A work-in-progress Firefish backend written in Rust Minimum supported Rust version (MSRV): 1.74 Auto-generated documentation is at <https://docs.firefish.dev/backend_rs> # How to write the code Currently, there is no entrypoint in this project, and all functions are executed via Node-API. You need to apply the [`macros::export`] proc macro to export a function to the Node.js backend: ```rust,ignore #[macros::export] pub fn to_be_exported(value: &str) -> i32 { // You can also call other functions that are not exported do_something(); 42 } fn do_something() { do_other_thing(); } ``` this code will be translated into this TypeScript code: ```typescript export declare function toBeExported(value: string): number { /* executes the compiled Rust function */ } ``` You can also export `async` functions: ```rust,ignore #[macros::export] pub async fn async_function() -> i32 { some_async_task().await } ``` ```typescript export declare function asyncFunction(): Promise<number> { /* executes the compiled Rust function */ } ``` You need to specify `object` attribute to export `struct`s: ```rust,ignore #[macros::export(object)] pub struct Thing { pub field_one: String, pub field_two: Option<String>, } ``` ```typescript export interface Thing { fieldOne: string fieldTwo: string | null } ``` # Update auto-generated files These files are auto-generated and are not intended for manual editing: - `packages/backend-rs/index.js` - `packages/backend-rs/index.d.ts` - [`packages/backend-rs/src/model/entity/*`](crate::model::entity) ## Prerequisites 1. `dev/config.env` (see `dev/config.example.env` for reference) 2. PostgreSQL database listening on port `25432` 3. Dev dependencies - [GNU Make](<https://www.gnu.org/software/make/>) - [sea-orm-cli](<https://www.sea-ql.org/SeaORM/docs/generate-entity/sea-orm-cli/>) ## Update database entity Run the following command in the repository root directory ```sh make entities ``` ## Update `index.js` and `index.d.ts` Run the following command in the repository root directory ```sh make napi ``` # Unit tests It is highly encouraged that you write unit tests and test the code yourself (there is no integration test at this point). ## Prerequisites 1. `dev/config.env` (see `dev/config.example.env` for reference) 2. Firefish config file (`.config/default.yml`) 3. Dev dependency - [cargo-nextest](<https://nexte.st/>) ## Run unit tests Run the following command in the repository root directory ```sh pnpm run test:rs ```