: "All"
    follow: "New followers"
    mention: "Mentions"
    reply: "Replies"
    renote: "Boosts"
    quote: "Quotes"
    reaction: "Reactions"
    pollVote: "Votes on polls"
    pollEnded: "Polls ending"
    receiveFollowRequest: "Received follow requests"
    followRequestAccepted: "Accepted follow requests"
    groupInvited: "Group invitations"
    app: "Notifications from linked apps"
    followBack: "followed you back"
    reply: "Reply"
    renote: "Boosts"
  alwaysShowMainColumn: "Always show main column"
  columnAlign: "Align columns"
  addColumn: "Add column"
  configureColumn: "Column settings"
  swapLeft: "Swap with the left column"
  swapRight: "Swap with the right column"
  swapUp: "Swap with the above column"
  swapDown: "Swap with the below column"
  stackLeft: "Stack with the left column"
  popRight: "Pop column to the right"
  profile: "Workspace"
  newProfile: "New workspace"
  renameProfile: "Rename workspace"
  deleteProfile: "Delete workspace"
  nameAlreadyExists: "This workspace name already exists."
  introduction: "Create the perfect interface for you by arranging columns freely!"
  introduction2: "Click on the + on the right of the screen to add new colums whenever\
    \ you want."
  widgetsIntroduction: "Please select \"Edit widgets\" in the column menu and add\
    \ a widget."
    main: "Main"
    widgets: "Widgets"
    notifications: "Notifications"
    tl: "Timeline"
    antenna: "Antennas"
    list: "List"
    mentions: "Mentions"
    direct: "Direct messages"
  apps: "Apps"
  crossPlatform: "Cross platform"
  mobile: "Mobile"
  firstParty: "First party"
  firstClass: "First class"
  secondClass: "Second class"
  thirdClass: "Third class"
  free: "Free"
  paid: "Paid"
  pwa: "Install PWA"
  kaiteki: "Kaiteki"
  milktea: "Milktea"
  missLi: "MissLi"
  mona: "Mona"
  theDesk: "TheDesk"
  lesskey: "Lesskey"