import { generateKeyPair } from "node:crypto"; import generateUserToken from "./generate-native-user-token.js"; import { User } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import { Users, UsedUsernames } from "@/models/index.js"; import { UserProfile } from "@/models/entities/user-profile.js"; import { IsNull } from "typeorm"; import { genId } from "@/misc/gen-id.js"; import { toPunyNullable } from "@/misc/convert-host.js"; import { UserKeypair } from "@/models/entities/user-keypair.js"; import { UsedUsername } from "@/models/entities/used-username.js"; import { db } from "@/db/postgre.js"; import config from "@/config/index.js"; import { hashPassword } from "@/misc/password.js"; export async function signup(opts: { username: User["username"]; password?: string | null; passwordHash?: UserProfile["password"] | null; host?: string | null; }) { const { username, password, passwordHash, host } = opts; let hash = passwordHash; const userCount = await Users.countBy({ host: IsNull(), }); if (config.maxUserSignups != null && userCount > config.maxUserSignups) { throw new Error("MAX_USERS_REACHED"); } // Validate username if (!Users.validateLocalUsername(username)) { throw new Error("INVALID_USERNAME"); } if (password != null && passwordHash == null) { // Validate password if (!Users.validatePassword(password)) { throw new Error("INVALID_PASSWORD"); } // Generate hash of password hash = await hashPassword(password); } // Generate secret const secret = generateUserToken(); // Check username duplication if ( await Users.findOneBy({ usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: IsNull(), }) ) { throw new Error("DUPLICATED_USERNAME"); } // Check deleted username duplication if (await UsedUsernames.findOneBy({ username: username.toLowerCase() })) { throw new Error("USED_USERNAME"); } const keyPair = await new Promise((res, rej) => generateKeyPair( "rsa", { modulusLength: 4096, publicKeyEncoding: { type: "spki", format: "pem", }, privateKeyEncoding: { type: "pkcs8", format: "pem", cipher: undefined, passphrase: undefined, }, } as any, (err, publicKey, privateKey) => err ? rej(err) : res([publicKey, privateKey]), ), ); let account!: User; // Start transaction await db.transaction(async (transactionalEntityManager) => { const exist = await transactionalEntityManager.findOneBy(User, { usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: IsNull(), }); if (exist) throw new Error(" the username is already used"); account = await new User({ id: genId(), createdAt: new Date(), username: username, usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: toPunyNullable(host), token: secret, isAdmin: (await Users.countBy({ host: IsNull(), isAdmin: true, })) === 0, }), ); await new UserKeypair({ publicKey: keyPair[0], privateKey: keyPair[1], userId:, }), ); await new UserProfile({ userId:, autoAcceptFollowed: true, password: hash, }), ); await new UsedUsername({ createdAt: new Date(), username: username.toLowerCase(), }), ); }); return { account, secret }; }